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Friends of Walgrove Members Meeting May 7, 2013 8:15 a.m.-9:15 a.m.

Walgrove Avenue Elementary School 1630 Walgrove Avenue*Los Angeles, CA 90066 Phone (310)391-7104*Fax (310)391-9809 I. Welcome and Special Thanks (Julie Dair) A. All-School Yearbook Photo: Jason Sharman, Dana Tasker, and Yearbook Committee. B. Walgrove Wildlands Docent Tours & Walgrove Wildlands Build Day: Clare, Emiko, Zara, and Green Team. C. Online Auction Event & Auction Party: Brandy, Lynn, Michelle, Amy, and Auction Committee. D. CST Testing Snacks: Warner Takaki and Hospitality Committee. E. Career Day: Michelle, Miss Biolatto, all speakers and volunteers. F. Incoming Kinder Playdate: Emiko Kuwata. G. Informal Prospective Parents tour: Leisle Bartley H. Walgroovy Korean BBQ: Sim Family, Toni, and Caroline. I. Staff Appreciation Week (this week!): Warner Takaki, Teresa OBrien, and Hospitality Committee volunteers.

II. Officer Reports A. President (Julie Dair) B. VP Fundraising (Brandy Oeser) (1) We have grossed $52,000 from the auction so far. (2) Walk-a-Thon is coming up May 17. Need parent volunteers to help out that afternoon. C. VP Hospitality & Special Events (Teresa O'Brien) D. VP Room Parent Coordination & Communications (Leisle Bartley) E. Secretary (Kathy Smith) F. Treasurer (Katka Werth) G. Controller (Cindy Minor) III. Old Business A. School Site Council Updates B. Committee Updates IV. New Business A. VOTE: 2013-2014 Budget (1) Sarah Reimers motioned to move $500 from Council to the Shakespeare Club in the budget. Teresa OBrien seconded the motion. This motion was sustained by all in attendance except one dissention. (2) The budget passed with a vote of 24 Approves to 0 Do Not Approves. (3) A copy of the Budget is included. B. VOTE: 2013-2014 FOW Officer Restructuring (1) This vote passed with 18 Approves to 0 Do Not Approves. (2) A copy of the FOW Officer Restructuring document is included. C. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 2013-2014 FOW Officers (1) Please submit nominations to the ballot box in the Main Office by Monday, June 3 or at the FOW Meeting on Tuesday, June 4. (2) A copy of the Nomination Ballot document is included. D. FOW Yearbook Photograph (1) Picture will be taken after assembly on Friday. V. Happenings A. Every Tuesday is a REGULAR DISMISSAL at 2:30pm this month. B. Every Friday: Lunchtime Council Club, Library. C. WEEK OF 5/6-5/10: STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK! D. 5/7 (Tues): LAS LAUSD Provider Meeting, 12pm-4:30pm, Auditorium. E. 5/8 (Wed): Shakespeare Club All-Day Technical Rehearsals, Auditorium. F. 5/9 (Thurs): Shakespeare Club Performances, 10:30am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, and 6:00pm, Auditorium. G. WEEK OF 5/13-5/17: EARTHMOBILE AT WALGROVE! H. 5/15 (Wed): PS Arts Familly Night, 5:30pm-7:30pm, Auditorium. I. 5/17 (Fri): Handball Murals Dedication Ceremony & THIRD ANNUAL WALGROVE WALK-A-THON! 1pm-2:30pm. J. 5/19 (Sun): Incoming Kinder Playdate, 1pm-3pm, Kinder Yard. K. 5/20 (Mon): Family Council, 5:30pm-7:00pm, Parent Center. L. 5/22 (Wed): End-of-the-Year Dine-Out at Pitfire Pizza! 5:00pm-10:00pm M. 5/24 (Fri): Student Council Crazy Hat/Hair Day!

N. O. P. Q. R.

5/27 (Mon): Memorial Day NO SCHOOL! 5/29 (Wed): Local School Leadership Council Meeting, 3:30pm-4:30pm, Parent Center. 5/29 (Wed): Second Annual Wally Awards Party, 6:30pm, Reimers Home. 5/31 (Fri): EARLY DISMISSAL at 1:50pm. 5/31 (Fri): End-of-the-Year FOW Movie Night (sponsored by K/Grade 1), 4:30pm-7:30pm, Auditorium.

VI. Help Wanteds: A. Annual Fund Coordinator: Anne would like a replacement by June 1 st B. Lunch/Recess Volunteers C. Volunteer to reach out to the press/media to get coverage for two upcoming Walgrove Arts events: (1) P.S. Arts Family Night (2) Handball Murals Dedication Ceremony (3) Please contact Georgia McCreery if you have any contacts. FINAL FOW MEETING OF THE YEAR WILL BE TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2013!!

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