Buy Flats in Greater Noida - Townships in Greater Noida - Buy Houses in Greater Noida - Luxury Real Estate in Greater Noida

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Pr oper t y Sea r ch

Czar Suites,
Starts from
Rs. 13,69,467 Location Om icron-1 , Greater Noida Residential Projects

Pr oper t i es i n Noi da Ext en si on & Gr ea t er Noi da Golf Cou n t r y , Yam u na Ex pr essw a y Cza r V illa s Ox for d Squ a r e Up Cou n t r y , Yam u na Ex pr essw a y

Omicron-1, Greater Noida

Built up area 1 52 5054 Sq. Ft. (approax.) Launched date February 2 007 Czar Suites, Om icron-1 , Greater Noida

Payment Plan
[A] Down Payment Plan (BSP + PLC+OTC)
S. No. 1. 2. 3. Pa r t i cu l a r s A t t h e t im e of book in g W it h in 3 0 da y s fr om book in g On offer of possession Per cen t a ge

Ov erv iew
1 0%

85 % 05 %

Location Map Site Plan Floor Plans

[B] Flexi Payment Plan

S. No. Pr og r ess Ph ot os A pplica t ion For m 2. EMI Ca lcu la t or 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. On ca st in g of ba sem en t sla b On ca st in g of fift h floor sla b On ca st in g of eig h t h floor sla b On ca st in g of t w elt h floor sla b On ca st in g of fift een t h floor sla b On Offer of Possession 10 % 09 % 09 % 09 % 09 % 05 % W it h in 4 5 da y s of book in g 40 % 1. Pa r t i cu l a r s A t t h e t im e of book in g Per cen t a ge 10 %

Specifications Price List Pay m ent Plan Contact Sales Office Im age Gallery Download Brochure


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[C] Construction Linked Plan

S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 0. Pa r t i cu l a r s A t t h e t im e of book in g W it h in 4 5 da y s of book in g On com plet ion of fou n da t ion On ca st in g of ba sem en t sla b On ca st in g of secon d floor sla b On ca st in g of fift h floor sla b On ca st in g of eig h t h floor sla b On ca st in g of Fift een t h floor sla b On br ick w or k On in t er ior pla st er Per cen t a ge 10 % 10 % 10 % 08 % 08 % 08 % 08 % 08 % 06 % 06 %



On floor in g a n d t iles

05 %


On offer of possession

05 %

Terms and Conditions

Price list as on dale of booking shall be applicable. PLCs if any shall be charged alongwith installm ents towards basic cost. Cheques/Bank Drafts to be issued in fav our of 'SUPERTECH LIMITED' pay able at New Delhi/Noida. Out station cheques shall not be accepted. Electricity Installation Charges, Maintenance Charges, Meter Connection Charges and other charges are extra and shall be collected before the possession. Serv ice tax, VAT & other gov ernm ent lev ies are extra, as applicable. Registration, Stam p Duty and m isc. charges shall be pay able at the tim e of Offer of Possession. Super Area includes the cov ered area plus the proportionate area under Com m on Corridor, Passages, Staircases, Mum ties, Projections, Water Tanks, Lift Wells, etc. The term s and condition of sale stated herein are indicativ e and are subject to detailed term s & conditions in the Agreem ent to Sell' / 'Flat Buy er's Agreem ent1 and are subject to change at sole discretion of the com pany . All building plans, lay outs, specifications are subject to changes and m odifications as decided by the com pany , architect or any other com petent authority . Tim ely pay m ents of the installm ents is the essence of the Booking. This Price List supercedes all prev ious price lists

Na m e Em a il Ph on e

Qu er y

Sen d

July 9, 2012

Supertech and Network18 organized NOIDA10K - Run ko Banao Fun on July 08, 2012
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