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Pakistan General Election 2013- PTI vs PML N

1 Corruption PTI Facts Eradicating corruption top priority as per manifesto. Impeccable leader. No FBR or NAB record. Facts PML N Eradicating corruption a priority as per manifesto. FBR note on the nomination papers of Leader Brothers. NAB related cases pending in court.

General impression is that Imran Khan is honest, never got involved in corruption and nor did he allow any subordinate such practices. If any one in this country has any chance on tackling this issue, it has to be Imran Khan. Perceptions

Majority of PML N supporters, workers and even office bearers always knew that Sharif Family was one of the business groups that got benefits from early 90s loan default and money laundering scams. It was always contrast with Asif Ali Zardari's deeds that made them look acceptable. Is this acceptability still valid ??? Past record is clear enough to infer that they can never be expected to de-root corruption in Pakistan since they are themselves beneficiaries of "grey area" in the system.

2 Economic deficit PTI PML N Facts Key element of strategy is expansion of tax net, improving on corruption Economic losses. plan doesn't focus on expansion of tax net. Focus is more on expanding tax net rather than increasing Past record tells that incentivising banks to provide stimulus to the economy, as well as using links to Middle East and West indirect taxation or foreign aid. Policy also heavily relies on Facts for loans and aid packages will be at the fore front. improving image by having tackled corruption so that direct foreign investments can be attracted.

They might be able to achieve the objective to a reasonable extent. But any progress on these lines will be a step in right direction. Perceptions

Past record shows the country's lowest ever GDP since 1988 was in 1998, before even the Nuclear Tests. Leadership's own tax evasion record will hinder there ability to convince business community to submit due taxes. There emphasis is on mega projects and with the current situation funding spent on mega projects alone can not be sufficient for sustainable development. PML N One of the main contributors to politicising of Punjab Police in early 90's by enrolling thousands on political basis. Of course

3 Institution building PTI De-politicising police, judiciary and other institutions key feature of the manifesto.


PML N has never been alone in this practice. Strong institutional culture evident in past projects like SKMH, 97 Government is the prime example of governments Fact the NAMAL college etc. eagerness to interfere in institutional processes, let it be judiciary, army, NAB or any other. Intra-party elections, lack of nepotism from top leadership in Party being run on traditional sub-continent dynasty model. Fact comparison with rest of political parties. Inefficiencies and lack of smoothness in pre-electoral process, Pre-electoral process is filled with typical compromises of faced heavy criticism within party and out of party. The system electable politics. Give and takes, and personal links governing Fact behind ticket allotments proved to be not "fool-proof". the process. Realisation of the issues on part of leadership. 4 Power PTI Rely on improving circular debts, management and system Fact losses for immediate betterment of crisis. Fact Focus on Thar coal, smaller hydal projects, further nuclear projects etc. PML N Rely on better administration of WAPDA and subsidiaries for immediate relief. Also rely on Saudi and Middle Eastern aid to be able to meet power demands. Focus on Thar coal, smaller hydal projects, further nuclear projects etc.

Have initiated conferences and across-the-board consultations Closely watched the work by PTI on this issue and adapted the around the world to identify problems and come up with findings which is a wise practice. There own work was also on Perception solutions in past couple of years. The result is the the similar lines. documentation in the shape of there "Energy Policy". The realisation of issue is same. The need for urgent steps is common. Despite the political standings, it can be expected that both parties will perform similar in tackling the immediate challenge. Also both parties will face the same challenges in terms Perception of long term solutions especially current technical hindrances in Thar Coal and the political hindrances in other projects. 5 Internal Security PTI Focus on dis-engagement from US stance to resolve public perception issues. Engagement with locals to marginalise and Fact isolate the militants. Military usage only against the remaining culprits. Strong will against Drone strategy. Only politician who has Perception actually taken steps on ground. Consultation with law enforcement agencies and military. Perception PML N Focus on engagement with locals and try to win support of tribal lords by give and take offers.

A lot of statements on the face, but no actual will can be seen. From past record, dictation from military and law enforcement agencies. Past shows on issues like Kargil and Siachin that Nawaz Sharif never had grip over military high command.

Massive international pressure not allowing this strategic At no cost PML N leadership can go against Washington and change. Nevertheless, this is the best thing that can be done in Saudi sentiments. They have done it once on heavy military Perception Pakistan's interest. Imran Khan is the only person who has a pressure and don't have good memories of it. chance to convince west for this step rather than being forced by west. 6 Baluchistan PTI Policy depends on engagement with locals. But assumes Perception common Baloch involvement as opposed to tribal lords and nationalists. PML N Seemingly strong links with Baloch Tribal Lords and nationalist leaders. Effective relationships and some respect in such circles.

Intends to use devolution of power and local developments to Perhaps the strongest argument in Nawaz Sharif's favour. change general public sentiments in Balochistan. Engagement with such nationalist figures and brining them Perception back into federal politics will give an immediate relief to Baloch problem, which is urgently needed. The plan is long term solution in theory, but ground realities demand immediate settlements with nationalist leaders. The Perception much criticised traditional politicians in PTI will have to be used for this. 7 Education PTI From the day one promising slogans for "educational Fact emergency". Talks about single system of education for whole nation. Fact PML N No improvement in literacy in 5 elected terms in Punjab. Further divided the educational system by a few "Danish Schools" using the money that could be used to upgrade dozens of existing schools. One of the most criticised actions of previous Punjab Government, equally disliked within party and out of party. The whole policy is flawed from the core. Based on past record, one can not even say that the party actually realises the importance of education system. PML N Key contribution in "Judge's Restoration". The strategy is likely to delay the unwanted outcome and buy the federation some time, but will not cure the root causes. No follow up plan can be seen.

This is one the most time consuming objective. This has to be Perceptions ongoing in nature. Any improvement based on stated policies will be a step in the right direction. 8 Judicial System PTI Great struggle in the name of "independence of judiciary". Fact Fact Among the basic reasons behind formation of party.

Supreme Court attack in 97. Shahbaz Sharif's leaked tapes of conversations with Justice Qayyum. A long term objective, party's stance is commonly perceived as Can never be expected to disturb the status-quo of judicial Perceptions valid and achievable. system except if it is likely to hit them personally. 9 Devolution of Power PTI PML N

Strong will to devise an effective local body system as per globally tested models. Indication of channelling development funds through local Perceptions bodies instead of MNA/MPA. The concept of local governments from PTI public messages appears to be far more devolved at the bottom level than Musharraf's local bodies. Things like police stations under the Perceptions local bodies are very encouraging. However, it can not be fruitful without strong checks and balances against corruptibility of system. Fact 10 Top Leadership Profile PTI A Levels, Aitchison College BSc Politics and Economics, Keble College Oxford MSc Political Science, Oxford University Honorary fellow of Royal College of Physicians Sports person, Analyst, Commentator Delivers lectures across the world

5 years in Punjab Government, not a single step in this direction. The whole "electables" mindset of the party from top to bottom precludes any possibility of such change. PML N even if it goes towards local governments, it will be similar to 90s counsellor and mayor system. This reminds of famous kidnapping of entire opponent counsellor group to Change Manga somewhere around early 90s.

PML N Education FA, BA, Government College Lahore LLB, Punjab University

Sources of Income Private business till 1985 Shareholdings in family businesses that were shifted to UK and Saudi Arabia Writer at international print media such as Guardian, The Telegraph. Authored 6 bestseller books. Other titles and Accolades Chancellor of Bradford University Office bearer that signed final approval of Nuclear Tests Member Oxford Hall of Fame Office bearer of the government that started Motorway Project Sitara-e-Imtiaz Chair SKMH and NAMAL college 11 Rest of Team PTI PML N



Technically competent economists, managers and executives such as Asad Umar, Walid Iqbal etc. Strong young technocrats, new faces, hoping to rise amongst the heavy weight traditional politicians in party.

Technically competent economic team such as Ishaq Dar, and strong administrator Shahbaz Sharif. Contains strong technocrats of most fields. Past government record shows that decision making is less dependant of technocrats and more dependant on Friends & Family. All electables based on personal links and visibility with "The Family". A lot of appeasers, partners in crimes and funders. Will resist till the end not to change the traditional power hungry politics. However, the positive trends set by PTI are already building pressure and PML N will not be immune to evolution for long. The current five years in Punjab are more than sufficient evidence for Shahbaz Sharif's failure as a statesman. Despite his qualities as strong administrator who had a good track record of delivering projects, he should be kept as far away as possible from policy making. As much as his strengths lie in getting bureaucracy to deliver specific tasks by hand picking the people that suit him, the same is his biggest weakness that eventually deteriorates the same institutions. Moreover, these are adhoc methods which were necessary in past while tackling gangs in Lahore, but counter productive in all other scenarios.

Some renowned heavy weights of good reputation. A few Perception traditional politicians, opportunists and people with dubious back ground. Despite the fact that PTI has a number of candidates with dubious backgrounds, does not imply that the opponent candidates are better in any way. On a case to case basis, for 80% of such notorious candidates in PTI the direct opponent candidate by PML N and PPP is either equally notorious or far worse. Just because Imran Khan started from ideological high moral ground which could not be maintained on ground 100%, Perception does not make other parties better who do not even intend to follow moral high ground.

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