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Domus Academy and Pininfarina are proud to launch


A compact, light and high-tech vehicle
Master in Vehicle Design and Mobility - September 2013

3rd May 2013
Image courtesy of Pininfarina

Purity, Elegance and Innovation are values that have always distinguished the Pininfarina brand, recognizable and recognized icon of Italian style worldwide: a design style defined by a high sense of proportion, simplicity of volumes, harmony of lines and functionality. Pininfarina has always shown a great inclination to the creative use of technology, making this a tool to facilitate dialogue between human, vehicle and the surrounding environment. Domus Academy and Pininfarina launch a competition aiming at defining a new sports vehicle, light and compact, high technology driven and environmentally sustainable (ecosustainable).

Candidates are asked to develop a vehicle design project combining innovation, technology and style and driven by the following key features: aerodynamics, light materials, zero emissions, recyclability, sensory experience, pure emotion.

Projects in digital format must be sent to the following e-mail address: Paper works must be sent to: Domus Academy Future Sports Driving Competition Master Program in Vehicle Design and Mobility Via Carlo Darwin, 20 20143 Milan - Italy

The competition is open to any designer (professional or student) who is interested to gain a new vision and mindset in the car and transportation design field for challenging the future trends.

Projects will be evaluated and selected by the Faculty of the Master in Vehicle Design and Mobility, Domus Academy and Pininfarina.



The Master Program in Vehicle Design and Mobility follows the learning by designing approach, where participants learn by a direct, active involvement in several design experiences. It prepares a new generation of designers, capable of integrating tradition with innovation, diverse market requirements, and new technological developments. The Master Program aims at enhancing participants design skills and at enriching their professional profile. The program is structured into 4 sections: Introduction, Workshops, Focus, and Final Master Project. During the workshops, students work on different project areas in collaboration with well-known car designers. Each workshop includes lectures, meetings with automotive sector experts and focuses on different design issues that are investigated with the supervision of experts. In the latter part of the program, students develop their final project around a design topic, and develop their thesis at a professional level, applying the steps of the design process learnt during the academic year.

Participants can choose the presentation technique that better express their skills (they can use hand sketches, digital illustrations, renderings, etc): maximum three A3 landscape boards. Curriculum vitae of the participant in A4 format (max 1 page) in .PDF digital file. Statement of purpose in A4 format (max 5 lines) in .PDF digital file. Domus Academy application form*.

The candidates are asked to send their materials in one sole file in .PDF format. Any further attached material will be considered a plus and will be evaluated by the jury.
* Application fee is waived for competition participants.

One scholarship covering 70% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program. One scholarship covering 50% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program. One scholarship covering 30% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program.

Candidates holding a first-level academic diploma or BA degree, or about to graduate within the academic year 2012/13 and with a knowledge of the English language (IELTS 5.0 academic or equivalent certificate minimum).

The works must be mailed to Domus Academy by and not later than 3rd May 2013. Candidates will be informed about the results of the competition by e-mail on 17th May 2013.

Every moral or paternity right as to the project remains property of the author. The projects sent to Domus Academy will not be returned. All the material must be the result of an unpublished work developed by the candidate, not to be used by the candidate in other or previous occasions.

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