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CAE Phrasal Verbs

Strana 1/7

"to be charged too much money for something"

up off You can buy the same jacket in town for half what you paid for it. I'm afraid out you were ripped ........ . away away "to cause someone to become unconscious" back in The boxer was knocked ........ in the tenth round. out ticked "to reprimand" hit rounded The teacher ........ off the boys for behaving rudely. shouted "to put down with force" crashed knocked She was furious with the receptionist's attitude and ........ the phone down in slammed anger. banged "to have an idea" clicked hit Somebody in the marketing department has ........ upon this idea of giving away caught free pens to anyone who visits the office. tried "to force someone to make a decision" set place Listen. I'm going to have to ........ you down to a date soon. When can we put expect to hear from you? pin "to eliminate" brush mop The soldiers managed to ........ up any evidence of resistance from the rebel wipe troops. tidy fell "to treat someone strictly for bad behaviour" went came He was a very strict teacher who ........ down hard on bad behaviour. stood "to originate from" springs rises Her fear of water ........ from the time she was pushed in the swimming pool as emerges a child. hails stop "to slow down or become less intense" wear turn It looks like the rain is beginning to ........ off. Shall we go out now? ease "to weaken someone's resistance to something" round down The children kept asking their parents for sweets until in the end they wore up them ........ and got what they wanted. through speed "to do a piece of writing quickly" sprint dash I won't be a minute. I'm just going to ........ off a letter to my bank. run walk "to get by someone in a confined space" brush knock Can I just ........ past you? I need to get to the photocopier. sweep













brush "to stay where you are"

CAE Phrasal Verbs stick keep stay mess calculated balanced levelled weighed shut close set come put set laid sent getting doing making taking tripped fallen slipped thrown through up in off came went pu ran down through off in round in out up back up off away look see write read washed fizzled ironed flattened

Strana 2/7

I'm not leaving the party yet. I'm going to ........ around to see if anyone else comes. "to consider the relative benefits of two things" I've ........ up the advantages and disadvantages of changing jobs and decided to stay where I am. "when the hours of daylight become less" It's a sure sign that winter is coming. It's getting darker and darker as the days begin to ........ in. "to have an animal killed because it is very ill or suffering badly" Have you heard? Mary had to have her dog ........ down yesterday. It was really old and wasn't able to walk any more. "to abolish something" Apparently, the Government are thinking of ........ away with military service. They say it's costing too much. "to make a mistake" Someone in the bank had ........ up and paid a cheque into the wrong account. "to recover from a serious illness" Despite everybody telling her she would never fully recover, she pulled ........ completely. "to receive criticism or blame for something" She ........ in for a lot of criticism for not turning up for the meeting last week. "when a plan fails to happen" Her plans to open a clothes shop in town have fallen ........ due to a lack of funds. "put warm clothes on" Don't forget to wrap ........ warm when you go out. It's freezing this morning. "when a child speaks rudely to someone when they have been told off" He got in trouble at school for answering the teacher ........ during the lesson. "to deduce or interpret something from an event or situation that may or may not be true" I don't think we should ........ anything into the government's decision to call an early election. It was common knowledge that it was going to take place sooner than expected. "to resolve a problem" We had a very productive meeting and ........ out most of the problems we had to deal with.














CAE Phrasal Verbs around up down back up in round down up down back round taking going running getting

Strana 3/7

"to improve the performance of something" The new manager has really turned the team ........ since his arrival last summer. "to go to bed" I think I'll turn ........ for the night. I've got an early start in the morning. "to deliberately annoy someone" He knows I hate it when people turn up without being invited first, but he keeps doing it. I'm sure he's winding me ........ . "to fail to control your imagination and therefore to get the wrong idea" Please don't let anyone know I'm seeing Steve again tonight. I don't want people ........ away with the idea that we're having a relationship. We're just good friends. "to try to become friendly with someone because they are influential"





get go He's been trying to ........ in with the new manager ever since he started work make here. He obviously thinks it will help his chances of promotion. do up "to send to prison" in down He was found guilty and was sent ........ for 10 years. back "to give the impression you agree with someone or something even though you up may not" along It was a crazy idea but I decided to play ........ with her plan just to keep her back happy. around ran "to get into debt by spending or borrowing money" kept knocked I ........ up a lot of debts during my time as a student. made "to leave university or college without finishing the course" fell went She ........ out of university at the end of her first year and decided to travel left around the world instead. dropped "to cause trouble" stir work She's always criticising people and trying to ........ up trouble amongst people in mix our office. set brush "to recover from a cold" shake throw I don't seem to be able to ........ off this cold. I've had it for weeks! cast hold "to do something that has been threatened or instructed" play set Do you think they'll ........ out their threat to go on strike? carry "to make smaller" scaled pinned They ........ down their original plans as it was obviously going to cost too ground much. screwed










CAE Phrasal Verbs catch hunt chase run carry hand put pass over away through off pass push squeeze scrape marked ground cut beat jumping bunking running missing pack stop leave cut crashed fell broke slipped out back in through taps tucks chips checks part break stop cut living facing bearing making sweeping raising lifting brushing

Strana 4/7

"to find someone after searching for them" The police say they are going to ........ down the people responsible for the crime. "to make someone else pay for the cost of something rather than yourself" The company believe they can ........ on the costs of the campaign to the customer and avoid having to go into debt. "to get something unpleasant done quickly" I'm feeling really nervous about the exam. I can't wait to get it ........ with. "to live on very little money" We're having to ........ by on one wage packet while Michael tries to get his business off the ground. "to make smooth" After the machine has ........ the surface of the object down it is polished. "to miss school or work without permission" He's been ........ off school lately. I've seen him walking around the shopping centre. "to stop doing something" You've been teasing me all day. Just ........ it in! "to fall asleep" I was absolutely exhausted and ........ out almost as soon as I sat down. "to tell someone about something that is a secret" I wish you would let me ........ on the big joke. I haven't got a clue what you're all laughing about. "to contribute a sum of money" If everyone in the office ........ in we could buy Diana a nice going-away present. "to give away or sell something that you value" The watch my father left me is the one object that I could never ........ with. "to accept and deal with a difficult situation" He really needs to start ........ up to the fact that he's a father with responsibilities. "to practise" I've got my exam tomorrow. I think I'll spend the evening ........ up the main points.













brushing "to catch an illness"

CAE Phrasal Verbs fallen gone broken backed pushed stopped came pulled come live grow look apart up out through out in back up taking falling cutting breaking work set put make fixing doing making taking make take play set tear split chop cut burn work stretch break putting fitting standing sitting grow hang work climb

Strana 5/7

The game had to be cancelled as many of the players had ........ down with influenza. "to slow down and stop (in a vehicle)" I was waiting for a bus this morning when Steve ........ up in his new car and offered me a lift. "to be as good as people expect something to be" The film was OK but it didn't really ........ up to all the hype. "to make someone feel upset or unhappy" It's tearing me ........ to see my two best friends arguing so much. I wish they'd sort their differences out and start being friendly with each other again. "to buy something quickly" This is a real bargain. You should snap it ........ while you have the chance. "when a car stops working" We really do need to get another car. This one keeps ........ down. "to give the impression that something is true when in fact it isn't" You never wanted to take that job. Don't ........ out you're disappointed you failed the interview. "to decorate or repair an old building" They've bought an old farmhouse in the country and are planning to spend the next year ........ it up. "to compensate somebody for something" I'm taking Steve out for a meal tonight to ........ up for forgetting his birthday last week. "to end a relationship" Susan and I have decided to ........ up. We haven't been getting on very well lately. "to exhaust oneself through too much work" If she doesn't slow down a bit at work she's going to ........ herself out. "to take someone's place when they are absent" I'm ........ in for Kim at the office while she's away on holiday. "to start to like something or someone" I didn't use to like Terry, but lately he's started to ........ on me.













grow "to criticize someone"

CAE Phrasal Verbs

Strana 6/7

banged tore cut The boss really ........ into me about not getting that report finished in time. pushed "to tell someone to go away" jump go His mum told him to ........ off when he asked to borrow the car. She didn't trust clear him with it. pushed let "to save money for a special purpose" set left We've ........ aside a little money for a holiday this year. brushed "to embarass someone by your behaviour" turned showed You really ........ me up at that meeting. Did you have to stand up and start picked shouting at everyone? played "to prevent someone from getting something they have a right to" back over The workers are worried that their employer is going to do them ........ of the in money they are owed. out "to regain consciousness" round through The boxer was knocked out in the 3rd round and only came ........ when his back trainer splashed his face with water. up slide "to quickly put on an item of clothing" slip skid I'm just going to ........ into something more comfortable for dinner. squeeze slipping "to begin to catch an illness" coming feeling I'm sure I'm ........ down with a bug. I feel really awful. getting "to show that you do or do not support something" came went In a vote that took place in the early hours of the morning, the Party ........ out stood against raising taxes so close to a general election. made "to fully comprehend something" sink fall It didn't really ........ in that I'd passed the exam until I saw my name printed on go the list of successful students. stop pushed "to be very impressed by something" bowled knocked I was ........ over by their kindness and generosity. They were so hospitable. kicked "to try and find out more about something you have started to investigate" summed reckoned She ........ up an advertisement for a car that she had first seen in yesterday's followed newspaper. opened "to invest heavily in a project or organisation" pumping pushing The Government claim that they can no longer afford to keep ........ money into piling the company and warn that it might have to close. flooding













pumping "to relax in a chair"

CAE Phrasal Verbs enter sink slot get get pull draw check setting putting bringing telling stopping hanging working playing up at on in sent gave took made running going ticking turning tear split snap cut hitting knocking pulling banging limber stretch knock freshen through off back out

Strana 7/7

As soon as I get in there's nothing I like better than to ........ into the chair with a nice cup of coffee. "to take money out of a bank account" I've got to go to the bank to ........ some money out. "to spread a rumour" Somebody has been ........ about a story that he's been cheating in exams. I'm sure it's not true. "to not work properly" My car has been ........ up this week. I'm taking it into the garage to have it looked at. "to accumulate" I've got so many things piling ... at work. I might have to work late to get things finished. "to emit a strong smell" It was really strong cheese and ........ off this terrible smell that filled the whole house. "to work or produce something steadily but without trying to do more" We're keeping the business ........ over during the summer holidays. We don't expect any major developments until next month. "to end a relationship" Susan and I have decided to ........ up. We haven't been getting on very well lately. "to spend time with people as a friend" I've been a little bit concerned about him recently. He's been ........ around with some well known local criminals. "to prepare for exercise by doing a warm up routine" You should always try to ........ up before doing any exercise to avoid injuring yourself. "to take action to avoid something unpleasant happening" The company are attempting to head ........ criticism of their recent poor performance by pointing out the difficult economic conditions worldwide.












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