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MacKay Hannah Conference

Future for Scottish Education: Commission on School Reform Achieving Excellence in Scottish Education

With thanks to our Supporters




MacKay Hannah Conference

Ross Martin Centre for Scottish Public Policy


MacKay Hannah Conference

Keir Bloomer Commission on School Reform




MacKay Hannah Conference

Michael Russell MSP Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning

MacKay Hannah Conference

Panel Discussion

Dr Judith McClure, Convener, Scotland China Education Network Cllr Paul McLennan, Leader, East Lothian Council Frank Lennon, Head Teacher, Dunblane High School David Cameron, Education Consultant Morag Pendry, Development Manager, Co-operative Education Trust Scotland (CETS)




MacKay Hannah Conference

Ross Martin Centre for Scottish Public Policy


MacKay Hannah Conference

Keith Robson ATL Scotland




Commission on School Reform Conference

Quality of teaching and effective implementation

Keith Robson National Official (Scotland)

ATL. The Education Union

My learner journey
Left school with 5 Highers and 8 O Grades/Standard Grades in 1988 Started at Jordanhill College in 1992 studying Community Education VP Jordanhill at USSA 1994/95 Depute President NUS Scotland 1995/96 President NUS Scotland 1996/97 BA Community Education, University of Strathclyde, 1998 Students Officer, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 1998-2000 School Governor, 1999-2000 Training Officer/Consultant, SFHA, 2000-2004 Member of SHEFC, 2002-2004 Director NUS Scotland, 2004-2006 National Official (Scotland), ATL, 2007 to present MA Education, Edge Hill University, 2010 Now a parent of a child about to start school in August...

ATL. The Education Union

Beyond Donaldson et al

ATL. The Education Union

Key themes
Structural change
Regional boards with 3-18 curriculum focus; but cant lose democratic links with local authorities School Governors; taking best from English system and adapting and adopting in Scottish context Reform of school calendar

Measuring and benchmarking Class size obsession

East Lothian LA: community trust schools City of Edinburgh Council: rotating Headteachers
ATL. The Education Union

Commissions Recommendations
6. There is a need to sustain and intensify efforts to raise standards of literacy and numeracy...
Read all about it, TESS 22 March 2013

31. Attention should increasingly be focussed on evaluating the effectiveness as opposed to the implementation of educational policy
37. Investment in professional development associated with

major programmes of change needs to be given higher priority

ATL. The Education Union

Promoting a Culture of Innovation: New approaches to professional learning in a post-Donaldson era

Radio Edutalk from ACTS Conference February 2013

ATL. The Education Union

Promoting a Culture of Innovation: New approaches to professional learning in a post-Donaldson era

ATL. The Education Union

Promoting a Culture of Innovation: New approaches to professional learning in a post-Donaldson era

ATL. The Education Union

Promoting a Culture of Innovation: New approaches to professional learning in a post-Donaldson era

ATL. The Education Union

Promoting a Culture of Innovation: New approaches to professional learning in a post-Donaldson era

ATL. The Education Union

Promoting a Culture of Innovation: New approaches to professional learning in a post-Donaldson era

ATL. The Education Union

Promoting a Culture of Innovation: New approaches to professional learning in a post-Donaldson era

ATL. The Education Union

ATL. The Education Union

The Futures Bright...

CPD Society at University of Strathclyde Pedagoo Teachmeet

ATL. The Education Union

MacKay Hannah Conference

Dr Judith McClure Scotland China Education Network




MacKay Hannah Conference

Frank Lennon Dunblane High School




MacKay Hannah Conference

David Cameron Education Consultant




Technology, Education and a Vision for the Future

so no small task!!!

Starting from technology

As part of the world, learn about it Develop technological literacy As part of learning, use it to stimulate, support, enable, excite, add, enrich

Stimulate change in the learning experience/support improvement in the learning experience

Facilitate capture


Its more than hardware

Online learning platforms Open doors to safe worlds Free software, everyday use Non-stop learning/no barriers/no hierarchy Bringing the world into the classroom and the classroom into the world

What do learners need?

Basic skills literacy, numeracy The specific skills required by disciplines or vocational choices The skills to access knowledge including the skill of questioning

The capacity to think, learn and adapt The commitment to sustained enquiry or task The ability to choose, and use, the tools for learning, life and work

The ability to innovate and create

What sort of learning?

Based on the gifts not the deficits It has to be active It has to involve the quest for meaning It has to be varied It needs motivation It should respect disciplines but not be dominated by them It must be assessed in terms of breadth, depth and application

What makes learning successful?

''My father would cry reading Dickens to us as kids. These are the passages I remember.' Malcolm Gladwell

''One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers - but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material - but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.' Carl Jung

Focus on learning Supporting and challenging learners Whatever you do, doing it right, consistently and persistently

Improvement comes through systems, priority for practice and looking at the needs of individual learners

Effective Qualities
Sharing the management of learning with pupils
Promoting the belief that attainment can improve Using a wide range of sources of information Identifying a range of needs Responding to needs Giving and receiving feedback Using a range of sources of support

The 4 big questions

What are you going to do to improve your practice? What help or support will you need to make that improvement? What outcomes will you expect your young people to achive as a result of the improvement? What evidence will you look at to determine if the improvement has been made?

What we teach must work for all the children and tap all their potential talents, not just some of them.

The curriculum that we offer must be broad, balanced and progressive. It must reach out and touch all children in a way that makes sense to each individual child. It must motivate each child, involve each child, inspire and enlighten each child. It must be a curriculum that recognises that there are many kinds of knowing, feeling and expressing truth.

Rethinking Curriculum
State the purposes Identify the elements skills, concepts, knowledge, activities Analyse what we offer now Identify the gaps/shortcomings What we do or how we do it? Build forwards as well as backwards Discuss and agree standards and assessment milestones

Key Principles
Change should only be driven by self-evaluation, provided that self-evaluation is realistic and takes account of economic and social changes If all learners were experiencing the best practice in our schools, we would not be talking about system change

We need to build on your care, commitment and practice

Key principles
Staff work best when they are enthusiastic about what they are teaching

.. and who they are teaching

Otherwise it makes no difference to pupil achievement

The Big Questions

What do we really believe will lead to school improvement? What steps do we need to take to implement that belief? How do we deal with the capacity issues? What are the next steps?

Starting from Schools

The provision has to be right Earlier partnerships and active engagement Old schooling, deschooling or reschooling

From 3-18 to lifelong learning

A model for skills development learn, acquire, adapt, develop We need learning skills and specific skills for subjects and vocations Many courses still appropriate and viable

More emphasis on literacy, numeracy, decisionmaking, thinking and learning

As important to think about delivery as content

Education through consortia involving


Employers/workplaces Communities Less emphasis on transition and more on pathways within integrated provision

Moving Further
Different priorities in accountablity Different kinds of partnerships Different models of engagement

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.

"The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew Abraham Lincoln

The past is not my home Edwin Morgan

Smart kids pass tests Its the last question that holds the key to high achievement It is not our job to enable young people to fail, it is our task to give them the tools to succeed Aspirations are the options young people can consider with some confidence

You dont make savings by failing to invest in the future You dont make improvements by repeating mistakes Why are we here if not to make a difference in difficult times

Adding value is not enough for some of our young people, we need to challenge their destinies. We are not editing life stories, we are creating new narratives and seeking the spirit level

MacKay Hannah Conference

Future for Scottish Education: Commission on School Reform Achieving Excellence in Scottish Education

With thanks to our Supporters




MacKay Hannah Conference

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