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Personal Information
Mission Trip City & Country E3 Trip Code Trip Date Trip Cost

Last Name First Name Middle Name I liked to be called

Street City State Zip

Home Phone # Work phone # Cell phone # e-mail address

Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Birthplace (State/Country): Male Female Is spouse traveling with
you? Yes No
Name of Spouse What church do you attend? Which service do you attend?
________________________________ ____________________________
Passport Information
Do you have a passport? Yes (attach copy to application) No Applied on: ________________

Complete Name on Passport (last, first, middle) Passport #

Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Please attach a copy of passport to application

/ /
U.S. Citizen? Yes No If no, which country? Years in U.S.:

The cost for going on a global missions trip is paid for by money that is either donated to Windermere Ministries (WM) or donated directly to E3
Partners Ministry (E3). Individuals who are able to pay for their own trip are encouraged to do so by donating the cost of the trip to WM or to E3.
Should any person need assistance to pay for their global missions trip, the WM Global Missions Financial Assistance Fund is available to help, and it
will provide all the funding needed should the applicants who use the Financial Assistance Fund strictly follow the requirements as explained in item 3
below. WM encourages everyone who feels God is leading them to go on an international missions trip to respond to God’s call by committing to go
and pray for His provisions. WM has three financial options that are available to fund the cost of a missions trip as follows:

1. The applicant pays for the entire cost of their mission trip by donating the cost of the trip to Windermere Ministries or to E3 Partners.

2. Financial Partners. The applicant pays the $200 deposit and tries to raise the balance of the funds by sending out letters to acquaintances,
friends, relatives, business associates, etc., informing them of the upcoming mission trip and offering them the opportunity to become part of
the missions team by being a financial and/or prayer partner. It is recommended that the total number of letters to be sent out is basically in
accordance with the following: one letter per $50 of the cost of the trip should be sent, i.e., a trip cost of $2,500 would normally necessitate
sending out 50 letters; if the trip cost is $3,500 – then 70 letters, etc. Any shortfall in funding the applicant has as a result of their requests to
potential financial partners to assist in the cost of the trip will then be paid by the applicant by making a donation in the amount of the shortfall to
Windermere Ministries or to E3 Partners. No funds will be sent to E3 by WM until WM receives the funds from participant or
participant’s donors.

3. WM Global Missions Financial Assistance Fund. The applicant pays the $200 deposit and tries to raise the balance of the funds that are
due through sending out letters to acquaintances, friends, relatives, business associates, etc., informing them of the upcoming mission trip and
offering them the opportunity to become part of their missions team by being a financial and/or prayer partner. In order to qualify for financial
assistance from the Global Missions Financial Assistance Fund, one letter per $50 of the cost of the trip needs to be sent out, i.e., a trip cost of
$2,500 necessitates sending out 50 letters; if the trip cost is $3,500 then 70 letters, etc. (the $200 registration fee paid by the applicant is not to
be deducted from the cost of the trip for purposes of computing how many letters need to be sent). Any shortfall in funding the applicant has as
a result of their requests to financial partners to assist in the cost of the trip, will then be paid for by the WM Global Missions Financial
Assistance Fund. This will allow everyone called by God to be able to go.

Members of the same family, group of friends, church, or Bible study traveling together will each have the same requirement in order to qualify
for financial assistance ($200 deposit, one letter per $50 of the cost of the trip). The WM Global Missions Financial Assistance Fund will be
made available for a maximum of two members of the same family for any single trip.

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To qualify for Global Missions Financial Assistance Fund, strict compliance with the following procedure will be required:

1. The applicant must submit their completed WM Global Missions Trip Application form to WM no later than 75 days prior to the actual date of the
trip. Then they must register on E3’s web site for the trip and pay the $200 non-refundable deposit either directly to E3 or to Windermere
Ministries. Within 10 days after registering online (e3 Partners’ web site), the applicant will need to have prepared all their letters--one letter per
$50 of the cost of the trip needs to be sent, i.e., a trip cost of $2,500 necessitates sending out 50 letters; if the trip cost is $3,500-- then 70
letters, etc. (the $200 registration fee paid by the applicant is not to be deducted from the cost of the trip for purposes of computing how many
letters need to be sent). However, for all first time users of the WM Financial Assistance Fund, a sample of the proposed letter must be
submitted to WM Global Missions office for review and approval prior to completing all the final letters needed (this requirement does not apply to
those who have used the fund previously). The final letters need to be personally addressed to each recipient, placed in an unsealed, stamped
envelope addressed to the recipient, and include in the envelope a return self-addressed, stamped envelope (addressed to the applicant going
on the trip) for the prospective donor to mail their donation to the applicant. These financial support letters, along with a listing of all the
recipients, need to be delivered to the WM Global Missions office for final review and mailing. In addition to the required amount of letters to be
mailed, the applicant may send e-mails to any number of potential donors (including those that have already been sent regular U.S. Postal mail
appeals) to become financial partners; however, email letters and email communications cannot be used to substitute for the required minimum
number of letters that need to be sent by the U.S. Postal Mail Service. The applicant needs to be aware that no payments for the trip will be
made by WM until the applicant completes this process.

2. If an applicant does not submit their application prior to 75 days before the trip but feels that God is calling them to go on the missions trip, then
the applicant can still request consideration. However, time will be of the essence, and if the applicant is approved for the Global Missions
Financial Assistance Fund, the applicant will be required to have all of their letters in the condition stated above delivered to the WM Global
Missions office within 5 days of approval of application. The applicant needs to be aware that no payments for the trip will be made by WM
until the applicant completes the procedure outlined in #1 above.

3. In any case, should the applicant not meet the deadlines by having all letters submitted to the Global Missions office, then any increase to the
cost of the trip as a result of the applicant’s tardiness will be paid for by the applicant, and will not be paid for by the WM Global Missions
Financial Assistance Fund. If payments for airfares are not made within 60 days prior to the date of the trip the cost usually increases.

Please check below which financial method you will be using:

I plan on:

 paying $200 deposit and I will make donations for my entire trip. I will donate the amounts due as required, or sooner.

 paying $200 deposit and I will raise as much as possible, and donate the remaining balances due as required, or sooner.

 paying $200 deposit and I will raise as much as possible, and request WM to assist me through providing any short fall from
the WM Global Missions Financial Assistance Fund. I understand in order to receive financial assistance funding, I must
mail one letter per $50 of the cost of the trip, i.e., a trip cost of $2,500 necessitates sending out 50 letters; if the trip cost is
$3,500 – then 70 letters, etc. (the $200 registration fee paid by the applicant is not to be deducted from the cost of the trip for
purposes of computing how many letters need to be sent). By selecting this option, all financial assistance letters will
conform only to the WM financial assistance letter format and all funds will be made payable to WM (applicant is not to use
the financial assistance letters provided by E3 Partners on their web site or direct their funding to E3). In order to have future
funding available for others, I will endeavor to replace the funds from the Missions Financial Assistance Fund that benefited
me as soon as possible through personal donations to the fund, should I become financially able to do so.

 I have already registered for the trip on-line and paid the $200 deposit directly to E3, or I will pay my $200 deposit on-line
when I register with e3 Partners Ministry ( and advise the WM Global Missions Department of that and
the date it was done.

Checks are to be made payable to: Windermere Ministries. Write “Global Missions Financial Assistance Fund” on memo line
of the check. Do not write the name of the person going on the mission trip on the check, but indicate the person’s name on
a separate piece of paper submitted with the check. If this procedure is followed, donations will be in conformance with
I.R.S. guidelines and will be tax deductible.

Signature______________________________________________ Date__________________

Please return your completed Application, $200 registration fee (if not paid to E3 on-line), and a copy of your
passport to Global Missions Department, Windermere Ministries, P. O. Box 769, Windermere, FL 34786.

Should you have any questions, please contact Pastor Auzelio Santini at: 407-876-2234, Ext 227;

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cell phone 407-925-8413; or e-mail

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