Greenbuild Conference 2013 Forest Gardening

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Forest Gardening for Regenerative Landscapes

The U.S. Green Building Council New York Upstate Chapter is a Registered Provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems (AIA/CES). Credit(s) earned on completion of this program will be reported to AIA/CES for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for both AIA members and non-AIA members are available upon request. This program is registered with AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product. Questions related to specific materials, methods, and services will be addressed at the conclusion of this presentation.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

1. Explain the term Permaculture and how it relates to forestry through the practice of forest gardening.

2. Identify the three Ethics of Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share as applied to permaculture.
3. Identify outputs (the 7 "F"s) from a Permaculture forest garden system and how they can be integrated. 4. Develop a design process for a community / non-profit held property to implement a Permaculture landscape.

But First,........
Holistic system of design, based on direct observation of nature, learning from traditional knowledge, and the findings of modern science. Embodying a philosophy of positive action and grassroots education, Pc aims to restructure society by by returning control of resources for living: food, water, shelter, and the means of livli-hood, to ordinary people in their communities, as the only anti-dote to centralized power. - Pc Activist

"top-down thinking with bottom-up action"

Permaculture, Continued.
The Three Ethics
People Care, Earth Care, Fair Share

The 7 "F"s
Food, Fuel, Fiber, Fodder, Fertilizer, Fun, Farmaceuticals

The 12 Principles

Forest Gardening Food Forests Woodlot Gardening

A type of AgroForestry, a Perennial Agriculture, in the image of a forest.
But, not Gardening in a Forest (Forest Farming, Parkland, Alley Cropping, etc)

Next: The 7 Layers?

Next, The 7 Layers

Robert Hart

Establishment Strategies
Broad-Scale Sheet Mulch with Instant-Succession Planting

Insertion Planting, Spot Mulch, and Merging Nuclei

Repeated Disturbance, Cover Crops, and InstantSuccession Planting

Semi-Dwarf Apple

Seaberry Seaberry or or Sea Sea Buckthorn Buckthorn

Semi-Dwarf Apple

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn

Seaberry Seaberry or or Sea Sea Buckthorn Buckthorn

Semi-Dwarf Apple
Currant Currant

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn


Seaberry Seaberry or or Sea Sea Buckthorn Buckthorn

Semi-Dwarf Apple

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn



Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn


Seaberry Seaberry or or Sea Sea Buckthorn Buckthorn

Semi-Dwarf Apple

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn


Currant Daffodils and Allums

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn


Seaberry Seaberry or or Sea Sea Buckthorn Buckthorn

Semi-Dwarf Apple

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn


Currant Daffodils and Alliums Separated

Scattered nasturtium, bee balm, chamomile, fennel, white clover

Seaberry or Sea Buckthorn

April 19, 2012

August 23 2012

Maintenance of the Forest Garden

Watering Weeding (but learn your wild edibles for keeping)

Fertilizer (N for Mulch Breakdown, Compost Tea)

Mulch Renewal / Cutting Green Mulches Patches / Renewal

Rahma Edible Forest Snack Garden 3100 South Salina Street August 25, 2012

In order to maintain high-quality learning experiences, please access the evaluation for this course by logging into CES Discovery and clicking on the Course Evaluation link on the left side of the page.

Frank Raymond Cetera Thornpawed Ecological Consulting 315.308.1372 The Alchemical Nursery Rahma Edible Forest Snack Garden 3100 South Salina Street, Syracuse, NY Next Volunteer Day Saturday April 13, 9 am - 1 pm, as part of Clean Up 'Cuse

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