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Isaac Gomez

P.O. Box 15149 Stanford CA, 94305 Phone: 858 232 4760 E-Mail:


Bilingual (Spanish) Strong presentation skills Hard working- Ambitious and determined Technical Skills Proficient: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, NVIVO 10 Apple iMovie Basic Knowledge: Windows Movie Maker, Final Cut Pro

High Tech High International 2008- 2012 Stanford University Expected Graduation Anticipated Major 2012- Present June, 2016 Public Policy

Activism and Community Service

Gender Identity and Expression Project Worked as a research assistant for the Stanford Sociology Department and the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Throughout the project I l engaged in hands-on research, learned how to perform a content analysis of primary data, and became proficient at using the qualitative software package, NVIVO, to conduct analyses of qualitative data. Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Participate in a case study of the immigrant children who currently live in the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park in Palo Alto. This project is approached from a Service-Learning perspective, and is a collaboration between faculty, students from Stanford and the leaders of the Buena Vista residents association. I visit the families who reside in Buena Vista Mobile Home Park around 3-4 hours per week and discuss what kind of support they need and how we can help. IV Convencion Internacional De Familias por la Diversidad Sexual IV International Convention of families for Sexual Diversity. This conference was held in Santiago, Chile and its purpose is to unite LGBT families and allies to educate our communities. This convention was in Spanish and included representatives from 24 Latin countries (including Portugal and Brazil). Mi Familia PFLAG Spanish Chapter In 2007, I co-created the first Spanish chapter of PFLAG in my hometown of San Diego, CA. The group, Mi Familia, meets every Monday at the LGBT Center in Hillcrest. My mother and I created this group to provide resources and support to Hispanic families, and aid them through the process of accepting their loved ones who identify as LGBT. TYFA (Trans Youth Family Allies) I have been participating with TYFA since 2009 as a youth speaker. I have traveled to New York to appear on a segment of the Dr. Oz Show about being a transgender teenager and to Los Angeles for The Rosie Show. Transforming Family Before attending Stanford I participated as a mentor for young transgender kids, through a San Diego group initiated by my mother.

Interests and Extra Curricular Activities

Latinos Unidos *November, 2012- Present Latinos Unidos strives to equally represent and celebrate all Latin American cultures and ethnicities within the Stanford community. Our primary purpose is to share the diverse aspects of our Latin American communities with the Stanford community through social and cultural programming. Starting spring quarter of 2013, I will be taking on the duty of Financial Officer for the group. Chicano Scholars Program *September, 2012- Present Participate in a freshman program that was designed to develop Techniques for honing academic skills for college, and applying those skills to better define intellectual identity in academic pursuits. Associated Student Body President *June, 2011- June, 2012 Designed new curriculum and organized group of students who wish to heighten school spirit. Model United Nations Director General *August, 2008- June, 20012 Serve as Director General at High Tech High International and redesigned MUN curriculum to help novice members prepare for conferences. Search for upcoming conferences in the San Diego area for MUN delegates. Organize fundraisers to provide resources for all students in MUN. Cambio Club *August, 2011- June, 2012 Lead programs to create awareness about the Millennium Development Goals. Raised funds to support educational programs in Latin America. Organized monthly activities that promote awareness throughout the community about poverty in Latin America and raise funds for impoverished communities. The Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange program *July, 2011- August, 2011 Worked on finding host families and designed advertisement for IYLEP. Also participated as a youth ambassador to Iraqi leaders on an exchange studying diplomacy. In the summer of 2011 I traveled to Vermont, Boston, and Washington D.C. for a month participating as a youth ambassador. Citizen Diplomacy Council of San Diego *January, 2011- February, 2011 Interned with Citizen Diplomacy Council of San Diego and programmed the itinerary of incoming diplomatic delegations.

Outstanding Youth Award (18-21) Nicky Awards Satin Styles Award Transgender Day of Empowerment Lambda Archives Heroes, Pioneers and Trailblazers Award Todd Gloria, Councilmember- Third District Lambda Archives Trail Blazer Senate Certificate of recognition Student Essay Contest Achievement Award *2010- September *2010- April *2010- February *2010- February *2010- January

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