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Here comes

Photo = light

Graph = draw or write

Photography = light writing

or light drawing
Camera Obscura
Abelardo Morrell, Camera Obscura: View of Central Park Looking North-Fall, 2008
Abelardo Morrell, Camera Obscura: View of Manhattan, 2008
The Shutter – or exposure time
(think - eyelid) You adjust the length of
time the shutter remains open to control
the amount of light that reach the light-
sensitive surface.

Each full stop shutter setting is half or double the time of

The next one.
The Leaf or between-the-lens-shutter
The Focal-Plane Shutter
Actual time Shutter speeds your camera may display
in seconds

Full stop 1/3 stop 1/2 stop

1 sec 1 1 1
1.3 1.5
1/2 sec 2 2 2
2.5 3

1/4 sec 4 4 4
5 6
1/8 sec 8 8 8
10 11
1/15 sec 15 15 15
20 20

The Term “Stop” in photography refers to a change in

illumination, whether the shutter speed or the aperture
Is change to achieve it.
The agreed standards for shutter speeds are:

* 1/1000 s
* 1/500 s
* 1/250 s Each standard increment either
* 1/125 s doubles the amount of light
(longer time) or halves the
* 1/60 s amount of light (shorter time).
For example, if you move from 1
* 1/30 s sec to 1/2 second, you have
* 1/15 s effectively halved the amount of
light entering the shutter.
* 1/8 s
* 1/4 s
* 1/2 s
TIP: Think about what is GOING to happen, rather than
trying to catch up to what has already happened.

“Motion slows at the peak

Of an action that reverses”
Additional setting:

Bulb setting (B) Keeps the shutter open as long as the release button is held down.
Time setting (T) opens the shutter with one press of the release, and close it with another.
Additional setting:
Bulb setting (B) Keeps the shutter open as long as the release button is held down.
Time setting (T) opens the shutter with one press of the release, and close it with another.
Fast Shutter Speed = Freeze the action
Left: 1/3200" Right 1/6400" - an important difference in sharpness
Slow shutter speed
suggested movement -
motion (blur).

- a longer time passes

from the moment the
shutter opens till the
moment it closes. More
time is available for
movement in the
subject to be recorded
by the camera.
Oliver Follmi, Pilgrimage to Bodghaya, India, 2002
Slow shutter speed (long exposure)
Simon Bruty, Turin Winter Olympics
Panning (moving the camera to follow the subject) & use slow shutter speed (long exposure).
Stefan Newell, Coloured Lights in Gran Canaria
Long exposure (slow shutter speed) & move camera against stationary objects
The Aperture is the size of the lens opening that control
the brightness of the light that reaches the sensor or film.
(think pupil of an eye)

The size of an aperture is indicate by its f-number or f-stop.

Lens is said to be “stopped down” when the size of the

aperture is decrease.

Fast lenses allow you to shoot more easily in low light

or at higher shutter speeds. (large aperture)
The faster the lenses = the more expensive
(f/1.4 is faster than f/2)
Shutter speeds your camera may display

Aperture in full 1/2 stop 1/3 stop

f/1.4 f/1.4 f/1.4
f/1.7 f/1.6
f/2 f/2 f/2
f/2.3 f/2.2
f/2.8 f/2.8 f/2.8
f/3.4 f/3.2
f/4 f/4 f/4
f/4.7 f/4.5
Depth of field is the area from near to far
In a scene that is acceptably sharp in a photograph.

This lens has depth-of-field scale

Most camera will automatically
Show the scene through the
widest aperture

Tip: check your camera manual.

It may have depth of field preview button!
Depth of field increases as the lens stopped
down to smallest aperture (here at f/16)
Oliver Follmi
Large aperture, less depth of field blur the background--good for portrait
Small aperture = more depth of field > good for detail.
Using Shutter and Aperture together
Both shutter speed & Aperture affect the
amount of light entering the camera.
Shutter Speed = Time
Aperture = size of the lens opening
Light Compensation
You can change one setting as long as you
Change the other in the opposite way.

You can use a larger aperture if you need a

faster shutter speed or smaller aperture if you
Need a slower shutter speed.
Shutter Speed affects the sharpness of moving objects
Aperture affects depth of field-sharpness from
near to far.
F/16 > small aperture = Deep depth of field

1/8 sec> slow shutter speed = motion burred

F/4 > medium aperture = Some motion sharp, less sharp background
1/125 sec> medium shutter speed = freeze some motion but the exposure is still too long
to show the motion of the bird’s wings sharply.
F/2 > large aperture = Shallow depth of field = out of focus background.

1/500 sec > fast shutter speed = freeze all motion & produced motion sharp.
-2 -1 +1 +2

I = standard exposure level

Shutter Priority = you set the desired shutter speed

the camera sets the aperture

Aperture Priority = you set the desired aperture

the camera sets the shutter speed
Exposure Compensation
-Bright situations
-Dark situations
0 compensation + 1.5 compensation
James Nachwey, Alabama, 1994 - Prisoner on the chain gang
Oliver Follmi
Simon Bruty, Embassy World Darts Championship

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