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Page 6A — WEDNESDAY, March 4, 2009 Columbia Missourian

New Blunt still

reasons to asserts no
up the exercise ante wrongdoing
Insufficient evidence shine Law and record retention

The federal government enlisted an MU Extension

“were insufficient to ensure
was found to either proper compliance” with those
prove or disprove laws.
professor to help publicize adult exercise guidelines. e-mail allegations. The report cites several Sun-
shine Law requests, beginning
By ALLISON GORDON • By DAVID A. LIEB with one in August 2007 by the
The Associated Press Springfield News-Leader, in
How much exercise does it take to lower the risk of early lines for adults was needed,” Ball said. JEFFERSON CITY — Inves- which Blunt’s office responded
death, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, certain Rather than 30 minutes every day, the federal standards tigators looking into the e-mail that either no records existed
kinds of cancer, osteoporosis or stroke? What about to and MyActivity Pyramid recommend 150 minutes a week retention practices of former or that they were closed. But
improve mental health, cognitive function, prevent inju- of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous Gov. Matt Blunt asserted a subsequent search of backup
ries or just maintain a healthy weight? aerobic activity. The new research indicates daily exercise Tuesday that his administra- e-mail tapes, which preserve
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services does not have to be completed in one setting; the times can tion violated Missouri’s public even deleted e-mails, found
released new activity guidelines and research in late 2008 be accumulated at one’s leisure as long as the activity is records laws. scores of e-mails that should
that answer those questions, and it may mean less time at done in increments of at least 10 minutes. But investigators decided have been covered by the
the gym than you think. The difference between moderate and vigorous activity not to refer the matter to pros- requests.
The 2008 activity guidelines are the first that the federal can be measured with the “talk test” suggested by Ball. ecutors. Blunt’s response said his
government has issued. In 1995, the Centers for Disease During moderate activity a person should be able to carry The report wraps up a nearly
Control and Prevention on a conversation com- staff followed state laws and
one-and-a-half-year probe into certainly did not purposely
and the American Col- fortably but not be able to Blunt’s office that began after
lege of Sports Medicine sing, he said. violate Missouri’s Sunshine
published recommenda- ACTIVITY PYRAMID During vigorous activ-
a former legal counsel said he
was fired for raising concerns
Law. “It is more than fairly
debatable” that the deleted e-
tions stating that adults The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with help from ity, a person should not that colleagues were not fol-
should exercise at least the MU Extension, has created the MyActivity Pyramid, which be able to say more than mail at issue in the August
lowing public records laws.
30 minutes every day at a contains exercise guidelines for people ages 18-64. a few words without 2007 request “had nothing to
Blunt has asserted the staff- do with any management pol-
moderate level. pausing for breath. The er was fired for legitimate rea-
The guidelines are the Inactivity federal guidelines and icy or financial matters” of
first time the science Limited MyActivity pyramid also the governor’s office and thus
behind exercise guide- stress the importance of Special investigators would not have needed to be
lines and the subsequent daily “lifestyle activity.” appointed by the attorney kept, Blunt’s response said.
•Sitting general’s office did not delve
benefits have been revis- “This wouldn’t neces- n Former Blunt legal counsel
ited in more than 10 sarily be exercise, but into the reasons for the firing
Strength and flexibility of employee Scott Eckersley. Henry Herschel was unfamil-
years. •Yoga At least twice per week some things in your life
Steve Ball, MU associ- where you can get some But their report affirmed his iar with his duties as custodian
•Stretching assertions that Blunt staffers of records and “lacked knowl-
ate professor of exercise •Strength Training activity, chores and things
physiology and state fit- like that,” Ball said. “You wrongly deleted some e-mails edge of the Sunshine Law and
ness specialist with MU Aerobic activities can get significant health and failed to follow the state’s record retention statutes.”
•Tennis open-records laws. Investiga-
Extension, said the guide- •Swimming 75-150 minutes per benefits just from doing Blunt’s response gener-
lines “give people more week, depending on that. Going from com- tors said the extent of Blunt’s ally defends Herschel. But it
•Jogging personal involvement in his
choice on the frequency •Basketball intensity pletely sedentary to doing acknowledges that, in dealing
and intensity of their anything is going to give office’s public-records fail-
with ambiguous laws and reg-
physical activity.” •Biking you the most bang for ures could not be determined
Lifestyle activities ulations, Herschel “may have
To streamline the new •Yard work your buck.” because Blunt refused either
Every day to be deposed or interviewed. been imperfect in some of his
information, Ball helped •Household chores The MyActivity Pyra- advice regarding the retention
develop a visual aid, pub- •Walking mid and federal guide- Blunt’s response contends
of records or Sunshine Law
lished by MU Extension, lines go hand-in-hand. there is a difference between
documents that must be requirements.”
that represents the guide- Source: MU EXTENSION However, they are for
retained and records that must n There was insufficient
lines for adults from age basic health benefits and
18 to 64. be turned over if retained and evidence to either prove or
STEVE OSLICA/Missourian not weight loss.
Lifestyle activities such “So many people are requested under the Sunshine disprove allegations that mem-
as walking or perform- inactive right now. This Law. bers in Blunt’s administra-
ing household chores make up the base of MyActivity is really just a way to help get them started and let them “To the extent the investiga- tion ordered the destruction
Pyramid, which then moves into aerobic activity and onto know how much physical activity they should be doing dur- tors fail to acknowledge that of backup e-mail tapes after
stretching and weight-lifting. ing the week,” Gammon said in a news release. some correspondence needs an Oct. 31, 2007, open-records
Ball and Robin Gammon, MU Extension associate and MU Extension published the MyActivity Pyramid in an not be retained or that many of request from The Associated
registered dietitian, collaborated in creating the pyramid. effort to help reach Missourians and encourage them to the e-mails they claim should Press.
Previous activity pyramids were based on older food become more physically active. It’s a simple way to spread have been disclosed were not Blunt’s response said the
guide pyramids and nutritional recommendations. In 2005, the message, Ball said. exempt from disclosure, they governor’s office did not order
the USDA developed MyPyramid, a food guide pyramid “Sixty-six percent of Americans are either overweight perpetuate a myth,” Blunt’s the e-mail tapes destroyed
based on nutritional guidelines recommended by the U.S. or obese,” Gammon said. “We all know it’s a problem, but response said. and said the allegation “has
Department of Agriculture. some of us just don’t know where to start. Printing off the How long government become a non-issue.”
“With the development of the new 2008 Physical Activ- MyActivity Pyramid and posting it at your office or put- records must be kept varies by
ity Guidelines, it was obvious that a new graphic modeled ting it on your refrigerator to remind you and others to go Emphasizing the conclusion
topic and often comes down to
after the USDA MyPyramid and based on the new guide- out and be active can be a great start.” of their case, a bipartisan pair
a case-by-case determination
by an individual. For example, of court-appointed attorneys
an e-mail about bringing cook- representing the investigators
ies to a staff party could be filed a motion Tuesday dis-
missing their lawsuit against

Bill would insure Complaints against

deleted immediately.
But records relating to man- Blunt’s administration.
agement, financial and policy The state paid both for the
matters are supposed to be investigators and the private

200,000 Missourians car company lead saved for three years. attorneys who represented
The investigators concluded Blunt’s office.
Tuesday that: The total tab: more than
n Governor’s office policies $660,000, most of which was

to court settlement
By Chance Seales Health Coverage” plan would and practices related the Sun- spent on Blunt’s defense. redirect much of those funds to

Morning break-in
JEFFERSON CITY — A providing preventive and prima-
revived health care bill based ry health coverage to Missouri’s
on last year’s Insure Missouri uninsured.
legislation received no opposi- Representatives from hospi- By JONATHAN RANDLES

results in arrest
tion during a Tuesday commit-
tee hearing. The bill would give
tals and insurance companies
also appeared before the com- More Online
more than 200,000 Missourians mittee to voice their support for The owner of Columbia Car
To view a PDF of the document
health insurance. the initiative. There were no Classics has been ordered by
Missouri Attorney General of the settlement between the
witnesses in opposition.

of five suspects
Last year’s bill died at the Attorney General’s office and
Opposition, however, could be Chris Koster to provide car
end of session when Rep. Rob Columbia Car Classics, visit
found among members of the titles, warranties and money
Schaaf, R-St. Joseph, the chair-
House. Schaaf said that though for trade-ins that were prom-
man of the House Healthcare
increasing health care coverage ised to customers but never
Transformation Committee,
is commendable, it should not be received, according to a settle- he purchased the nine war-
refused to bring the bill to the
floor without reforming hospital subsidized by Missouri taxpay- ment released Tuesday. ranties. Deputies quickly mate, according to the release.
Because of this information,
expansion provisions. ers. He said paying for many The attorney general reached
the settlement with the deal-
If he doesn’t, the car sales made arrests after authorities quickly located and
The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Tom citizens’ insurance amounts to become void, and he will have
Dempsey, R-St. Charles County, “health welfare” and expressed ership after investigating 84 to reimburse his customers for the resident said he apprehended four suspects at
an apartment in the 1600 block
told the Senate Seniors, Families concern that Missourians who citizen complaints over the
last year, said Travis Ford, a
the cost of the cars. knew one intruder. of Westwind Drive.
and Public Health Committee on work and carry health insur- Payne said providing the
ance are left to foot the bill for spokesman for Koster. By Jehan Roberson All of the suspects were held
Tuesday that the plan would keep attorney general’s office with
others who do not. The settlement states that in addition to a fifth person
thousands of uninsured Missouri proof of warranties and car
Aaron Payne, the owner of the Boone County Sheriff’s Dep- at the apartment who was
citizens out of emergency rooms Eligibility for the program is titles will not be a problem.
used car dealership, didn’t give uties responded to a robbery implicated in the crime. Dur-
visits that are expensive to the determined by where one falls on Payne will also need to re-
five of his customers titles for in progress at about 8:45 a.m. ing their interviews, deputies
government. the Federal Poverty Level scale. imburse seven customers who
the cars they were purchas- Tuesday at a southeast Colum- confirmed that all five people
Dempsey said there are thou- In 2008, the poverty line was were told they would have
ing – a violation of Missouri bia apartment. were involved in either the
sands of Missouri workers who defined as an annual income of car loans paid off for trad-
law. planning or execution of the
don’t qualify for Medicaid cov- $10,400 or less for one person. ing in their cars but were A resident of the apartment, burglary, the release said.
erage, but also don’t have the If an individual falls at or According to the settlement, never compensated. In addi- located in the 4400 block of
funds to purchase private insur- below the poverty line, they he also did not purchase war- tion, he will pay $4,624 for Bellview Drive, awoke to the According to the news
ance. More than 700,000 Mis- would not be required to con- ranties for nine customers court costs and other dam- sound of glass breaking in release, the suspects arrested
sourians are uninsured. tribute any money for their to whom he promised cover- ages. He will be fined $2,000 his apartment, according to a in connection with the bur-
coverage. In the program, age. if he violates any terms of the news release from the Boone glary are Clinton T. Bradley,
Dempsey said uninsured peo-
as income increases, so does settlement. County Sheriff’s Department. 17, of Columbia; Mark A. Rose,
ple frequently seek basic servic- Payne said he was satisfied
required personal contribution, When he went to investigate, 18, of Columbia; Westley C.
es at hospital emergency rooms, with the judgment but said he According to previous Mis-
up to $83 per month for people he discovered three males in Wilburn, 18, of Columbia;
and the goal of his bill is, “get- would not discuss the specifics sourian reports, on July 31,
earning $23,400 annually. his kitchen. When they were Tanya M. Gould, 19, of Colum-
ting them out of the emergency of the ruling. Columbia Car Classics was
The estimated cost for the bill discovered, the three intrud- bia; and a 16-year-old female
room, which is many cases reac- closed temporarily by court
has not yet been released. The He was forced to close ers left the apartment and from Columbia.
tive care, and getting them to a order on behalf of Manheim
primary care physician.” Many initiative’s predecessor, how- Columbia Car Classics in July entered a waiting car. Bradley and Wilburn were
and is unemployed, he said. Automotive Financial Servic-
patients receive treatment at ever, was projected to cost the es Inc. and Kansas City Auto The resident said he saw a also arrested on charges of
emergency rooms, but that does state of Missouri at least $64 “With all the publicity, it’s Auction Inc. The two compa- female standing next to the car, manufacturing a controlled
not always translate into pay- million per year. hard to get a job in this town nies sued Columbia Car Clas- waiting for the three males. substance for the marijuana
ments for hospitals. Dempsey’s proposal will face in the auto industry,” Payne sics because they said Payne They drove away before depu- plants found growing at the
Under the current system, a committee vote in the com- said. failed to make payments on a ties arrived. Westwind apartment, the
unpaid costs at Missouri ERs ing weeks before moving on to He will have 30 days to give $700,000 loan that helped him The resident said he recog- release said.
are covered largely by federal the same House committee that the attorney general’s office buy more than 50 vehicles for nized one of the males as some- No bonds had been set at
dollars. Dempsey’s “Show-Me stalled the bill last year. the five car titles, and to prove the dealership. one he knew through his room- press time.

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