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ALTHOUGH, IN SPITE OF Although he has a terrible pain in his back he will climb the mountain.

Although we are running out of petrol, we will fill the tank at the garage. Although many holidaymakers love making tours, we prefer to travel on our own. Although the teenagers went on all the attractions, they were annoyed. In spite of the top player winning the match, we didnt enjoy the match. In spite of the temperature rising they didnt sunbathe. REPORTED SPEECH The presenter says to the guest: You are going to do an intelligent test now. The presenter says to the audience: This is an exciting interview. The volunteers say to the team: We will support this cause and do a marathon. The photographer says to the model: Dont look at the ceiling now! The journalist says to the readers: Dont buy the magazine. The neighbour says to the housekeeper: Give me the letters! The professor says to the undergraduates: When will you take the final examination? PASSIVE The viewers say that the presenter raises money for the needy. The people my age know that many youngster litter at the street parties. The officer says a few youngsters picked up the wrappers from the floor. The immigrant's association believes that they will raise a big amount of money. CONDITIONAL The earthquake hits the town. The block of flats catches fire and collapses. The injured are hospitalised. The surgeon carries out the operation. The building collapses. The residents will die.

One tree too many Kids have always climbed trees and they have always had accidents because of this. Dave Sherlock is one seventeen-year-old who has always been lucky. Until now. Dave has just recovered consciousness after two days. Hes been in hospital since he had an eight-metre fall from a tree in his local park. He doesnt remember much about it and its not surprising considering his injuries. Ive broken my arm and Ive fractured a couple of ribs and Ive also torn a few ligaments in one of my shoulders. Dave explained. He doesnt know how long he has to stay in hospital as the doctors havent told him yet. However, Dave is realistic about his recovery. Ill be in here for a while because I hit my head on a rock when I landed on the ground. Thats why I cant remember anything about the accident. Various nurses and doctors are looking after Dave and the doctors have warned him that maybe at seventeen, its time to stop these dangerous activities. However, Dave is undeterred. Ive always climbed trees and I want to carry on climbing trees. I look back on this accident simply as a reminder to take a bit more care. Ive started to feel better already and I cant wait to get back to the park! Are the sentences true or false? Dave has been unconscious for 24 hours. ... Dave has to stay in hospital because of his head. Dave has lost his memory. The doctors have told him not to climb trees any more. Dave has decided to listen to the doctors advice.

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Cleaning time David and Ivn decided it was time for a break from their studies after two years at the University of Salamanca. They also wanted to improve their English. The joint decision resulted in a nine-month stay in London, where they found a job easily enough but not the type they expected. They didnt really know where to start to look for work, so they began by asking in restaurants in the main streets of London but with no success. However, while they were walking back to the hostel on their second night in London, David saw a small poster stuck on a wall. It was asking for people to work as cleaners and it had a phone number. They rang, expecting to be cleaning offices but were completely surprised when the boss of the cleaning company asked them if they had a fear of heights. Both said it wasnt a problem and were immediately employed as cleaners of the largest clock in the city, Big Ben. Neither of them had had a similar job before but the boss didnt appear to be worried by that. He simply wanted them to start as soon as possible. The two students were happy to begin the next morning. Apparently two previous employees had left suddenly the week before and the boss was desperately looking for replacements. David and Ivn were in the right place at the right time. Nine months later and now back in Spain, they realise what a great experience theyve had. Theyve greatly improved their English and theyve seen sights that few others have seen views of the capital from the top of its greatest clock. Answer the questions in your own words. 1 Why did David and Ivn leave university? 2 What kind of work were they looking for at first? 3 How did they find out about the cleaning jobs? 4 Why were the jobs available? 5 In what ways was their stay in London a great experience?

TRANSLATE: 1. Ella suele participar en clase 2. Los juguetes de las nias son bonitos 3.

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