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com/ March Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC) 3/8/13, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm Location: MRB 310 Called to order: Attendants: Joe Kent (President), Nate Risley (Vice President), Will Giardino (Pulse Editor), Quinn Martin (Website Coordinator), K.C. Gilbert (Director of Communicaitons), Tarah Authier, Greg Kiene, Lilly Winfree, Andrew Sloan, Amelia Stoker, Soroush Amali, Ethan Beckley, Karen Seresun, Laura Zeigen, Victoria Mayfield Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes) Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute): There was a first motion, second motion, and full approval of past meeting minutes. Funding Request: No funding requests were presented to the council. Student Service Awards (Joe Kent): The awards ceremony will be held the evening of May 16th. April 18th is the deadline to submit nominations. Volunteers will be recruited at the next All-Hill meeting. A committee will also be formed for selection of award winners. The council is requesting any images of students providing community services to send to Molly. Student Center: The council is working with the provost office on potentially placing workout equipment in the student center in place of the old book store. A total of 4-5 pieces of workout equipment are projected to be placed in the space. HCEW: Healthcare Equality week will be taking place the week of March 10 th. There will be lunchtime lectures throughout the week with a health screening fair on March 17 th. Funding: The end of the school year is nearing and the council discussed numerous ways that extra funding could be utilized. An end of the year BBQ and a school wide prom were discussed. Options will be explored and presented during the next meeting for voting. Regular Updates (20 minutes) Student Health Center (Sarah Lemley): A new psychologist will be coming on board at the Student Health Center. Options are currently being discussed for lowering premiums of student health insurance. The name of the Student Health Center is being changed to Joseph B. Trainer Health and Wellness Center. April is sexual assault awareness month.

Student Newsletter Committee (William Giardino): The Pulse has put out a call for articles with the deadline being March 31st for the April edition. There will be a new award for the award ceremony, which will be taking place in May.

Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun): Next Friday the American Red Cross is having a blood drive, a mug of Joe event is taking place, and Sikora the therapy dog will be at the student center from 11:30 to 1:30. Messages were offered last Friday for students and has resulted in a lot of positive feedback. A quiz bowl will take place Thursday April 4 th with teams of 3-4 people. Options are being considered for March madness events.

Intramurals (Heather Ennis): Winter intramurals ended this week and spring intramural sign-ups will open up Monday March 11th.

March Wellness (Joan Feraco): March madness member incentive event will take place March 18th through April 12th with weekly motivational planning to help individuals reach wellness goals.

Website Coordinator (Quinn Martin): Quinn is looking for feedback about the new Student Health Services website. The new student web portal is currently under construction and will hopefully be launched early next year.

Library (Laura Zeigen): Models of the chairs being considered for the new Collaborative Life Sciences Building are on display at the library. Students are welcome to try the chairs out and provide feedback. Coffee and cookies will be provided to students next week, March 11th-March 15th.

Next Meeting: Friday, April 12, 2013, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310***

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