Here's One I Made Earlier (Autumn 2008)

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Heres one I made earlier...

Alison Roberts with more low-cost, flexible therapy suggestions suitable for a variety of client groups.
The idea is to help the clients become more aware and tolerant of other peoples ideas and perspectives. It is carried out in pairs, perhaps partnering established friends or less well-acquainted people. It also promotes interviewing skills. It is quite an intimate activity, involving touch and possibly smell! In my experience, if you approach it light heartedly, there will be no complaints.
about all sorts of subjects and why. He then writes their opinions in the shoe outlines. For example I prefer to borrow videos rather than go to the cinema because I dont like such a loud noise , or I am a vegetarian because I once saw a TV programme about abattoirs or Im against pedestrian zones because they are scary at night . Try to fit in as many comments as possible. Now swap over and let the other partner do the interviewing and writing. Conclude the session by having a discussion about the expression Standing in your Shoes, and how it is possible to tolerate other peoples ideas once you know why they feel as they do.

Standing in your shoes

MATERIALS Large pieces of paper eg. flip chart sheets Water-based, washable wide felt tip pens for the outline drawing Narrow felt tip pens for the writing IN PRACTICE In twos, draw around each others shoes. It is easier to do this with the shoes off, but make sure they are not drawing round their own shoes - its important that they find out about their partner. Make sure they do not draw on the shoes, especially if they are a pale colour. Now one of the partners asks the other one questions on how the partner feels


This is a lateral-thinking game that involves drawing as well as describing. It is suitable for a group, or could be used for a one-to-one session.
MATERIALS Odd objects that are flat enough to go in a photocopier. These could be: Several paperclips grouped together Some pressed flowers or leaves A pair of scissors A scrunched-up piece of net A squiggle of string A few buttons or sequins Bits of torn paper IN PRACTICE To prepare, place the odd objects to the side of the paper as you copy, so that the resulting image has an unfinished look, with room for further additions to be drawn on. Make enough copies of the odd objects for everyone in the group to have one. Try to arrange it that the participants cannot see each others work. Ask them to finish the pictures, and to add a title to them. Now they describe their work of art to the group.

Speedy categories

This is a quick filler for ends of sessions, or as an introduction to other category work.
MATERIALS Empty plastic drinks bottle Plastic counters or stickers in a range of colours, or you can even use felt-tip pens IN PRACTICE Place the coloured counters, stickers or pens in a large circle, with the bottle in the centre. Take it in turns to spin the bottle, say the name of the colour, and then think of as many items as you can in that colour. To add a sense of urgency, and only for selected groups, you can try a variation where one person begins naming items while the next one is spinning the bottle for their turn.

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