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Unit IV (Complex Integration)

1. Cauchys Integral Theorem:

Iff(z)isanalyticand f ( z ) iscontinuousinsideandonasimpleclosedcurveC, then f ( z )dz = 0 .


2. Cauchys Integral Formula: Iff(z)isanalyticwithinandonasimpleclosedcurveCand z0 isanypointinside C,then


f ( z) dz = 2 if (a ) za

3. Cauchys Integral Formula for derivatives: Ifafunctionf(z)isanalyticwithinandonasimpleclosedcurveCandaisany pointlyinginit,then f (a ) =

Similarly f (a) =

1 f ( z) dz 2 i C ( z a )2

2! f ( z) n! f ( z) dz , Ingeneral f ( n ) (a) = dz 3 2 i C ( z a ) 2 i C ( z a )n +1

4. Cauchys Residue theorem: Iff(z)beanalyticatallpointsinsideandonasimpleclosedcuvec,exceptfora finitenumberofisolatedsingularities z1 , z2 , z3 ,...zn insidec,then

f ( z )dz = 2 i(sum of the residues of f ( z )) .


5. Critical point: Thepoint,atwhichthemappingw=f(z)isnotconformal,(i.e) f ( z ) = 0 iscalled acriticalpointofthemapping. 6. Fixed points (or) Invariant points: Thefixedpointsofthetransformation w =

az + b isobtainedbyputtingw=zin cz + d

theabovetransformation,thepointz=aiscalledfixedpoint. 7. Re s{ f ( z )} = Lt ( z a ) f ( z )
z a


8. Re s{ f ( z )} =

1 d m 1 Lt m 1 (m 1)! z a dz

(( z a )

f ( z ) (MultiPole(or)Poleoforderm)

9. Re s{ f ( z )} = Lt

P( z ) z a Q( z )

10. Taylor Series: Afunction f ( z ) ,analyticinsideacircleCwithcentreata,canbeexpandedin

( z a) ( z a)2 ( z a )3 ( z a)n ( n) f ( z ) = f (a) + f (a ) + f (a ) + f (a ) + ... + f (a ) + ... 1! 2! 3! n! Maclaurins Series:

f ( z ) = f (0) + z z2 z3 f (0) + f (0) + f (0) + ... 1! 2! 3!

11. Laurents Series: where an =

f ( z ) = an ( z a ) n +

bn n n =1 ( z a )

1 f ( z) 1 f ( z) dz & bn = dz ,theintegralsbeing n +1 2 i C1 ( z a ) 2 i C2 ( z a )1 n

takenanticlockwise. 12. Isolated Singularity: Apoint z = z0 issaidtobeisolatedsingularityof f ( z ) if f ( z ) isnotanalyticat

z = z0 andthereexistsaneighborhoodof z = z0 containingnoothersingularity.


f ( z) =

1 .Thisfunctionisanalyticeverywhereexceptat z = 0 . z

z = 0 isanisolatedsingularity.

13. Removable Singularity: Asingularpoint z = z0 iscalledaremovablesingularityof f ( z ) if

existsfinitely. Example: singularity.

lim f ( z) z z0


f ( z ) = lim z0

sin z =1 (finite) z = 0 isaremovable z 14. Essential Singularity: Iftheprincipalpartcontainsaninfinitenumberofnonzeroterms,then z = z0 is knownasaessentialsingularity. Example:

1/ z (1/ z ) f ( z) = e = 1 + + + ... has z = 0 asanessential 1! 2!
1 z 2

CONTOUR INTEGRATION: 15. Type: I Theintegralsoftheform
2 0

f (cos ,sin )d Hereweshallchoosethecontour


z2 +1 , astheunitcircle C : z = 1 or z = e , 0 2 .Onthistype cos = 2z

1 z2 1 sin = and d = dz . 2iz iz

16. Type: II


Q( x) dx ,whereP(x)andQ(x)arepolynomials

P( x)

inxsuchthatthedegreeofQexceedsthatofPatleastbytwoandQ(x)doesnot vanishforanyx.Here f ( z )dz =


f ( x)dx + f ( z )dz as R

f ( z )dz = 0 .

17. Type: III Theintegralsoftheform

f ( x) cos mxdx (or)

f ( x) sin mxdx where

f ( x) 0 as x .

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