Human Growth Hormone

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Human Growth Hormone: effects on Growth and Development HGH is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction

and regeneration in humans and other animals. It is a mitogen specific to only some kinds of cells. It is synthesized, stored and secreted by somatotropic cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland. Secretion of HGH in the APG is regulated by neurosecretory neuclei in the hypothalamus. These cells release the peptides growth-hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH aka somatocrinin) and growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GHIH aka somatostatin) into the hypophyseal portal venous blood surroining the pituitary. The release of HGH Is primarily determined by the balance of these two hormones which is in turn affected by physiological stimulators including diet, exercise and sleep) and inhibitors such as fatty acids ..(significance of somatostatin with FFA digestion) Somatotropic cells in the lateral wing of the APG secrete GH in a pulsatile manner in response to these stimulatory compounds facilitated through the hypothalamus. The largest and most predictable of these GH peaks about an hour after onset of sleep. Otherwise large variation between days and individuals. A number of factors affect GH secretion: Age ie increased glandular secretion throughout onset and durstion of puberty 700micrograms/day and 400 in adults Gender Diet Exercise Stress Interplay with other hormones Stimulators of growth hormone secretion: 1. GHRH somatocrinin 2. Ghrelin 3. Sex hormones increased androgens (testis in males and adrenal cortex in females) also estrogen 4. Deep sleep 5. Fasting 6. Vigorous exercise Inhibitors of growth hormone secretion include: 1. GHIH somatostatin 2. Circulating concentrations of IGF-1 3. Hyperglycemia 4. Dihydrotestosterone

Function Effects are general described as anabolic. Increased height during childhood is the most recognized effect of GH and appears to be stimulated by two mechanisms: Binds to receptors on target cells and activates the MAP/ERK pathway thereby stimulating division and multiplication of chondrocytes in cartilage. Though JAK-STAT signaling pathway: production of IGF-1 by specifically targeting the liver where this is produced. IGF-1 has a variety of growth stimulating effects on a variety of tissues. Other effects: Increased calcium retention, strengthening and increasing bone mineralization Increased muscle mass through sarcomere hyperplasia Increased protein synthesis stimulates growth of all internal organs excluding the brain stimulates immune system

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