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INFORMATION ABOUT (ALL FROM d/essays-transcripts/the-deepestacceptance/) WHAT IS THE DEEPEST ACCEPTANCE OF LIFE?

This essay is based on extracts from Jeff Fosters new book The Deepest Acceptance: Radical Awakening in Ordinary Life to be published November 1st 2012 by sounds true.

There is no greater mystery than this, that we keep seeking reality though in fact we are reality. Ramana Maharshi

YOU ARE NOT A PERSON When you bring your attention right back to the present moment, to present experience, to whats actually happening right now, what do you find? Do you find that anything is fixed, unchanging, solid in present experience? Or do you find that everything is constantly changing, moving, from moment to moment? Thoughts appear and disappear, all by themselves. Images, memories, ideas all pop into awareness, linger for a while, and then disappear. Thoughts of the past, thoughts of the future. Thoughts about what you should be doing, about what you should have done, about things you need to do tomorrow. Thoughts about what should and shouldnt happen. All sorts of feelings come and go sadness, boredom, frustration, anger, fear. Sensations happen all over the body. Sounds appear out of nowhere traffic outside, a television buzzing, a door slamming, your own breathing, a bird chirping outside. Throughout the day, all sorts of thoughts appear, all sorts of sensations, feelings, sounds arise and fall in the vast ocean of consciousness that you are. Everything that appears in what you are, we could call a wave of experience. And so, this thought is a wave. This sensation is a wave. This sound is a wave. This feeling is a wave. These thought waves, sound waves, feeling waves, sensation waves are all the ocean of consciousness waving, dancing. The ocean dances as all thats appearing right now. Can you recognise that present experience is always simply a presentmoment dance of waves, all happening in the vast ocean that you are? (And for ocean, you can read the word consciousness or awareness or Being or spirit or source or whatever word feels right to you. Its all beyond words, anyway.) What you are, as the ocean, simply watches as all these little waves of experience arise and fall, are born and die. And because it sees all of these waves, it is somehow beyond all of these waves. Beyond them, and yet somehow intimate with them. What you are sees everything, and yet it is somehow inseparable from everything it sees.

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