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Mainly iunny, high near te Friday. 6ft

Dean dunnarson plays return engagement in

Brandon /Page 23

A lite'* work 713

May 10,1990 350

SAVE 65' WltKLY!

total Wklylwsstinil


Work to begin on access route

by KATHLEEN MAR/TENS Sun Staff Ground will be broken on construction of the city's new eastern access route as part of $107 million worth of provincial highway projects this summer, Transportation Minister Albert Driedger announced Wednesday. Reconstruction of the 18th Street overpass will also get underway with the $18 million pegged for southwestern Manitoba roads,

DRIEDGER; Projects

Driedger (Emerson) said in Brandon. MLA Jim McCrae (Brandon West) called it the "biggest two years of highway construction programs in the history of our province" and praised the $1.25 million earmarked to'begin grading on the eastern access route. "This makes this project a reality and not just something to talk about/' he said at a press conference. He also noted the projects would create substantial employment.

Construction of the eastern route into Brandon's industrial area includes an overpass from the Trans-Canada Highway onto 49th Street, a CP Rail underpass on provincial road 457 and a bridge over the Assiniboine River. Driedger said CP Rail has approved the project, but rejected any notion of cost-sharing. The north-south artery to connect the Trans-Canada with Richmond Avenue has been an election promise since 1977. Along with relieving traffic congestion into the

city from First Street and 18th Street, it will provide an alternate route for trucks carrying hazardous goods. Deputy mayor Jim Reid said the city was grateful to see eastern access work begin, appreciated the tourist and truck stop facilities and welcomed the continued upgrading of highways in the area. The initiatives "make it more comfortable and easy for our citizens and visitors to move in and out of Brandon," he said. "SomeSee DISCUSSION /Page 7

McCRAE: Pleased

Killer cyclone hits India


HYDERABAD, India (CP) A cyclone with winds of more than 230 kilometres an hour has killed at least 48 people in southeast India and the toll is likely to go much higher, officials said today. The cyclone control centre in the Andhra Pradesh state capital of Hyderabad said reports have come in from four of the seven districts hit by the cyclone. "We can't begin to assess yet how many people were killed or how much damage was done," a spokesman said. Andhra Pradesh's premier, Channa Reddy, told reporters Wednesday night the cyclone was worse than one in 1977 that killed 10,000 people. The cyclone slammed into the mouth of the Krishna River late Wednesday, flattening houses, uprooting trees and snapping power lines as it moved through the coastal river valley in India's rice bowl.

Health food trend continues to grow

by DAVE WILLIAMS Sun Staff The health craze is far from winding down, Manitoba's chief statistician says. Errol Lewis said consumption trends indicate that red meat is out, yogurt is in and Canadian consumers couldn't find a melon to save their lives. Lewis said food consumption patterns in Canada reflect the rising tide of eating right and watching cholesterol levels. "I think it does show that we arc tending towards more healthy diets given the problems people are worried about relating to health," he said. "This means more fibre, so you can see the increase in cereal consumption." "Milk has also been increasing. There has been a lot of marketing information and advertisements on the goodness of milk." The figures were compiled on consumption for the 1987-88 year, but Lewis said these most recent numbers accurately illustrate what tasty treats today's consumers are gobbling up. "We are cutting back on some areas more as the Lewis cholesterol question becomes more significant. What we have is people producing a final product that is low in cholesterol. It does show these influences." Lewis said the drop in fruit and vegetable consumption is a result of limited domestic production which leaves Canada dependent on the production capabilities in such growing regions as California. California has been plagued by drought for the past four years. "It's not a function of price because the Canadian dollar has been trending quite high and therefore it's cheaper for us to import things," Lewis added. "Even for myself and I'm not a health guru in any way I am conscious of the need as I grow older to have lots more ruffage in my system to help my digestive functions." See CROP /Page 7

Man cries] foul over psychic's egg ritual i

THE PAS (CP) A self-styled psychic who claimed she could purge evil spirits with an egg is accused of trying to bilk a man ot, $5,000. 'I A fortune teller and her assistant were arrested in a hotel room4 in this northern Manitoba city Montday night after a client cried foult" RCMP spokesman Wyman Sangster said Wednesday. " "They told him he was full of evil and instructed him to proceed,; home, take a fresh chicken egg,-' wrap it in cloth and rub it on vari-* ous parts of his body that were: giving him trouble," Sangster saidiThe man, whose name was not released, was told to perform an elaborate ceremony with the egg and return it to the psychic. When he did, the psychic "went through a process that was supposed to convince the victim that the epp lind absorbed the evil from his body." The psychic demanded that the man shell out $5,000 to prevent the evil from returning and led him to. believe he would meet a terribly fate if he did not, Sangster said. . RCMP have issued a warning and asked other victims to show some pluck and contact police. ', Lisa Williams, 28, and Richard Ephram Mitchell, 27, face charges of extortion. '

Agribusiness Canada Classified Editorials Entertainment
Lifestyle Local Manitoba Obituaries Sports TV/Comics World

3 6,7,28 24-27 4 23
13,15,16 2,7 2,3 28 8-10 22 5

Prairie poll says Quebec X won't separate

, , I ! ' P H. I

residents of t ' 't thlnfcQ Quebec from/ the rest gf Canada if the: Meeh Lafce accord U gerappejU a survey released Wednesday fcyj Prairie Besearchss0e suggests.-'" . <* -:'.

Clowning around
Mindy McCannell juggles scarves during the musical production of the musical pro-

Sun photo by Pam Doyle

"Does that look like a" non-stick frying pan to you'

duction of Clowns put on by the Betty Gibson Intermediate School Choir Wednesday.

surveyed in aUr.thVerpro.ymc, ft thought it either Qmewb8F very l|kely>Queb,ec, mm eg ate, just over two per pent had opinion and the res^t j| U )y to varying degrees. . The survey gf Ulg people ja ManitPba, SasKatchewan and Al^ berta was earned, out,'tarts" phomhetween Aprilga fa Mjy

On}y 28,3 percent

Still birth prompts increased pressure for legalized midwifery


Legalizing midwifery would reduce the chances of other homebirth accidents such as the still birth of a Winnipeg infant last month, a Brandon spokesperson for the Manitoba Action Committee on the Status of Women said. The action committee has stepped up its efforts to get the Manitoba government to legalize midwifery in view of last month's incident and in conjunction with International Midwifery Day. "Unless you have a system of recognizing and regulating the work that midwives do then home births can be prone to accidents,

Cyndi Hanson, administrative coordinator for the Brandon branch said. "Midwifery is older than modern medicine and there's no proof that doctor attended births are safer than midwife attended births," Hanson said. Meaghan Moon, an aspiring midwife in Brandon, says legalizing midwifery would set standards to make sure midwives are qualified. "There's always going to be people who want births at home so people have to be trained to deal with births at home," Moon said. "1 believe all the midwives in Manitoba now are qualified I don't think there's midwives out

there running around who are dangerous," Moon said. Moon added that there will "always be an element of risk in birth" no matter if the birth takes place at home or in a hospital. While Moon agrees the publicity surrounding last month's still-born infant in a home-birth setting may act as a catalyst for getting midwifery legalized, she said publicity surrounding it has been negative. "There's a lot of blame being put on midwives we shouldn't be hanging these midwives before that investigation is complete," Moon said. Manitoba's attorney general and chief medical examiner are See LEGALIZED /Page 7

CAMPAIGN: Cyndi Hanson is gathering letters supporting legalized midwifery.


Page two

SfiANBfiN SUM, thwsddy, Mdf? 16,

Leaders endorse Meech solution

- ft leaders of Manitoba's three main parties have heartily endorsed the idea of a sunset clause to resolve one of their chief concerns about the Meech Lake acieOrd. the clause Will address the province's complaint that the accord could block Senate reform by requiring unanimous consent, the leaders said Wednesday after a meeting in Filmon'S office. At the same time, it would also allow Quebec to maintain one of its five key constitutional demands a veto over some constitutional


change at least temporarily, they said. "1 believe it's an option that Will solve the impasse on Senate reform," said NDP Leader Gary Doer, as Fiimon and Liberal opposition Leader Sharon carstairs stood by his side. "I really believe that." Filmon* who spent five hours diScussing_ Meech with the other Western premiers Tuesday, said he believes most of the country's first ministers support the sunset

clause^ He said he would call Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa within the next 24 hours to discuss the idea. But Quebec's intergovernmental affairs minister said Wednesday the proposal is Unacceptable if it destroys the province's right to veto future constitutional amendments. "We certainly won't give up the right of veto concerning Senate reform which we'd get in Meech Lake," Gil Kemillard told reporters emphatically outside the legislature.

The sunset clause would keep the unanimity rule in force for a set number of years. If there was ho Senate reform in that time, the upper house Could then be changed with the agreement of seven provinces containing 50 per cent of the population. The three Manitoba leaders stressed that the clause Would address only one of their complaints. They still want the accord made clearly subordinate to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. And they're calling for the

clause recognizing Quebec as a distinct society to be expanded to include statements ab'out Canada's national identity, the native population and multiculturalism. The accord will have to be reopened and changed, they said, despite Quebec's repeated assertions that it will never accept any direct tampering with the original Meech agreement. Bourassa has said he will consider additions to the accord, designed to make Quebec a willing partner in the constitutional process, once it's passed.

Hamiota to host games

Maffiibta will host the 1931 Manitoba Society of Seniors Games which will draw more thaw 1,000 competitors. Gwen Snell, the tbwn's fecfeation director, said Society officials indicated yesterday that Haffiiota's bid hiay have been the best in a decade. Hamiota, population 900, is three titties smaller than any previous host, However, fiVe-pifl bowling will be held ifl Mmhedosa and Miniota will Stage two of three events. Participants Will stay iJi stay motels and campgrounds ifi the region. About 40 organizations have agreed to help with the June 18-20 event, said John Raiikin, chairman of Hamiota Seniors Council games committee. "The seniors will be very involved, but in a community this size, it will be a total community effort. . . We have people, right up from the Scouts to the seniors, who are helping," Rankin said. Snell said the U activities will include card games, horseshoes, lawn-bowling and a fine arts component. More activties may be added.

Hospital honors Brandon nurses for achievement

Brandon General Hospital Nursing Administration and the Manitoba Nurses Union Local No. 4 honored nurses for their contributions to the hospital and the community Wednesday as part of Nurses' Week. : Nursing Staff Achievement Awards and the establishment of bursaries for continuing nursing education were announced at the reception and will be implemented for the first time in 1991. New bursaries developed include one in memory of Margaret McCann, a long-time head nurse and one donated by the family of Alena (Strath) Coombs, a 1928 graduate of the BGH School of Nursing for nursing care of the elderly. Nine Brandon General Hospital bursaries have also been developed with the help of financial contributions to the hospital for the purpose of educating nurses. "Continuing education is a must for nurses particularity in today's constantly changing health care system. The demands and expectations placed on nurses are always changing and nurses have to upgrade constantly to meet those expectations," assistant executive director of nursing, Marguerite Bicknell said. Unit achievement awards for nurse's suggestions that improved patient care were ;presented also. Recipients included: G400 west nurses Claudia Nieradka ;and Bev Nichols, G300 west nurse ijudy Martin, Chemotherapy nurse Jean Brownlee and Staff 'Development nurse Penny JSorensen. Other awards were presented for recycling suggestions within the hospital. fThe committee received 26 ^suggestions on how the hospital Icould recycle what it currently brews outr"- '*-The contest was to coincide with the theme for Nurses' Week Nurses and the Environment.

Victim identified
Police have released the name of a local paving company employee who died Tuesday afternoon after he was struck by heavy machinery on a job site.

Wesley Billington, 63, was working in a ditch excavation installing a culvert on private property off of Grand Valley Road when the accident occurred, RCMP said. Billington, an employee with Zenith Paving Ltd., apparently was struck by a front-end loader trying to decrease the slope of the ditch and was pinned against a retaining wall. -5
He was rushed to hospital but < died around 3 p.m. from severe chest injuries.

Police and workplace, health and safety officials are investigat- , ing the mishap.

Sun photo by Dirk Aberson

AWARD-WINNING MOMFKristy Marvin, 6, sits on nurse Heather Ryan's knee and sniffs a rose presented to her mother Judy Marvin, of the Brandon General Hospital

surgical nursing staff. Mrs. Marvin received the unit achievment award for improvements to patient care and staff satisfaction.

LOTTO 6-49 The winning numbers in Wednesday's draw were 7, 15, 16, 26, 29 and 47. The bonus number was 42. The jackpot of $4,113,197.50 goes to the holder of a single ticket bought in Quebec. Therefore, the Lotto 6-49 jackpot prize pool estimate for the next draw will be $2,000,000. The second prize pool, awarded to those matching five regular numbers and the bonus number, had 8 winners of $95,246.50. The third-prize pool, awarded to those matching five regular numbers, had 278 winners of $2,096.
WESTERN EXPRESS 1, 14, 28, 29 and 30; bonus number 15. LOTTO 6-36 8, 12, 22, 23, 24, and 34; bonus number 15. THE PLUS 218559. PAILV PEAL ace of spades, 7 of hearts, 6 of clubs, 8 of diamonds.
(n the event of a discrepancy between these numbers and the official winning list, the official list shall prevail.

Mall owners caution anxious shoppers

Proposed expansion of Shoppers Mall won't take place overnight

WINNIPEG (CP) RCMP are' ; asking for help locating a rape suspect they believe drives a truck ,, between Calgary and Winnipeg. Leroy Arnold Humphrey of, Hughenden, Alta., was charged,', with sexual assault after a girl,,; from Provost, Alta., was attacked > about 10 years ago. But he was. . never brought to trial. Police say Humphrey is about, 50 years old, five-six, weighs about : ' 165 pounds and has blue eyes and-,, greying hair. ^

On the lam


Consumers may be waiting awhile for new shops and services to open at the .Brandon Shoppers Mall, the centre's landlord says. "We could be in the ground by probably fall of next year" barring any zoning or construction hitches, said Trilea Centres Inc. spokesperson Merv Foster, referring to a proposed expansion of the mall. But the Toronto company, a subsidiary of Bramalea Ltd., cautions development takes time. And deals with new tenants remain to be cut. "We're going to do everything in our power to make it happen," said Foster, vice-president of development for Trilea, "But I stress to you that we are in the very early planning stages." The company cleared the first hurdle Monday, when it optioned city-owned undeveloped cemetery land south of the 18th Street mall. It offered $1.1 million for the 3.4 acres, plus

'We're going to do everything in our power to make it happen. But I stress to you that we are in the very early planning stages.'


$120,000 for traffic lights at two entranceways and $20,000 for a replacement cemetery road. The mall currently boasts 68 shops and services with about 85,000 sq. metres (281,000 sq. feet) of total leasable space. An initial expansion in 1981 added about 24,000 sq. metres (80,000 sq. feet). The second step for Trilea, which owns 29 shopping centres, is to secure a major department store to anchor new development, Foster confirmed Sears Canada Inc. is in the running and "we believe they'd be a natural," but a Sears' spokesperson would say only

that negotiations were ongoing with several sites in Canada. Finally, future tenants would be approached when the anchor is in place. Meanwhile, the city has a few phases of its own to complete before the property can change hands. A rezoning proposal, under an amendment to the city's development plan, and subdivision have to receive approval. Foster estimated the process, which includes public hearings, could take up to 18 months. And he expects construction will take an additional 12 months. The company is not reluctant to pursue development as a result of current high interest rates, a looming recession or persistent Manitoba drought, he added. "We believe, as a developer, things work in cycles," he said in a telephone interview. "We don't perceive the high interest rates holding on. . . whenever they drop back to an acceptable, normal level, I believe you will see good retailers taking advantage of good opportunities like Brandon."

Our errors An article on Brandon Marine and Leisure in the May issue of Western Manitoba's Profile on Business states that no marine dealers are now located in Brandon. Prior to publication of the magazine, Waterworks announced it was dropping Pool and Spa from its corporate name to reflect the recent addition of a marine division to the operation. Complementing its lines of pool and spa equipment, patio furniture and accessories, Waterworks now stocks marine equipment and has created a parts and service department. * * * A story in Wednesday's Sun about a hit-and-run accident should have read that the victim, Mary Ann Vreeman, suffered several injuries, not the man who has been charged with leaving the scene of an accident and dangerous driving.

Forecast/Sunny, mild
with high ind low IMipfrilurw lof cltl**. j


The Accu-Weather* forecast _ for noon, Friday, May 11 -J,


('nnc.Ko l.'.l?

\v^ 0fl,,r ^





** Today and tonight: An Arctic high pressure ridge will push down from the north. This will keep skies mainly sunny and temperatures in the 1316 C range. Winds will be light from the west at 15 km-h. Skies will be clear overnight with light northerly winds. Lows will drop to -2 C. v^ Friday's outlook: Mainly sunny with light northeast winds and cooler temperatures of 12 C. yf Extended outlook: Nice weekend mostly sunny with highs of 15-17 C. ** |p the record book: For May 10 in Brandon, the high was 31.1 C set in 1977and the low was -12,2 C in 1907, One year ago the high temperature was 27 C and the low was 7 C. The sun rose at 6:01 a.m. and it will set at 9:11 p.m.

Recorded wither /7J>7-5533; roads /726-6318.

he cost of cleaning up the environment may be great, but the price jn doing nothing is even greater, says Manitoba's directorgeneral of atmospheric environmental services. "You know, there is a fiscal reality," said Mike Balshaw. "And, some of the solutions are not going to be cheap." Still, he said, measures to stop deterioration of the environment won't be taken all at once but will be spread over a number of years. At the same time, ignoring the problems will eventually end up costing more, he said. "Some environmental issues, we know, are going to be very costly unless we fix them. In the short run, we're getting by, but in the long run it's going to cost. "And therefore, maybe we have to make some adjustments today." Balshaw co-ordinated a public meeting in Brandon Wednesday to look at the issues and hear ideas. Rather than moving quickly to implement government plans to deal with the environment, Balshaw agrees with Environment Minister Lucien Bouchard's plan to hear the public out before moving on the issues. "I think a brief stop to provide an opportunity for input is a good Sun photo by Desmond Murray idea, and that's what we're doing." The federal government has ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: Vern Legare (left) picks spent the last two months holding up forestry information from Ivor Edwards, a research scienpublic meetings across Canada. tist with forestry Canada, at the Keystone Wednesday. Following the meetings .which

Manitoba officer endorses go-slow environment plan

provide information on issues and the means to submit briefs, the process continues with workshops where business and interest organizations are invited to attend and discuss their concerns. The first series of workshops will be held in Winnipeg May 24 and 25. There, he said, groups will spend two days developing ideas and recommendations, as well as "confirming the directions of the plan or suggesting new directions, or better and cheaper ways to do it." These talks will blend in with discussions already held during the public meetings which end later this month, he said.
Representatives from various federal government departments manned tables in the Keystone Centre "to get ideas from people and to provide our thoughts on the background to some of these issues."

They are also there to help people understand the concept of a green plan, Balshaw said. "To understand that it's comprehensive, it isn't just single issue. It is identifying the broad problem and challenge, the many issues that we address." A third stage will involve consultations at a national level, said Balshaw. At the end of talks, information from all three stages will be digested and added to Bouchard's Green Plan for presentation to cabinet. A comprehensive plan is to b,e announced this fall.

SUM, thursday, May 10,1990


High speed train route

Investors like Manitoba


Report predicts economic growth will outpace Canada as a whole

WINNIPEG (CP) Maftitoba has a balanced and vibfafit economy which bodes well for the province's future, Canada's top investment dealers said Wednesday. Business investment in Manitoba for the past three years has matched the national average, according to the annual report of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada on the provincial economy, and overall economic growth will outpace the country's this year. "A sustained and balanced business investment is key to economic growth," said Ian Russell, the author of Economic Outlook Manitoba. Russell's report predicts the Manitoba economy will grow two per cent this year, after adjustment for inflation, compared with 1.5 per cent for Canada as a whole. Manitoba's gross domestic

'The key factor underlying strength in the business sector the last two yars is a significant improvement in investor confidence in the province. This relates in part to good, solid fiscal management in Manitoba.'
product grew by 3.2 per cent in 1989. The province's unemployment rate will average 7.4 per cent this year, considerably lower than the eight per cent predicted across the country. Russell, a Vice-president of capital markets for the investors association, said Manitoba has attracted investment into all sectors of its economy, an accomplishment few other provinces have been able to match.

IAN RUSSELL, author of Economic Outlook Manitoba

But the economy Will slow down, he said, mainly because of slower growth in exports and reduced demand in Canada for manufactured and mining products. Russell said he predicts consumer spending will remain weak because of high interest rates and lower agricultural incomes. The Investments Dealers Association report credits the province's ability to attract investment to successive Manitoba governments that managed to bring the deficit under control.

New plan proposed for high-speed train

TORONTO (CP) A Swiss-based manufacturer says it can build a high-speed train network between Windsor and Quebec City, for billions less than a shorter rail line proposed by Montreal-based Bombardier. "We're presenting an alternative technology," Peter Janson, president of Asea Brown Boveri Inc., told a news conference Wednesday. According to ABB's preliminary study, the cost of the service would total $3 billion and generate 40,000 direct and indirect jobs during construction. One of the train's premier attractions is that it can be used on existing track. The high-tech train, called the Sprinter, would run at speeds up to 250 kilometres per hour on electrified line. The technology has already been tested in Sweden, Janson said. ABB's proposal comes three months after Bombardier announced it was looking for partners to put together a similar train service, but at a cost of $5.3 billion, of which $1.6 billion would come from the public purse. Janson said his company, which took over a key division of Westinghouse Canada last year, expects "minimal" government funding, but could not give any figures. Bombardier's electrical train would cut Montreal to Toronto travel time to two hours and 45 minutes from 4 '/a hours the same as ABB's. But it would require building new tracks along its route linking Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.

"The key factor underlying strength in the business sector the last two years is a significant ii-. proyettient in investor: confidence in the province/' Russell said. "This relates in pa1 ft to goody solid fiscal management in Mani-, toba." i Manitoba has managed to reduce its deficit, as a percentage of gross domestic product, from three per cent in 1987 to 0.4 i per ceht in 1989. i While investors are predicting farm incomes Will decrease by more than seven per ceht this year, Russell said this could change dramatically if Manitoba and Ottawa can work out a farm assistance program., A proposed $450-million federal farm assistance package will mean farm incomes will increase one per cent this year, he said.1

Let banks sell insurance, Senate says

Banks should be allowed to dabble in businesses from insurance to car leasing and even commercial enterprises, a Senate committee unanimously recommended Wednesday in Ottawa. Bank holding companies could own banks and other financial institutions and even get into businesses outside the financial sector, says a report by the banking, trade and commerce committee. Trust companies would also get new powers to expand into other kinds of businesses under the Senate blueprint. Consumers would be able to buy insurance in bank and trust company branches, but only through networking agreements with other insurance companies CP.


MAY 11, 12 and 13

Ladies' and Men's Leathers and Suedes priced to clear. All the hottest new colors and latest fashion styles.

This sale cannot be missed!

FRIDAY, MAY 11 Westward Village Inn, Portage la Prairie

2401 Saskatchewan Ave. West (parking lot), 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Cargill plant report under wraps

REGINA (CP) A report on the U.S. senators had written a letter to fidcntial information about the environmental impact of a nitrogen U.S. trade officials on behalf of company's market position or engifertilizer plant in southern Sas- American fertilizer companies lob- neering practices. But he said the government katchewan won't be made public, bying against Safcrco. The senaE n v i r o n m e n t M i n i s t e r G r a n t tors suggested the provincial should have given the public more $435-million government's 49 per cent share information about the Hodgins says. may amount to an unfair govern- plant at Belle Plaint 1 , west of ReThe 70-page report by Safcrco ment subsidy. gina. was reviewed by seven provincial "1 would concede some fault on The senators arc also congovernment departments which cerned the province may have ap- our part," he told reporters. "It assessed the environmental impact t proved the project without stiffi- would have been more valuable if of the'plant.'Sat'ereo'iff a joint'VOU " we had involved people from the cient environmental review. ture' between the government and , The ND1J demanded Hodgins beginning." Cargill th'al was formed to build the release the Safcrco environmental But Hodgins said no specific enplant. vironmental concerns have been study. The minister said making the brought to his attention and he's The report came to light after the New Democrats learned eight report public could give away con- confident the plant will be safe.

SATURDAY, MAY 12 9 a.m. to midnight Trails West Motor Inn, Brandon 210-18th Street North (parking
Bus Depot parking lot, Dauphin, 404 Main North 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cash sales only No cheques or charge All sales final



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MAY 21, 1990
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r T 'V v

Western premiers (2)

.,._._,_-_ wafc some move- deal is approved without ment 6ft the Meech Lake ae- change,, there is little or no at the western premiers chance that the now useless upper house could be re..... this week. However, if one used linear vamped. The sunset clause opens up measurement, that movement was no more than a the possibility that the other micrdmetre. In essence, a provinces would only need the |,hift demurred but it was not approval of either Ontario or selectable to the human eye. Quebec not both to bring In a communique issued as about Senate reform. However, equally import.the meeting wrapped Up in ant is that a change in the Pdrtage la Prairie, it was elear that Bill Vander Zalm df amending formula would British Columbia, Eton Getty open up the possibility that of Alberta and Grant be vine the territories could become tif Saskatchewan agree td dis- provinces since unanimous consent would no longer be agree with Gary Pilmdn. '*; Perhaps the mdst en- necessary. Manitoba Liberal Leader fcouraging sign in terms of improving the accord to bring Sharon Carstairs reacted Quebec intd the constitution is favorably to this proposal the possibility df intrdducing meaning that the idea would ia so-called sunset clause td .likely be accepted by NDP jieal with the cdntentious Leader Gary Doer as well. However, before anyone amending formula. "' The clause would re- gets overly excited, one must cognize t h e u n a n i m i t y remember the other signaj^rdyisidns included in the ac- tories of the original accord must agree to the change. c'drd. Even if they do, it deals .However, after a peridd of ; irtie if an issue such as Senate with only one of this proveform hasn't been resolved, ince's major concerns. And the remaining probipproVal cdUld be Reached Jinder the fdrmer constitu- lems, such as expanding the tional guidelines where con- so-called distinct society gent of seven provinces that clause and including women include. 50 per cent of the and visible minorities in the accord are the most contenpopulation is needed. tious. J This amendment would adIn short, while some prodress two of Manitoba's congress was reached this week erns. it is unlikely that the move One is the aforementioned ment will improve the slim jSenate reform. possibility that Manitoba will approve the accord by June | Manitoba's task force reSport on, the accord said if the 23.


Dicfure u2zy |
WASHINGTON Cable telejvision pictures are becoming fuzz* across the land and Americans afi saying it's up to Cohgfess to fix the problem. i Fed up with exorbitant fatfe hikes and reception that often looks



MPIC contributes to driver-ed

The story Donations keep student driving course on the road (Sun, April 14) emphasized the generosity of Brandon area car dealers in supporting the high school Driver Education program. What was not mentioned, however, is that the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation's financial and administrative backing of the program is the reason the program exists. Automobile dealers who permit use of their vehicles are a vital part of the driver education program. We recognize those who participate are generating considerable public goodwill within their communities and are making a significant contribution to safer streets and roads. MPIC strongly encourages their participation by paying for all operating costs associated with the use of a vehicle for the program, repairing and refurbishing the automobile to its pre-driver education condition, abiding by dealers' mileage restrictions and covering the cost of dealers' interest payments for the period of the vehicle's use. Over the past school year alone, the corporation invested approximately $1.4 million to make driver education courses available to most Manitoba high schools. Enrolment fees, at just $50 for students, are among the lowest in Canada, with the remainder of the approximately ' $190 per-student cost of proving the program subsidized by MPIC. Students receive a top-notch curriculum which includes both classroom and in-vehicle training from qualified instructors. This investment pays dividends annually, with about 8,000 to 8,500 students graduating from the program each year. Driver education is an established program which is just part of the corporation's lexicon of traffic safety efforts aimed at young people. For example, each spring, thousands of elementary school children learn safe riding through MPICs bicycle safety course. The Corporation also supports programs like Safe Grad and Teens Against Drinking and Driving across the province. By encouraging traffic safety awareness in young riders and drivers, MPIC helps keep insurance costs down and ultimately, hopes to reduce vehicle accidents and associated injuries and fatalities.
BRIAN GEARY MPIC Communication Office Winnipeg

Seeking justice in South Africa

On March 14, citizens of Dryden, Ont. had the priviledge of meeting a very humane and dedicated representative of the African National Congress, Rev. Michael Lapsley., In the short time Rev. rLapsey was in Dryden, many of us felt Wetfebftg knbw him enough to realize he posed no threat to his fellow Africans. We are in a state of utter shock to hear that on his return to Zimbabwe a letter bomb, apparently from South Africa, exploded and blew off much of his hands and detn$ed his \jision. t ' Rev. Lapsley exercised his right to free, speech jn Canada. He has paid a great personal price. We implore the Canadian government to demand the South African government bring to trial the individuals responsible for these criminal acts.

Drugging deportees
, Do you have a problem for a matter of bureaucratic convenience. jvith a deportee? But what is most disturb Drug 'em. < , ing the cavaljpr^at^dej That's the {poHcy-'-of Can- that is; Ms McDougall %fs Hi*' ida's Department of Immi- played tdwards reveljration when confronted with ation. Instead of the deploring , iomeone who ddes ndt want td and suspending the policy, return td his dr her place df defended it. jprigin and is making a fuss sheWhether Ms McDougall beibdut it. lieves the practice is proper The revelatidn, revealed or not, the immigration deImmigration Minister partment must change its arbara McDdugall, is fright- "policy" as soon as possible fcning dn twd cdunts. and pressure should be exFirst, Canada is suppdsed erted on the federal governJo be a cduntry that protects ment to bring abdut that iuman rights. However, the change. This is Canada, not Sduth Hghts of a persdn that is being deported can be suspended Africa.
3r . At^'MAt *fii ** Sw t,-, .,

:,. 4 ,, ;

Nation's grassland under siege

It is very encouraging to see that Canadians are becoming more environmentally conscious and want to save important habitats. The success of the World Wildlife Fund's "buy an acre of rainforest" campaign is a good illustration, At the same time, however, many of us are oblivious to the fact that habitats just as precious are being lost right here in Canada, like the mixed-grass prairie in Saskatchewan. This unique ecosystem is home to thousands of plants and animals, some of which arc found nowhere else in the world. Sadly, little of the mixed-grass prairie is left today and it has become one of the most endangered habitats in Canada. Even in Grasslands National Park, only a small core area of the park is currently protected. But we can do something to protect more of this prairie donate to the Grassland Trust Fund. Contributions will be used to buy the large portion of the park that is presently leased or under private ownership. Donations will be matched by the federal government a sure way to get the government acting on an environmental issue rather than just talking about it. Anyone interested in saving a bit of Canada should send their contributions to the Grasslands Trust Fund, % Canadian Nature Federation, 453 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ont. KIN 6Z4 or call 1800-267-4088. We should not forget our natural heritage. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to buy Canadian.

Area water supply threatened

Serving Western Manitoba Since 1882,
Published daily except holidays by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited, 501 Rosser Ave., Brandon, Man. Member of the Canadian Press, Audit Bureau o( Circulations, The Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Association, Second Class Registration No. 0304. Subscription Rates: Home Delivery seven days a week, $4.20 bi-weekly; Mail $220:&0 annually. Member: Manitoba Press Council. Unresolved complaints over content may be referred in writing to: P.O. Box 171, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 2G9. Main Switchboard 737-2451 Circulation 727-0527 Out-Of-Town Toll Free 1 -727-5111 Fax 725-0976


Editorial Page Editor

Managing Editor
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1990

News Editor
109TH YEAR NO. 110

The Saturday, May 5 edition of the Brandon Sun included an item with the headline Thirsty Americans Eyeing Canada's Water Supply. Prof. Tim Ball, University of Winnipeg, spoke at an environmental conference and referred to two of the intercontinental water diversion plans NAWAPA and the Grand Canal project. Maps of these plans are included in Bourassa's book Power From The North. Manitobans may soon realize that a short, albeit expensive, canal could connect the RaffertyAlameda system with a western

water diversion scheme designed to divert the Saskatchewan rivers south to the U.S. If money is supplied by Americans to build this canal, they will expect the use of this water and may not wish to pay any user fees to Canada or its provinces. According to a recent Winnipeg Free Press editorial the

new environment legislation may loosen federal control over certain large projects. Prof. Ball has rightly stated that Canadians should be wary. Let's hope that Manitobans can make their voices heard on the issue of water management.

LETTERS POLICY: The Sun welcomes the views of readers in the letters column. All letters should be signed (no nom de plumes will be used) and addresses and telephone numbers should be included to verify the authenticity of the writer. Letters will be edited for length, libel and good taste and should involve a subject of general interest.



Premiers' cries may fall on deaf ears

WINNIPEG Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear me? If toy manufacturers grow tired of making Barbie or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and start producing a Western Premier doll, that's the sound you'll hear if you squeeze one. The premiers from Canada's western provinces, otherwise known as the "forgotten four", wrapped up a three day meeting in Portage la Prairie this week bleating their regular demand for fairness from Ottawa. They've said the same thing so many times you'd think they could stop holding the meetings and just re-issue the same statements. Maybe that's not all that fair. The premiers did issue communiques on a host of topics including highways, ports, telecommunications, co-operation, sustainable development and other important issues. However, their main thrust was to blast Ottawa for the way it is running the federal economy. With a huge media contingent most of course from the CBC looking on, the premiers took turns adding their comments about how federal fiscal polices are putting Canada's economy into a tailspin. In a communique Saskatchewan Premier Grant Devine called the most critical to come out of a premiers' meeting in years, the group said they are alarmed at "the persistent and dangerous reliance by Finance Minister Michael Wilson and bank of Canada Governor John Crow on a high interest rate policy." They said mismanagement of federal spending is a leading cause of high interest rates and Western Canada is especially susceptible to harm from such a policy. D.evine seemed the most hot under the collar over federal policies, saying the high rates will force people to leave not only Manitoba and Saskatchewan, but Canada as well. He says the policy is designed to slow inflation in two small islands of the country, namely Toronto and Vancouver, but the real solution, he says is simple. "High prices have in them their own solution. People stop buying the real estate. If you're paying $1 million for a $100,000 house, even in downtown Toronto they're going to figure out even'ually it's not a good idea," he ys. Devine also says if the federal cabinet has a strategy and can prove the high interest rate policy is working, they shouldn't hide it, but share it with everybody, because he, for one, is not convinced. Compared with Devine, Premier Gary Filmon was silent on the issue, but he's said it many times before. He says if Ottawa's plan is to cool inflation in these two small areas, they should be left alone to choke themselves on high prices and not make the entire country suffer. The premiers also complained about Ottawa's lack of attention towards the growing farm crisis. They say the federal government cannot continue to shift its financial burden onto the provinces and then expect the provinces to take on the additional hardship of sharing 50-50 on a farm support plan. Filmon says the main issue is prices, and that is also something for which Ottawa must accept responsibility. "This is an international battle . . . which little old Manitoba and little old Saskatchewan cannot fight on their own." He says agriculture is an entire industry and way of life in Western Canada and requires the same attention Ottawa lavishes on the east coast fisheries. The premiers also took the opportunity to discuss the Meech Lake accord and the outcome was both disappointing and surprising. Disappointing because nothing substantially new came out of the

discussion, but surprising because Devine said even if they did have a solution to the impasse they wouldn't talk about it. He says any decisions or conclusions must involve the principles first, because to tell the media about it means others wouldn't have a chance to consider the options before making a comment. Some took that to mean the premiers had come up with a way out of the mess and were just being coy, but Devine was probably just blowing smoke. Besides, Filmon said they still disagreed on some points, but had at least targeted the areas which still require discussion. The premiers may well wonder if anyone in Ottawa listens to or cares about what they have to say, but with the firmness they said it this time and with the attention it received, they may not be the forgotten four for much longer.
Roger Matas is the legislative reporter for CJOB Winnipeg.

like a Canadian snowstorm, cable TV subscribers are demanding thai lawmakers lasso the industry which Congress deregulated jusi three years ago. "Judging by the furious debate on Capitol Hill, the rights and privi leges of American ,couch potatoes rank right up there with social se curity and health care," says U.S News and World Report. When Congress accepted th , cable industry's argument thatj free competition in the markeU place would keep service high ana rates low, it seemed to forget thafj most cable franchises are govern-* ment-granted monopolies. Theyused to function under rules like, those of the Canadian Radio-tele^ vision and > Telecommunication^ Commission; rate increases werej granted with an eye on cable TVcosts and performance. | But unshackled from govenii ment interference, American cablet operators were suddenly free to charge anything the market would] bear, with little regard to the level of service. 1 A study by the General Ac^ counting Office, a research arm ofCongress, found that rates for basio cable service shot up an average of] 29 per cent from December, 1986 to; October, 1988. Another surveyj found that cable TV rates in Boston skyrocketed by an astronomical! 698 per cent over three years. J Congress has also heard a con* tinual flood of complaints about* shoddy service, service inters ruplions and fuzzy reception. Wherv cable companies responded to cus-| tomers' grievances, often after un-J reasonably long delays, repaip costs sometimes went through the* ceiling, subscribers told Congress.! It was reported that onej .franchise offered basic service at aj rock-bottom price of $9.95 a month,! but-later 'charged' $100 td in'stall ai scrambler box needed to view the. channels. , "We are seeing the classic ex-J traction of monopoly profits," saysCongressman Jim Cooper, a Tent nessce Democrat, who is leading! the charge against the cable com-! panics. ; For Congress, the complaints have come in loud and clear. It is considering a bill that would rcregulate rates and encourage com-J petition, which may be just the be-J ginning of a move to partially re-j regulate some industries that were* freed from government-imposed! rules, beginning with president Jimmy Carter's administration inj the late 1970s. Deregulation flowered unden president Ronald Reagan's cam-} paign to restore unfettered capi-< talism, but the rush in the 1980s tew reduce the government's role irf everyday business transactions has had some unintended consequences. Howard Beales, a business professor at George Washington University, says deregulation has had mixed results. Airline deregulation, for instance, has fostered competition and led to an average 20-per-cent cut in fares. But airlines have become a victim of their own success, he said. Without regulations over routes, small towns have lost service, fares on less-travelled routes have soared out of control while the competition to get in on the lucrative travel trade between major centres has led to overcrowded airports, long delays and pressures on air traffic controllers, Beales said. Sometimes deregulation can lead to disaster. A commission that investigated the Exxon Valdez oil spill concluded that the conditions for the spill were created by the collapse of the oil tanker regulatory system in the 1980s. A financial disaster hit the American taxpayer as a direct result of deregulation of the savings and loan industry. After Reagan slashed the number of regulators who screened the types of loans the firms could make, Congress gave in to industry demand to expand the types of investments that savings and loan companies could make. Some managers began to pour billions into junk bonds and speculative real estate investments. It was a no-risk proposition. A savings and loan manager saw the chance of making millions if a risky loan paid off, but if it turned sour, Uncle Sam would pick up the bill. As pundit George Will said, "We seem to have privatized the profits but socialized the losses." But in the rush to dabble in highly speculative investments, the losses have far outstripped the gains. The latest estimate for bailing the savings and loan industry out of its mass of debt stands at a stunning $500 billion, or about $5,500 for every family in America. Unlike the quick backlash against the cable industry, the scope of the savings and loan bailout is just beginning to sink in, some critics say.
Thomson Ne\ys Service

, May 16,


War of ports battle rages in East Beirut

Churchill's family told to kill'Huns' LONDON (fteuter)
Winston Churchill instructed his Wife and daUghterin-law to kifl at least one German each if the Nazis invaded Britain during the Second World War, and to use a carving knife if necess^ ary, his grandson said Wednesday, "If the Huns come, I am relying on each of you to take at least one German with you," Conservative Mi* Winston Churchill quoted his grand^ father as having said in 1940. At a dinner marking the 50th anniversary of his grand* father's appointment as Wartime prime minister, Churchill said his mother told him of the remark, made after the fall of France when Hitler was gathering his forces for the invasion of Britain that never came. Churchill said his mother protested that she did not have a gun or know how to use one. "You can use a carving knife," was Churchill's reply. BEifiuf (dP) Fires raged through East Beirut forests and homes Wednesday after fierce fighting that started When Gett. Michel Aoun declared a blockade of his Christian rival's ports. "It's the war of ports," said a police spokesman. "They are shelling each other's sea outlets. The whole (Christian) enclave is on fire. It is a war of destruction." Fighting flared after Aoun declared a naval blockade of coastal waters and ports held by fellowChristian Samir Geagea, leader of the Lebanese Forces militia. Police said 20 people were killed and 41 Wounded in the third day of renewed fighting for control of the Christian enclave. "Whatever the cost, let them (Aoun and Geagea) have their showdown and give us some relief," said one resident of the East. "The area is already devastated and more destruction won't make any difference." The casualties from the latest round of fighting raised the overall toll to 972 killed and 2,564 Wounded since Geagea and Aoun began their battle for control of the 800-squarekilometre Christian enclave on Jan. 30. A statement from Aoun's forces said the blockade was aimed at preventing the Lebanese Forces militia from "smuggling arms and ammunition and forbidden goods."

Bisexual colonel faces charges for gay activities

All quiet on reserve

Trooper Albert Spence of Clifton Park mans his checkpoint on St. Regis Wednesday near the Mohawk Bingo Palace, scene of a com-

AP wirephoto

munity meeting. Neighborhood dogs nap nearby. Violence erupted hefe recently as pro- and anti-gambling forces clashed.

Infant mauled to death by family's husky

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) A fiveday-old infant who was mauled by the family's Siberian husky has died from his injuries. Gage Rache, the son of Kelli and William Rache, died of fractures to the base and vault of his skull and deep cuts in his brain, according to a medical examiner's report. The infant died Sunday at Harborview Medical Centre in Seattle. The baby was sleeping in a crib at his grandparents' home when the dog grabbed him by the head and tried to pull him to the floor, said Det. Ed Sorger of the Lacey, Wash, police department. He suffered severe head injuries and bites before his grandmother found him. The dog was destroyed by the child's grandfather. "We don't view it as an attack, really," Sorger said. "Animals are unpredictable."

Violent protests erupt in Seoul

SEOUL (AP) Tens of thousands of students and radicals battled riot police in more than a dozen South Korean cities Wednesday demanding the ouster of President Roh Tae-woo. Police arrested more than 900 people. In downtown Seoul, students hurled rocks and firebombs in the most violent antigovernment protests in the capital since 1987. Dozens of police and protesters were injured. Protesters set fire to a U.S. cultural centre, firebqmbed a police bus, truck and jeep, occupied the front of a luxury hotel and took control of a fashionable downtown shopping area for more than three hours. Violence erupted as the newly created Democratic Liberal party held its inaugural convention.

(AP) A U.S. army C6WWeI wfio dressed as a drag qtreefi td p*6ff6flfi at a gay bat has b'en charged with cofldtfct tmbec'ofning an Officer. . Three Othef officers face sifnflaf charges for homosexual adtivities. A -i Col. EdWard Modesto, 42, an oral surgeon at Fort Cafs6fi, was accused of engaging in homosexual acts and indecent exposure for dressing in a wig and women's clothes and exposing himself $ customers at a laundromat. A hearing will be held May 31 to determine if Modesto should be court martialled, said Fort Carson spokesman Mike Howard. ' Modesto, a bisexual, denied the indecency charges Tuesday. "t think they're trying to make an example of me and t don't know why. I know that I'm an excellent oral surgeon. , "My military career is excellent," Modesto said. -' Court documents filed last month show Modesto performed as Carmen at benefit shows at th6 Hide N' Seek Club in Colorado Springs, Where he dressed in wigs and sequined gowns and lip-synched Bette Midler songs. But Modesto said he performed as part of a benefit for AIDS patients and he felt it Was not un; becoming behavior.


NATO agrees to dump land-based missiles

KANANASKIS, Alta. (CP) NATO defence ministers agreed Wednesday to shift away from land-based nuclear arms in Europe but said nuclear weapons are still needed to deter an attack on western democracies. The ministers are meeting amid tight security in this picturesque resort nestled at the foot of Mount Allan. The meeting of NATO's Nuclear Planning Group, which oversees the western alliance's nuclear arsenal and strategy, is one of a series of discussions designed to adapt strategy to the changes sweeping Europe. Defence Minister Bill McKnight was upbeat, saying everyone endorsed the recent U.S. decision not to modernize short-range, landbased nuclear missiles and artillery on the Continent. No decision has been made on whether the weapons will be withdrawn unilaterally or through negotiations with the Soviet Union, McKnight said. The Soviet Union has an estimated 10 times as many shortrange nuclear weapons as NATO but has offered to negotiate the elimination of such systems on the Continent. McKnight said all delegations spoke at length during the Wednesday morning session about their views of the dramatic changes in East-West relations. "There has been a very strong view expressed, almost unanimously, that NATO has changed in the past as world events have come about, and NATO will continue to change." But the 270 delegates here sidestepped questions on NATO's plans to shift its nuclear arsenal to miss-



U.S. declares war on federal deficit

WASHINGTON (Reuter) President George Bush and congressional leaders pledged Wednesday to take "severe action" against the U.S. federal budget deficit conceivably including higher taxes. An hour-long meeting at the Oval Office ended in a plan for a bipartisan group, with Bush as chairman, to seek a multi-year budget package. In a concession to the Democrats who control both houses of Congress, Bush agreed that all budget items will be on the table widely interpreted as a retreat from his "read my lips, no new taxes" refrain of the 1988 election campaign. Estimates of the budget overrun for the 1991 fiscal year range up to $164 billion $100 billion above the level at which automatic spending cuts would be imposed.


McKNIGHT: Upbeat iles launched from aircraft. The weapons would be fired over the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe into the Soviet Union. A senior West German officer, who spoke on condition he not be identified, said no decision will be made here on where the new weapons will be based or how many will be deployed. The shift means NATO will have fewer nuclear weapons, but those deployed will be more effective. Because they will be designed to explode on targets in the Soviet Union, they won't threaten western European populations, making them more acceptable politically, especially to the West Germans. Peace groups in countries such as Britain and West Germany have vowed to fight deployment of the new weapons.

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BRANDO^ SUN, Thursday, May 10,199'6

Life Membership Certificate. He was also a director of the Advisory Board of the Manitoba Agricultural Societies for 16 years and chairman of the Manitoba Dairy and Poultry Co-op of ftapid City aftd district for 20 years. He was a member and past master of Corinthian Masonic Lodge now affiliated with the Prince of Whales Lodge No. 14. Funeral service Was held Monday, May 7 at 2 p.m. ff offi the Rapid City United Church With Rev. ElWoOd Pawcett officiating. Interment followed in the Rapid City cemetery. Pallbearers were nephews: Bill BLACK: Alfred Amos Black, eldest Hales, Gafy Cranswick, Doug son of the late Joseph and Ellen Bayes, Murray Hennessey, Ken (Nellie) Black entered into rest Vigor and Irwih Madill. If friends Tuesday, May 1, 1990 at the Min- so desire, memorial donations may nedsoa District Hospital. Alfred be made to charity of choice. SandWas born in the Rouhthwaite dis- erson Funeral Home of Minhedosa trict On Aug. 17, 1906. He received is in care of arrangements. his education at Rouhthwaite and Carroll schools. He moved to the CALKIN: The death of Elizabeth Tfemaihe district in 1937 and on (Bess) Calkin of Brandon occurred Nov. 4, 1944, he married Ethel Ed- at the Brandon General Hospital on Wards of Moofe Park. They farmed Monday, April 30,1990. Mrs. Calkin in the district until 1981 when they was predeceased by her parents moved to Rapid City, Man. They James and Mary Good and by her spent the last 16 winters in south husband Gordon Calkih in 1982. She Texas as "Winter Texans." is survived by son Jim; daughter Besides his beloved wife Ethel, Dianne Laluk; grandchildren RayAlfred is survived by daughter mond, Jeff, Tracy, Ryan and Jean and husband Clair Pentico Justin; brother George Good; and and two grandsons Alfred and cousins Betty McDonald and Jack Dean Pentico of Justin, Tex. Also Thompson. Memorial service was surviving are sisters, Elsie Dugard held at the Brockie-Donovan of Winnipeg, Ruby Tompkihs of Chapel on Wednesday, May 2,1990, Surrey, B.C., Charlotte Hennessey with Rev. Lloyd Levering officiatof Havelock, Ont.; one brother, ing. Interment of the cremated reH a r o l d a n d W i f e L i l a o f mains was in the Veterans Section Peterborough, Ont., one sister-in- of the Brandon cemetery. Honorlaw, Lona Black of Carberry, ary pallbearers were Mr. and Mrs. Man.; as well as many nieces and Harold Wainwright, Mr. and Mrs. nephews. He was predeceased by Joe Dorrell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack one sister, Eva Cranswick and one Smith. Flowers are gratefully debrother Cecil Black. Alf was a clined, donations may be made to member of the Rapid City Pool the Canadian Cancer Society, 42 Elevator for 20 years, 18 years of McTavish Avenue East, Brandon. which he was president. He received a plaque in 1970 for 20 years M I T C H E L L ; I s a b e l l a J a n e as director and chairman. He was a Mitchell (McQuarrie) passed away leader of the Rapid City 4-H Swine peacefully on May 7, 1990 at the Club for eight years. For many Assiniboine Centre. Isabella was years he was director and presi- born Sept. 5, 1897 in the Ingelow dent of the Rapid City Agricultural district. She was the second youngSociety, from which he received a est child of Thomas and Elizabeth McQuarrie. She married Frederick Mitchell on Nov. 16, 1921 in Brandon. Later they moved to Douglas where they raised their four sons. Isabella worked at Madder's Store in Douglas for six years, moving to Brandon in 1951. She worked for New System Store and Twin Pines Motel for several years retiring in 1968. She was one of the first residents of Princess Park Apartments where she resided until her passing. She enjoyed playing carpet bowl and cribbage as long as her health permitted. She was predeceased by her father in 1946, brother Cecil in 1951, her mother in 1959, husband Fred in 1975, son Ernest in 1982, brother Milton in 1987, sister Susan in 1988 and son Lyle in April, 1990. She leaves to mourn her passing sons Bill (Norma) and Roy (Kathy); and her sister Pearl Becker, all of Brandon. Also surviving are eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren and several nieces and" nephews. The funeral service was held on Wednesday, May 9, 1990 at the Brockie-Donovan Chapel, with Rev. Dorrie Archibald officiating. Interment followed at Brandon cemetery. Pallbearers were Roger Plowman, Wayne and Craig i m ftfesday. 8, im at Bfafidol, Man., Wesley Glefi Biliihfttfni aje 63 years of Mc'Creafy, Mafi. Fonefal Service Will be held Friday, May il, 10W at 2 p.m. at Knofc United Church, McCfeafy. Rev. Sarah Reabufri Will be officiating. Interment will be at McCfeafy cemetery. If ffiends so desire, memofial donations friay be made to the Canadian Cancer Society of to a chafity of one's Choice. Neill Funefal Home of McCfeafy is in cafe of affangemehts.

Senate to study UI bill

OTfAWA (CP) - The Liberaldominated Settate will have ahothef go at the government's ufiettlpldyment insurance bill after the latest version was passed Wednesday by the Commons. Judging from the position of Liberal Senator Jacques Hebert, who crusaded against Bill C-21, the legislator! is in for another rough ride. ' "The Senate must go with this all the way," Hebert said in an interview. "We insisted on our amendments and if we were serious about them at the time, we should continue to insist oh them now." Bill 0*21 was passed in the Commons With amendments despite opposition attempts to kill it. Liberals sided with New Democrats to approve an NDP motion to withdraw the bill, but the motion Was rejected by the Conservative majority. The government has accepted a few Senate amendments but has rejected others that would change the thrust of the bill. Under the bill, changes to fishermen's benefits will be debated in the House of Commons rather than being vetoed by cabinet. "It's better than nothing," conceded Hebert, "but it's not a small concession because there is increased protection in the bill for fishermen who will not be at the whim of politicians." The government has also accepted an amendment that would ease penalties for workers who quit their jobs without just cause.

Seeker, BHfce McLean, Johft ffte*ton aftd Tflffi Wells.

Tb a beautiful /Sis CUM a si/afdten end, \, Sh6 tffesl as i'te lived, eVe^otte^ friend. * of 140 Sixteenth Street, passed away at the Bfahdofi General Hospital on Tues'day, May 8, IflSO. Boffi at Pafkhill, Ont. on Mafch 24, 1896, she moved with her patents to Bfanddn at ah eafly age. The family faffhed south of Bfandott. She latef married Roy Sweeney in Wawahesa. M.fs. Sweeney was pfedeceased by hef husband Roy, a bfothef Gofdon, a sister Annie and a granddaughter Valerie. She is survived by hef son Gofdon and Wife Jean of Brandon. Thefe are ; several nieces and nephews. Following cremation a private grave-, ; side service will be held at a later date. Friends who wish may make a contribution in memory of Mrs. Sweeney to the Brandon General' Hospital Foundation for Special Equipment. Arrangements are with Brockie-Donovan. STEVENSON: On April 26, 1990,' George Wilfred Stevenson of 4141251 Twentieth Street, Brandon, beloved husband of Catherine G. (Rene) Stevenson, passed away peacefully at the Assiniboine Centre at the age of 81 years. Besides his wife Rene, he is survived by: his sons, David and i wife Sharon of Petawawa, Ont. t Hugh and wife Mary Ann of Tobermory, Ont.; daughters, Pat and husband Rick Johnson of Stonewall, Man. and Lori and John; Molnar of Winnipeg; and eight; grandchildren, Derek, Nicole, Tara, Greg, Sean, Sara, Andrew and Gina. Wilf also leaves his' brothers, Craig in Cloverdale, B.C., David in Penticton, B.C. and Raymond in Toronto, Ont.; a sister, Ruth ProcknoW in Monte Creek, B.C.; and a daughter Ruth Pettingale by a previous marriage. He was predeceased by his parents, George and Dolena Stevenson and by one brother Gordon. Born on' May3,1908, near Woodnorth, Man., on the family farm and educated in the Elm Valley school district, Wilf entered an engineering short course at the Manitoba Agricultural College in 1928. Economic conditions at the time meant that he could not complete his education and he eventually became the manager of a Safeway store in Winnipeg in 1930. After various employment situations he became a sales representative with International Harvester in Brandon. He m a r r i e d C a t h e r i n e Gertrude Blackwood of Basswood, Man., on Sept. 19, 1943 and they lived in Brandon, North Battlcford, Marsden and Radisson, Sask. He moved with his wife and two sons David and Hugh to Newdale, Man. in 1949 to assume ownership of the IHC service station. Health reasons caused him to move to Erickson, Man. in 1957, where he became the bookkeeper of the Erickson Co-op, returning to Newdale in 1959 as secretary-treasurer for the RM of Harrison. He served faithfully until 1974 when he retired in Newdale and moved to Brandon in 1984. Wilf's extensive knowledge of bookkeeping was entirely self-taught. He always felt it was his duty to be active in the Newdale community, canvassing for the Red Cross, enumerating for the census, serving as MC at the various Christmas concerts and as treasurer for the United Church of which he was a faithful member. He was always involved in municipal affairs. Though not one for a lot of close friends, Wilf was highly respected by all who knew him. His life was one of discipline, self-reliance, faithfulness to his convictions and service to his community. He will be missed by his family. Funeral service was held at the Rosewood Memorial Chapel, Brandon on Saturday, April 28, 1990, with Rev. Dr. Robert Rowlands officiating. Interment followed in Rosewood Memorial Gardens. Memorial donations may be made to the Prader Willi Syndrome Association, 620 Hunterston Crescent, Calgary, Alta. T2K 4N2.
Resf in Peace, Dad

Idvid cd felpette'el wffeWe? sfrl mfil "-

Alv/m stuffing, ato<ays es/ftefflf,-

_/ Mary Ifefie Sweeney;

Police officers have their hands full as they place a pit bull terrier into a van after a cat was mauled to death in Calgary yesterday, The incident involved two pit bulls and has prompted calls for tougher animal controls.

Pit bull nabbed

CP wifephoto

Police seize drugs on Mohawk reserve

CORNWALL, Ont. (CP) Police carried out a drug raid on the C a n a d i a n side of the Akwesasne Mohawk reserve this morning and CBC Radio reported 12 people were arrested and $1million worth of cocaine was seized along with several automatic weapons. Provincial police would say only that a joint "drug initiative" with the RCMP was completed successfully. The reserve, which straddles the Canada-U.S. border, has been the scene of violent clashes between pro- and anti-gambling factions in recent weeks. Two people were killed before Canadian and U.S. police moved on to the reserve to restore order.

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BRANDON SUM, thursday, May 10,1990


Discussion of billboard plan continues

'ft from
times it's Mi quite so Cdmfoftabie and easy to move by other ffibdes of transportation arpufid here." Opposition MLA Left Evans (Brandon East) welcomed the hews, saying motorists and truckers would be glad construction was pending. "1 had hoped that progress would have been much quicker on that access route than it has been. It's been over five years." the New Democratic Party started in 1985 to acquire the land for the right-of-way. Evans said he knew the process took tiffig; requiring extensive 'What we're seeing now i another step in planning and design, as well as 1 ttegbtiatiehS With landowners. progression And So f certainly applaud that. "What we're seeing now is another Brandon fast MLA step in a logical progression. And so I ceftaiftly applaud that." LEft IVANS the NBP fhembef couldn't resist poking a hole in the $18 million budgeted for southwestern Manithe highways construction eventual twinning of the highway to toba, however. budget, increased by about five per Virden; the $5 million pegged for the cent ovef last year, Calls for: Realigning and fixing up service Yellowhead Highway "soft of toads off the trans-Canada bestretches it a little farthef east and Spending more than $4 million to tween First and 18th. And efectifig a little further north of what you expand the tfans-Cahada ill west- an information centre and rest normally thifik of as the Westmah ern Manitoba, including gfadihg area on the route at Kifkella; area," he said. west of Oak Lake to prepare for Spending approximately $5 million pfi the Yeliowhead Highway to Brahdoh were eentinuing with from Portage la Prairie to the the mayor. the billboards, a concept Manitoba-Saskatchewan border, including a major road widening proposed by the Brandof! Econproject near Minnedosa. Also, omic Development Board aftd Supbuilding the first tourist and truck- ported by city council, Would greet ing rest St6p in the province at the conventions, display a city map intersection of highways 16 and 10; and feature upcoming events. City tourism co-ordinatbr dlenfi Making major improvements to provincial trunk highways 41 and Edmondsoft praised the tourist 83, as well as provincial roads 250, centres and rest stops. "It Will Cer256j 262, 359 ahd 623 for a total cost tainly be a boost to pur toUrisfii of $8.5 million. industry in this area," he said. Further highway conStruetioft Driedger said discussions about the construction of highway pull-off announcements were made yesterlanes for travellers to View com- day in Steinbach, Portage La munity billboards at ehtranceways Prairie, Dauphin and Thompson.

Legalized midwifery issue of choice for women, lobby group says

CONt'l) front Page 1 without being full of fear because dren delivered by midwiVes both in still investigating the April 12 it's currently illegal to have a mid- Ontario and in Brandon) said many stillbirth to see if charges will be wife deliver the baby," Hanson women would choose home births with a midwife attending citing laid.. said. Hanson said it's not the death of "Whether they legalize it or not the quality, continuity and per^ the infant in Winnipeg or the pros Women will continue to get mid- sonalized nature of such care. and cons of midwifery that are at wives but if the government "A doctor may spend the last 10 issue here but the right for women Would legalize it and recognize minutes of the delivery with you* to have the choice. midwifery as a profession, inci- whereas the midwife is there from "We are not advocating that all dents like what happened in Win- start to finish," Hanson said. babies be delivered by rnidwiVes, nipeg recently wouldn't happen," "Midwifery is natural since but that women be given the free- she added. women first started having babies dom to choose to have a home birth Hanson (who has had her chil- there have been other women helping them yet Canada persists as the only developed country that hasn't legalized midwifery," Hanson said. Hanson said the action committee's letter writing campaign asking health minister Don Orchard to legalize midwifery ahd have the cost covered by Manitoba Health is getting a lot of support from local women but they have heard nothing from government. "We want to know why the Manitoba government is dragging its feet on this," Hanson said. Hanson cites a 1988 report by the Manitoba Advisory Council on the Status of Women that recommended making midwifery legal. "The government supported the report then but nothing has been done in two years," Hanson said. "Quebec and Ontario are leaps and bounds ahead of us on midwifery and are close to making it legal. We hope the Manitoba government will follow their lead," Hanson said. Moon also hopes the government is listening. "There's certainly a crisis in health care and midwifery could be part of the solution, but whether the government has the long-term vision to implement that is another story," Moon said.

Wilson reassures American investors

NEW YORK (CP) Finance Minister Michael Wilson sought to ease investors' concerns about Canada's stability Wednesday by citing movement toward a resolution of the Meech Lake constitutional impasse. Addressing New York economists, Wilson said Canadians have always been able to find a consensus in difficult questions of nationhood and he's confident "they will come to that good sense" before the June 2.3 deadline for ratifying the constitutional accord. Guardedly, he held out hope a break in the deadlock might take off a bit of the pressure to maintain high interest rates. "There's speculation that there's some element of Meech Lake in interest rates, so (ratification) might provide some opportunity for easing," he said in response to questions. However, he stressed that domestic inflationary pressures are the main reason for the tight monetary policy and Ottawa "will not accommodate inflation by relaxing our defences against it." The New York Association of Business Economists had expected 50 people for a morning conference on the Canadian economy and lunch with Wilson, but more than 100 came. At least publicly, many of the Wall Street analysts seemed to share Wilson's optimism. "The two principal nightmares for any international investor in Canada from any political uncertainty are that it's going to lead to inflationary explosion or it's going to compromise the ability of the government of Canada to service its debt," said Ravi Bulchandani, senior economist with Goldman Sachs and Co. WILSON: Confident "To the extent that the Quebec situation does neither of those things, then it shouldn't be a matter of long-term concern," he said. Wilson said investors "are naturally concerned about political stability" but should recognize that the attempt to ratify Meech Lake and make Quebec a willing partner in the Constitution may be bearing fruit. "I think the movement is there," he said, citing an announcement by the western premiers this week that enough progress may be made to merit a conference with the other premiers and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Most of Wilson's speech was devoted to reciting Ottawa's record in restraining spending, fighting the deficit, reforming the tax system and selling off Crown corporations. He noted inflation was 5.3 per cent in March despite lower prices for imports caused by strong appreciation of the dollar. The yearto-year inflation rate rose above five per cent last June for the first time since 1984 and has stayed above that level. Last month, Canada's prime lending rate for the best corporate customers rose to 14.75 per cent. "We are firmly committed to the view that only by lowering inflation can we get interest rates down, keep them down and put the economy back on the path of sustainable expansion," he said.

Crop production influences consumer eating habits

CONT'D from Page 1

Lewis said at one time there was a trend towards white meat while the increase in red meat consumption has slowed because of widely-publicized reports of harmful effects traced to it. "I think it's slowed because of the preoccupation with the adverse

effects of red meat. I think the patterns of consumption have been clearly reflective of our quest for greater health." Lewis said consumers can eat only so much of a given product meaning demand can only go so high even if there is a rapid shift to What is believed to be healthier foods.

He added crop production and availability also influence the eating habits of consumers. If a large crop of one particular product comes in, Lewis said manufacturers will attempt to market the surplus in the most profitable manner possible. Lewis said this can be ac-

complished by the creation of new in today's market healthy products. "There's only so much of these things people can consume. The increases are going to be small but they're significant relative to what they used to be. "You can't eat yogurt all day. You can only eat so much."

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18th Street North Brandon, Man.


(204) 728*7043

Editor: Mike Jones

BftANBQN SUN, 1faddfc May 10, t

ruins sweep into Stanley Cup final

"this team is similar. We have , Md, JP) - Brian PfOpp, like'- Many Boston Bruins, good strong defence, gotrd goalhas been tti the Stanley Cup final tending and a good team overall. before. Slit we don't have so many guys out injured." r Like all his teammates, except foe goaltender Andy Moog, he has Propp, Who played in the final tteHMasted.champagne from the in 1980, 1985 and 1987 With the Fly97*ye&JM>ld silver bowl, has played 131 playoff games i fcpp^.f te&'^hee Went to the ersj without winning the cup most in sev,entn game of a filial with the the NHL. Philadelphia Flyers against EdPhiladelphia monton,'says this year may be his Boston in March.traded Pfopp to best chance ever. < "We had a good team ill Phil"It's like a breath of fresh air/' \yp'*said-the 31-year-old left said Propp, who set up Cam Neely wifigeft!"We5t&6kit to'the seventh for the game-winner as Boston degSmerbUt >!ithat year we had a lot of feated the Washington Capitals 3-2 injuries. ' / Wednesday night to sweep the t ";;' -i , , , . ; : . . ) : .

Wales Conference final. "Here 1 Bourque. "We played one game at The Capitals, missing offensive am going to the Stanley Cup While a time and that's how we will con- stars Kevin Hatcher and Dino CicPhilly didn't have a good year. tinue to play." carelii the entire series, were aside by Boston, scoring Moog won the Cup three times tossed "You never know when your with Edmonton, playing mostly only six goals in the four games. next chance will be." Neely had two goals and John backup to No. 1 goaltender Grant "1 know now, I'm not satisfied Carter the other for Boston, Which Fuhr. with the conference chamIn Boston, he has started 12 pionship," said Neely, the league's will play either Edmonton or Chicago in the final starting a week straight playoff games and con- playoff scoring leader with 12 goals Friday. Nick Kypreos and Dale ceded fewer than two goals a game. and 12 assists in 16 games. "I'm Hunter scored for Washington. The team is built on goal- glad I'm getting another chance at Boston made it to the final in tending, defence and discipline. the Stanley Cup." 1988, also losing to Edmonton, and After surviving a seven-game The Capitals, bigger and captain Raymond Bourque was scare from Hartford in the first slower, tried to hit the Bruins. They round, the Bruins have rolled to the left welts, cuts and a broken leg to there. "This year, there's no satisfac- final, Ousting Montreal in five defencematt Bob Beers, but had as tion in reaching the final," said games and sweeping Washington. little success throwing Boston off

its studied discipline as they did" it penetrating their airtight deleft!*?, "They're the best deleft club in the league and they id how to play with a lead," S'ffli Washington coach Terry Murray The Capitals led Game 1 ifi Bi,^ ton 3-2 after two periods, but IBB Bruins blew them away in the tnira with three goals in a 5-3 win. BoS'ten dominated the rest of the seriesVfj*
Beers was taken off on "a stretcher early in the second period when he collided with Washington's Tim Bergland. The two locked knees and Beers broke his right leg, just above the knee.

Stars' sale gets NHL approval

CHICAGO (CP) The Minnesota North Stars got new owners, San Francisco received an NHL franchise and the league may grow from 21 to 24 teams by 1992 in a deal approved Wednesday by the league's board of governors. As part of the agreement, Howard Baldwin and Morris Belzberg bought the North Stars from Gordon and George Gund for $31.5 million US. They also will relinquish to the Gunds the Minnesota franchise's share of the next three expansion franchise fees, expected to amount to about $7 million, and allow the Gunds to take one-half the players in the North Stars' system. The Gunds were given a San Francisco franchise for 1991-92 at a cost of $50 million the league's first expansion since four teams from the World Hockey Association were admitted in 1979. One of those WHA teams was the Hartford Whalers, which Baldwin helped found in 1972. In addition to the Gunds' franchise, the league may add up to two more teams for the 1992-93 season at a cost of $50 million each, said NHL president John Ziegler. Cities that have shown interest include Ottawa, Hamilton, Saskatoon, Milwaukee, Tampa, Denver, Seattle, San Diego and Houston. The Gunds, who have owned the North Stars since they merged their Cleveland Barons with the Minnesota team in 1978, will house their new club in the Cow Palace near San Francisco in 1991-92. They hope to move it into a new arena in San Jose the next season. Baldwin, who has been in the film and yogurt industries the last two years, and Belzberg, a retired rental car executive, agreed to terms with the Gunds last Wednesday but needed yes votes from 16 of the 21 governors. "To do everything to keep professional hockey in (Minnesota) was the No. 1 issue," Quebec Nordiques president Marcel Aubut said, "It was very important for all the governors , . , to make sure that the capital city in hockey in the U.S.A. was represented by good ownership." The deal also includes a unique player-transaction provision. Said Ziegler; "If you think it's been ' complicated so far, you ain't heard nothin' yet," In June 1991, before the expansion and entry drafts, the North Stars will protect 14 players and two goalies who had played at least 50 NHL games as of April 10, 1990. The Gunds will then select 14 players and two goalies from the unprotected list. Those can include three unsigned players. After that, the North Stars get to protect another player signed or unsigned. The Gunds will then select another player and the North Stars will protect another. That process will continue until the Gunds have chosen 30 players. The North Stars will get half of the 20 players the Gunds take off other clubs' rosters in the expansion draft. In the 1991 expansion draft, teams will be allowed to protect 16 players and two goalies. If teams are added in 1992, existing franchises will be able to protect 14 players and two goalies. The Gunds' team would have the second overall pick in the 1991 entry draft.

Ot g'HVifffc
. , ( . *

File photo

DAN HALLDORSON: Waiting for his chance on PGA Tour.

planning to play more events on regular PGA Tour

When I dialed the phone, I was expecting to hear some sordid horror story of illness, injury or shattered nerves. But Dan Halldorson was sounding relaxed, confident and far from being distraught over his plight this season in the world of professional golf. In fact, he preferred to talk hockey, Halldorson, contacted at his home Wednesday evening in Cambridge, 111., had just returned from an overnight excursion to the Windy City. He had played a charity golf tournament and attended the NHL playoff game at Chicago Stadium between the Edmonton Oilers and the Blackhawks. "That was a crummy call on (Jocelyn) Lemieux," Halldorson lamented. "I was sitting right there and the ref should never have called that a major. It took them right out of the game." And while the boarding major handed Lemieux midway through the third period had*the former Brandonite in a huff, his precarious status on the PGA golf tour doesn't seem to bother him at all. H a l l d o r s o n , w h o s e distinguished career includes two PGA Tour victories, two World Cup championships and several Canadian and satellite tourney triumphs, has been able to play in only four PGA events so far this season after losing his all-exempt status last year. He missed the cut in his first two events in January, then earned a total of $3,315 for mediocre performances in two April tournaments. Halldorson stands 222nd on the money list, nearly $630,000 behind leader Mark Calcavecchia. But he plans to make up some ground soon, because Halldorson is ready to rejoin the Tour on regular basis beginning two weeks from today in Atlanta. His season, he says, has yet to begin. L "I should be able to get into most every one I want now," said Halldorson, 38. "Guys are scattered all over the place during the summer and there axe plenty of openings (on Tour), so I plan to play lots." Halldorson, who has been plagued by illness and injury for several seasons, bit bottom last year when he failed to make the Top 125 money winners and earn automatic exemption into 1990 Tour events. He is still able to " &y, but some 180 players head tournament field is generally limited to 144 golfers. So he has played when he could get in, spending the rest of his tim^ trying to keep his game in shape on the new Ben Hogan Tour, He earned four cheques, totalling $2,160, in five starts on the mini-circuit which tours the southern states. "You can't earn much money out there, but it helps keep the rust off," said Halldorson. "I haven't been too concerned with scoring because I've been working on different things, trying to get them right. "I'll be practising a lot then next couple of weeks and then I'll be out there trying to play." Halldorson, who was in Singapore recently representing Canada in a fruitless Dunhill Cup qualifying bid, plans to play in his first-ever British Open this summer as well. And because the dates conflict, that means he will miss the Manitoba Open in Winnipeg for the second straight year. He is a fivetime champion in his home province. "I decided to go to Britain because it's being played at St. Andrews," he said. "I played there in the Dunhill (Cup) before and did well. I like the course." Halldorson says that despite his dismal record this season (only five sub-70 rounds in 27 tournament rounds), his health is good and his game is coming around. "I feel good, no problems at all with my back. I'm struggling a bit with my irons but I can work that out. "It's coming around." Don't think that because Halldorson has been unable to generate any big paycheques this season that he's been standing in the soup tine between tournaments.

CP wirephoto


I AM A RAMBLING MAN: Kamloops goalie Corey Hirsch scrambles out from behind the

net as Laval forechecker Sylvain Naud follows the flight of the puck.

WHL champs ousted from Memorial Cup

Blazers walk the plank

HAMILTON (CP) The Kamloops Blazers' drive to the Memorial Cup has reached a dead end, The Blazers,-ranked No, 1 in Canada before the annual major junior hockey tournament began last weekend,-never got out of neutral. Quebec's Laval Titans scored twice late in the second period and added two more in the third to upset the Western Hockey League champions 4-2 Wednesday night. Patrick Caron scored the winner six minutes into the third, and Denis Chalifoux added an emptynetter to give the Titans their first win in three games. Kitchener and Oshawa clash tonight in a rematch of the Ontario Hockey League final; the winner gets a bye to Sunday's final while the loser meets Laval to determine the other finalist. The Blazers got an early return trip to British Columbia. Kamloops had been expected to be around for the final, but couldn't bounce back from overtime losses to Kitchener and Oshawa in their first two roundrobin games. Len Barrie, an 85-goal scorer during the regular season, was unable to shake off a bout with flu. Phil Huber and Mike Needham, 50-plus snipers, also

They had no energy in the second and third period. The guys who were hurt were really lethargic,'

KEN HITCHCOCK Kamloops coach

played hurt and the result was a usually explosive club playing with little spark. "They had no energy in the second and third period," said coach Ken Hitchcock. "The guys who were hurt were really lethargic." The Titans dropped a 5-3 decision Tuesday to Kitchener but appeared to benefit from playing on consecutive nights. "Because of our schedule (in the Quebec playoffs), we didn't have too much action and we lost some momentum," said Laval coach Pierre Creamer, whose team needed only eight games to oust Hull and Victoriaville in its last two series. The two-time Quebec champs regained their physical style Wednesday and their high-scoring trio of Chalifoux, Claude Boivin and Martin Lapointe scored three of the four goals. Laval took advantage of a five-

on-three power play to erase a 1-0 deficit with two goals in the final minute of the second period,! Boivin converted a cross-ice pass; from Patrice Brisebois at 19:49 and Lapointe tipped home: Chalifoux's feed five seconds later. Paul Kruse slapped a rebound over fallen Laval goalie Eric; Raymond five minutes into the third to tie the game. But Caron scored the winner 59 seconds later with a 20-foot shot after Boivin was knocked down by a Kamloops defender and took out goaltender Corey Hirsch. Chalifoux deposited the puck into an empty net with seven seconds left, with Blazer left winger David Chyzowski off for high sticking. ; "With my line, our job is to score," said Chalifoux, "If we play a good game, our team-; mates will follow us." Raymond, who also allowed a power-play goal to Trevor Sim in the first period, withstood a 17-6 shots advantage by the Blazers in the third. Hirsch, who turned in subpar efforts against Kitchener and Os-i hawa, was outstanding Wednes-* day. The Kamloops goalie made 36 stops in the first 40 minutes, as! the Blazers wilted under fierce forechecking.

Ronford thriving on playoff pressure

EDMONTON (CP) pill Ran- ed well in the playoffs, helping the ford was a goaltender going every- Oilers compile a 10-5 record that where but where he wanted a few now has them tied 2- with the Chiyears ago, spinning his wheels in cago Blackhawks in the best-ofthe Boston Bruins' organization seven Campbell Conference final. after being chosen in the second Ranford will be in goal again for round of the 1985 NHL draft. the Oilers for Game 5 tonight in A graduate of the New West- Edmonton (8:35 p.m. CDT, CBO. minster Bruins of the Western "I showed that I could play but Hockey League, the Brandon then I never really had that opnative played 41 games with the portunity before this season," said Bruins w 19,86-87 but found himself Ranford, 23. "I did it in the minors. in the minors for part of that season "J played a lot of hockey down and the next. His fortunes changed when he there. That got me the opportunity

4 I

Career earnings approaching $1 million and successful business ventures and investments have given his family financial security. And besides, said HaUdorson: "When you're not playing, you're not spending much, either."

en on the exemption list and a tor.

Jones i> Brandon $n sports edi-

PILL RANFORB . . coming through

was traded to the Edmonton Oilers on March 8,1988, along with Geoff CourtnaU for goaltender Andy Moog, who no longer wanted to be Grant Fuhr's backup in Edmonton. Ranford's fortunes rose again when a series of injuries felled Fuhr, He had a good 1989-90 season, with a 24-16-9 record, and has play-

to come back to the NHL-" Coming through in the playoffs for the Oilers is especially gratifying because any Edmonton goaltender feels pressure to live up to the greatness of Funr.

"They wanted the game andN! played harder for it," said Keenan-.*f "They had better goaltending and> that was probably the difference. Defenceman Keith Brown not play much in Game" 4 b Keenan said that's not because 'Tve just got to make the best was injured. In a 5-2 loss in Game i, of it and show them that I can play Keenan benched several for PP.OJT play. And I've done that.

Maybe in the future, next I'll get an opportunity to play whenS Grant's healthy, too. Maybe twogj goalies can do it in the playoffs^ where in the past they've basicalM* gone with one." *J Chicago coach Mike Keenan,*? who has had goaltending problems?* throughout the playoffs and hasyanked Greg Millen, Jacques;; Cloutier and Ed Belfour at varioijsy times, said Ranford was the w-$ ference in Edmonton's 4-2 victory^ in Game 4. S

SUH fhwsddy, May Tfi, 1W8


Lukowich, Goring bid for opening in Medicine Hat

The applications are piling Up in Medicine Hat Where newly installed general manager Jack shupe has a number of candidates lining up to replace Tigers' coach Ron Kennedy, whose contract was not renewed after the 1989-90 season. The most notable include former Spokane bench boss Butch Goring as well as another former NHLer, Morris Lukowich. Goring, 40, said he has renewed his interest in coaching since leaving the Chiefs during the opening stages of the 1988-89 season. Last winter, he occupied his time playing in the Relive the Dream, Canadian-Soviets series as well as a stint With a touring charity team of ex-NHL stars. "I'm interested, ho question about that," Goring said. "Medicine Hat has a great reputation and a great history of winning." "It's true that I've put in a call to Jack Shupe," Lukowich said. "1 am a little interested in that position. "I played junior hockey there. My interest would be to someday coach in the NHL, and Medicine Hat would be a good place to learn coaching." Lukowich, 34, spent last season as a playing assistant coach with the Swiss team Rapperswil. Other Medicine Hat coaching hopefuls include: Ex-Lethbridge Bronco and Calgary Wrangler coach John Chapman; Former WHL goon Archie Henderson, who applied for the head coaching job in Brandon two years ago; and Darcy Kaminski, an assistant with the East Division champion Lethbridge Hurricanes. GROWING PAINS: Immediate plans for WHL expansion will be made known at the league's annual meeting June 12-15 in Vancouver. At the moment, two separate groups in Tacoma, Wash., have expressed an interest in owning a team, perhaps in time for the 199091 season. Meanwhile, there's also growing interest in Red Deer, Alta., where construction of a 6,500-seai facility has begun and is slated for completion in the fall of 1991. City recreation and culture dep a r t m e n t m a n a g e r Lowell Hodgson said he's been contacted by two separate individuals interested in purchasing a WHL team, though he would not reveal their identities. Red Deer officials recently met with WHL president Ed Chynoweth to make their pitch for expansion,


which could mean a crucial fflaifi tefiafti fof the fiew buildiftf, , "i think it's festively safe to say fied Deef will get a WML franchise," Chynoweth told the Red Deef Advocate's Gf*g Meadifefli, "Whethet it will be an efcf>ahsiofi of efcistihg ffanchise, 1 doh't know." Expansion for the siJc-teattt West Division is a Well-knowfl pH* ofity fof the league, but not iii the eight-meffibef East, a division where a Red Deef team would likely be placed. , Should a ffanchise be awarded prior to 1991, a teahi in Red Deef would have to play in the aging Red Deer Arena, which seats about 2,000. This is highly unlikely, just as the prospect of relocating an existing team is. Chynoweth, however, was enthusiastic about the possibilities. "it's going to be a fantastic facility, not only a great addition to Red Deer but'to all of central AU berta," he said. "It will be a firstrate facility from a hockey per* spective. "1 couldn't give them anything in the way of! a concrete answer, but I'm happy they came down. We'll be keeping the lines of communication open." EXTRAS! Prior to his club's disasterous showing at the Memorial Cup, Kamloops coach Ken Hitchcock had crash-dieted his way to losing 88 pounds . . . Former Spokane owner and GM Vic Fitzgerald may end up as the owner of the new B.C. Junior League team in Penticton . . . Regina forward-defenceman Jamie Heward has signed a three-year deal plus an option year with the NHL's Pittsburgh Penguins. Heward is a former first-round, IGth-overall pick by the Penguins in the 1989 entry draft. . . The novelty of hockey may have finally worn off in the Tri-Cities area, where the hometown Americans have been a gold mine, selling out virtually every game (6,100) since moving to Kennewick, Wash., two seasons ago. But with the deadline for season-ticket renewals set for this Friday, the Americans have sold only about 2,000 seats for the 199091 season, far behind the total of approximately 5,300 a year ago. Compiled by Mike Sawatzky

Practice session turns into crash course

jree-time Indy 500 champion Johnny Rutherford hits the ill during a practice run at Indianapolis Motor Speedway

AP wifephoto

on Wednesday. Rutherford was taken to hospital in stable condition with a concussion. The race is slated for May 27.

wis jolts opponent with easy first-round KO

.j)NDON (CP) Lennox Lewis In easy time of it Wednesday * flooring his Argentinian, Jorge Dascola, to the cans twice in the first and only round their heavyweight fight. ILwas over in two minutes, 59 feAds. ;ithin seconds of the start of atch, Lewis had knocked Holding his opponent against Dascola, 29, to the floor. Fans in attendance at the Royal Albert Hall the rope with his left arm, Lewis shouted "take your time Lennox" delivered three sharp rights to the when the Olympic gold medal win- back of the head to send Dascola ner got a little sloppy with his reeling for a second time. punches. Dascola fell to his knees and "I was pleased," said Lewis, of didn't get up again. Kitchener, Ont. "I wasn't really Lewis is 10-0 while Dascola is surprised because he was open for 14-4. it." 'I did want that to go another round because I didn't get to do what I wanted to do, what we were working on in the gym," said Lewis after the bout. Lewis, who's eye is on a world heavyweight title, fights twice in Britain this spring before heading to Canada another scheduled fight in July.

Canadian Football League notebook

Bombers re-sign Kennerd

WINNIPEG (CP) Kicker Trevor Kennerd has signed a new multi-year contract with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, the CFL team announced Wednesday. Terms were not disclosed for the 11-year veteran. Kcnncrd, 33, finished seventh in CFL scoring in 1989 with 146 points on 31 field goals, 12 singles and 41 converts. He was good on 31 of 47 field goals. ****. ^m** The Bombers also announji^l' three signings of U.S. college players Wednesday. Thomas Barnes, a defensive back out of Middle Tennessee State, defensive back back Dimitrie Scott and defensive lineman John Crawford, both out of Kansas State, were picked up as free agents. WINNIPEG (CP) Former He refused to say what WinB.C. Lion Eric Strcater has decided to accept an offer from the nipeg agreed to pay but the WinWinnipeg Blue Bombers, the nipeg Sun said he had been ofagent and brother of the CFL free fered about $70,000 a year in a agent said Tuesday from his two-year contract, plus a signing bonus of about $15,000. North Carolina home. . "Being his agent, I wanted to VANCOUVER (CP) The B.C. see Eric compensated for what lie's worth and Winnipeg agreed Lions have acquired Calgary runto that," said Steve Streater. "I ning back Kennard Martin in exe n j o y e d d e a l i n g with Cal change for defensive end Walter ., Ballaird,ii.the,,;GEL;.team anMurphy." vtfgx ,-, Murphy, general managa#>ipf nounced Wednesday. . Martin, 21, played five games the Bombers, said he was'still awaiting a signed contract before with the Stampeders last season, commenting on a deal with the gaining 139 yards in 28 attempts. The five-foot-10, 200-pound runwide receiver. Streater said the Lions had of- ning back played collegiate football at the University of North fered his brother only $60,000. Calgary had been negotiating Carolina. In two seasons with the for his services and the Denver Tar Heels, he collected 1,245 Broncos of the NFL had ex- yards rushing on 225 carries. He was signed by Calgary in pressed an i n t e r e s t , said 1989. Strcater.

Nixon powers United win

Doug Nixon netted two goals to lead the Brandon Club United to a 2-0 victory over Minnedosa Centennials in the Brandon Senior Soccer League on Wednesday at the Green Acres pitch. John Fowles earned the shutout.

TREVOR KENNERD . . . old reliable




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IRANDON SUN, Thursday, May 10, WO

Expos win fourth straight

(CP) - Larry Walkef, the Montreal outfielder who adfiiits to being superstitious about the number 3, undoubtedly liked SOifie of the threes which surfaced during the fexpos' game against the Los Angeles Dodgers on Wednesday night. The Dodgers scored three funs, which was fine with Walker, since the Expos scored five; And one of the key offensive players for the Expos was Walker with naturally three hits. "Am 1 superstitious about the number three?" Walker asked rhetorically. "I'm probably the most superstitious player oft this team. "My uniform number is 33. 1 take three practice swings when I'm in the oil-deck circle. I'm getting married on Nov. 3 at 3:30. "And, oh yeah, tomorrow is the third day With my spring-training bat, so it should be a gao'd one." Walker, of Maple Ridge, B.C., had been using teammate Tim Wallach's bats until two days ago, when he requested to have his own bat, which he used during a successful spring-training camp, brought to Montreal. "I used it in batting practice the other day and just felt really good With it," he explained. "I plan on keeping it for a While. " The Expos, who have won four straight, had a number of contributors to their 5-3 Victory. Kevin Gross, 4-1, yielded only five hits in 8VS innings. Me turned a 5-2 lead over to Tim Burke after kal Daniels' solo home run in the ninth, and Burke, who allowed a single by Eddie Murray, induced former Expo Hubie Brooks to bounce into a gafne-efidihg double play, resulting in Burke's eighth save. In the third inning, the Expos took a 4-0 lead. Fernando Valenzuela, 2-3, the Los Aftgeles Starter, als6 issued two of his four walks in the ifihifig, and both fufihefs scored. Gross surrendered ohty fay's foufth-infiihg, solo h through the first Six ififiings/ finished with four strikeouts didn't Walk a batter. *iuJ "1 guess the best thiflg is that ifi the last couple of starts, 1'fn f/9$Ii;mjthinking about Walks," he c;on<* s^ ceded. "Before, when I got behindi nt. ifi the count, 1 would start press*"'01. ing-" "\inBiii The victory boosted the ExfifiS.^ four gahies above .500, the ffiost they have been at any stage season.



I i

Jays turn tables on White Sox

Echoes from another game. On Tuesday night, Chicago centre fielder Lance Johnson makes a spectacular running catch at the wall to rob Kelly Gruber of extra bases. Good defence equals no rally equals a Toronto defeat. On Wednesday night, Johnson can't make a running catch at the fence on a drive by rookie John Olerud. Olerud has a triple, which starts a game-tying three-run rally, which allows a defensive mistake in the next inning to give the hometown Blue Jays a 4-3 win over the White Sox. Different games, yet one was an echo of the other. Ron Kittle hit two home runs in the White Sox's win Tuesday. But with the tying run at second base in the ninth inning Wednesday, Kittle struck out on three pitches by Duane Ward to end the game. "It was my strength against his strength," said Ward, who earned his fourth save with two innings of one-hit relief. "He was going to gel my three best pitches." In other American League games, it was: Boston Red 4, Scat-' tie Mariners 1; Cleveland Indians 7, Minnesota Twins 3; Baltimore Orioles 9, California Angles 1; Texas Rangers 9, Kansas City Royals 3; Detroit Tigers 2, Milwaukee Brewers 1; and Oakland Athetics 2, New York Yankees 1. Ivan Calderon had homered off Toronto reliever Frank Wills when the White Sox swept the visiting Blue Jays in a recent three-game set. , This time, Wills came in,,w,|tli runners at first and second, one out


AP wirephoto

PHILADELPHIA FELINES? Phillies'Dickie Thon watches a cat cross his path as he waits in the on-deck circle in Houston. The pus^y eluded grounds crew for five minutes,

Near'perfect'play props pennant hopes of plundering Pirates

May games between division leaders aren't supposed to be all that critical. Try telling that to Chris Sabo, Mariano Duncan and the Cincinnati Reds. In a game that took on a playoff-like intensity when the two Reds infielders were ejected in the first three innings, Bobby Bonilla's run-scoring double triggered Pittsburgh's four-run sixth as the Pirates beat Cincinnati 6-2 Wednesday night. The National League Eastleading Pirates in last place a year ago won their fifth in a row and their llth in 13 games. "Yeah, it's early but you can win pennants in the first half of the season as well as the second half of the season," the Pirates' Wally Backman said. "Maybe we're playing over our heads, but maybe we can play over our heads for the next five months," said Andy Van Slyke, 3for-4 Wednesday and 8-for-ll with four RBIs in his last three games. "We're playing close to perfect baseball right now." Jay Bell had a triple off Jack Armstrong (5-1) and scored twice while winner John Smiley (3-3) allowed seven hits over six-plus innings before giving way to Bill Landrum, who finished with three hitless innings for his fourth save. The Pirates and the NL Westleading Reds, the league's dominant teams in the 1970s, met as division leaders for the first time since Aug. 24, 1975. The Pirates' 19-8 start is their best since the 1977 teams was 207. The Reds had won five in a row. Elsewhere, it was: San Francisco Giants 4, New York Mets 2; Chicago Cubs 4, Atlanta Braves 0; Philadelphia Phillies 10, Houston Astros 1; and St. Louis Cardinals 11, San Diego Padres 5. Giants 4 Mets 2 Robby Thompson and Kevin Bass spoiled Bob Ojeda's first start of the season by homering during a four-run first inning. Bob Knepper (1-1) won his first start of the season. Cubs 4 Braves 0 Ryne Sandberg and Domingo Ramos hit two-run homers and Les Lancaster (2-1) was a winner in his first start in two years. Rain shortened the game to 4Vfe innings. Phillies 10 Astros 1 Pat Combs (2-2), scattering five hits over eight innings, outduelled Mike Scott (1-3) in his first appearance in his home town of Houston. Charlie Hayes homered for Philadelphia and Len Dykstra and John Kruk each had three hits. Cardinals 11 Padres 5 St. Louis erased a five-run deficit with seven runs in the fifth and four more in the sixth to end a five-game losing, streak. Vince Coleman had three hits. Cardinals starter John Tudor gave up five doubles and a home run to Mike Pagliarulo in facing the first 11 San Diego batters, Rick Horton (1-1) replaced him in the second inning and worked three innings for the win.CP

AP wirephoto

A LITTLE BACKUP: Yankees centrefielder Roberto Kelly chases down the ball after
in the fifth with Chicago leading 30, and induced a broken-bat doubleplay grounder to shortstop Tony Fernandez to end the threat. "I wanted to erase that" memory of the home run, said Wills (2-1), who pitched 2Mi perfect innings to get credit as the winning pitcher in Toronto's 1,000th franchise triumph. "He went down and got me last time on a good pitch. "This time I went slider away, fastball away and then got it in on his fists. I got it exactly where I wanted."., Toronto second b a s e m a n

rightfielder Jessie Barfield hit the turf while"S unsuccessfully trying to flag it down.

Nelson Liriano had managed just Wayne Edwards dropped a short' '' one hit against the White Sox and toss from Lyons as he tried to ta,gn , *>'! was in a 2-for-28 overall slump the base. Edwards (0-1) then walkedr,,i/i coming into Wednesday's game. Olerud and Pat Borders to set the-ii>1 Yet, the hero's role was his. Liriano cashed in Olertid's fifth- stage for Liriano's one-out, game;,';'.'; ' v. ! inning triple with a double and winning single. That saved rookie left-hander^ w scored Toronto's second run on Fernandez's double. And Junior Steve Cummings from his first 1 " Felix tied the game 3-3 with a sacri- major-league loss. Cummings was!' called up Tuesday to replace the1 ' fice fly to deep right-centre. , ^",.. The next inning, Liriano scored released Mike Flanagan. The White Sox had 10 hits .oft,1,,;. Fred McGriff with the winning run Cummings, but only three runs onu-i.. on a sharp single. McGriff reached base when he solo homers by Calderon atl'd''-' '. grounded to first baseman Steve Lyons, and an RBI single by short,,ii/t<i Lyons with one out and reliever stop Ozzie Guillen,CP, .

Clean health bill for Expos Boyd

MONTREAL (CP) Dennis (Oil Can) Boyd, the Montreal Expos pitcher who was scratched from his scheduled start Tuesday night when he had temporary numbness in the middle linger of his right hand, was given a clean bill of health Wednesday. The Expos pulled Boyd from the start as a precautionary measure, since he has spent considerable time on the disabled list in recent years because of blood clots in his right shoulder, Boyd had experienced the numbness when he picked up a baseball on arriving at the ball park Tuesday, but the feeling in the finger returned shortly after that, A series of tests conducted Wednesday by team physician Dr. Robert Brodrick determined no abnormalities.

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BRANDON SUN, fhWscfey, May 16, I99fl 11

boi: 8"'
MKsbufgfi Mbhtrj^r, PhiladWbhia New YAfk Chica&J" St. Louis fetst Division MTfOftAL LEAGUE

Detroit 200 000 00 2 61 Mllvvsskee 100 06W- 1 11 (Called after 8 innings, rain) Petry (W.3-1), Hennenian (S,7) and Mokes; Bosio (L.3-1) and Sufhoff. Hfts: Del Whitakef (3), Moseby (3). 016 021 003 112 0 020 190 000 S 10 0 Valdez (W.i-0), Jones (S,lo) (8) and Skinner; Candelafia (L.3-1), Leach (6), Wayne (9) and Ortiz. MRS: Cle Webster (4); Win Hfbek (5). Oshatta Kitchener Laval

(At Hsmlftftfl)
2 0 13 8 4 2 0 13 10 4 1 2 9 13 2

19 16 15 14 13 11

L Pet
8 12 12 14 14 16

(Boston wins series 4-0) Chicago 002 100 000 3111 First Period Toronto 000 031 OOx 4 5 0 1. B o s t o n , C a r t e r 5 Kutzlcr, Edwards (L.O-l) (5), (Carpenter) 0:53 2. Boston, Neely I t (Hawgood, Pall (6) and Fisk; Cummings, Los^ngeles (R.MaHinez 2-1) at Montreal (De.Martinez 2-2), 12:35 Wills (W.2-1) (5), Ward (S,4) (8) Janriey) 18:42 (pp) p.flfi. Penalties B.Swceney Bos and Borders. HRs: Chi (cross-checking) 10:15, BUrridge San biego (Rasmussen 2-1) at St. Louis (Magrane 0-5), 12:35 p.m. Calderon (3), Lyons (1). Bos, Hunter Wash (roughing) Cincinnati (RIJo 2-1) at Pittsbufgh (Krarnef 0-0), 6:35 p.m. Boston 100 000 201 4 7 0 14:05, Courthall Wash (elbowing) AMERICAN LEAGUE Seattle 000 000 100- 1 4 1 17:12. Second Period East Division 3. Washington, Kypreos 1 . W L Pet Gfl Lift Streak Home Away * Clemens (W.5-2) and Pena; Eave (L.0-3), Jackson (7) and Milwaukee _ . , , (Leach, Roussc) 15:32 16 9 .640 6-4 Lost 1 7-5 9-4 Valle. MRS: Bos Quintaha (1), Penalty Bcrgland Wash Toronto A 17 12 .586 1 6-4 WOh 1 ' 13-6 4-6 Rivera (1), Pena (3); Sea (tripping) 3:53. Boston 15 12 .556 2 5-5 Won 1 10-5 5-7 Davis (3). Third Period Cleveland 14 13 .519 3 5-5 Won 1 9-4 5-9 4. Boston', Neely 12 (Propp, Baltimore 12 16 .429 514 z-5-5 Won 1 6-8 6-8 Janney)2:08 Kansas City 020 000 010 3 4 I New York 10 16 .385 6U 3-7 Lost 3 6-8 4-8 5. Washington, Hunter 4 041 103 OOx 914 1 Detroit 10 19 .345 8 2-8 Won 1 5-8 5-11 Texas Miller) 10:27 West Division S.Davis (L.l-4), Aquino (3), (Druce, Penalty Hunter Wash W L Pet GB LIO Streak Home Away M e W i l l i a m s (6), Farr (6), (slashing) 16:06. Oakland 21 6 .778 z-9-1 Won 4 9-4 12-2 M.Davis (8) and Macfarlane; Chicago 14 10 .583 514 z-6-4 Lost 1 9-3 5-7 Hough (W.3-1), Jeff coat (S,3) (7) Boston Shots on goal 9by6 217 Texas; 14 13 .519 7 z-4-6 Won 1 8-4 6-9 and Pctralll. Krcuter (7). HRs: 5 6 314 Minnesota 13 13 .600 714 6-4 Lost 1 4-4 9-9 Tex Sierra (6), Incaviglia (5). Washington Seattle > 13 16 .448 9 Goal Boston: Moog (W,I25-5 Lost 1 5-8 8-8 California 11 17 .393 1014 3-7 Lost 1 6-9 5-8 Baltimore 000 040 302 9110 3); Washington: Liut (L.4-4). Kansas City 9 17 .346 1114 Power-plays (goals-chances) 4-6 Lost 1 6-10 3-7 California 000 000 100 1 8 1 z-denotes first game was a win Boston: 1-3; Washington: 0-1. Harnlsch (W.3-0) and Melvin; Referee Denis Morel. Tonight's Probable Pitchers Langston (W.2-3), Clear (7), Attendance 18,130. Toronto (Stottlemyre 4-2) at Detroit (Robinson 1-3), 6:35 p.m. Balles (9) and Parrish. HR: Bal Cleveland (Swindell 2-2) at Minnesota (Smith 0-3), 7:05 p.m. C. Ripken (4). Kahsas City (Gordon 1-0) at Texas (Brown 5-0), 7:35 p.m. LEADERS California (McCasklll 2-1) at Seattle (Holman 4-2), 9:05 p.m. LEADERS G A Pts Larkin, Cin 98 16 34 .347 NATIONAL 12 12 24 AB R H Pet Neely, Bos Uribe, SF 78 9 37 .346 Stillwell, KC Messier, Edm 8 14 22 86 16 31 .360 LINESCORES 105 13 35 .333 Alomar, SD 3 19 22 Henderson, Oak 95 22 34 .358 Janney. Bos 75 10 25 .333 Atlanta 000 00 0 4 1 Daniels, LA Hull, StL 13 8 21 Griffey, Sea 112 17 40 .357 111 20 37 .333 Chicago 002 2x 4 6 1 McGce, StL 7 14 21 Jacoby, Cle ' 89 17 31 .348 Larmer, Chi 6 14 20 Runs Sabo, Cincinnati, 22; Martinez, Sea 84 14 29 .345 Savard, Chi (Called 'in fifth inning, rain) 10 9 19 Grubcr, Tor 112 18 38 . P.Smith (L.2-2) and Whitt; VHayes, Philadelphia, 21; 3 . 1 9 Simpson, Edm Druce, Wash 14 3 17 Bonllla, Pittsburgh, 20; McGee, Hrbck, Min 75 15 Lancaster (W.2-1) and Wrona. 25 .333 9 8 17 Maldonado, Cle 94 16 31 .330 Tikkancn, Edm HRs: Chi Sandbcrg (4), St. Louis, 20; 4 tied with 19. 10 6 16 RBI Bonilla, Pittsburgh, Ramos (1). Brock, Mil 76 12 25 .329 Roenick, Chi 6 9 15 24; Dawson, Chicago. 23; Guer- Guillen, Chi 83 14 27 .325 Kurri, Edm Lamb, Edm 6 8 14 rero, St. Louis, 23; JCartcr, San L.A. 000 100 101 3 6 4 Runs Canseco. Oakland, StL 2 12 14 Montreal 004 001 OOx 5 9 2 Diego, 23; MnWIIlinms, San 22; RHcndcrson, Oakland, 22; Oates, Presley, Chi Francisco, 21. 9 4 13 Franco, Texas, 19; Puckctt, Poulin, Bos Valenzucla (L.2-3), Hartley 5 13 Hits McGce, St. Louis, 37; 8 Minnesota, 18; Reynolds, Seat- Brind'Amour, StL (5), Aase (8) and Scioscia; Gross Butler, San Francisco, 36; 5 8 13 (W.4-1), Burke (S,8) (9) and Alomar, San Diego, 35; Dykstra, tle, 18; Yount, Milwaukee, 18. Gilbert, Chi 5 8 13 RBI Fielder, Detroit, 28; Burridge, Bos Fitzgerald. HRs: LA - Murray Philadelphia, 35; 5 tied with 34. 4 9 13 Grubcr, Toronto, 25; Leonard, Courlnoll, Wash (5), Daniels (4). Doubles Herr, Philadel- S 4 9 13 e a t t l e , 21; M a l d o n a d o , Propp, Bos cloi phia, 10; DcShiclds, Montreal, Cleveland, 4 9 13 21; 4 tied with 20. Wilson, Chi Cincinnati. 010 000 100 2 7 0 9; Grlssom, Montreal, 9; 10 13 3 Hits Griffey, Seattle, 40; Nlcholls. NYR Pittsburgh: 101 004 OOx 6 14 0 McGce, St. Louis, 9; 4 tied with Gruber,Toronto,38; 7 5 12 Fernandez, Thomas, Chi 8. 6 6 12 Armstrong (L.5-1), Blrtsas (6), Toronto, 35; RHcndcrson, OakHunter, Wash Kruk, Philadelphia, land, 34; Lansford, Oakland, 33; 4 8 12 Lnyana (6), Mahler (7) and Oli- 3; Triples Elik, LA 9 tied with 2. 3 9 12 ver; Smiley (W.3-3), Landrum Texas, 33; Trammcll, Bourquc, Bos Home runs Bonilla, Pit- Sierra, 2 10 12 (S,4)(7) J andLaVallicre. Detroit, 33. tsburgh, 7; Dawson, Chicago, 7; Brown. StL 0 12 12 Doubles Boggs, Boston, ; Clccarclii. Wash GDavIs, Houston, 7; HJohnson, 8 3 11 San Fran'' 400 000 000 4 7 0 New York, 7; Mitchell. San Brilcy, Seattle, 9; Felix. Tor- Anderson, Edm li 11 5 onto, 9; Gladden, Minnesota, 9; Patrick, NYH New York 101 000 000 2 7 0 Francisco, 7. 3 8 11 L a r k i n , M i n n e s o t a , 9 ; S. Smith, Edm Stolen bases Coleman, St. KnepeY(W,l-l), Brantlcy (6), 3 8 1 RHendcrson, Oakland, 9; Duchcsno, LA Bedro5lRit;<S,4) (9) and Carter; Louis, 14; Samuel, Los Angeles, Stillwcll, 2 9 11 Kansas City, 9. Ojedn .IL.p-l), Whilehurst (6), 13; Raines, Montreal, 12; Triples Fernandez, TorPcna (8)'and Lyons, Sasser (6). DeShiclds, Montreal, 10; Veld- onto, 3; Guillen, Chicago, 3; HRs: SF Thompson (3), Bass ing, Houston, 10. Jacoby, Pitching (4 decisions) Cook, with 2. Cleveland, 3; 12 tied (4); NY!4Elstcr(3>. Philadelphia, 4-0, 1.000, 1.56; VI. Home runs Fielder, DeSan Diego, 230 000 000 5 15 4 Hcaton, Pittsburgh, 5-0, 1.000, troit, 12; Grubcr, Toronto, 10; 2.59; Viola, New York, 6-0,1.000, Canseco, Oakland, 8; Deer, Mil' 0 0 0 074 OOx11 12 0 1.05; Armstrong, Cincinnati, 5-1, BDN. YOUTH Bones (L.2-3), Harris (5), .833,1.88; Drabek, Pittsburgh, 5- w a u k c e , 7 ; M a l d o n a d o , Cleveland, 7; McGwire, OakSchirakli (G), Grant (6), Clements 1, .833, 2.17. Squirt Division land, 7. (8) and Santiago; Tudor, Horton Strikeouts Viola, New Cook Lumber 25 Trl Star 14 Stolen bases Rllcnderson, Cresting Unlimited 14 Sokol 13 (W,1-1).W, Mcdcnfuer (8), Terry York, 45; Goodcn, New York, (8), Lc.6mlth (9) and Zelle. UK: 38; Cone, New York, 36; Oakland, 13; Canseco, Oakland, F e r g u s o n I n s . 2 0 C u r l y 9; Lansford, Oakland, 7: Pcttls, MacKay's 11 SD PpeliaruloU). Belcher, Los Angeles, 32; Texas, 7; WWilson, Kansas City, Woolco24 UCT13 RMortincz, Los Angeles, 32. 7. I'hlla 032 120 10110 13 I ' Saves Burke, Montreal, 8; 30 Hdn. Club 17 Pitching (4 decisions) - Stan's IGA HoustMtw 000 000 001 1 6 6 DnSmith, Houston, 8; Franco, Bantam Division Stewart, Oakland, 6-0, 1.000, ConJhs (W.2-2), Mulholland (9) New York, 7; UMcDowell, 1.46; KHrown, Texas, 5-0, 1.000, Spectrum 24 Wendy's 13 and Jaulton; Scott (L,l-3), Philadelphia, 7; MiWIlllnms, 4.15; Stieb, Toronto, 5-1, .833, Sokol 14 Optimists 8 Schat:pdcr (5), Hernandez (7) Chicago, 6; Myers, Cincinnati, I!. 2.15; Candiotti, Cleveland, 4-1, Keystone Glnss I I Pclro Can 10 and I tgglo, Trcvino (7). HR: .800, 4.78; Sanderson, Oakland, AMERICAN Phn-1 C.Hayes (1). 4-1, . 800, 2.50. Strikeouts Clemens, BosLINESCORES LEADERS ton, 49; Ryan, Texas, 42; N.Y. 100 000 000 00 I 6 0 All R H Pet . Hanson, Seattle, 34; M Perez, 000 000 010 01 2 9 0 Duncim, Cln 75 18 30 .400 Oak. Chicago, 33; Gordon, Kansas Dykstpa, Pha 91 19 35 .385 LaPoint, Robinson (7), Mills City, 31. Santiago, SD 91 12 33 .363 (9), Gucttcrman (9), Plunk(L.2-1) Saves DJoncs, Cleveland, Chicago 101 Philadelphia 96 Hatchlr, Cln 94 14 33 .351 (10) and Gercn; Stewart, 10; Eckersley, Oakland, 0; (Chicago leads bcst-of-sevcn Treadyray, All 80 7 28 .350 Eckersley (), Honeycutl (W.I-0) Schooler, Seattle, H; Hcnncman, first-round Eastern semifinal So bo, jfcin 92 22 32 .348 (10) and Stcinbach. Detroit, 7; Thigpcn, Chicago, 7. 2-0)

Streak Home Away 18 6 .750 Lost 1 6-3 12-3 14 14 .500 6 z-4-6 Lost 3 8-7 6-7 12 15 .444 7V4 3-7 Lost 3 7-8 5-7 12 16 .429 8 z-4-6 Lost 1 6-9 6-7 San Francisco 10 18 .357 10 z-4-6 Won 1 2-11 8-7 Atlanta 8 17 . .320 1014 z-6-4 Lost 2 , , - -. 4-8 4-9 z-deHo-fts first game was a win t?0' tsday's Probable Pltchtfi Los Arf&les San

ft; I

GB Lid .704 Z-8-2 .571 3V4 6-4 .556 4 5-5 .560 514 5-5 .481 6-4 407 3-7 West Division L Pet GB LIO

Streak fl6fte Away Won 5 7-4 12-4 Won 4 10-6 6-6 W6n 1 6-5 9-7 Lost 1 11-8 3-6 Won 2 5-8 8-6 W6ft 1 4-9 7-7

W L P A (

Cleveland Minnesota

CONFERENCE FINAL (Best-of-seven)

PRINCE OF WALES Bos. S at Wash. 2

Kamloops 0 3 15 19 0 Wednesday ftesflft Laval 4 Kafnlo'ops 2 tonight's Game Oshatoa vs. Kitchener Saturday came
Laval vs. Oshawa or Kitchener

Sunday came Final, e p.m. <TSN> WEDNESDAY Laval 4, Kahiloops 2

Penalties - Lapointe Lav, McGb*an Karn (roughing) 9:12, Chyzowski Kam (high-Sticking major) f9:i9. SfiAlS o'n goal by Kamloops 12 9 1738 Laval 17 21 644 Ga( Kamloops: Hirsch (L,0-3); Laval: Rayrnond (W,l2). P6Wer-pIays (goals-chances) Kamloops: 1-6; Laval: 3-7. R e f e r e e Don V a n Massenhoveh.

6. Laval, Chalifoux 1 19:53 fpp)

Aaron Pfyor, the fofmet junior weltef-weight champion whose career has been shadowed by serious eye and drug problems, said Wednesday he has no fear of losing his sight if he returns to the ring next week to fight Barrel! Jones. But boxing officials in States which had refused Pfyof a license because he had undergone sufgefy for a detached retina and has cataracts clouding his left eye criticized Wisconsin's decision to let him fight. "In Pryof 's case, if you go into the ring With one eye, you'd better be prepared to get a guide dog," said Don Muse, assistant executive director of the California State Athletic Commission.

Attendance 4,075.

First PeH6d 1. Kamloops, Sim 1 (Huber, Barrie) 18:52 (pp) Penalties Kruse kam (highsticking) 1:46, Bonner Kam (Interference) 2:13, Odjick Lav (interference) 4:18, Sim Kam (interference) 8:02, Brlsebois Lav (roughing) 11:35, Anglehart Lav (high-sticking), McGowan Kam (interference) 13:06, Chyzowski Kam, Lapointe Lav (roughing) 14:23, Huber Kam (high-sticking) 14:32, Dubois Lav (crosschecking) 17:04, Mittelsteadt Kam (holding) 19:24. Second Period 2. Laval, Boivin 1 (Brlsebois, Lapointe) 19:24 (pp) 3. L a v a l , L a p o i n t e 1 (Chalifoux) 19:54 (pp) Penalties Boivin Lav (interference), Dubois Lav (misconduct) 0:12, Anglehart Lav (highsticking) 7:57, Mittelsteadt Kam (14:19), Gingras Lav (high-sticking) 17:34, Barrie Kam (hooking) 19:08, Mittelsteadl Kam (holding) 19:24. Third Period 4. Kamloops, Kruse 2 (Sydor) 4:56 5. Laval, Caron 1 (Boivin, Chalifoux) 6: 15

LEADERS Round-robin Scoring

Chyzowski, K a m Barrie, K a m Craig, O s h Stevenson, K i t Bfe.Grleve, O s h Rice, Kit Sydor, Kam Firth, K i t Fraser, O s h Skalde, O s h Chalifoux, Lav Dlofme, K i t S t . Aubin, K i t Craigwell, O s h Huber, K a m Keenan, K i t Lindros, O s h Gingras, Lav Kruse, Kam Montnnari, Kit Caron, Lav Lapointe, L a v Ncedham, Kam Boyer, K a m

G A Pts 4 3 7 2 4 6 3 2 5 3 2 5 2 3 5 2 3 5 3 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 0 3 3

Andrei Chesnokov of the Soviet Union faces a fine after failing to show for his match at the $1million German Open. Chesnokov, the No. 8 seed, was to face West German wild card Udo Riglewski in a second-round match, and officials replaced him with qualifier Lars Jonsson of Sweden. "We don't know where Chesnokov is," ATP tour manager Vittorio Selmi said. "I can only speculate that there has been a misunderstanding with his agents. I spoke with his representative in Paris by phone yesterday and they did not know his Whereabouts. They thought he was coming here."

AAitON PftYOtt

after the 1985 season. Alzado, who has done some acting and owns a restaurant in the Los Angeles area which opened earlier this year, has been working out at the Raiders' training facility in nearby El Segundo.

Cuyahoga County voters agreed to help pay for a new downtown Cleveland stadium and arena by voting to put an extra tax on cigarettes and alcohol. The tax would pay no more than onehalf the cost of the $344-million sports facility. The rest of the money would come from team owners, logo sales, club seating and other private sources. The Cleveland Indians baseball team and Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team both committed to play at the proposed facility, if the tax was approved. Owners of the Indians, who play at the 58-yearold, 74,483-seat C l e v e l a n d Stadium, have not denied suggestions that the team could be moved or sold to out-of-town interests unless a more suitable stadium is built.

IHL Indianapolis 5 Muskegon 2 (Indianapolis leads best-ofseven final 1-0)

(at Rome) SINGLES Second Round Martina Navratilova (1), U.S., dcf. Rachel McQuillan, Australia, 6-2, 3-6, 6-2. Arantxa Sanchcz-Vicario (3), Spain, dcf. Kristin Godridge, Australia 6-1,6-1. Manucla Malccva (5), Bulgaria, def. Silvia La Fratta, Italy, 6-2, 6-2. Andrea Vlclra, Brazil, def. Judith Wicsncr(S), Austria, 5-7,7-5, fi-2. Raffaella Reggl (10), Italy, dcf. Amanda Coctzer, South Africa, 6-4, 6-1. Jennifer Capriati (12), U.S., dcf. Susan Slonnc, U.S., 6-4, 7-6 (7-5). Andre Agassi (2), U.S., def. Diego Perez, Uruguay, 6-1, 1-0, retired. , Aaron Krlckstein, (3), U.S., Jaime Yzaga, Peru, 7-6 (8-6), 6-2. Emillo Sanchez (4), Spain, def. Fabrice Santoro, France, 4-6, 61, 6-1. Luiz Mattar, Brazil, dcf. Andres Gomez (6), Ecuador, 6-7 (68), 7-6 (7-0), 6-3. Roberto Azar, Argentina, def. Carl-Uwe Stceb (11), West Germany, 6-2, 4-6, 7-5.

Former Los Angeles Raiders defensive end Lyle Alzado, who hasn't played in the NFL since 1985, said that he's planning a comeback next season. If he does play again, Alzado, who turned 41 last month, would be the oldest player to ever play in the NFL outside of quarterbacks or placekickers. "I decided that I'm going to come out of retirement," Alzado said in an interview. "I'm here to tell everybody that I'm going to go back." Alzado retired


(at Kiawah Island, S.C.) SINGLES Second Round Martin Wostenholme, Oakville, Ont., def. Brad Pcarcc, U.S., 6-2, 6-3. David Whcaton (3), U.S., def. Craig Campbell, U.S., 1-6,6-.1, 75. Svontcsson, U.S., 6-4, 0-2.

(at Hamburg, West Germany! SINGLES Second Round

Brazilian players shocked by Italian no-sex policy

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) Soccer players from Brazil's national team reacted with horror on hearing that Italian coach Azeglio Vicini will bar his players from sexual activity during the World Cup. Renato, a reserve striker with an interest in psychology, predicted if Italian players were forced to abstain from sex, training camp workouts could be plagued by tension and fights. "The blood rises," he said at the team's training camp in Tercsopolis. "I've never heard of such a thing," midfielder Silas said of the ban. Silas, known for his religious convictions, is one of the more conservative members of the Brazilian squad. Midfielder Mauro Galvao said a healthy sex life was important, and wouldn't harm a player's performance during Cup play. "What hurts is if you go out and get drunk," he said. Brazilian players are allowed to take their wives to the tournament, which begins June 8 in Italy, but are required to pay for their expenses. Star striker Bebeto said his spouse would certainly accompany him to Italy. "I don't think it would be unusual to have (sexual) relations during the tournament," he said. Coach Sebastiao Lazaroni said the players had nothing to fear. "Would I make a similar recommendation? Sincerely, no," he said.


National League St. Louis Cardinals activate third baseman Terry Pendlcton from the disabled list; option pitcher Bob Tewksbury to Louisville, Ky.. of the American Association. Winnipeg Blue Bombers sign kicker Trevor Kcnncrd to multiyear contract; sign defensive backs Thomas Barnes arid Uimitric Scott and defensive lineman John Crawford. '



B.C. Lions acquire running back Kcnnard Martin from Calgary Stampcders for defensive end Walter Ballard. Calgary Stampcders sign running back Eddie Johnson and defensive back Joe Clausl, Toronto Argos sign wide receiver Rogle Magec and defensive tackle Robert Watson.

NKL Atlanta Falcons sign guard John Scully and linebacker Ken Tippins. New Orleans Saints sign linebacker James Williams. Phoenix Cardinals name Hank Kuhlmann a full-time scout, Seattle Seahawks sign running back Derek Loville, Arena League Detroit Drive sign quarterback Art Schllchter.

lobal League eyes Lindros

(CP) Junior sensatiqn Eric Lindros is on the Global Hocley League's shopping list, findros, 17, a forward with the |wa Generals who are participati g in the Memorial Cup tournament this week in Hamilton, is being touted as the No. 1 pick in the 1991 g NHL entry draft. The new Glollal league, which has 11 fran hises in North America and Europe, plans to begin play Nov. 1, I arry Alter, owner of the Hamilton [franchise in the Global league, said Tuesday he's prepared to offer Line fros a one-year contract. 'fiWe know he wants to play in the HL," Alter said. "We're talking : bolit paying him a respectable amc ant of money for one year with us, ' He'd make a helluva lot more than? he'd make in junior hockey, he'dSprepare himself better for the NHL, and there's really no downside to it. "In a way, we'd be using him and he'd be using us and we'd both get something out of it." Rick Curran, who represents Lindros, said he did not want to discuss next season while the Generals are in Memorial Cup play. "This is the busiest week of the year," Curran said. "Going into anything like this right now can only be disruptive. "We're not about to entertain offers of any kind at this time." Alter said Lindros could do the same thing as did Wayne Gretzky. Gretzky, a Brantford, Ont., native, began his pro career in Indianapolis in the now-defunct World Hockey Association at age 17. The Global league holds its first player draft in June.


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JS/o pens/on to depend on

"Who ifi this absurd World of ours becomes ah artist with the expectation of making money?" the late American sculptor, Louise jlsoii, asked when she was 82. Only thfe naive. To survive, st need a job of private income .va rich lover of something ..." Nevelsofi died in 1988, having fifially achieved both artistic feand a measure of financial ufity. But as another artist once said, "The secret of being a great artist is not to drop dead too soon." Most of Canada's visual aftists self-employed with no special funds of health insurance ns to fall back on if they become ffail and unwell ifi old age. And unless they achieve the greatness of a Harold Town of a _^ Dahby, many of this country's visual artists will live on an average annual income of about $7,500, Canada Council statistics from 1987 indicate. t "They don't retire, but continue their creative work well into old age," says Toronto aft dealer Simon Dresdnere. "However, there is,a recurring theme about artists and their insecurity regarding old age." Dresdnere, who has handled the works of top artists like Town, is among a group spearheading a campaign to build a retirement home for visual artists. "1 have been making a living on artists' work for 33 years and it's time to reciprocate," said Dresdnere, 62, president of the yetto-be-built retirement home. He said no such retirement space now exists in North America. When the necessary money is raised and a location is found in the Toronto area, The Studio, as it will be called, will be unique. "It will be a place where artists can continue to work," he said in an interview. "It will have a reference library, archives, an exhibition hall, a cafe for artists to relax and be close to health and social services." Dresdnere said The Studio will

Artist retirement home in the works

fife Canadian Press
have spaces large enough to accommodate aftists' needs. "At the same time the space will be gehefous enough to be divided into private work areas as required. "As well, smaller enclosed studios will also be available for those aftists who can only Work without any distraction." Dresdnere envisions The Studio as a central place whefe young artists can gather with their oldef colleagues for discussion and invaluable but informal instruction. "This will also give artists an opportunity to thrash out cultural issues which keep their output vital and contemporary," he said. That is why organizers want to encourage the participation of nonresident artists. Dresdnere said another idea is to hold exhibitions of residents' work at The Studio gallery. "We can see this space functioning as a non-profit venture with proceeds going to both the artists on view and the running of The Studio." Since 1986, when he and several .colleagues started trying to get the home built, a number of art auctions have been held to help raise the estimated $9 million needed. The next such auction, featuring donated works by more than 75 artists, is at the Sutton Place Hotel in Toronto today. Among the works on the block will be paintings by Helen Lucas, Ronald Bloore, Mendelson Joe and Michael Thompson, watercolors by Ken Danby and Paterson Ewen, sculptures by Sorel Etrog and Andre Fauteux, and an Alex Colville drawing. Dresdnere admitted there are some detractors of the project. One is Olga Korper, another Toronto gallery owner. "I get awfully tired of artists being portrayed as poor," she says. "Artists are a professional group like any other and some do well and some don't." Korper said she hopes her artists are painting away at age 103 and sending work to her from their own studios.



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ARTIST REPAYMENT: Simon Dresdmore is trying to build an old-age home for visual

artists, many of whom will retire on an average annual income of about $7,500.
The Canadian Press, 36 King Sf. E., Toronto, Ont. M5C2L9, but cannot promise to answer all correspondence personally.

However, Dresdnere counters: without being at the mercy of "We're only looking for a platform others." where they (the artists) can work Judy Creighton we/comes letters at

At 50, son sf/7/ must learn how to fly

> Our son has begun talking about retiring but he has just turned 50. I His wife snys she will not retire Just *** because-* he -does.- She also- says ^someone has to pay to both put food on the table and pay off their mort* * gage, My husband and I like the way f f ur daughter-in-law thinks and lat's not just because my husband IV nd I hold the mortgage. We like cr because she had been good for ur son and has made a good nothcr to their two children. Our son says there's no need for I Ither him or his wife to work if his ather and I will give him his Inritance now, I feel you will agree t our son should work till normal rement age. Troubled. Troubled's son seems to have re troubles than the troubles he ^causing his mother, father and ffe. #0ne of his troubles may well be lack of personal pride. He seems o^be without shame in asking for Help from people he has no intenion to repay. It is also possible he feels he is letting nowhere in the work world nd if he retires from that world he Soes not have to call himself a failJire.

The New Adventure

Tom Blakely
Whatever the reason for his troubles, this 50-ycar-old's attitudes are beyond the bounds of normalcy. Troubled and her husband certainly should not even think of dismantling their estate to foot the bill for their son's idleness. But it might be well to find some money to pay for some sessions for their son with a psychologist, By the time a man is 50 he should know how to fly right. But this fellow may have to first learn how to fly. * * * After two years of retirement, my husband and I agree that retirement is the biggest letdown of our lives. We had both worked hard and made good money. When he was 65 and I was 63 we were well enough set up that we had no need to earn more money.

We both have good pensions, a good home in the city and a yearround country home, two cars, a truck, a boat and none of our kids is likely to need any Financial help from us. We were ready for Easy Street. It is obvious we have everything anyone could want. But life has become both routine and dull. Is this what retirement is all about? Let Down Both psychologists who are editorial advisers to The New Adventure say retirement seems to have two faces. The first face is very seductive. It becons people who are close to retirement age to a new lifestyle that has no time clocks, no bosses, no work frustrations and no responsibilities. Sometime after retirement the second face appears, It has a sterner look. The second face says; "I know 1 didn't loll you everything about retirement. But you should have known that a life that i3 all leisure can be a life with reduced diullenuo.s. fewer involvements and almost no demands." These psychologists also agree that aimlessness or no other aim than leisure in retirement is the

cause of many a retiree's lack of Many retirees who work at zest for life. home whether it's because they Perhaps Let-Down'and her bus* need-the-money or the intellectual band can now see that when they involvement say they have the were working they were working same problem of reduced profor more than money. They also ductivity. were working for the self-satisfacThis can be caused by one or all tion and self-respect their jobs of three things. gave them. The first and most likely Setting and achieving some problem is that work done at goals may bring two two things home doesn't have the same disback into their lives with ciplinary pressures as work done in interest. a formal workplace. * * * When working at home it is easy Retirement cdme to me before I not to start on time and to finish was financially ready for it. I have early. Coffee breaks can be longer been doing research projects at and lunch with your partner can be home as a self-employed person to jingered over. There also can be try to make ends meet. But I may interruptions and distractions at meet my end before I am able to do home that don't happen outside. that. Another importanl part of the I am not so productive as I used problem can be the lack of secto be. It now takes me a week to do retarial assistance. Many exwhat I used to be able to do in just a cecutives don't miss this until it's couple of days. I was charging the same hourly missing, The third part of the problem is rate as I was paid when I was employed but because of my lower more subtle. You may have to deoutput I have had to cut my rate by cide whether you're retired or whether you're still working. half to be competitive. If you decide you're still workHave you any ideas about how financially strapped retirees can ing you will then have to decide increase their work output? Grop- whether as a boss you are demanding enough of your employee, ing



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SA may ease Alzheimer's

VANCOUVER (CP) A study uggests Alzheimer's disease may j prevented by taking anti-inflamatory drugs like ASA, reearchers at University of British Columbia say. The study co-written by neuoscientist Dr. Pat McGeer and his vife, Dr. Edith McGeer, suggests icetylsalicylic acid, sold as ASA or Aspirin, may prevent the developnent of Alzheimer's, a degenerative brain disease that afects 350,000 Canadians. ,i The study found the disease was are among rheumatoid arthritis patients, who take anti-inflamnatory drugs regularly to relieve oint swelling and stiffness. Only 0.39 per cent of arthritis patients over the age of 64 have Alzheimer's, while 2.7 per cent of the general population in that age group have the disease. Pat McGeer suggests that since Alzheimer's is characterized by swelling of the brain, anti-inflammatory drugs may be the best treatment. McGeer said it's too early to say for sure if the low incidence of Alzheimer's among arthritis patients is due to anti-inflammatory therapy, "but that's what everything we have done so far would suggest." "The next step is to begin clinical trials in which Alzheimer's patients are treated with mild antiinflammatory agents," McGeer said. "We're hoping to get a clinic going here in B.C." Alzheimer's disease is a progressive deterioration of mental abilities involving irreversible memory loss. Women between the ages of 40 and 60 are most likely to develop the disease. A r e c e n t d i s c o v e r y by rheumatologist Andrew Chalmers of U.B.C. may help treat severe cases of Alzheimer's, McGeer said. Chalmers recently completed a three-year study that found cyclosporine, a drug commonly used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs, is a powerful antiinflammatory. But McGeer said cyclosporine should only be used if nothing else works because it is so strong and has such severe sideeffects.




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WAMSSN UK tlwftday, May 16,


Prairie Oasis has a choice of four frips for seniors

fhere is sttffiethihg for everyoft ift the bus trips afrahged_by Pri.irie Oasis Seftiof Centre. The fif t one is oft May 23, a shopping tfil to Polo Park in the aftefhooh an$ Watching the horse faces at Asf iftiboia Downs ift the evening, iJUfte 25 to Wisconsin Dells, sisdays ahd five nights, AUg. i Rainbow Stage Aug. 15 ahd 16 Folklofarna ahfl Rainbow Stage to see Cinderella. AUg, 27, 28 and 29 Three-day shipping trip to Grand Porks, oil to Bifmarck atid Medora musical. The choir concert will be held ohfMay 29 at the centre. The paint class art sale and tea will be held onfMay 30 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. phere will be a fashion show at Brandon Shoppers Mall on May 25. Aity seniors wishing to model, please phone 727-6641.

' ''

'*" ^-""n.sViV'
" , '


Senior Citizens
Eugetia Moore

at the Centennial Auditorium oft April 27. Silver dollaf bittgo was played oh April 30. The Lodge's annual spring tea and bake sale, convened by Marie Yafema, activity director, was held oh May 3. Mr. Ted Bird, regional director for Central Park Lodges, attended ahd renewed acquaintance with old friends. Guests were greeted by Mrs. Carol Esler, lodge manager. Knox Church Women with Lexie Morling, Rose Lang and Kareeh Rommelaere assisted in the dining roohi. Tea honors Were shared by Mrs. Alma Liepihs, Mrs. Jessie yflie ukelele band from Linden Johnson, Mrs. Jean McConnell and LaBes entertained at RideaU Park Mrs. Frances Bridgett. Others asPelsonal Care Home oh May 1. sisting were Helen Stanley, Ethel Thfe band is under the direction of Morrison, Doris Jones, Bea Arnold, Grtigg Dihsdale and is made up of Ivy Hume, Shirley Wilkinson ahd 46 students from Grades 4, 5 and 6. Ina Penner. Jessie Owens and jtThe Golden Swingers visited the Muriel Slate provided music HolJfie on May 7, the last visit until throughout the afternoon. The Ferris Wheels and Knox falfi Sortie residents attended the daflce at Central Community UCT entertained and provided reCentre on May 4. The Central Unit- freshments at the Lodge on May 7. ed! Youth Group is visiting the Pub day was held on May 8. Marge home today and playing games Cameron entertained with organ music during the afternoon. wifli the residents. Birthday greetings go to Mr. Al|A group will be going to the bert Liepins. Residents and staff Shrine Circus on May 12. feethel Christian Assembly con- welcome Mrs. Victoria Johnson ducted a service on May 6 and St. and Mrs. Grace Pilcher to the Augustine's Roman Catholic Lodge. * * * Church will hold a service on May Hillcrcst Adult Day Club has 13.1 ^Residents are taking part in been involved in a variety of acNational Forest Week and have tivities recently. Members enjoyed planted Manitoba firs in planters. the movie Gorillas in the Mist, attended a western day barbecue and ^Children from the Kids' Centre pub afternoon, lunched at Rob visfted Fairview on May 4 and Roy's and then visited the BMHC placed games with residents in the museum. auditorium. The Milen Social Club The Friday group was at Fairmet in the Orchard Lounge on May view rhythm band concert and the 7. Residents attended the grand- Tuesday group attended the dafmojhers' tea at Parkview on May 8. fodil tea at Hillcrest. The WednesHarold Medd presented a trav- day women drove to Minnedosa elofeue on England, Scotland and last month and had lunch there. Wales on May 8. The group is busy with crafts 'Carnations are being sold today and took part at the Charity Bazaar for! the MS Society for Mother's on April 26 and 27. The group will Day. continue to work on crafts in antici/The Ladies' Friendship Club pation of the Fall Charity Bazaar. will hold a Mother's Day tea on The group is also looking forward May 11. to a trip to Northen Neighbors' iEvery Friday morning, several Days in Minot. residents enjoy a walking club with * * * "". . volunteers and staff followed by rePark Avenue Seniors held a freshments in the activity centre. supper on April 30. Followirhe shuffleboard club will hold potluck ing the supper Len Evans, MLA, a windup on May 12, his accordion, led a singsong. Bethel Temple will conduct a with A lunch service on May 13 at 2 p.m. in the ning. was served to end the eveactivity centre. Whist winners on April 30 were ^Birthday congratulations go to Bessie Couling. Mrif. Anna Omelchuk, Mrs. Harriet Rich Elliott and * * * Allen, Mrs. Mary McMillan, Mrs. enjoyable evening of music Jatfet Seward and Mrs. Georgina andAn a singalong was provided by Rodgerson. Len Evans at Winnipeg House on 3 * * * by lunch. .Westridgc seniors enjoyed a April 29 followed * * * speicial event at the regular whist Brandonite New Horizons memafternoon on May 2 when a memben) Mrs. Pearl Michie, was honor- bers are planning a bus trip to ed joy her family with a birthday Treherne in June to see the glass calie on the occasion of her 90th house. Members had lunch at the Red birthday. The final event of the season Fox yesterday. Cribbage winners will be a potluck supper on May 6, on May 2 were Dick Jenkins and Edith Cable. J * * * Eugeno Moore is o former lifestyle Several residents from Central Park Lodge enjoyed South Pacific editor of the Brandon Sun.

Mary Schaeffer (standing right), who won't turn 100 until Dec. 16, is the youngest of the group of Brethren Village seniors who got together in Neffsville, Pa,, recently. Everyone else has passed the century mark. Anna Shively (seated

AP wirephoto

second from left), will be 110 Monday, while Grace Trout is. 101, Anna Edith Heisley is 100 and Esther Drybred is 101 (seated left to right), Mazie Myer and Jacob Stauffer(statta*v ing) are 101 and 100 respectively, ;:;

** *


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, ffwKtoy, May 18/


] 1 f -Ml i ml


Tracing family
WINNIPEG (CP) GlaSftost is comifig to genealogy but the batfiefs afe falling at a slowef pace thah the Berlin Wall. "It was fealty hard to get started," says Brian Leniiis, 37, president of the heWly-foftfied Eastern European branch of the Manitoba Genealogical Society. He's digging for his Austrian foots. Although the area ifi question is now in the Ukraine, information on his forefathers is in Polish archives. That's good, since documents are less restricted there. Lenius says even it Soviet authorities are willing to help, sometimes they just don't have the ability. "in the Ukraine, there is very limited information available at this point," agrees Noel Elliot, research director of the Torontobased Genealogical Research Library. "That's a lot better than zero, which is what it used to be." Elliot's group has its records computerized and employs researchers in more than 100 countries to trace people's roots. : ' They claim to be the first to in> t tensively study records from behind the Iron Curtain. Six years ago, his organization ! worked out an exchange program with Moscow. He predicts that records in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union ; { will be readily available within five ; 5 years, if events continue on their current track. "Poland, we have very little difficulty with. They have a large cen5 tral archives and some films are now here in North America. It's just as easy to research in East Germany as West Germany. Czechoslovakia is more difficult, as is Yugoslavia. Romania and Bulgaria are not as easy, he said. "It's really a difficult case, ! Romania and Bulgaria. We have J searchers in Hungary who can go ; right into the archives and have t free access to birth, death and mar! riage records." Tracing families in the Ukraine is hard work but can be done, he added. Among research tools are K ship passenger lists, which provide m valuable information about immiS grants and their families. Lists are JJ available back to 1865. m , Genealogy is a time-consuming j occupation, even when records are available. I, Lenius .has ,spent five years _ tracing" his'ancestors and so far has jgone back as far as the 18th cen*tury. 9) In Manitoba, the search can K start with two organizations that specialize in such things. But it still isn't like picking up a phone book. "People come in and expect us Jjto open a drawer and there it is," 3 says Mavis Menzies, office co-ordijg nator at the Manitoba Genealogical 3? Society. S "We had one man who wanted JJ to know where in town he could go to get pictures of his family. ! "You can't do it in two weeks for grandma's birthday." ! Mormons, because of their own jj deep interest in genealogy, also run 5 tj resource centre which is open to M the public. J} ; The Mormon Family Resource * Centre concentrates on non-Can5 <r(clian information. Its files include Jf a huge index of names compiled SJ from parish records in Europe. jj ' Provincial records also can be useful. Manitoba records date to 1882 but some older parish records cjre available. Other provinces <j provide similar services.

Optimist Club comes through again

I've beefi ifi a blue funk lately. Each time I dfbp off ybiif donations to Joan Kefinedy at the Child and Faffiily Services office, 1 learn the list of disadvantaged children on the" camp list is growing. a t , tMofiufiately, the dbnatioh total was not keeping pace with that list and it Was becoming painfully apparent that some of these kids didn't have a hope in ttades of going to camp. Then my phone fang Sunday night and the voice at the other end belonged to pwight Solon of the Brandon Optimist Club. "You can count us in again," he said. "Another $io,ooo.H ,That was like getting a Christmas present in May. The Optimist Club has been the Sun Fund for Kids' biggest booster since it was born four years ago. They have donated $10,000 each year. Ifl some circles, this Wouldn't come as a big surprise because kids are a priority with the Optimists. They are involved with a variety of minor sports up to their necks. And for more than 20 years, their biggest undertaking has been the annual Optimist Assiniboine Relays, the indoor track meet held each February at Keystone Centre. It attracts more than 1,000 young athletes to the city's biggest two-day sports undertaking. What is surprising is that the Optimist Club is one of the city's smallest service clubs. They generate the bulk of their revenue from their weekly bingo at the Keystone Centre. They are also masters of good timing. Each year When the Sun Fund has needed its biggest boost, the Optimists have come through. Their injection this year puts us to about 66 per cent of our goal. Every donation, every penny is critical to helping some needy kid in Western Manitoba realize a summer camp experience. Speaking of pennies, Bev Wallace has been saving his and brought in a whole bag of pennies, neatly wrapped and added $20 to the total. Pete and Anne Franklin of Deloraine helped out again as did the Princess Park Residence Assocaition and the RCAF 502 Wing, Ladies Auxiliary and the Brandon Hills Fireflies to name but a few repeaters. You too can help send a youngster to camp.

by tmtAN MARSHALL sun Managing Editor

These are kids who have a big need to have something nice happen in their lives. The alternative is to leave them to their own devices to roam the streets during the long summer months when temptations await, It takes so little to help, Even a dollar will help. I've said it before and it bears repeating that the size of the donation matters not as much as the donation itself. Why not send a buck or two today? Make your cheques and money orders payable to the Sun Fund for Kids and send it to me c/o the SUh, 501 Rosser AVe., R7A 626. Receipts for the taxfnan will be handled by CFS. BeV Wallace $20 Princess Park Residence Association 50 Margaret Beatty 10 Mrs. F. L. Hayward 20 Pete and Anne Franklin, Deloraine 20 Brandon Hills Fireflies 25 Sigma Chapter Beta Sigma Phi , 10 RCAF 502 Wing Ladies Auxiliary 50 Busy Hands Group Knox United Church.. 100 Ryan and Aaron Kaluzniak 20 Brandon Optimist Club 10,000 Roberta Wallace, Crandall 25 Reston United Church Guild 50 Mack and Gwen Hamilton 20 Anonymous 50 Anonymous 10 Pipestone 4-H Home EC Club 20 Andy and Barbara Pomeroy, Alexander... 20 Lena Donald, Rivers 25 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Janz, Souris 15 Total this week $10,560 Previous total $12,781.85
TOTAL TO DATE $23,341.85


Optimist Club president Brian Forsyth checks the waiting list of campers with CFS camp coordinator, Lori Dueck.




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SUM, fhwsdat, May 16,1996

Book educates kids Sunscreen can offer protection Facts and Figures about water safety
6f fhfee-pffi
The animals are part of the colorful illustrations, questions and games in The Lookout! Book: A Child's Guide to Water Safety (published by Macmillah of Canada, $7.95). The guide, written by Cindy Blakely and Suzanne Drihkwater and illustrated by Barbara Klunder, helps children remember safety rules for boating, water sports, swimming, and playing on the ice in winter and the beach in summer. "The animals in the pictures show how to enjoy all these things safely and there are questions to be discussed with parents or teachers, quizzes and a board gamej" Blakely, a social worker for the Toronto board of education, said in an interView. "Most people aren't aware of the number of deaths and accidents that occur because of lack of knowledge of basic safety rules." The book has been endorsed by the Royal Life Saving Society of Canada, a non-profit organization that helps educate the public about the importance of water safety. The society, which began its six-day national symposium In St. John's, Nfld. Monday,? has launched a campaign aimed at reducing the number of water-related deaths in Canada. The public awareness program is being implemented through schools, public swimming pools and parks and recreation facilities. A survey by the society revealed 1,200 Canadians died in aquatic accidents in 1987 and 76 per cent of those deaths were from April to September.

Blafcely, a swim instructor with three children, and Drinkwater, a book agent who is moving back to Toronto with her family after living in F.ngland for 3Vz years, have a particular interest in child safety. Their first book, The Lookout! Book: A Child's Guide to Street Safety, sold fhofe than 40,000 copies NO, it's not Noah's Ark goes to in Canada and the united states. the beach. by MAftLEp MABlfi CP Lifestyles Editor f otipNf 0 (CP) A pretty pig in a polka-dot bathing suit scans the seashore for dangerous creatures and a loon in a lifejacket points to a boat-Safety checklist and rules.

Blakely hopes their second book is also successful in educating children, and parents, in a fun way. "We're hoping it teaches and reminds the parents about some rules they may take for granted, like wearing a lifejacket on a boat, especially if you're a non-swimmer, or not to dive into shallow water, Which can cause spinal injuries or death." The guide, with a hedgehog named Beeper as the water-safety mascot, includes questions children should ask themselves before going in or near water: "Is there an adult With me? Do I know dangers to look out for? Are there warning signs, flags or posted rules t should pay attention to? Do I know what to do in an emergency." It'also explains how weather conditions can make a safe place unsafe; what sea creatures pose dangers; important safety features in and around backyard swimming pools; unsafe activities at the beach; and what to do if someone falls through ice.

Sun protection factor, of SPF, is a number that indicates how much longer a person can f eitiaifi in the sun when using a sunscreen product than when using no product at all. For example, if a person could stay out for 20 ttiinutes befpfe beginning to burn, using an SPF 15 would allow that person to Stay out 15 times longer (five hours) without burning. The key to maintaining SPF on skin is to apply several even applications of sunscreen throughout the day. SPF is ah indicator of protection against UVB rays, which penetrate the skin's surface, cause sunburn and increase the risk of skin damage. Concern over UVA rays, which are thought to promote premature aging, have prompted development of 'broadspectrum' products. Check package labelling for UVA blockers such as bezophenone or oxybenzone. The term sunblock generally denotes a product with a higher SPF. No product, however, is a total sun block and that is why

fhe 19'9'Os .% affe eofftifig the decade 6f . Social cofiscibusfiess is filing to meet ftfeW issues, With Safe SUfi exposure fteaf the top of the list. v People are aware that siifisef eefi with a Sim protection factor is important, but many are uncleaf about exactly what it is.


daring 108$, about 40,000 eveloped idm serf 6f

ApprdftiffitStely ohS in 90 Ca"nadidfis will develop tridli<jhant rtteldhoftia'S (skirt turfidn) by the year 2000. the ihcidehte 6f fndligndht rtielanoffias is rising fatter than all other cancers, e*cepf for luhg cancer in

One out of every seven peop/e both today will develop Skifi cahter sornetifne dutift his/her lifetOfte. Sunscreen can help reduce these Statistics. A&drdihg to the Cdnddidh Dermatology Associatidn, Photople* is fhe ohty sunscreen oh the market in Canada that extends coverage throughout the potentially-dangerous UVA SpectfUni.

skin continues to tan even with an SPF of 15. Higher SPF's are recommended for consumers that spend a large part of their day working in the sun or have sutt-seftsitive skin. Sunscreen should be applied generously and evenly over all areas of the skin, beginning 30 minutes before exposure. Apply the sunscreen before putting on your swimsUit so no areas are missed. Reapply it every two or three hours* or more often if you are perspiring heavily or swimming. Reapplicaton of a sunscreen product does not protect the skin beyond the time limit indicated by the product's SPF value. For instance, if, with the sunscreen, you determine you can remain in the sun for five hours, giving yourself another coat of the stuff after a swim doesn't allow you five more hours in the sun. It

merely protects you for the remainder of that initial five-hour duration. It is Wise to select a sunscreen product with an SPF value of 15 or greater to assure adequate protection. Choose a product which protects against both UVA and UVB rays. If itching, redness or a rash develops while using the sunscreen, stop using it and ask your medical professional to suggest another product. In order to prepare for a tropical holiday, manysunworshippers take to the tanning salon to 'prepare' their skin for the onslaught of the sun. The Canadian Dermatology Association is against the practice, and last year sent a letter to all provincial and territorial ministers of health calling tanning booths "a significant cause of skin cancer." . The letter went on to say: "Because continued use by the public, whether supervised by at-

The Lancet, a British medical journal, recently reported some interesting observations by a team of researchers at the Sydney Hospital in Australia. They examined people who were undergoing a normal tanning course in a commercial tanning booth, emitting UVA light. On average, they found these people had a lower number of white blood cells, a reduction in the number of natural 'killer* cells (which help fight new cancer cells and viruses) and a markedly reduced ability to mount ah immunological response to skin scratch test. Their immune systems were damaged after discontinuing the tanning treatment, it took two Weeks for their immune systems to return to normal.

tendants of ml, will represent increased fiSk 6f maligftaficy and translate eventually into increased health-care costs, we are soliciting your co-operatidn in considering a total ban on these units when used for cosmetic purposes only." According to the AwerciaH Dermatology Association, in addition to accelerated aging, the shorthand long-term risks associated with trVA tanning booths include damage to the unprotected lens of the eye resulting in cataracts, abnormal skin sensitivity to the sun in people using certain drugs and medications (such as trahquilizers and birth control pills) and changes in the blood vessels of the skin.

ni) bo




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owers confesses to spying

Looking Backward

Friends of J.M. Donaldson gathered at a farewell dinner held in his honor prior to his departure to reside in Toronto. Seeding has been delayed by heavy fains and there is no sign of weather settling. The British Navy is off the coast of Greece hear Salonica. The most gigantic battle of all time is now believed to have opened over Europe, Holland and Belgium both invaded by German forces in a lightning strike at dawn. Most of the industrial city of Rimouski, Que., was destroyed by fire. Some 1,200 miles west the swollen Red River forced residents of homes in Winnipeg to flee. * * * Premier Khrushchev says Francis G. Powers, pilot of the United States high-altitude jet shot down by a rocket in the Urals a week ago, has confessed he Was spying. The provincial government has allotted about $1,250,000 in this year's budget for a government building and bridge across the Assiniboine River in Brandon and it intends to spend it as soon as details of the projects are finalized. . Industry and Commerce Minister Len Evans was in Brandon yesterday to introduce the new members of the board of directors of McKenzie Seeds, the second largest seed house in Canada. China announced it will launch a rocket apparently an intercontinental ballistic missile into the South Pacific between May 12 and June 10. It would be China's first full flight test of an ICBM, whose range would cover all of the Soviet Union and reach the western United States. Brandon University's athletic program, apparently guilty of a recruiting violation, has been placed on probation for a period of two years by the Great-Plains Athletic Conference.




>^ ,^ , . r^/^ll/^VN^," - srri^^^ : .^'i>m



in the classroom
May 10, 1990 May play!! Invite two or three friends to join you. How many meanings can you think of for the word "may." Brainstorm a list with your friends. Now examine your newspaper carefully. Everytime you come across the word "may" mark it with a highlighter. Read the sentence in which it occurs out U>ud to your friends. Decide which of the meanings for the word "may" from your list applies. Explain to a group of your classmates what you learned about the word "may" and in how many different contexts it appeared in your newspaper.



For more information qboof newspapers in education, contact Brandon Sun Managing Editor Brian Marshall at 727-245) (out of town, co/l toi/-free 1-727-5III).

Brandon Duplicate Bridge Club results for Monday, May 7: Ho well Movement 1. Jean Garbolinsky-Dorothy Brooking; 2. Murray DavidsonDick Menon; 3. Irene ClerrnontClarice Ramsay. The Brandon Duplicate Bridge Club meets every Monday at 7:15 p.m. at the Provincial Building, 340 Ninth Street. New players are always welcome. For more information, call*725-0812. Wheat City Duplicate Bridge Club results for Thursday, May 3: Mitchell Movement North-South 1. Gerald and Joyce Harper; 2. Elton Hay wardDorothy Brooking; 3. Murray and June Clark. East-West 1. Vi and Len Zywiua; 2. Fred Mylrea-Neil McCattum; 3. Irene ClernvwtOaisy HUdebrand. Th,e Whe^t City Duplicate Bridge Club meets every Thursday a,t 7:30 p.m. at the Prairie Oasis Seniors Centre, 241 Eighth Street. New Players are always welcome.

Bridge results

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STORE HOURS; Monday to Friday, 9 a,m, to 9 p.m, Saturday, 13,1990 Prices effective until dosing Sunday, a CanaQian company
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by Bf LL AMJKttSOft The Canadian Press With warm weather upon us Sftd summer rock coticert schedules blp'oming, it's a good time to ask: why do we go to these things anyway? Compared with the comforts of home personal audio system, privacy, armchair, fridge most concerts are like a bad night at a Sleazy carnival. Indeed, rock concerts have had ah air Of gl-easy exploitation about them for more thah 20 years now, beginning with the famous Woodstock festival. ;., The 1969 event in upstate New York is usually celebrated as the coming together of the hippie generation, or some such malarkey, because hundreds of thousands of people peacefully endured a weekend of long lineups,'wet Weather and inadequate toilets. < In fact, Woodstock was the place where entrepreneurs began to see" just how large and cow-like the rock audience really is. "Woodstock changed the order of magnitude of rock events," American musicologist Jon Pareles has noted. "Suddenly, a headline date at a 3,000-seat theatre became small potatoes. "Promoters started thinking bigger, and realized that if audiences would put up with Woodstock-like conditions, they'd put up with anything." In the years since, rock fans have done nothing to change this impression, and the summer concert season built largely around outdoor amphitheatres confirms it. These venues, known as "sheds" in the industry, usually resemble an elaborate carport. A roof covers the stage and prime seats, but the rest of the seating is an unreserved spot on an open, grassy hill. This is passable on a warm night, providing the ground is dry and you don't mind squatting on

Are concerts worth the discomfort?

At the other favfirite summertime venue football stadiums the perils resemble the wintertime horrors of concerts in hockey and basketball arenas. Except, in summer the abuses are on a lafgef scale. Some of the problems, to riame just 10, include seats so far from the stage they have another postal code, cramped plastic chaits, security goons, vomiting patrons, flooded washrooms, parking lot gridlock, ticket scalping, junk food concessions, obstructed views and oppressive humidity. One .advantage of outdoor venues, it must be admitted, is a reduction in the alpine echoes that mar indoor shows. Outside, the sound usually follows a more orderly path from performer to listener as long as it doesn't get blojvh away by a strong crosswind or drowned out by passing airplanes. This is the heart of the problem with most stadium and arena concerts the sound itself. All the discomforts might be tolerable if the sound was good, but it usually isn't. How can it be? Stadiums and arenas are built for sports, hot music, and every aspect of the performance is an attempt to deal with this fundamental flaw. Still, the promise of an inspired concert is usually too much to resist, and everybody has a star they'd go see anytime, anywhere, But beyond the automatic choices, there are ways of playing the field to get more for your dollar. First, assume that amphitheatres are a superior summer venue as long as you can get a seat under the roof. You'll be

Outdoor festivals, of course, present the same fisk. If the CO?H ditions afeft't like & refugee camp, you've still got the threat of fain turning sun and fun into mud and misery.

your haufiches for hows. But if the temperature drops of a cot>I wifid picks tip 6f it fains tough luck, Sticker.

Garfield creator
MIAMI (AP) Jim creator of Garfield, has beeft named Cartoonist of the Year bj' the National Cartoonists Society. After six years as a nominee^, Davis of Albany, Ihd., won the Reuben the cartoon world's equivalent of the Oscar, for the cynical Garfield, famous fot television specials and a host of novelty items as well as newspaper cartoons. 1 The award was presented duping a ceremony aboard the M.S. Sunward II in the Caribbean, said Selma Gore, spokeswoifiafi for Norwegian Cruise Lines.. '< The award, a 40-centimetrfe bronze statue designed by th late cartoonist Rube Goldberg;, founder of the 44-year-old saciety, shows eight people tangleft together around an inkstand. J Mell Lazarus, creator of thfe nationally syndicated Miss Peach and Momma comifc strips, is president of the 45Cfmember organization. 1 Awards for excellence alsi) 1 were given in five categories . Johnny Hart of Endicott, N.YJ, who draws B.C. and Wizard of 1$ was honored for best newspapej* strips and' panels. The newspaper editorial and sports award went to Pat Oliphant of Falls Church, Va. j Mad Magazine cartoonist Sergio Aragones of Ojai, CalifJ, won the society's magazine ana book award. Chuck Jones of Laguna Beach, Calif., won th electronic media award for his work on Bugs Bunny and other animated cartoons and Roy Doty of New York City was honored in the commercial category for hifc advertisements. 1


CP wirephoto

IS IT WORTH IT?: Crowds, poor vantage points and weather all hamper concert goers.
reasonably close to the performer, with a reserved seat in a place built for music. In weighing which artists to see, consider how the artists' careers are going. Are they rising fast, with this show probably the last time to catch them in a small venue? Or have they peaked in popularity, playing the same 5,000- or 10,000seat places every summer? Another factor to consider is how well the music suits the venue. You may adore the music of, say, Tracy Chapman, but her intense folk singing isn't going to make it in a stadium. Generally speaking, acoustic performances suffer in large venues while electric-based music with heavy amplification can get something across. Some artists notably Bruce Springsteen have such intensity and commitment they can make even a stadium concert as special as any show in a small hall. But mostly with stadium concerts, the music takes a back seat to the circus aspect of rock the crowds, noise, freaks and flashing lights. If that's what you want, there's a barker by the tent who'll be glad to take your money.

Cannes Festival is to open today

PARIS (AP) The 43rd Cannes Film Festival opening today offers a world view of the cinema that reflects rapidly changing events. Movies from Eastern Europe, the Far East and Africa are among the If) films competing for the Gold, , en Palm award during the 12 days of competition. Saturday will be devoted to Europe 90, Cinema Without Borders for meetings and discussions among filmmakers from East and West, marking new freedoms enjoyed by Eastern Europe's Kfilm industry. jS The prestigious festival also ' serves as a vast film market and is 5 expected to draw up to 12,000 indusJ try professionals, 3,000 journalists and hordes of film buffs to the seaside Palais dcs Festivals in Cannes on the French Riviera, Films are judged by a jury of 10, including Italian director Bernardo Bcrtolucci and American actress Anjclica Huston. The festival will open with an out-of-competition showing of Dreams, an autobiographical movie by Akiro Kurosawa, the 80year-old Japanese film master. It closes with another out-of-competition film, Comfort of Strangers, by A m e r i c a n director Paul Schrader. Three U.S. films are expected

B R ju n W H

to be serious contenders for the Golden Palm: Clint Eastwood's White Hunter, Black Heart, about a director obsessed with killing an elephant, (based on a story by Peter Viertel, allegedly inspired by John Huston and the 1952 filming of African Queen) Come See the Paradisc, directed by English-born Alan Parker, about a Japanese-American family interned in a camp dufing the Second World War and David Lynch's Wild at Heart. Films by directors from Eastern European countries are expected to attract attention. These include Przesluchanie (The Interrogation), by Polish director Ryszard Bugajski, Ucho (The Ear) from Czechoslovakia, and an outof-competition film from Yugoslavia, Umetni Raj, (Artificial Paradise) by Karpo Qodina. Beyond the main competition, the festival also offers an international selection of films chosen for varying personal viewpoints grouped under a category called Un Certain Regard. The Directors' Fortnight groups 20 films from all over the world to display the work of new, unknown directors. Fans of Fritz Lang and Groucho Marx will be able to enjoy screenings of their work in special homages commemorating their birth 100 years ago.

For more information, call


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Got BEWHt) tttfc BACK?/

Advice wasn't practica

Dear Ann Lahdei-s! I almost dropped my coffee wheh I read your advice to the kindheafted woman who is taking care of her elderly mother-in-law and does not receive a penny in return, although the old lady is well-heeled. "Mrs. Greatheart" has another son whose wife doesn't do one thing for the woman, although she has a big home and could afford to help. When your correspondent wrote that she just learned her mdther-inlaw had written a will and was dividing everything equally between her two sons, you told her: "Never mind your hulsband's brother and his wife. Just keep on doing what you know is right. You will feel good about yourselves for the rest of your lives, while those other two will have to deal with the burden of guilt that will surely haunt them." Ann, you blew it. I am a law student at Georgetown and .can tell you that the woman is entitled to more than just feeling good about herself. And that claptrap about the selfish son and his do-nothing wife being "haunted by guilt" is baloney. People like that have no conscience. They don't feel a thing. That saintly daughter-in-law should buy herself a notebook and record every hour she spends taking care of her mother-in-law and keep receipts for all the medication purchased plus anything else she buys for the woman. (The care she is giving the old lady would cost about $225 a day if she had to pay for it.) When the mother-in-law dies, an itemized bill should be presented to the lawyer or to the administrator of the estate. This kindhearted daughter-in-law deserves to be compensated financially for her time, energy and money spent. She needs to know that the law is on her side. With all the lawyers you have access to, I can't imagine why you didn't check this out. J.D. Who Reads You in the Washington Post Dear J.D.: You're right, and I am ashamed of myself. I have since checked with Charles Nessen, who teaches at the Harvard Law School, and this is what he said: Handing a bill to the estate does not ensure reimbursement. There must be a written or oral contract. In 1985, the Supreme Court of Minnesota ruled on such a case. Alice Beecham, a nurse and the second wife of Bill Beecham, cared for his elderly mother in their home. The woman had told her repeatedly, "I'll pay you back one day for taking care of me." She died after two years and left nothing to her daughter-in-law. Alice Beecham sued the estate for $44,000 for "nursing and personal care" and collected. Dear Readers: Recently, a man wrote that after a routine exam by his family doctor he was told that he was in fine shape. His prostate, however, was slightly enlarged, but that was to be expected, he said, for "a man of my age." A few months later, he went to a urologist for a routine checkup, just to make sure. The doctor found a growth on the prostate that proved to be malignant. I then suggested ultrasound as the state-ofthe-art diagnostic tool. My bright-eyed, alert, medically oriented readers let me know promptly that ultrasound should 1 not be used as a screening tool. They said the digital test is best, and if an abnormality is found, it is then advisable to use the ultrasound (and two blood tests) to verify their finds. My thanks to all the urologists who wrote to set me straight. Gem of the Day (from James Evercd, Denton, Tex.): The best way to lose a friend is to tell him something for his own good.










Joyce Jillson
For Friday, May 11 Venus unfriendly to Jupiter could cost you big bucks on a date tonight. Think twice about trying to Impress someone by spending all you have. It's better if the other person likes you for who you are not what you have. Mercury favorable to Jupiter Is fine for a truth-Becking mission. * * * ARIES (March 21 to April 19): This is an excellent weekend for an out-of-town journey; take along a friend or two. Sudden attractions on Saturday put you on an emotional high. On Sunday you're extra sexy. * * * TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): There's a tendency to overindulge this weekend, but you still have plenty of fun. On Saturday, an infatuation is likely. Conversations will be fascinating Sunday. * * * GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): You're at your expressive best today. Your sense of humor keeps others In stitches. On Satuday, share the financial rewards of your career success. You make a new friend Sunday. CANCER (Juno 22 to July 22): There's better communication with loved ones on Friday. Venus unfriendly to Uranus on Saturday can bring an unexpected but short-lived romance your way. Sunday is laid-back. * * * LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): Long-distance calls could be cosUy, but you'll probably want to make them anyway. On Saturday, you get to explore new relationship possibilities. Reconciliations are favored Sunday. * * TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (May 11): This year holds great promise for love and travel. Romance sizzles in June when an ultimatum actually works. Singles find new partners in September and October. Timing is everything for your career; seek out mentors. Scholarships are likely in January. Increased responsibilities bring out your hidden talents. Make travel plans early. Geminis and Cancers follow your suggestions. * * VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Your positive outlook adds to your already existing sex appeal. Everything turns out all right in your love life Saturday. By Sunday, it's|time to discuss practicalities. * LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 23): Be selective when choosing your social activities so you can avoid the stuck-up types. On Saturday, relationships take unexpected twists and turns. Enjoy the best on Sunday. * * SCORPIO (Oct. 24 to Nov. 21): Your partner will probably expect you to be indulgent and generous which is nice, but expensive. On Saturday more things go your way. Set emotional boundaries on Sunday. * SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Social doors open to you, but you need to follow all the social amenities. A brief infatuation on Saturday is still enjoyable. Listen to your heart on Sunday. * ' CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. IB): You could have a Taurus or Virgo in your future this weekend. Saturday finds you playing the waiting game. On Sunday you feel confident about making the first move. * AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): You're likely to be in the right place at the right time to meet that magical someone. On Saturday it's better if you don't give your heart away. A special treat comes on Sunday. t PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Do your best to make others (eel comfortable this weekend. On Saturday, dress in a more sporty fashion. You could meet your match Sunday afternoon. * WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST There Will be a mixture of influences. Mercury favoring Jupiter on Friday means a good blend of social activities and variety, perhaps involving travel. If you're lucky you'll meet someone Whose mind attracts you. It's possible this person could teach you something valuable about life. If you're sports-minded, Mercury/Jupiter gets you off the sofa and onto the tennis court. But with Venus unfriendly to Jupiter, you might find things are more costly than usual. Or some of the people you meet might bore you to tears. SUU, the moon in Sagittarius keeps your spirits an the upbeat side. WbiUevc-r you do, make an effort not to start the evening with an argument.

Using your dictionary can be habit forming

1990: Not all habits are bad ones. While I have a few I can-do A without, I hope I never break one which represents a great learning experience. Offer me a word I don't know, and automatically I reach for the dictionary. If it's not there I reach for a larger one, and a larger one, until finally I get up to the full set. It was in the Strathclair and District Review where I first saw the word sullage. My first thought was that it might be a typo, but when I saw it repeated this notion defeated itself. Our hero turns to his favorite dictionary, the Oxford Paperback, which is six inches off his elbow on the port side. No sullage. Oh, not to worry. This sends me across the room to Oxford's Concise. No sullage. Well, there's no stopping me when I get the bit in my teeth so down I go to the lower shelf for the second volume of the Shorter Oxford Dictionary on Historical Principles. SULLAGE: This word first appeared in English literature in 1553, but is of obscure parentage. Definition I: Filth, refuse, especially such as is carried off by drains from a house, farmyard, or the like; sewage. 2. Filth, defilement, pollution. 3. The silt washed down and deposited by a stream or flood. Well, by this time I know you are on the edge of your seats wondering what I'm gettin on about, and now I shall enlighten you: In Strathclair, the councillors agree with a proposed provincial regulation which makes it against the law to discharge sewage or sullage into a body of water or a watercourse from a pleasure boat. The district home economist



The Diary
Fred McGuinness
who serves Strathclair, Shoal Lake, Virden, Hamiota and all intermediate points, has a column in The Review, but his or her name has been omitted. (You'll never catch me making a sexist reference.) The column in a current edition laments our eating habits, and for good reason; we're scoffing off 10 per cent too much fat, and while we should be eating three teaspoons of salt per day, in fact we eat double this amount. This man-woman (it's bound to be one or the other) has recipe booklets available which offer recipes conforming to the standards of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. STOP THE PRESSES: In another copy of The Review I see where a new home-ec is just introducing herself. She is Cathey Day, who hails from Deloraine. A week later and, according to her column, she's deep into the intricacies of time management, For the real news in town, of course, one must turn to the classifieds, and here there is no end of bargains. I am offered round bales, seed oats, Roblin wheat, home baking, even a "leopard Appaloosa, five-year-old gelding . . . 'green broke under saddle'." It takes real community spirit to find the volunteers who will gather and distribute as much news as is found in the Strathclair Review. I send public thanks to Ken Rapley for sharing it with me.







Fred McGuinness is o former associate editor of the Brandon Sun.

mitating Ninja Turtles has potential danger

If the kids come home demanding pizza for dinner no anchovies, please yell words such as "Cowabunga!" and strike ferocious poses reminiscent of martial artist Bruce Lee, chances are they're talking turtle. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, that is. And while imitating these reptilian cartoon crime-fighters of comic-book, toy and movie fame may seem harmless fun, parents are being warned some kids are taking the fantasy a dangerous step too far. Police across Canada have reported a growing number of children playing Ninja Turtle in or near sewers and catch basins, with tragic results in at least one case. A four-year-old girl was run over by a car last weekend as she peered down a sewer grate in a Calgary paring lot. She is believed to have been lopljing for the four shelled superh.eroes, who dwell in the sewers under New York. Amanda Dojcabrpwski remained in stable coftditton in hospital-


On Saturday Venus square Uranus may bring 9 few eccentric characters your way. Some of you will want to give up everything (or love, but it's not a gopd idea once the excitement dies down the romance probably will too. On Sunday, the mopp enters Capricern and Jupiter opposes Uranus. Who's responsible (or what In relationships might t>e the, issue. You could come up with unique, workable solutions to complicated partnership problems. Dp what you think is the mature, responsible thing.

Edmonton police have been called out several times because of groups of children playing in and around manholes and catchbasins. Although no one has been hurt so far, police say storm sewers are especially dangerous at this time of year, when heavy spring rains fill them with fast-running water. In Yarmouth, N.S., eight children about seven years old were recently caught with their heads down a storm drain, apparently seeking the pizza-loving humanoid turtles. They had dropped a basket with a long handle into ths drain and were trying to scoop something from the water below. "Sewers are d a n g e r o u s places," says Staff Sgt. Michael Sale of Metropolitan Toronto Police. "There are gases down there that can kill you." Children could also run into animals which may have rabies nesting in sewers, said Sale. "What you need to do is teach children to discriminate between fantasy and reality," said Toronto psychologist Raymond Morris.




SHOE *wwlfll P^TlW^FFWAM 4||ANf^l.( TP VPT6i?.jg m T ^p ^ gjKgj ,

SRAMBSN SUN, Thw$d<sy, Mtfy 16,

ENTERTAINMENT..^--^'ffi a*fc(

Ehnes, Bower Gunnarson escapes in Brandon to stage recital

by WANE NELSON Sun Staff Alan fchties, trumpet, and Arthur Bower, ofgafl, will present a joint recital on Sunday at 8 p.m. at St. Matthew's Cathedral. The recital will feature Baroque music for clarino trumpet and ofgali and for solo organ. The duo Will be assisted by fellow School of Music faculty member Fraser Linklatef. The performance will include works by Bach, Buxtehude, Pachelbel, Baldassare, Stanley, Grossi, Jacchini and Tofeili. Admission is $4 for adults and $2 for students. * * * available at Neelin of the WMCA box office. * * * The World's Greatest Escape Artist, Dean Gunnarson, will be in Brandon for two shows at 1 and 4 p.m. on Sunday at the WMCA. Mother's Day Magic will feature Gunnarson and guest magicians Canadian legend Stompin1 Tom Gary Tardi and Bill Brace. GunConnors Will appear in concert on narson will perform magic tricks Sunday night at 7:30 in the Mani- as well as his famous feats of toba Room at the Keystone escape. The concert is a benefit Centre. Connors is currently on for the charitable causes of the his first Canadian tour in 12 years UCT tickets are $5 for adults and has had a tremendous and $3 for children and are availresponse at every stop so far. able at the WMCA box office. * * * Tickets for the Brandon concert The 10th Annual Provincial are $19.50 in advance or $21.50 the Dance Festival takes place May day of the show. The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band will 5-12 at the Manitoba Theatre be performing in the Keystone Centre and the Pantages PlayArena on Thursday, May 17 at house Theatre in Winnipeg. More 7:30 p.m. All tickets are $20. than 1200 dancers of all ages from Tickets for' both Stompin' Tom across Manitoba will participate and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band in the festival which encomare available at the Keystone passes all disciplines of dance: Centre box office or by phone at 1- jazz, tap, folk, ballet, modern, musical theatre and theatrical 726-3500. dance. The week will conclude * * * with the Mallabar Showcase on Neelin High School presents the Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the musical Grease today through Manitoba Theatre Centre. For Saturday at the Western Mani- more information, contact Lisa toba Centennial Auditorium. Scouten at 943-7116. There will be matinee per* forum to pass CenfreSfoge*is * your formances at 1 p.m. today and along information about upcoming Friday, and e v e n i n g performances all three nights with evenfs in arts and entertainment. Ancurtain time 8 p.m. The show fea- nouncements will be run free of charge tures music from the 1950s lots every Thursday. Information on upcomof good ol' rock and roll. Ad- ing events should be sent to mission is $6 for adults and $4 for CentreStage, c/o Brandon Sun, Box students and seniors. Tickets are 460, Brandon, Man., R7A 526. ftopes, handcuffs, sttaightjackets nattle yotif favourite feStfaifliftg device. Whatever it is, Deaft Gunhafsofl cafi get out of it. The title of World's Greatest Escape Artist has beeh applied to the slightly-built Wiftftipegger who has astonished people wofldvHde with his feats of escapology and magic. Gunharsoh recently performed in Brandon as part of The Tonight Show, a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society. He'll be back in town this Sunday at the WMCA for two shows* at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m., to raise money for the charitable causes of the UCT. Gimnarson is calling the show Mother's Day Magic and promises "a wide range of family-type entertainment that should appeal to the very young and the very old and everybody else in'between." Gunnarson will be performing a collection of magic tricks as well as his famous escapes for the Mother's Day shows he's also bringing two friends along to add to the fun. Gary Tardi is only 14 years old and is an international award-winning magician. Sixty-five-year-old Bill Brace is "a retired RCMP officer who is Canada's greatest magician," said Gunnarson. "I'm excited about performing in the Auditorium again, too," he said, speaking of the WMCA. "I was really, really impressed with the facility it's a nice intimate theatre." Gunnarson is donating his entertainment services for both shows this weekend. he did the same thing when he appeared in Brandon's Tonight Show. Charity work, particularly for Cancer Society, is very important to him. "I've been involved with the Cancer Foundation since I was about 12 years old," said Gunnarson, who is an honorary spokesperson for the group. "I'm fortunate enough to make money from my larger shows, so I can do these special benefit things free of charge." Gunnarson is happy to help out the UCT. "They're well-known arid respected in Brandon for their work," he said. "Their causes are the mentally handicapped and cancer that's why I'm involved." His fascination with escape artistry began when he was a youngster in Texas. His mother gave him a book on Harry Houdini, "one of the greatest showmen who ever walked on the face of the earth," said Gunnarson. He was caught up in the Houdini

twenty mintites later 1 got out ofiti" '''' '" % When the police sp'onsofe/d aj display at Gtifthaf son's high sthdol; i friends urged hifh to try to get out of a set of handcuffs. He reluctantly , agreed, attd was able t9:.ff&| himself in about ten 'fhifiUteS.1 i "Then this meffiber of the Witf fiipeg City Police very carefully.: .took dowfi itty name," Guiifiafson said with a laflgh. .' ' Though he is trained as a ma- \ gieiatt, he is ffibfe widely known f d f ' his daring acts of escape. . ;. ., > "1 was toMJ'd neVef Make", a ' living as ah icscape artist*" GUHnafson said.-"NOW 1 do make S T living as an escape artist and I'Ve been all over"the World. ;







ol .W

Sun photo by Pam Doyle

VI ri: c

ESCAPOLOGIST: World-renowned escape artist Dean Gun* narson will be performing two shows Sunday at the WMCA.
mystique and was soon convincing said. "When it came, my dad lockfriends and family members to tie ed me up in it and said, 'Now I'll him up so he could try to get free. never have to tie you up again.' "It sounds really weird," said Gunnarson, "but every night after dinner I would bug my dad to tie me up. So he did. This is what my father did to help further my career." When he was in about grade nine, Gunnarson saved enough money to order a straitjacket. "People thought I was crazy and maybe I really needed it," he

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Sale profits donated

TORONTO (CP) Profits from the sale of a salad dressing named after actor Paul Newman will help poverty-stricken mothers in Toronto obtain diapers and food for their babies, Newman's Own Inc., which markets salad dressing and spaghetti sauce with labels adorned by Newman's face and name, will donate $10,000 to the 416 Drop-In Centre, which assists homeless and low-income women. The Connecticut-based company, which grossed $42-million last year, gives all profits to charities in the countries where its products are distributed. Company vice-president Ursula Hotchner said in a recent telephone interview the company will donate $7 million to charities this year with $80,000 going to Canadian groups. Hotchner joked that the products have sold so well since they were lauched seven years ago that they now outgross movies made Newman, who has most recently appeared in such film flops as Blaze and Fat Man and Little Boy. "

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* Line Up In Paris SUNDAY, MAY 2O

Starts at 9:30 p.m. Ends at 3 a.m.

(204) 726-3500

mans OHLVI

Brandon Gallery

Brandon Shoppers Mall




Love Mom A Brunch

Mother's Day Brunch
MAY 13, 1990
(11 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Barbecued Chicken t Swedish Meal Balls * Hip of Beef Vegetable and Potato Dessert Table t Salad Selection f Plus all Breakfast Buffet Items

"* *

(8 to 10:30 a.m.)

(4:40 to 8 p.m.)
f Julienne Pork Loin t Stir Fry Chicken * Baron ol Beef (carved) t Scalloped Potatoes * Honey-Glaze Carrots Assorted Salads t Condiment Trays t Black Forest Cake * Strawberry Shortcake t Tea or Coffee t Assorted Rolls


DEAN GUNNARSON International Escape Artist in


a/9 with Gary Tardi, International Award Winning Young Magician and BHI Brace, Society of American Magicians' Young Member Program Ambassador

* Eggs Benedict f Ham, Bacon and Sausage t Hashbrown Potatoes . t Chilled Juices t Assorted Cereals t Danish and Muffins I Fresh Fruit Cocktail t Tea or Coffee




It's her day Sunday May 13th, 1990 , rake Mom to the Grand Salon's at the A Victoria Inn for our special Mother's Day Brunch. Fine food, relaxed atmosphere, and the company of her Famim 1 M is all she needs to make her day complete

at box office or available from UCT members: Dave Poets, 728-25W or Sytette, it, 727-119? w Bob ou , 119

f 1 Af) Avaltabla at bath wwabja at botn p.fd4o.o $afewy stores.


Carnation for all Mothers Limited Menus Available

Presented by United Commercial Travellers

^ bri%g it all together *

35Q Victoria Ave. West

Rissort & Conference Centre


to?p,im, Proceeds to UCT Charitable Causes

i i_iM_Jiiilii,L


P? ?S* " a

BUSINESS OFFICIE HOURS Monday id Friday, 3:30 a.m. id p.m. Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Closed Sundays DEADLINES
New W6'rt Ad* Tuesday to Saturday. 3 p.m. day p'rfor; Sunday, 12 noon Saturday; Monday. 12 nboii Saturday. f*Mfltd Blijiiay, 462 lines of gfSStet Wednesday to Saturday classified," 11 a.m. IW6 publishing days prior to run date. Sunday classified, 3 p.m. Thursday; Monday classified. 11:15 a.m. Friday; Tuesday classified. 2:30 p.m. Friday. Classified Display, less than 462 fiiieS Tuesday to Saturday classified, 11 a.m. day prior to publication. Sunday classified. 2 p.m. Friday: Monday classified, 4 p.m. Friday:


&fcAND6N SUK fhwsddy, May 16,



Cost per line per day up to 4 lines

Advertisers requiring box numbers for replies may have this extra service for an additional $11.00.

To reply to a Brandon Sun box nuttiberlad, send to the Brandon Sufi Classified Dept., P.O. Box 460, Brandon, Man., R7A Attention box

\ day


CLASSIFIED MAILING ADDRESS Brandon Sun! P,0, Box460 Brandon, Man. R7A 526

Out of town, toll free

FAX 725-0976

:2dsys 1.21 ;3days 1.11 .4days 95 iSdsys 89 iBdays 81 7 days 74 18 of more days 72 (approx. 6 words per line) $5.00 minimum billing 20% Discount for prepayment. (Maximum $5.00, private party advertisers only) DISPLAY RATES Births, In Memoriams, Cards of thanks, Engagements, Marriages, Anniversaries (appear in Classified Columns) First 50 Words $6.75

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to cancel a word ad, call us before 3 f the day before publication. For Sunday nd Monday editions, cancellations will' made to 12 noon Saturday.

Coming Events, Notices First 30 words $9.00





TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST wanted, earn ip to $500/week. full- or part-time, no exper ence required, flexible hours, for detail pleas call <24hrs) 807-622-1819. B. A. Robinson Co. requires plumbing, arehouse and counter personnel. Apply in w ting to B. A. Robinson, Box 1013. Brandon,' Ian. R7A 6A3. Attention: Kenn Riddell. AVON needs territory and non-territoryirep rcsentatives. Fun way to earn extra itipney Call now for more information 728-52831 ROMANA Pizza requires delivery perst nnel for delivering pizza. Apply in person to 3 -9th St., 727-8486. NEEDED kitchen help and cooks. Apply with completed application to the front desk 6 the Royal Oak Inn. HOW does a $125/week sound to you?) Ice cream bike routes now available. Call Dave at 726-9494 or Jai at 726-8686. ' FOR June 1, 1990 - Babysitter for 2 infants under 9 months, on casual to part-time Basis. References required. Please phone 725-3403. FULL-TIME, part-time waitress and'fulltime delivery. Apply to Chicken Delight; 1113 Rosser Ave. FICEK Insurance Agency requires partHime receptionist. 50 plus w.p.m., willing to'learn Autopac. Ph. 728-1957, 1102-6th St., Branjdon. SOMEONE to look after 7 & 8 yr. olds .after school, Mon.-Fri. Close to Flcmming Sdhool. Call 728-5603 after 9 p.m. ' EARN up to $600/weck, wanted people to assemble our products from home, for details please call (24hrs) 807-622-7580 or 313-98311941. WE require 2 permanent part-time, mature lass or lad for light warehouse and office duty. Contact Susan, toll free 1-800-982-7617. APPLICATIONS now being accepted at Burger King, 1605-18th St., Brandon, R7A.5P5. No phone calls please. '' SECRETERY needed for legal firm, experienec preferred, send resumes to Box 605.-R7A 5Z7. | OCCASIONAL babysitter required, referenccs required. Phone 727-9072. -f THE Royal Oak Inn requires front desk personncl. Apply at front desk at Royal Oak Inn. HELP wanted stone picking. Pay J6.75 hr. Apply Box 20 A. Brandon Sun, R7A 5Z6.i


Opening trade in commodities
WINNIPEG (CP) Prices were lower at the open of trading this morning at the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange. Opening Prices: flax: July $1.50 lower 413.50; Oct. 80 cents lower 348.00; May and Dec/ not open. Canola: June no changd 330.00; Sept. no change 343.80; Nov. no change 348.00; Jan. no change 352.50; March 50 cents higher 356.50. Rye: July 50 cents lower 11B.OO; May, Oct. and Dec. not open. ' Barley (Thunder Bay): July 20 cents lower 114.00; Oct. 30 cents lower 112.20; Dec. 50 cents lower 114.00; May atW Nov. not open. Feed Wheat: May no chajige 155.00; July $1 lower 140.50; Oct. $1. 20 lower 131.00; Dec. 20 cents lower 129.50; Nov. not open. Oats: May 30 cents higher 115.30; July 20 cents higher 121.00; Oct.; 50 cents higher 129.70; Nov. and Dec. not open. Barley (Western): Not open. tonnes of canola; 200 tonnes of barley (Western); Total: 134,000. Export wheat, St. Lawrence: 1 cw 13.5 pet; 203.98; 1 cw 11.5 pet; 193.38; 2 cw 13.5 pet; 198.38; 2 cw 11.5 pet; 188.38; 3 cw 188. 38; 1 durum 216.49; 2durum 211.49; 3 durum 206.49. Malting barley (domestic), Thunder Bay: Special Select 6-row; 220.25; Select 6-row 217.75 Special Select 2-row 226.25; Select 2-row 223.75.

CLEMENTS: Miachel and Joanna are happy to announce the arrival of their new brother, Matthew James. Matthew was born April 23, 1990 weighing 8 Ibs. 12 ozs., 21% inches long. Proud parents are Scott and Anne of Wenwood. Proud grandparents are Ken and Betty Clements of Ingelow. Thank you to Dr. Wilson, BGH staff, labor, delivery, post pardum and nursery for the great care. Special thanks to Rita Blakie and Marie Smith for your assistance that morning. Also thanks to grandma and grandpa for babysitting big brother and sister while Mom was away.

Do you believe that a company's success depends on the talents of its people? Do you feel satisfaction from helping people develop to their full potential? Do you have an eye for detail? Can you build close, positive, relationships with clients and coworkers? if so, Nutri/System is looking for somemone like you. Individuals should have a background in nutrition or nursing.



Grain quotes
WINNIPEG (CP) Grain quotes Wednesday for tonnes, basis Lakehead: High Low Close. Flax:
May Jly Oct Dec Canola Jun Spt Nov Jan Mar


419.00 419.50 353.30 335.50

(basis 334.90 348.60 352.80 357.40 361.40

Closing prices
WINNIPEG (CP) Gains in other oilseeds markets gave flaxsced strength on the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Wednesday. Values were up $2 to $4.20 over the day, the result of commercial and exporter demand. The July and October contracts set new highs. July settled at $419.20. Canola enjoyed a good level of trade as commercial and exporter buying met brisk hedge selling. Fresh season highs were posted on all but the June contract. Strength in Chicago's soybean complex provided direction. Values rose to close $4.70 to $5.40 higher with June at $348.80. Hedge offerings in rye uncovered commercial buying interests.,Prices ended 50 cents lower to 50 cents higher with July at $117.00. ". Late commercial and local buying helped coarse grain prices close mostly higher. Gains, however, were limited by hedge selling. Inter-month spreading'was featured and provided a large part of the trade. Wheat was off $4 on the May contract with other contracts unchanged to up $1.00. July finished at $141.50. Oats were up as much as 50 cents on old t<ffOpi month*, while ncW'Ctop months lost as niuoh'us $2. July was $121.150. Barley guined 40 cents to $1.20 with July at ' $114.30. Western barley was 50 cents higher with August at $117.50. Closing prices: Flax: May $2.30 higher 418.80; July $4.20 higher 419.20; Oct. $4.20higher353.00; Dec. $2 higher 333.80. Canola: June$4.70higher334.40; Sept. $4.80 higher 348.CO; Nov. $4.80 higher 352.80; Jan. $4.70 higher357.20; March $5.40 higher 361.40. live: May 50 cents lower 112.50; July 50 cents higher 117.00; Oct. 30 Cents lower 122.00; Dec. $1.40 lower 123.61). Uarleyi May 50 cents higher 111.80; July 10 cents higher 114.30; Oct. $1.20 higher 113.70; Nov. 40 cents higher 114.50; Dec. $1 higher 115.51). Feed Wheat: May $4 ower 151.00; July no change 141.50; Oct. (10 cents higher 132.80; Nov. 40 cents higher 132.30; Dec. $1.GO higher 131.30. Oats: May 50 cents higher 115.50; July 50 cents higher 121,50; Oct. 30 ci-nts higher 129.50; Nov. $2 lower 131.00; Dec. 60 cents lower 134.00. Harlcy (Alberta): Aug.. 50 cents higher 117.50; Nov. 50 cents higher 113.00; Feb. no change 115.00. Volume of trade: 18,300 tonnes of wheat; 5.220 tonnes of oats; 26,520 tonnes of barluy; 4.300 tonnes of rye; 5,860 tonnes of flax; 73,(iOfl

415.00 418.80 413.50 419.20 348.00 353.00 331.60 333.80 Vancouver): 330.00 334.70 343.20 348.60 348.00 352.80 352.50 357.20 356.50 361.40

Call 729-8446
INSURANCE Agents: Rapidly expanding company in the disability field is seeking top notch agents for sales people and various levels of management. Send resume to: Attenton: Miles Kohan, Abbey Life of Canada, Box 2126, Winnipeg, Man., R3C 929



Oct Dec Barley

May Jly

117.00 122.00 124.00 (Thunder 111.80 114.50

- 112.50 115.80 117.00 121.30 122.00 123.50 123.50 Bay): 111.80 111.80 113.30 114.30


Ocl Nov Dec Feed May Jly Oct Nov Dec Oats: May Jly Oct Nov Dec Itarley Aug Nov Fcb

113.90 112.20 113.70 - - 114.50 115.60 113.50 115.50

155.00 141.50 132.80 132.50 131.30

Wheat: 151.00 151.00 139.20 141.50 130.90 132.80 131.00 132.30 129.50 131.30




116.40 114.10 115.50 122.40 119.50 121.50 120.70 127.40 129.50 - - 131.00 - - 134.00 (Western): - - 117.50 11.1.0(1 113.00 11.1.00

"Want a Paper Route?" Love, W.

MEADOWS:, Oil the occasion' of Ifers !>0th birthday the family of Mrs. Edith Meadows cordially invite you to u Come and Go Tea on Saturday, May 12 from 2-4 p.m. at the I'rairic Oasis, 214-8 St., Brandon. No gifts please-just the pleasure of your company.


Due to recent expansion we require leased operators with late model tractors for our general freight and machinery division. Apply in confidence to:

402-1 Oth St., Brandon, Man.

Phone 727-5895
KEMCO Memorials Ltd. Established 1924. Monument consultant. 727-5115 anytime. GUINN Bros. Memorials, established n.lflps. 1005-13th St., Brandon.'727-MS53 or 251''Mouni tain Avc, Nccpawa, 478-2903,

Arnold Bros. Transport 1st St. North Brandon, Man.



Futures trading from Chicago

CHICAGO (AP) Futures trading: WHEAT: May 3.79V4; Jul 3.49'/4; Scp 3.54'4; Dec 3.67%; Mar 3.75; May 3.66. CORN: May 2.90; Jul 2.90%; Scp 2.81; Dec 2.74%; Mar 2.8014; May 2. 82Jul 2.8-1 '-4. OATS: May 1.65; Jul 1.73(4; Sep I.80V4; Dec 1.H9V4; Mar l.WW.




CARDS OF THANKS 40. RIVERIIKIGIITS School staff and students would like to thank the parents and the following businesses for supporting our wake-athon! Burns' Meats, Blackwood Beverages, Old Dutch Foods, West-End 1GA, Boston Pizza and A & W. JORY: The family of the late Gordon Jory wish to extend sincere appreciation to Dr. Lau, nurses and staff of Assiniboinc Centre, Hrockie-Donovan and stuff, Hev. Lloyd Lovering and the organist. A special thank-you to relatives and friends who sent flowers, cords, baking and food. Your thoughtfulnuss is greatly appreciated. Florence, John, Robert, Shirley Uurnin and girls.

DIVORCED 33 year old G' tall good looking university educated, professional male with a sense of humor looking for someone special or just a friend. Send replies to Box 12-A, Brandon Sun, R7A 5ZO.

Required by major automotive dealership. Please submit resume with qualifications to:
Box 35-A



2-BR apt., AC, U.K., $275/mo. Incl. util. and parking. 1 yr. minimum. Ph. 726-!)402. MALE student preferred to share 2-Blt apt. June 1. 1990. Elviss Cros. location. 726-0001. TO share 3-BR house, $200/mo. plus 'A utilities. Ph. 727-659,1. TO share large 3-BH suite. $175. 727-5430.

Brandon Sun Brandon, Man.

R7A 5Z6






Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday 656-6th Street
Doors open: 6 p.m. Early Bint: 6:45 p.m. Regular Games: 7:30 p.m.


THE Daily Crossword bVC.F.

ACROSS 1 Meek one 5 Became white
14 2 3

NEW FORMAT Thursday Fish Bowl: $60 Thursday Lucky Seven; $275 in 22 nos, BLACKOUT
In SO nos or less; $2,000 In 51 nos,; $1,000 Consolation; $500 Nevada #853 BO Licence #853 B1

10 Swed. rock 17 group 14 Olive genus 20 15 " of Two Cities" 16 Scheme 17 Asian potentate 18 Loses interest 19 Author Ayn 20 A security 22 Stallone role 23 Br. composer 24 Informer 25 Lynx 28 Dundee native 32 Poplar 33 Contradict ) 34 From Z 53 '. 35 Part 36 Foe 56 37 Kingston for 59 one 38 Eng. measure : 1990 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 39 Eucharist All Rights Reserved plate Yesterday's 40 Spirals 5 Inventor's 41 Circle protection measure

Every Friday 8 p,m, UKRAINIAN HALL (air conditioned) 10th St. and Alnibolne Ay*. 'New electronic flashboards' 'Better payouts' S Early Bird games starting at 7:15 p.m. INTRODUCING TRIANGLE (Accumulator Jackpot) Lucky 7 and Bonanza Roving Top Line Special $200 18 games plus Night Owl Jackpot $1,500 In 51 nos. $1,000 in 52 nos. $500 in 53 or 54 nos.; $100 to go. Licences 661 Bl and 661 BO H*ll rnUI end ccUrlng Phon* 7?6-87t ar

IS drinking becoming a problem to you? Do you have a relative or friend who appears to be having trouble with alcohol? Wo d like to help. For further information for yourself, a relative or friend, contact Alcoholics Anonymous. Phone 727-7112 day or night, or write Box 261, Brandon. ARE you in a relationship in which you are being physically or emotionally abused? There is help avail, for you and your children. You do not have to suffer in isolation any longer. We understand your pain. I'lease call Westman Womcns Shelter at 727-3644 (Brandon) or 1-800-862-2727 (toll free) EXCITING! 3 gorgeous and shapely B. C. beauties, Cindy, Tammy, and Lisa, have exciting color figure pholos of themselves for sale. For more information please rush a selfaddressed, stamped envelope to Cindy I'rice, Box 1286-D, Kelowna, B.C., V1Y 7V8. You must be 18 years or older. AMIABLE Canadian and Oriental ladies of all ages, desire housekeeping, babysitting, exchange for accomodation and companionship etc. Call 1-604-547-2020 anytime. HAVE you been sexually assaulted/raped? Y.W.C.A. Westman Women's Shelter offers confidential counseling and support. Call 727-3644 or toll-free 1-800-862-2727. CLUB 77. An organization to promote friendship and understanding for widowed, divorced, separated, single persons. 727-1284. LOSE weight 5-10 pounds in your first week, dietary fibre and oat bran cookies, for information 728-5287. Distributorships available. DRUG problem? Call Narcotics Anonymous 24 hour helpline. 727-6536. WESTMAN lesbian and gay phone line. Friday 7-11 p.m. Call 725-1821. MARIANNE, Psychic Header, for appointment. Call 726-9440. MOTHERS Day special at Sharon's Crafts 10th and Park.

kornerstone restaurant


Required Must be able to work both days and evenings. Apply in person.

QUALIFIED technician will repair all m.akcs of TV's, VCIl's. Guaranteed labor and parts. One day ^cryicc in lmost.,caapa1,787-7828^ HELP Is Here. Oven cleaned I Floors .washed! General house cleaning. No time to do it? Call Deborah at 328-7436. ,P HUSBAND and wife cleaning team need contracts. Businesses preferred but not nqtessary. Reasonable rates. Rcf. avail. 725-4659. WANTED backyard autobody person for bondo and fibcrglassing work on Ms ton'. Ph. 726-0544 after 6. -| PAINTER will paint fences, garages, 1 cottages, decks, trim houses, reasonable trrates. Ph. 727-8969 evenings. \ ROTOTILLING, any size garden or lot, hvcrage size $10. 1'honc 725-2301. ;1 WILL haul away unwanted articles, garbage and do deliveries. Phone 727-2271. ,: J.D. Lindbloom Lawn Care, roto-tilllng, lawn cutting, small jobs, Rcas, rates. 727-6550. WILL do tilling, yard clean up. Reasonable prices, free cst. 728-0431. I 15 year old boy will mow lawns. Has: .own lawn mower and transportation. Ph. 728 B409. HANDYMAN: Will do drywall, paiijJting, renovations. Ph. 725-2B20. n SEAMSTRESS, all alterations. Ph. 725-4268. KOTO-TILLING, gardens and lots. 728-3895. GAUUEN tilling, average size, $10. 725-6047, VAltD work, minor repair, odd jobs. 728rp099. WILL haul garbage, misc., cheap. 726-1438.




If you have 3 years' tractor-trailer driving experience, a clean abstract and experience in household goods moving and you WANT good wages, good benefits and steady employment, call us as 728-4414 to arrange an interview.

RESUME WRITING, consultations, intarviews, career and vocational counselling, job search skills (or candidates of all educational levels, Laser printing, typing, photocopying. Professional staff. '.', EMPLOYMENT CONSULTANTS For appointment coll 727*1*!T; HOURS: 9 .m. to 8 p.m. Saturtap, .. MM.
UniiiM Cc Prohuiumj PKUUM! , SpwollndWwUnpiltynd


Secretarial Services
930 Lome Ave.

Pwtaloul Irjtoj Wm ^ '*""


Please apply in person to:

Brandon, Man.

FREE 'Career Opportunities' guide .-,.. you how to train at home for top paying lobs: Accounting, Air Conditioning, Bookkeejjmg, Business maiiagvuivitht Management, Cosmetology, ullallivoa voin*.wwe* -tCE, *- i Electronics, Law Enforcem<|nt, L e g a l / M e d i c a l Secretary, Psycholpgy, Travel. Granton Institute (Dept. 4-11) 263 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont., Winnipeg Office call: (2041 943-5655. V

1944 Queens Avenue

ROUTE sales. Good pay! Good future! Good benefits! Schwan's Fine Foods offers uncommon local opportunities in route sales. No investment, paid training and excellent advancement opportunities. Apply m person at the Canada Employment Centre, 153-llth St., in Brandon. EOE. ARE you friendly? Receptionist and 8 people required for pleasant telephone work, contacting our customers. No sales - no soliciting - no experience necessary. Salary & bonuses. Flexible hours. For great job opportunity with management advancement possibilities. Call Joanne now 727-2546. LICENCED mechanic required immediately by Tweed's of Melita. Full-time work, salary negotiable. Send resume to: Mervin C. Tweed, c/o Tweed's of Melita, Box 549, Melita, Man. ROM 1LO. MANAGER required for women's clothing store Must be enthusiastic with a strong fashion image and flair for sales. Experience preferred. Apply in person with resume to Conqda Employment Centre. PART-TIME beverage room help wanted, must be 18 yrs. of age or older and enjoy working with the public. Ph. 824-2501 before 5 p.m. ask for Tiro. BABYSITTER to come into our home, required for 2 boys, 10 months and 2 years. Hours fluctuate, as both parents shift workers. Ph. 727-8352. References required. WANTED: Special person to care for children 3 & 1 in their own home, Crocus Plains area No weekends or evening shifts required. Please phone 726-0045 after 5. DUE to expansion Cresting Unlimited is looking for a person to train as a screen printer. Call 727-4091 between 9 and 11 a.m. ask for Jim. PART-TIME for convenience store, mature person to work evenings and weekends. Must be bondable. Send resumes to Box 7-A, Brandon Sun. B7A 5Z6. EARN up to $339.84 per week assembling our products at home- Amazing recorded message reveals details. Ph. ?2041-642-9352 from 9-5 p.m., Dept. #36.





PARKDALE Day Care Centre, 1 subsidized opening. Phone 725-0217. NORTH Hill family day care has two government subsidized spaces open. 727-2781.




RCL WHEAT CITY BR. 1324 Richmond Ave. Capacity 125, catering, kitchen and bar facilities available. Telephone 727-8967, 728-1324 CALLING all Hardingitcs and interested persons to the dedication of Harding Church plaque at Greenwood cemetery on June 24. 1990 at 2 p.m. Please bring sandwiches and dainties for your own family to be shared ot a social hour at Harding Community Centre following the dedication. "RALPHIE'S". formerly Canada Border Inn, Lake Mctigoshe, opening May 15, under new management. Specializing in home-cooked meals and home-made baking. WINNER tor the ANAF 50/50 draw for April was Colleen Kshymepsky.



Puzzle Solved:

43 Tell
44 45 46 48 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Statistics Adjutant Habitat WWI cannon Alight Asia Minor region Attentiongetter Hidden explosive Warble Vetch Betelgeuse Filled Jacket style

6 One at
8 Gen.

nnnnni nnnrin nnni

MATURE mom will provide TLC, in own home, references and receipts. Ph. 725-1873. RELIABLE sitter will provide TLC, K-Mart area. Ph. Betty 725-3440. WILL babysit Mon.-Fri., north end. 727-2871.


MECHANIC Wanted. John Deere Dealership in Melita requires a heavy duty diesel mechanic. Journeyman or third level apprentice. Top wages. New 9700 sq. ft. service shop with latest shop equipment. Please call Dwayne Murray at D.B. Murray Ltd. "Your Harvest Headquarters in Melita." Phone 1-522-3341 or 1-522-8369. ARE you going anywhere? As a hairstylist you want to be able to offer your customers ihe best. 1.) Latest technology at your disposal (V.G.S. computer system). 2.) Motivation from Brandon s hottest stylists. Consider a change to Pantages. Call or apply to 2030 Currie Blvd. or 727-2053. DENTAL assistant, permanent part-time, 1-3 evenings a week. Send resume to: Princess Dental Centre, c/o Lynda Lebel, 1202 Princess Ave., Brandon, Man., R7A OR3. AMBITIOUS, experienced stylist to join our staff. Phone Chez Michelle Beauty Salon 728-0326. All inquiries confidential.

7 Byron poem 9 10 11 12 13 21 22 24 25 26 27 Robert Plaines, IL Stage parts Paddy wagon Rely Warhol ''Dies " Formality Thwart Revealed Old Gr. coins Nightshade

nran nnnn nnnnrin nnnnnnn nnnn rannnnn nnunn nnn nnnnnnn DBB nnnnnnnnn nnnn I nnnnn nmrannn nnnn 0000131119 'nnnrmn nnnn nnn nnn nnnnnnnnnnn nnn nnnnn imimn nnn nnnn nnnrjn
0511,0190 40 Give up 43 45 46 47 48 49 "What's for 50 At (besides) 51 Adored one 52 Last word 54 about time!

28 Cut off
29 Family group 30 Listing 31 Lariat feature

FOUND 75. FOUND: Ladle's rain coat. Keys were in pocket. Found Sat, downtown. Call 726-5537. YOUNG male Lab cross dog found in the east end. Tuesday. May 8. 727-5765.

DOWN 1 Bread shape 2 Opera's Gluck 3 Chow 4 Hull hanger-

42 More agitated me?"

Earthy Light-footed Charity Lure Adriatic wind

33 Nip 36 Pro -

The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled M(


37 Bear


39 Fountain or Seeger

ihe use for ccpublicaUon f all news dlspalcbes ctcdikd to it r the Asspqiatsd ?;* this papaer and als the local news piwIiMM herein. AU eights for publkatlim of dispatches herein an; al*



IDEAL family home, west end, custom Built. 5-BR, 2!-j baths, spacious L-shaped LRiand DR, country style kitchen, fully furnished lower level with games room, wood panelled family room, featuring brick wall fireplace. 3,300 sq. ft., all appliances included, walk to bus, clem, and Massey Schools, clear title. For summer possession. Call 728-1343 to.vjew. No agents please. ^__ CHARMING 1V4 storey, 2-BR home, situated on a 50x120' fenced lot. Hardwood floor in dining room, maintenance free exterior? appliances stay. Bargain priced at $43,5(XM Immediate possession. Serious enquiries only. No agents please. Phone 727-6693. $65,900, 2-BR bungalow on 5 acre lot, 15 min. east of Brandon (low road to Shilo). 4 Piece bath, lounge with parque flooring, kiranen, dinette with cedar cupboards and decor/Utility room. 16x12' bieczeway leading to deck. Plenty of good water. Taxes $710. 763-8838. V> hour from downtown Brandon, 860 sq,, ft. bungalow. 2-BR, alum, siding, natural as, corner lot, low taxes, $400, running WMter, new furnace, wired garage and storage wed, 3-pc. bath. For viewing or appointmenljtfontact Way-Mor Agencies. APPROXIMATELY 1,180 sq. ft. bungalow in Meadows area. Finished basement with wood burning stove and extra bedroom. 3-8B'| up with V4 bath of master. Fireplace, and natio doors to deck. 4 Crocus Cres. Ph. 728-8065. GREEN thumb? View this greenhouse, tio, shop and spacious yard with glassed This one owner home has a separate dining room. Near BU. Asking $78,900. Always can Dickson-First 725-2500. Tor 726-5500). ) LINDEN Lanes area: Sun room w/skylght and wood burning stove, spacious 3 + W3R, 1500 sq.ft., finished basement, ample -cupboards/closets, 3 sheds, fenced and need privacy. Ph. 727-1071. ;*

Buttg. n 2 lots, beatffffally aWd freed, gfiSS Wafer Well,- cefn'eftt dflve-wSy aYi'o* cafpo, ffeWly fSffOVa'fW baSenWn't, elec'. heat, 16W tftility 46's'ts, m efutet area, 483-2678 evenings. REDUCED rot o;uick Sale on 1,400 SO., ft. WmgalOw, spa'CiStis b'e<ffom'S (2+2), attached garage, large deck, all 'electric with woWdstove. Cat berry 834-2022._ _____ NEWER 3-Bft btfngaiow, 1,050 So... ft. ofi a large lot in Wawanesa. Home IS in shc-WoWm condition. List pfice $54,900. Call Joe Gieni 725-0555 or 728-5647. _ ..... TWO Sorey, 4-BR, 2% bath, mWefn h'6m'e, completely redeeoirated, excellent cc-n'ditlon. ClOse to school and recreation centre. No agents. TO '6w phone 824-2348. TRANSFERRED, must sell Older 3-BR tfOm'6 on 6 acres, lots of wafer, 15 min. ffom Minnedosa. $28,500 OBO. 865-2287.

tftlK in ffmt-4-fIe*. Net? UnWEfSffy a'n'd dW6W Wash*?, Atjfeti fffdte, aftd sftfHi. PTttWe 728-SIOl. if n'o't PLEASE Iea*e

strifes. Acatfifi AS $462/fH6. Z-Bft^avaflaWe Jffn'O.JSJafh- HoW. PTiOKfe 727-6l2;i, 8-6 p.m. 6*726-6947 Mt.B p'.m. IA2-BR states, stoVe, fridge alfd all mi inel. Ph.763.4SoU.!,. !._. f-BR, n'ewef. $86; 61def $37.1, all (fill in'tl. No parties, Afrail. ifnm'ed. 727-7892. . ONE main floor Suite, 1-BR, plus basemen't, a'rtd yard. Imm'e'd., $450. 726-9617 evenings. 2-BR Suite, $450 including util. COThtroKed p'efs welcome. >, 727-6574. 1-BR Suite, 734-9 St., $300/m6. including util. Ph. 727-6522. 3-BR Suite, 734-9 St., $400/mO. includes Util. Ph. 727-6522. 2-6R apt. anywhere, any price. Suite Dreams (fee) 727-7642. LARGE 1-BR Suite, fridge and stove. Phone 728-5232 bt 726-0937. '

21 ma

FOR SaTe' 3,200 Ifr tt. btfildlng w/ftafWfig for 25 tafS. Lffeafed, 18th St. Perfect WcafloKi f6r fraWchlse rSSta-fffatit, 6ffice*S.olr.fetail. Reply to: Bo* 28 A, Bfa-n'don Sun, R7A 526. WELL estaMisne'd e'oWenien'ce s'fofe. With of witftotft lafi'd fin'd founding or.*ill lease 2,000 sq. ft. for otter bnisnesses. Ph. Ken 727-2910 for appointment. SALES/coKiffa'ctOr requife'd fof . Bran'dofi area. Revolutionary new prCdu'Ct, dfasticall* fedu'ees slip/fail ScCidents. Good profit margin. 736-4531.

ESfPWSS GSMeM: i &eo*ro*6m suite's. Watfef Snti """ """ arid Call SHERIDAN Ap'tS.; a l-BR Wife's,.. aail. im'm'e'd. cofffes with fridge, stove, eleVa'ftfrS fih'd Security system. Calf 728-2235 Or to View 727-7597. RlVGSfON Estates; I and 2-BR stiKes, close of Hvaluaiiiofis at 6 obfito SptfftSiplex, aall. immed. For mofe info, call 728-2235 Or f6r viewing 6nly 726-8854 after 4 p.m. EAST end, central, 1-BR suite, 2nd floor, selfcontaih'ed. fridge, slffve, carpets, Venetian blinds, off Street parking, ref. req. $310/m'6 plus hydro. Ph. 727-8137. 2+i-fiR bungalow for sale in Hartney with FURNISHED & unfurnished spts. for refit. attached garage., large lot, finished base- Avail, immed. Ranging ffdrn *375-$450/md. in 244-16fh nSMTOB modern apt*. Hospital area & Woolco area. ment. 867-2127, Bill. fifide, Mafi. Call Mctaish Real Estate 727-8900. fitA 46i 2+ 1-BR large sun deck, fenced yard, asking $23,500. Excellent starter home. Phone after DOWNTOWN location,, newly decorated, M 6:30 Opm 328-7446._ _____ bachelor Suite, $275; 2-BR at $350; heat incl. ft*i. (2M) immed. Go directly tb 1202 RosSef TWO stofey, 3-BR home, on 4% acres, north AVail. Ave., Ste. D. Ask for William Vafro^ West Of Bdn., approx. 30 min. $26,000, 826-2054. TWO, one bedroom apts. to rent. 4 plex, 225. OUf-OF>TOWN HOUSES Green Acres afea, ground floor, lot* of park T REALTY WORLD ing, $340/mO. plus hydro. Avail, how. Call Betty 727-5122, 727-1972. RIVERS 20 min. from Bdn. 2-BR house, AVAILABLE immed., 1-BR suite, air conComes with fridge, stove, washer, dryer plus. ditioning, private entrance, laundry facilities, Nice yard, close to school. 328-7993 after 5. $295/mo. plus hydro. Call 728-4517 please 1-BR fufhished house in Ninette. Large Shop, leave message. very nice yard. Avail, immed. Ph. 534-6096, TIRED of a'pt. hunting? Let its do the shopping for you. Tell us wnat you want arid if we 240. APARTMENTS FURNISHED don't already have it, we Will try to get it. AVAILABLE immediately,. 1-BR basement Suite Dreams (fee) 727-7642. apt., close to downtown, $350/mo. incl. heat, 1-BR Suite, Close to University and downtown, washing facilities and parking. Ph. 726-5562. parking and plugin. private entrance, SELF contained bachelor suite, private en- $350/month, all utfl. incl. First month % trance and parking, all util., wash avail. price. Ph. 727-0079. $319/mo. Quiet abstainers only. Ph. 726-4932. AVAILABLE May 1, bachelor Suite. North IMMED. or June 1st. poss., furnished 3-BR Hill location. Fridge, stove, air Conditioning, suite in duplex, washer, dryer, fridge, stove, laundry facilities, $307.95, all util. included. 3V2 level split with attached gas fireplace, ref. req, $550 plus util. 727-6718. 725-0098. garage, natural fireplace and BACHELOR Suite, furnished, utilitites in- AVAILABLE May 1, two 1-BR suites. North central air. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Hill location. Fridge, stove, air conditioning, cluded. $340. Call 727-4396. laundry facilities, $338.80 and $300 all utilities Desirable area. LHK suite, close to downtown, $165 including included. 725-0098. . all utilities. Phone 727-6243. Asking $11 9,500. 2-BR apt. in quiet block, heat, water & park1-BR due immediatly, quiet location. 727-5121 ing incl. in rent. West end location, on site or 726-0947 after 5 p.m. management. No pets. Call 728-9759 or OIB Sn/t, AVAIL, immed. 1-BR furnished suite, $265. 728-0265. " Ref. please. 727-1761 or 728-4331 before 8 p.m. 1,2-BR apartment, sunken LR, patio, fridge, 1-BR, close to BU and downtown, $327/mo. stove, AC, very clean and quiet, parking, security door, caretaker on site. Ph. 725-0555 -qil plus lights. Ph. 725-4200 or 729-7429. Century 21 or 726-0117 or Fran 726-5393. KIT HARRISON ONE and 2-BR furnished apts. available June StM* Atlocllto $50 damage deposit. Large 1-BR apts. next to 1. Ph. 725-0244 or 728-2726. Call today tar your commercial or Red Fox. Parking, AC, laundry, security, lenn BACHELOR suite, shower, ffidge, stove, etc., residential property evaluation. water, satellite TV. 725-1888. rlJG-i $285. Phone 729-9240. Bus. 727-1458 R. 727-0332 NEWER 2-BR suite in 4 plex avail immed., 1-BR basement suite. 728-0990 or 728-4323. stove, fridge, parking, $490 plus hydro. Sorry riliw no pets. 728-0399. nil; 245. APARTMENTS NEWER 2 & 3-BR suites, corner of Parkdale VAUEYVIEW REALTY LTD. UNFURNISHED Dr. & Durum Dr., modern, quiet, affordable. __ OVRC Sorry no pets. Ph. 725-0797. >R1VATE sale: Green Acres, 1.300 sq. ft. 3-" . __ BR bung., country kitchen with new oak SINGLE room with private entrance and ainiifiupboards, family room with fireplace off bath, suitable for one person, $240 plus hydro. ,ii;Ekitchen, attach, garage. 728-2867. _ 727-8088. J^PRIVATE sale. 2+2-BR home, newly reFIRST month free! Large 2-BR suite, fridge, .||nl decorated. Basement, heating, plumbing and stove, washer, dryer, free parking. Call for K f M wiring all 9 years old, fenced and treed yard, details, 268-3957 or Bill M. 725-0543. deck. Phone 725-1400. _ SELF contained 1-BR, fridge, stove, washer, AMENITIES 9/riitEXECUTIVE class home on large scenic lot dryer, available immed. Call Brad Walker Hoi wiler hnl Fite alarm n-iBonear the golf course. Priced to sen at $155,000. 727-1133. unieall Joe Gieni, Century 21, 725-0555 or Woiet Sdunry 1-BR suite in house, private entrance, central -728-5647._ _ Fridge, sine, duhwoiher, Kiiiemion unite area, $330/mo. including utilities. Ph. 725-0372 oil-conditioner Pool/ipo "tooiiPRIVATE sale. 6 yr. old 314 level split, 3 + 1or Doug 728-1232. Oiomnei Playground BR, energy eft., oak cabinets, large, family REDUCED rent. 1-BR basement suite, near room, play area and large deck in landscaped hospital and bus stop, $330/mo., util. incl. ' -'ford. Westview Park. $91,900. 728-9015. Close to shopping centre, Available immediately. 726-8776 after 4 p.m. elementary school "We! PRIVATE sale, duplex, 3-BR, L-shaped living ARGYLE Courts. 3 & 4-BR suites avail. May ----- and dining room, fireplace, finished baseor bus route. 1. For more info call 728-2235 or for viewing "Vffient, west end. Phone 728-6683. _ For inquiries or viewing only call 728-0719. Reference required. '""rit-PRIVATE sale, 2 + 1 bl-level, comp. finished . call 728-1550 3-BR, Rlverheights area, $625 plus utilities. ---- up and down, 2 baths and much more. Priced or drop In to Call Bonny Dann 728-6719, 24 hour answering Jo ^'low $70's. 727-5773 after 5 p.m. No agents. machine. 1/1 148 Regent Crescent 'PRIVATE sale- 2+1 bi-lcvel, 800 sq. ft., fin(Victoria Avanue West) TWO newer 1-BR suites, avail, immed. & ished basement, central air, new doors and June 1, fridge, stove, cable TV and util. incl. '''"Wwindows, new deck, $79,000. 727-2255 after 5. FratcuteMl On-Sile Suitable tor 1 person. Ph. 728-2225 after 5. A vn ---'-~~~~ PRIVATE sale. 984 sq. ft., east end, taxes 2-BR, $424, 1-BR, $363, in apt. block. Immed. -- $450/yr, fireplace, hot tub, spiral staircase, poss. Includes heat, water, parking, fridge, ""basement finished, wet bar. $65,000. 725-4116. stove, drapes & carpeting. Ph. 727-1368. MULTIPUX LTD. ---- WILL arrange down payment and financing. STUDIO and 2-BR Apt., available June 1 and loq excellent 2-BR bungalow, close to BGH. Call July 1. Heat, water, parking, security. Near .fin) Nelll, ReMax, 727-1458 or 727-6001. _ A.C.C. Reasonable. Ph. 727-3612. .iri 3-BU bungalow with garage in Green Acres. 2-BR suite on 8th St. Security system, coin ____ Call 728-6523. _ operated laundry, air conditioner avail. MUST sell, 3 + 2-BR bung., finished basement, 727-8288 or 727-9084. ---- fireplace, new carpets. 725-0456, 727-7151. 1-BR & den, BGH & ACC area. Quiet 3 plex, ^"PRIVATE sale 1721-3401 st. parking, laundry room, $350/mo. Available June 1. 725-2141 evenings. ' ' .._ j-BR home fof 'sale.' Ph. 728-3016 of 728-7395.' UNIQUE 1-BR apt. with large loft bedroom, ,",*-;J4'x30' 2-BR house to be moved. Ph. 867-5177. * Elevators in central secured building, $425 plus hydro. 727-8088. k Ideal location 1. 205. HOUSES FOR RENT _ 1-BR suitable for one. Utilities, parking. $300 * Clean and quiet '""AVAIL. June 1st, 2-BR, 1V4 storey, Ig. yd., month, near BGH and ACC. References rc'"'Cample parking, close to schools & shopping, A- 1 and 2 bedrooms qulred. 728-2307 after 6 p.m. _ furn. bach. ste. 2nd fir. May be sublet to help ,,), with your rent payment. $500/mo. plus util. THREE suites for rent, bachelor, 1-BR and 2To View Call ;H 728-8827 after 6. _ BR. These have unique features that allow top quality living at the best price. 728-7025. IMMED. poss., clean comfortable, 3-BR. rcc . room, garage, garden, fenced yard, fridge, SUBLET May 26 - Sept. 1. 2-BR apt., AC, i,,,j,stove, washer, dryer, other extras. $650/mo. wall-wall carpet, washer, dryer, parking, Phone collect 1-268-1898 (evenings). _ $495. Day 765-3040, eves., 727-2163 or 765-2917. ^,, ,>BR duplex, furnished or unfurnished. $550 LARGE 2-BR, all utilities, parking with plug plus util. Incl. fridge, stove, washer, dryer, in, air condition included. $419. East end. - - and gas fireplace. Carpeted throughout. One Avail. Immed. 726-4776 after 5. No pets. .iSMavair Immed. and one for June 1. 727-6718. AVAILABLE June 1. Modern 2-BR suite in - - 3-BR, Ito storey, avail, immed., $500/mo. newer 4-plex, university area, $460 plus nv.'iiblus util. Year lease avail., fridge & stove. hydro. Call Dennis 9-5 p.m. 727-1458. Century 21 Westman Realty 725-0555 or 2 and 3 bedrooms 1-BR close to BU and business area, clean, ^,,-.,725-0159, Bill Grossman. _ l'/2 baths quiet, no pets, $344. Call Tcmpleton Realty LARGE 2-BR suite. Top half of house. PriLtd. 728-5511. Separate dining room ------ vate entrance. Parking. $425/mo. inlcuding 2-BR suite freshly painted, fridge and stove. '!;[;'.Utll. Call Judy 725-3343 or Ian 727-2355. New fridges and stoves No pets. References required. Available lm 3-BR bi-level duplex, fireplace, 4 piece bath, mediately. Phone 726-0137 or 728-9730. '"'all appliances. Available June 1. No pets, 2-BR suite, hospital area, coin laundry, park_ _ $695/mo. Phone 725-1828. _ ing, heat included, very clean and com"'"ft duplex, 6 -BR, 2 full baths, stove, fridge, fortable. Must have good ret. 727-7500. ,'Mdeep freeze, available June 1, BU area. BACHELOR suite, avail, immed.. 4 piece VERY good condition, parking avail., 1-BR -"725-1740 after 5 p.m. _ bath, eat-in modern kitchen, includes fridge apt. for rent, $400 plus hydro. Avail. June 1st. and stove, freshly painted throughout, conve' _3-BR house on Victoria Ave., avail. June 1, no Call 727-8644 after 6 p.m. i:l ( downtown location. $325/mo. includes - ''pets, ref. req. $475/mo. plus util. Phone nient 1-BR apt. with parking and plug in, private ' ,, . $64-2351, Inglis._ _ utilities. Ph. 726-8420. entrance, $320 per month including utilities. ROSSVIEW Estates, 2-BR, fridge, stove, --- 2-BR up, 2-BR down, 2 bathrooms, 815-19 St., dishwasher, 729-9120 after 4:30. air cond., patio, vertical blinds, $525/mo. plus util. Avail. May 15. Call laundry facilities, security system, parking, 2-BR suite, fridge & stove, 800 block 16th. JW26-8100. _ 960 sq. ft. Immediate occupancy. 29-16th St. Coin washer & dryer in building. Avail. June -FOR rent 4-BR home, located outside main ivj.otA'r 727-8747. 1. Rel. required. 725-3222. .gate CFB Shilo. Immediate occupancy. Con- 2-BR ste. in newer 4 plex, AC, mini blinds, 2-BR in Brandon, close to bus, shopping, sun ;|act Pave Williams 763-8882._ ____ fridge, stove, European cabinets, storage room off master bedroom, redecorated, $440 r and lower bath- lockers, laundry facil. $475 plus hydro. No ,,8-BR house for rent, upper incl. heat and water. 1-824-2099 aftcer 5 p.m. room, fridge & stove. Days 727-1305, eves. pets. Quiet tenants please. 727-4330 or SUITE Dreams. We have over 270 apt. list727-8868. 725-1232. ings all over the city. Drop by 309-lOth St. or AVAILABLE June 1, 3-BR duplex, gas heat, EAST end central, 1-BR suite, LR, fridge, call 727-7642 (fee). small attached garage, full basement, quiet, stove, washer and dryer, Venetian blinds, BU area, 2-BR main floor suite, fridge, stove, carpets, off street parking, full basement, i*24-7 St. I'll. 728-2726 or 725-0244. washer, dryer, parking, $48Q/mo. incl. util. heat supplied, ref. req. $410/mo. plus hydro. "TTMMED. poss. 2-BR bungalow with garage on Ph. 727-8137. Ref. req. Avaij. July 1. 728-0510. ~50' lot, close to hospital, fridge and stove incl. VERY nice newer 2-BR apt. Close to down1-BR suite for 1 person, totally renovated, AC, <" 50 plus util. Call Neill 727-1458 or 727-6001. town area. Washer, dryer, fridge, stove. and new dishwasher, parking and free use of rrjiENTAL purchase, 1-BR starter home, zoned landry fac.. new large balcony being built, Phone 728-5101. _ can have tree rent for May, $395/month, m3. Phone 728-2479. EAST end, 2-BR upstairs suite, 131 Franklin, damage deposit $200. Ph. 727-7049. "'SMALL 2-BR house, fridge, stove. Apply $305/month, heat and water incl. Ph. after 6 ..Ifrt-llth St. North. Phone 1-256-8278 after 5. p.m. 725-1483 or 725-0447. 3-BR suite in newer 4-plex, almond colored -- EXECUTIVE 4-BR home, and 2-BR duplex. 1 appliances incl., fridge, stove, dishwasher, CLEAN 1-BR apt., good neighborhood near and 2-BR apartments. 726-5099. _ washer, dryer, plusn carpeting, custom BU. Avail, immed. or June 1. Rent reduction. 728-8726 or 726-5910. - FOUR bedroom house for rent, $600/mo. plus drapes, parking incl. No pets. Musi be seen to be appreciated: 729-9339. '-"'utilities. 643-18th St. Ph. 726-8100. 1-BR suites, from $265 and up, fridge and stove included. Phone 727-6243. bungalow, $375 plus utilities. Phone AVAILABLE immed. 2-BR corner suites on .'J-;728-2867 or 728-6830. _ third floor in Greenwood Square Apts. Air 1-BR suite, all utilities included, $380/mo. conditioning and patio decks, util. & parking Available immediately. Phone 726-4403. ' ," NEW 3-BR duplex, neat and clean, new fridge included in rent. No jpets allowed. Also, 1 ,.<;. 'and stove, close to schools. Ph. 728-2185. main floor bachelor suite avail. Call 728-0987. BACHELOR, 1 and 2-BR available immediately. References required. 726-8004. I' 1 2+ 1-BR house, avail. June 1. Fridge, stove, NO lease in newer 6 plex 2-BR apt., AC, $500 plus utilities. References rcq. 727-6854. balcony, parking, laundry facil. Close to 2-BR suite in bi-level, $400 plus hydro. References required. Ph. 726-1618. 2+ 1-BR, excellent condition and location, BGH. and ACC. Avail. May. 1. $475 plus util. -,iL$j500 plus utilities. Avail, immed. Ph. 727-6742. 726-4373 or 725-0970. 1-BR, west end location, $350/mo. includes in newer 4 plex, fully carpeted, all util. Ph. after 5. 725-3506. bun HOUSES for rent: $425 and up. Call Suite 2-BR major appliances incl. washer, dryer, AC. In hud Dreams (fee). 727-7642._ 1-BR main floor suite, $300/mo. plus lights, Crocus Plains area. On sight management. h : fridge, stove and parking, 160-lst St. 727-2328. ;!.$MALL 2-BR house, fenced yard, garden. Sorry no pets. 495/mo. 727-2296 or 72T-1228. ' ^ ;,Ttef. required, no pets. Ph. 727-2871. NEARLY new 2-BR, fridge, stove, washer, DELUXE 2-BR garden apt., fridge, stove, dryer, 2 car parking, $460/mo. Ph. 728-4393. ''''CENTRAL 1V4 storey, 3-BR, large kitchen, DW, AC, draperies, heat, water, whirl pool, summer pool, patio deck & security incl. A u>large garage, $465/month. Ph. 725-1828 2-BR apt. with security system, laundry fac., must to see. Multiplex Management 727-7987. AC. parking. 485/mo. Avail. June 1. 727-6931. HALF duplex for rent, $550 plus utilities, MODERN 1-BR apt., fridge, stove, washer, "'^appliances not included. Ph. 728-8605. suite, fridge & stove. Avail, immed., dryer, dishwasher, AC. Close to major shop- 2-BR laundry facilities, reasonable. 728-2541. ui NEWER duplex for rent, 3-BR, large LR and ping and bus route. Ph. 727-7987 Multiplex ml kitchen, available July 1. Phone727-2523. Management Ltd. GROUND floor, 300 block, 10th St., $375. .vlr.T* Phone 728-7631. SEMI private 2-BR townhouse apt. Fridge, 310. HOUSES WANTED stove, washer, dryer, AC, water, draperies 1&2-BR suites, 204-1575-26th St. Heat, water .niir> TO BUY included. Attached patio/storage. Close to all and 1 parking space incl. No pets. 728-6570. services. Ph. 725-1299. 1-BR suite, stove and fridge. Available imto be moved, prefer 13,000 sq', call 3-BR apt., private yard, patio deck and en- mediately. Call 728-7601 after 6 p.m. :!ii'858-2110 or 858-2000. trance. fridge, stove, AC, water, laundry and draperies included. Close to school and shop- 2-BR in 4 plex, $440/mo. includes utilities, "j5, HOUSES WANTEP Brandon Ave. location, avail- June 1. 726-4087. ping centre. Pb. 725-1299. ;n j, TO RENT 2-BR suite in 4 plex, rent includes utilities. 2-BR apt. complete with balcony, fridge, ''WANTED to rent with option to buy, single stove, oushwashe'r, AC, heat and water in- Call 726-4881. '''family house, please reply with rent and cluded. Reduced tor immediate occupancy. 2-BR suite avail, immediately, close to uni L 'option terms along with address to Box #8A Phone 728-1550. versity. $350/mo. Call 725-3879 or 729-1939. '"'Brandon Sun. R7A SZ6. BASEMENT suite, 2-BR with laundry facili- 2-BR ste. to sublet, close to Safeway on llth ties and private entrance. Off street parking, St. Phone 726-4345 or 728-4980. _ University area, avail, immed. $380/mo. in: SMALLER 1-BR apt., in central secured apt. cluding all utilities. 727-6640. l>' PENT house condos, 900 sq. ft., 2-BR, central block. $385 plus hydro. Ph. 727-8088. _ -I'ijsjr, balocny in the sun, assumable mortgage *F $38,000. Call Joe Gieni. Century 21, West1-BR basement suite, south end, $325 includes ;>; ,, Realty 725-0555 or 728-5647. utilities and cable. Pb. 727-6216. __ Monday-Thursday 2-5. 7284584, 726-5371 eves. 1-BR, incl. fridge, stove, heat water, 4;'m OUT-OF-TOWN HOUSES NEWER separate entrance 2-BR, fridge, $25Q/ mo. Ph. 728-8043. ft",. FQBSAHE stove, 1 parking, $425; 2-BR, fridge, stove, 1-BR, incl. fridge, stove, heat $ water, _ LA^EFRONT borne. 2 lots north of Brandosa washer, dryer, drapes, 2 parking, $450 plus $305/roo. Pb. 728-1043. M-Beacb, Minnedosa. 2-99+1, main level laun- hydro. No pets. 726-5269. .Hadry, 2 baths. Spacious open cedar lined 2-BR suite, $450/mo., 2-BR suite, $475/mo., CENTRAL, 1-8R basement, avail, immed., -Tji-R/DR i kitchen. Cathedral ceiling, fire& dryer in each suite plus hydro. $320 includes util. Phone 725-3330. fc,. place, wet bar. Patio doors off D * MBR, washer to downtown, no pets, ref- Avail. June 1- 1-BR apt., 1 block from university, $330 incl. sundeck, detached garage. Landscaped yard- Close 726-5191. Util. Ph. 728-7901 or 726-8100. Pb. 867-2807.





tltibiSt all-y6u^c*fi-*at buffet.
New diihii MeW spiCy S6&fo6d Oriifttsg difti SUffi Children *S.SO Under 5 Prat


gaff me fbr



FREE rent fot Mfly 1. 1-BR 1161-20lh St.. 4 plex, $400/mo. pltts hydro. Jtfne. i. 726-0573, AVAIL, imfhed., 1-BR Suite, fridge & stove. Recently renovated, util. incl. 727-2304.
AVAILABLE immed. at 151-2nd St. 1-BR, $290 includes utilities. Ph. 727-2777 after 5.

FOR sale: 260 acres of good farm land. Good farm bungalow. Large machine shed. GOOd grain storage. Large cattle barn. Numerous sheds. Located withm 10 mnes of Bdn. Beautiful yard Site. Apply Box 14 A, Brandon Stfn, R7A 526. NORTH west Of Brandon, M section, treed yard site, some bins. John Kain Realty 728-4999. QUARTER section of land with house and buildings, Souris area. For particulars phone 728-5450. HALF Section 3 rniles from Brandon, can be sold in smaller parcels. Phone 728-3164.


2-BR apt., utililties included, security system,


THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1990 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. 12 CEDAR BAY

Close to Shopper's Mall. 726-9597. 2-BR suite, $400/mo. plus hydro, Close to town, no pets, available June i. 726-5191. ONE and 2-BR apts., available June 1. Ph. 725-0244 of 728-2726. 2-BR, immed. poss., AC. 727-8120 after 6. LGE. 2-BR & 3-BR, now. Also rooms. 727-3900. NEWER, clean, 1&2-BR apts. Call 726-5099. 2-BR suite, util. incl. 728-9611. 2-BR suite, all util. incl., $550/fho. 725-1647.




2-BR, centrally located, private ent., bath. No pets. Ref. requ. Ph. 727-2910 to view. BASEMENT suite, North Hill area, $250/month. Ph. 726-8390.

OLDER 2-BR bungalow on 5 acres, natural shelter, good water, near hwy. Rui-al mail delivery and school bus at lane. 'A hour NE of Brandon. Rental purchase of owner may carry mortgage. 763-4390, leave message. FOR rent: 4-BR family home, main floor family room. Dining room. Deck. 2 baths. 10 acres well treed, $425/mo. plus util. Call eves. Judy, 725-3343 or Sarah, 726-9547. 80 acres of land 20 miles south of Bdn. with 5 yr. old bungalow. Feed lot fof cattle of horses with Soft water well. Ph. 483-2257. RIVERSIDE Vt Section pasture all fenced, trees, 2 dugouts, lots of open area. Close to flO hwy. John Kain Realty 728-499. 2% and 3Vi acre lots, well treed, abundance of good water. Phone 728-4922. 2 5 and 80 acre parcels, Shilo afea. Phone 765-2128 days of 763-4340 after 6 p.m.

220- 10th StfMti If Ado* 727.0*76 _ MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES







LARGE, clean. Some furnished. Laundry. Kitchen. Sec. ent. Live-in manager. $150/$175/$200/mo. Call Sarah 726-9547. FURNISHED light housekeeping room, at 4th and Princess, $175 includes all utilities. Phone 727-5818. LIGHT housekeeping room, down town location, immediate possession, $175 incl. util. Ph. 728-5328 or 729-9358. LHK room, furnished, laundry and utilities included, $125. Call 727-4396. FURNISHED LHK, 1-BR suite, private. Spring Park Motel. 728-1958. FURNISHED LHK room available for quiet girl. Phone 727-0658. SHARE lovely older home with owner, $260 mo. util. incl. 725-3570. SMALL furn. room in Green Acres area, prlv. bath & entrance, $140 includes util. 727-0134. FURNISHED room, kitchen facilities, $225/mo. Bachelor suite, $320. Ph. 728-6961. CLEAN furnished LHK room. 727-4526.


Use on: Metal, wood, silverware, porcelain, tile, enamel. Banishes! Rust, corrosion, spots, stains, ground-in dlrtl Now Improved with Lemon Oil! The ONE cloth that cleans, polishes, wax finishes everything "Like New" In home or shopl So easy to use. Just apply to soiled, stained, corroded surface... and buff with soft cloth. In seconds the surface Is like new again. Even banishes stubborn water stains on wood. Hides scratches. Great tor kitchen appliances, shop tools, musical Instruments. Guaranteed to do all we say or your money backl Order todayl Complete form and send to:


on Waterfront Birchview Beach, Sandy Lake
Land-owned, beautiful lot with fantastic view Cottage, 25'x30' with 8'x25' covered deck Large open living area with cathedral celling 2 bedrooms Full bath 200-amp service Completely winterized, electric heat, double glass windows and patio door Fully Insulated

A.P.S. DISTRIBUTORS RR1,Box85, Brandon, Man. R7A 5Y1

Please rush post paid the number of Miracle Polishing Cloths indicated below. My cheque, money or credit card order Is enclosed. Add $1 postage and handling. 1 for $4.95 D VISA D 3 for $11.95 D M/C D 5 for $19.95 D Name: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Please print clearly. Expiry Date: Card No.:




725-4616 or 725-3429


Call 725-4616

1978 mobile home, 14x70, 3-BR, has new carpet in living room and bedroom, has elec. furnace-2 yrs. old, central air-installed last summer, 4 appliances, yard shed, patio. Ph. 726-5497 eves, and weekends, 725-0755 days. DOUBLE wide trailer 60x24' plus 12x26 addition and basement, finished 12x124 deck and 18x28 garage insulated. On large lot in quiet area in Kenton. Price negotiable. Call 838-2415 weekdays or 855-2005 weekends. 1975 Glendale house trailer, 14'x60', on or off 50'xlOO' lot in Mariapolis. 2-BR (front and rear), no hallway, new kitchen cupboards, oil furnace, fridge, stove, deck with lattace railing 18'x20'. 825-2216 or 836-2590 after 6 p.m. MOVERS. Complete mobile home and porch movers. Nothing too big or too small. Bonded and insured. Try the rest then get the bestl Best rates going. Jones Again 725-0703. 1983 Bowes, to be moved. 2-BR, large kitchen, built in china cupboard, large LR and master BR, mint condition. John Kain Realty 728-4999. 1976 Challenger, 2-BR's, has alot of Interior work done, patio door, blinds, stove, fridge, carpets, light fixtures, deck and car port, go with the sale. $12,000. Ph. 636-7753. 1982, Shelter, 14x68, 3-BR, .4 appliances, window air conditioner,'10x10 deck, 10x14 porch, 8x8 garden shed, fenced yard. Only $26,900. Call Tcmpleton Realty Ltd. 728-5511. M E A D O W L A R K Mobile Home Park, 728-7205. #1 - 14x70 Pyramid. 3-BR, central air, $21,000. #141 14x78 Challenger, 2 or 3BR, 12x20 addition and deck, $28,000. 3-BR Mobile home, 912 sq, '., $12.000 will carry mortage, with $2,000 down bal., 220.68 MT, for 5 years at 12%, to qualified buyer. Open to offers. Ph. 728-2189. MOVER: Complete mobile home moving. Fully licensed and insured. For great rates call Ron at 726-1846. GOOD selection of used homes in stock. 12' wide starting at $4,900, 14' wide starting at $7,900. Altona Homes, 728-4484. FOR sale 12' x 45' mobile home with 12' x 13' porch addition, 5 appliances, great for cottage, $5,000 OBO. Ph. 726-0769. 1976 Dctroiter, 14x72, 3-BR, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, garden shed. Good starter. $16,500. Call Templeton Realty Ltd. 728-5511. BOWES Polar Kings, TCH East, Portage la Prairie. Canada's top mobile homes since 1949. Phone 857-7888, 1977 Dutchvilla, 14x72, 3-BR, 4 appliances, central air, porch, deck, metal shed, electric heat. Phone 726-5570. 12x60 Bowes mobile home, includes fridge, stove, air conditioner and porch. Bargain at $5,250. Ph. 726-1828. 1985 Dutch Villa, 2x6 walls, 14x24 addition, 3BR, $32,500. Ph. 728-1116.
300. BUILDING LOTS RIVERS Man. 3-6.4 residential lots, school bus, garbage pick-up, $10,000 for all OBO. Ph. 728-5328 or Peter Phillips Reality 728-4760. FIVE miles from Brandon, H acre lots, nice area, in valley. John Kain Realty 728-4999.


Phone 728-4910
QUICK sale, $10,000. Turtle-Mtn., new Dring rafter cabin (16x22) 2-BR, approx. 620 sq'. Insulated and wired for electric heat. Includes 2 acres to be developed. Paved P.T.H. 450, 14 mi. from Prov. Park. 4 mi. from Lake Metigoshe. Excellent hunting and fishing year round. Phone 747-22 before 8 a.m., Box 6, Delorainc, Man. ROM OMO. MOBILE home cottage 10x50 with 8x28 covered deck. 16' open deck, 2-BR's, full bath, fully furnished with appliances, 100 amp. Service with upgraded wiring, telephone, holding tank, 10x12 utility shed-electrified. Lot approx. 5x100 (leased-may be purchased). Location, Grey Owl Campgrounds, Clear Lake. 728-5883 for further info. 100x300' lot, titled, serviced with power, telephone, year round access, boardering Riding Mountain National Park. Paid $10,50ffin 1980, asking $9.000. Will.take boat in trade. Phone 1-306-545-7598. 8'x40' mobile with attached 10'xl6' screened and shuttered cabana at Minnedosa beach. Furnished Incl. new stove, fridge and hot water heater. Open for offers. Call Ray Madill 865-2317. FIVE minutes from Clear Lake: Year round home w/sunroom, on one acre, cottage on 90'x264' (V4 acre + ). Handyman's special on 76', frontage (V4 acre -), one acre wood-lot, or total package on 3 acres. Ph. 727-1071. V4 acre cottage building lots, Clear Lake area. Nicely treed Southbay subdivision. Price $7,500-$9,800. Terms. F. Miller Real Estate 728-0265 or weekends 848-7405. CABOOSE/ cottage. Grey Owl Estates, Clear Lake. Large deck, bathroom, fireplace, partially furnished, leased property. Open to offers. Call 1-776-2220 after 5 p.m. GREY Owl cabin for sale, 2-BR, kitchen, living room, fully modern bathroom, electric heat. Reita Cornell's cottage. For viewing phone 728-9811 or 727-6100. REDUCED $1.000. Moving must sell this one of a kind, 80' lot on a point at Pelican Lake. Mature trees, level and very private, now $15,200. 1-728-2171. CABIN and contents 14x24', lot #94 Clear Lake campground. Contact Pizza Place, Clear Lake. MUST sell, fully furnished 1-BR cottage, Grey Owl Estates. Cedar exterior. Large deck. $7,500 OBO. Ph. (403) 249-9300. CLEAR Lake, Grey Owl Estates, 2-BR mobile home, fully furnished, new plumbing, holding tank, large lot. Ph. 725-2609. NEW cabin, 18x24 insulated, electric heat, three piece bath, ready to move. Open to otters. Phone 728-0689. SANDY Lake, 12x20, 2-BR cabin with large deck and custom dock. $6,500 firm. Ph. 254-7335 eves. LAKE front, 3-BR cabin, at Otter Lake, 24x32, furnished, fireplace, holding tank, water front deck, boat lift, and floating dock. 352-4472. WANTED to rent. 2-3-BR cabin or cottage at Clear Lake for July & August. Phone 726-4019 after 4:30. CLEAR Lake, old campground, cabin and lot for sale, furnished, reasonably priced. Phone 727-1081. LAKE front, 2 room cottage, Otter Lake, electric heat, large deck, room for expansion. Asking $6,000. Ph. 728-6215. COTTAGE for sale, Eagle Point. Furnished & full service. Ph. 728-2953. LAKE Metigoshe, lake front, roomy, furn. cabin. Boat house, boat & motor incl. 727-1056. LAKE front 2-BR cabin, Otter Lake, turn., insulated, electric heat. After 6, 1-352-4368. WANTED to rent: Cabin at Clear Lake, June 1 to Sept. Phone after 5:30, 728-7663. 75x150' lake front lot, with 10x50' trailer at Otter Lake. $3,800 OBO. Call 476-3759. 3-BR Oak Lake. On Cherry point, lake front. Call 728-3872 or 727-1228.


Sold separately as low as .... each



TVs, STEREOS, CDs, etc.


7th and Rosier Ave. 727-4835

MOTORAl PAGING SYSTEM 68' TOWER/BASE UNIT, TRANSMITTER, RECEIVER, 27 PAGERS, GESTETNER and GESTETNER SCANER For more information contact: DUNWOODY LIMITED Box 547,1011 Rosser Ave, Brandon, Man. R7A 5Z7 Phone 727-0431




Fully reconditioned 3-wheel 4-wheel *1,600 *2,400

BEAT the GST. Build now on 5 acre building sites, 10 minutes from Brandon on paved highway, full price $9,800. $2,000 down, balance at 9% moragage,(open amortized over 10 years) monthly payment $98.13 call Louise Dixon at 728-5328. Or Peter Phillips Reality at 728-4760. R 2, fully serviced 62' lot. Can be used for a single dwelling. Ph. 727-3789. 1600 block on 8th St., 62'xl20'. Phone 728-0634, 728-3869.


2536 Park Ave. 728-3215
A complete line of classic cedar furniture. See our display In the Brandon Shoppers Mall, May 7 to 12, or give us a call at 824-2208



EIGHT, 1-BR, suite apts., central location, newly renovated, monthly revenue $3,260. Phone 728-6362 for more information. $10,000 toward downpayment of 3 suite revenue house. Phone after 5 p.m. 727-7839, 725-3506. UNIVERSITY area, 2 suite revenue. Priced to sell in the SO's. Phone 728-1777.






LOCATION Victoria Ave. west, easy access for lots of parking, lot size 79x120. For more info call Lucille 728-7989, Liberty Realty 727-1133. LEASE 1250 Richmond Ave.. retail or office. Main floor, central air. F. Miller Real Estate 728-0265. 800 sq. ft., downtown loc., parking avail. Ph. 727-2910.

SAVE tens of thousands of dollars in interest on your mortage or consumer loans. Ph. 1-774-4872 ext. 3.




BRUNETT Construction. 1990 prices, 30x30 building, $6,000. 40x40 building, $7,900. 40x80 building, $14,500. We do all types and sizes of buildings, all prices include labor and materials. Call 328-7804. TO move, 28x120 pig barn with pens, fans and beat exchanger. Pb. Brandon Building Movers Ltd. 726-1828 or Spring Valley Colony 728-3830. FOR sale 2250 sq. ft. bright, modern, air conditioned building, downtown location. For more into call Peter Phillips Realty 728-4760.

r;;; fl8.



FREE Rent for two months, office and shop available immediately, 1,400 sq. ft., paved parking, air conditioned. Phone 725-3588 for details. 700 sq. ft. bright, modern, air cond. office space, rent incl. all util. and parking. $625/mo. 93S-26th St. 728-0627. *


FAMILY business for sale. Location is close to hunting, fishing, skiing. Spacious living quarter including in asking price. $130,000 plus stock- Only serious inquiries please. 729-9147.

STORKCRAFT crib/bed with mattress (1989), new, $285. Panasonic Technics bookshelf stereo, AM/FM radio receiver, ejecting turntable, 33 and 45 RPM, cass. deck with playback/record features, $175 OBO. Ideal for student. 727-6614, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. SUPER winch, XI, like new; remote control hand switch; Toro snow shovel, like new; Ben Hogan woods #1 & #3, Signature series, excellent quality; used carpet, large asst. radio and TV tubes and tester; Heidelberg beer bottles (antique); garbage cans (outdoor). Ph. 728-6799. WIRL1T2ER organ/synth. 3KB $2,000. Buffet Tenor sax $450, Olds trumpet Mandez MP $550, Ibanez delay harmonizer/3CH pedal $350, Moped Mobelett $280, GO-cart 8-h.p. $500, bikes $15-100, ladies 10 suede coat new 12-n.p, indust. Sears riding mower $1,350, OBO all items. Phone 728-9132. 1978 International, 36 passenger school bus, ready lor the road, new tires, new brakes, selling at very reasonable price. Case mower with 3-point hitch. Electric cream separator, 859-2612. Yamaha 75 cc motor bike, 859-2612 evenings. 25' green lined drapes/sheers, 12x25 green carpet, toilet, wall sink, bathtub, vanity sink, windows, doors, single box spring & mattress, McClary {ridge, bathroom vanity, mirrored cabinet, plate glass mirror, swag lamps, 2 burner hot plate, drop leaf table. 727-0493. QUEEN size water free flow water/bed, complete, $135, beer making kit with capper, termentators, thermometer and hygrometer, and instruction books, complete, "5, ru725-2607.

BAYCREST 4 post canopy crib (1987) and deluxe mattress exc. cond., incl. yellow and white canopy cover, bedskirt, pillow, wall hanging and lined curtains, 32Lx78W, $250 OBO. Phone 752-2183. BEIGE velvet chesterfield & chair, $600; floral chesterfield & chair $400; 2 matching white table lamps, $60 each; drum table, $90; 2 walnut wall units. $150 ea.; 2 area carpets, 9x12. rust color, $125 ea. Exc. cond. 728-6109. DIFFERENTIAL truck gears, camper windows, camper stove, foam pads, trampoline, extension ladder, antique film strip projector, typewriter. Phone 727-5659. TWO quart flush toilet, sink and hang up urinal. Old school books, quantity of 45 gal drums w/Uds. 1978 Suziki RV 90 Motor bike with 581 km. Street cond. 662-4540. CHESTERFIELD and chair, good clean cond., rust colors, velvet, $375 OBO; Westinghouse stove, good, $300 OBO. 728-3536 after 5 p.m. or anytime weekends. GOLD Viking portable dishwasher, like new; gas furnace; cedar chest; work bench; old garage door; wood lathe ft motor, propane stove with iarge taok. Phone 727-1606. FOR sa^e: Good summer clothes, jeans, dresses, skirts, blouses and tops. Men's large, ladies large and sizes 40-44, girls size 12 and UP. Pb. 752-2286. TWO lovely light blue street-length dresses. Suitable for wedding or grad. Sizes 7 & 9. Worn once and dry cleaned. Were $130 ea. Ph. 729-936B, ask for JiU. __^_ RECENTLY refinished couch and chair, seafoam green with oak trim, exc. cond., $500. Ph. 727-2868 after 6. PANASONIC transportable cellular phone, 1 year old, hardly used. Paid, $2,000, quick sale, $1,000. Pb. 1-566-2139.




t6 bWy SSw snarj fof ham. circular S'n'd cfi'ain saw. hoffe 725-3616 after 6 p'.fli. tm 3wa| lanm aifd table lamp, sheet drafleS 15094", 72&6128. POUR hy-drffuUc 6f cffinfc tyjj* ja'cfts fof qwep'atch, ftamm supplies a Slide-in fftfcfc ca'm'per. PhoYre 729-8207, , n'e*t comes tof bfflnwefs,.. ffd- WANTED: Gtftfd u'S'e'd, re;d WickS. 867-3131. vafYced, JfSrtffVft MS? ftth sSS May 27th, tftffi.. 763-4927 MUM; S P.B1... :..,., . ' WAOTEP, cftfe eatdgn .wlMmill, 7284841 ......... WANfEB fill 8f Stiff* TV Serial,, ai6 WASTEP,a'sp'arsgas Piam Ff saw small electric Used m .IWS. . moWefS. 728-2681. Hafftftond sotto'der drgan aftd set of ffbnt foam Semi sh^ bfcJn dftjies. Ph. 728-608S. MATURE fr'eolMes,Call collect.483-2851.. HlDE-A-BED, swivel ro'cter, tarfe fan & 420. cooler, brass tight *tufe, Lazy Boy, cabinet fof.sewing machine, flaorescerit light small FIVE matching press back chairs, excellent chijia cabinet, lamps. All neW cjand. 725-2633. condition. Phone 728-S944. ......... USftD swimming 6ol ea.uiprfient, pump, BICYCLES motor, sand filter, faddfef, diving board, ail for,$750 Or Will sell separately. Phone.523-8634 JUNIOR Key's 6-Spd. motmtain bike, like Kiliarhey. v hew, $110; men's 10-spd. bike, $100 OBO. SANVO apt. size wash* r, dfyer, used 5 fno., Phoiie 728-5445. $1,500 new, Sacrifice at 700. AwningS, kitchen KIDS' bicycles, 1-10 speed bike, ladles cupboard, halfdfesSini furnishings. Phone bicycle. Phone 728-9944. 72T-7865. USED bicycles for sale and repairs done to WASHER & dryer, new, half price; dish- all bikes. Call 728-9091. washer, portable, used very little; 21 ft. MENS' 15-spd. mountain bike, $200; Mens' 10trailer, exc. Cond., $8,000OBO. 834-2465. Spd., $50. Phone 727-2644. MEfAL Shed, appro*., 4x8x6, $150 OBO. Can be seen at 619-h st (back). Phone .728-9963 TWO 18" BMX type boy's bicycles: 20" RaihboW Delight girl's bicycle. Phone 727-3090, after 5:30. GIRLS bike, good condition, asking $50. Ph. 726-4677 after 5 p.m.

cWfeSffellptlJ ata cMf, c,coW(J:, exe.

Wtfc $435. two nVa'tcnfflg fl'c'6. chairs, *375.

Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

VAN hide-a-bed, $100, 3-way fridge, $200, chrome tire covet & bracket, sun roof, 2-15" GM 5 Spoke 11-15 tires. 725-2657. MOVING sale! Apt. size washer & dryer, freezer, microwave, sofa & chair. Ph. 726-5061. ! SOFT top and doors for Jeep CJ7, hew condition; boys' Clothes up to 3X. Wanted tiller ' with FTP, attachfneht. Ph. 729:8534. SPRING sale. .Ready to paint whitewafe. limited time only, 30% off. Plaster Craft Shdppe. 725-1782. . LATHE, Craftsman Atlas, 6x15 with tooling and stand, $875.OBO; Busy.Bee meat band saw and grinder, flew, $475 OBO. Ph. 824-2116. LADIES brown leather jacket, size 14, $35, ladies brown leather coat, Size 12, $70, buffalo sweater, Slzg 36, brown tone, $45. 728-6090. QUEEN size bed; captain's bed; maternity clothes; snuggli; propane barbecue; golf clubs; 39' bed and carpet. 728-6409. WALL unit/entertainment centre, 13 rack gun cabinet, both solid oak custom made. Ph. 7271Q109 of 727-8774. GOULDS balanced flow centrifuge pump, % h.p. with built-in pressurized tank, $150; Rotary gear pump, W, $50. Ph. 726-5698. ON]E 4 month old two way fridge, .$200 also have 4 new ones In boxes, $250 each. Great for yodr motorhome or the lake. 726-8797 after 5. STREET length, lined, pink grad. dress, size 3. worn twice and dry cleaned. Was $300. 727-1767. EIGHT piece golf club set; 2 golf carts; 12" balck & white AC/DC TV, 1 yr. old; 4 exercise bike, 727-0272. . ROCKWELL-BEAVER 10" wood lathe, motor and stand, excellent condition. Phone 728-9857. HITACHI Ener-guide, apt. size Washer & dryer. View at 3011 McDonald Ave., Bdn. between 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WOODSMAN canvas dining tent, 8x8, $75; water toboggan suitable for ages up to 12, $75. Tom at 726-8002 after 6 p.m. KENMORE apt. size dryer, 110 v., good coml., $125; 2 used tires, 800-16-5, $25 each; truck cap for 7' long box, $50. 826-2297, FOUR piece living room set, chocolate brown, kitchen suite, 3 piece bedroom set, fridge, stove and fireplace. Phone 727-6931. TWO dressers, night table, mirror, 2 shoe racks, and stereo. Phone 727-5768 after 5 p.m. or weekend. COMPLETE sell out of crafts! Childrens' toys, clocks, plaques etc. Must be seen. Sold as 1 unit only. 727-8508, WALL unit, large microwave oven, super single waterbcd (new liner and bag, 1 yr. old), small apt, size freezer. 727-8299. . SATELLITE system, 12' mesh dish, Maxum OOV-.recelvor, LNA D converter, hand crank, $800 OBO. Phone 763-4959 after 6 p.m. WANTED: To buy books by Renee Taylor. "The Hcmalayan Shangrila1' & "Come along to llunza". HYDRAULIC drill fill, 15' long x 5", Char'lin. likc'new, used 10 days, 10 miles north east of Brnndon, .Ph. .7634862;..: ZERO Clearance fireplace and gas barbecue. Phone 728-4999. ROTTED manure for sale. Will load V, ton or .smaller. Phone 728-1361. 21" Zenith color TV, $150. 727-8348 after 5 p.m. Cash only, OLDER fridge, $40; used fencing, 18-4x4 posts, 1x6 boards, $60. Phone 725-3330, LIVING room drapes, 160" wide x 84" length, rust, color, best offer, Ph. 726-1475. PIONEER amplifier for auto stereo, GMA 200, output 150 w. Paid $700. Offers? 727-3677. SINGER knitting machine, mod. 150, $350 QUO. Two BMX bikes $50 each. 726-4737. FOR sale, chesterfield and chair, $275, davenport, $75, good condition. Ph. 728-0510. 1A h.p. BS motor used for grain auger. Offers? 728-7548. !)' Rockwell Beaver table saw with % horse motor, good cond., $350. Ph. 728-0489. CHROME kitchen table and four chairs, good condition, $175. Phone 728-9111. APPROX. 80 ft. of 10" channel iron, 3 sheets of 10 guage 4x6 steel, 728-7648. GRAD dress or wedding gown, size 11, pink.
Call 727-2027. LADYS' 3 wheeler bike, garden roto-tiller, 10' chest freezer, garden swing, stove. 727-5859.



ALPINE auto reverse cassette deck, Pioneer GM-120 amp, Pioneer TS6966 6x9 150 watt 3way speakers, $soo complete. 726-8797 after 5. EXCELLENT Stereo system. Turntable, 50 watt amp AM/FM receiver and Speakers, and cassette deck. In like-new Cond. 726-8020,

EVERY VEHICLE PRICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED and clearly marked on windshield The All New


COMMODORE 128, Amiga 2002 monitor, 1571 disc drive & Gemini II printer, incl. approx. 2,000 games & Software prog. 725-3825 after 5.

Caprice Classic

1991 4-Door liner


PEAVEY spkrs. and power amps, JC-120 guitar amp, elec. guitar, Fostex 4 track, 12 ch. mixer. Phone 727-2006 after 6:30 p.m. NINE pee. set Pearl drums, includes Ludwig cases and many extras. $2,275 firm. Phone 727-8346 after 5 p.m. NINE piece Pearl drum kit, excellent condition, $1,500. Phone Lee 726-0413 or 537-2629 weekends after 6. GUITAR lessons from Bach, of Music grad. IS years exp. All levels, styles. 726-8745. BRISCOE harmony cord organ, excellent condition, $325. Phone 727-3274. HAMMOND organ, 5 yrs. old, compose-acord, auto rhythm, best offer. Ph. 726-4813. ELECTRIC guitar, $75; Peavey Rage, $120; metal Max Pedal, $60. Phone 725-""
YAMAHA electric organ. 728-2342.



ort Cortiea Beretta Calais Cutlass Lamina

10.9% cash back

or'750 Cavalier , . 10 Pickup {

Full-sl/e Nck Altftt VaM
^ imL^i



3.1 V/6. AT., air, lilt, cruise, AM/FM cassette, power windows and locks, aluminum wheels




8.2 EFI. AT., air, AM'FM radio, tinted glass t|A lA " / '

SPRING sale. Ready to paint whiteware, 30% off. Limited time only. Plaster Craft Shoppe 725-1782.




WE want to buy all pre '67 silver coins and your premium Canadian paper money. Top prices paid! People's Market Place, 32-13th St. 727-4708, 727-4171 eves.

*459*/60 months 1990 CUTLASS SUPREME

4-DOOR International Series Quad 4, 5-speed, lully loaded Including lealher $4A AfiO upholstered lumbar seals Atf*f9r

5.0 L V/8, AT., air, till, cruise. AM/FM cassette, power windows <A T and locks *&*9ffif

613*/60 months 1990 SPRINT

2-DOOR 5-speed tO da 'OfTT

*318*/48 months 1990 BERETTA GT

3.1 V,'6. 5-speed. air, lilt, cruise. AM/FM cassclle, rear spoiler. $177 aluminum wheels */

2.5 L, 5-speed. AM/FM radio, carpet interior, rear bumper, tl 1 9JIA* rally wheels 11,0*17


297.61*/48 months


Conversion plus (ridge, stove, sink, furnace, port-a-potli, beds, etc.

1990 '/2-TON 4x4

350, 5-speed. till, cruise, posi, skid plates. SRW S1O OJLT* two-tone ITjOW/

686*/120 months



*599*/60 months

*209*/60 months

*439*/48 months

523*/48 months

QUALITY potatoes, delivery. 725-1730.

SINGLE car garage, 12V4 by 22', ready to move. Open to offers. 728-1443. 14 cu. ft. frost free Cold Spot fridge,; 1981 Honda XL 125S bike, exc. cond., 728-6411. T6 cu. ft. chest deep freeze, nearly new. Ph. 725-3904. ONE fridge; 2 rangette ovens; 2 drop leaf tables. Ph. 726-8026. FULL size Bauhaus sectional couch, woven heigc material, $550 OBO. Ph. 727-0727. BATHTUB, first class condition, $35. Call 728-0804 or view at 713-22nd St. SUN tan table, only 400 hours, reasonable offer takes it. Ph. 867-2174. BEAUTIFUL geraniums for sale in bloom, different variety. Phone 727-3854. WHIRLPOOL dryer, 10 and 20 gal. aquariums w/fish, 1979 wagon, furniture. 725-4641. SIERRA scooter, rear wheel drive, new, model 446. $2,875 will take. $2,800. 523-7272. TEA wagon, wood, walnut, $325; glider rocker chair, $75; 12" B&W TV, $55. Ph. 728-6224. LADIES' black leather jacket, size' 6, $50. 729-8392. CEDAR shelving units. Ideal for small business. For more Information call 727-6200. PRACTICALLY new, upright freezer, white, 24", $450. Phone 729-8972 anytime. LIGHT brown sectional couch, $200 OBO. Phone 729-9399 after 6 p.m. ONE waterbcd, 100 watt Pioneer amp with matching tuner, AR speakers. 725-0626. 4,000 large cleaned bricks; wrought iron railing tor steps. Ph. 729-8972 anytime. G.E. stove & fridge, white, $350 & $265, A-l cond. 727-3001. TANNING bed, excellent condition, $1,500. New sauna unit $500. Phone 727-6979. RAINBOW vacuum cleaner, 1 year old. Call 328-7794 until 10 a.m. FRIDGES. All 11 cu. ft. Good working condition. Phone 728-9759 or 728-0265. AWNING for camper trailer, size 8x12: swivel rocking chair. 727-4935. DUTCH wind mill lawn ornament, 4' blade sealed bearing. Phone 727-0315. PORT pottle, $50, fridge. $90. 727-0233. DANBY fridge, great for cottage. 727-0151. 12 volt fridge tor van, $75. 855-2217. THREE CB radios w/antennas. 727-^093. SMALL cement mixer, $150 OBO. 728-3118.

525. i STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT HEATED storage space for rent, accessible daily, excellent for seasonal items, furniture etc. Monthly rentals. Phone Multiplex Management Ltd. 727-7987. WANTED: One car garage for rent, for summer months. Ph. 727-2044 anytime. 530. GUNS FOR SALE FOR sale: Shotguns: Win. 1400XTR 12 ga. S/A exc., $250; Win. 1300XTR 12 ga. mag. pump, unflred, $365; Win. M-12 12 ga. pump, v.g.c., $325; FN Browning auto-5 12 ga. S/A. v.g.c., . . . , $300; Rem. . M-10 - 12 ga.. pump restored to mint, $325; Mossberg 400 12 ga. mag. pump, v.g.-exc., $175; Ithaca-SKB 600 12 ga. mag.. 0/U SST,, exc., ., $755; Brno ZH302 Skcet 12 ga., 0/U DT. exc.-mint, $545; H&R 12 ga. B/A. good +, $90; Knickerbocker 16 ga. SxS, good, $100; Rem. 870 Express 12 ga. mag. pump Rem.-choke, new unflred, $275; Win. 120 Ranger 12 ga. mag. pump Win. -choke, new unflred, $300. Rifles: Steyr-Mannlicher Custom 6.5x54mm B/A like new, $950; FN 49 .30-06 S/A, v.g.c, $295; Browning A-bolt .22-250 B/A with bases and rings, mint, $450; Rem. 742 .30-06 S/A with banner 1.5-4X scope exc., $400; Savage 1899 .303 Sav, L/A. good, $250; BSA Varmint .243 B/A hvy. bbl. with bases and rings, exc., $425; Lee Enfield .303 Sporter B/A, good +, $70; Win. 94AE .30-30 L/A, new unffred, $325; Win. 94 .30-.30 L/A exc., $275; Win. 94 .30-30 L/A, V.g.c, $250; Swedish M-966.5x55mm B/A, good-v.g.c., $85. Rimfire: Ruger 10/22 S/A with lots of clips sling and banner 4X32 like new, $300; Ruger 10/22 S/A walnut stk. with spare clip and Tasco 3-7X20, v.g.c.-exc., $225: Ruko M-16 S/A with retracting stk., good-v.g.c, $100; Rem. nylon 66 S/A exc., $150. Handguns: Beretta M-71 .22LR w/new 6" bbl.. v.g.c., $200; Beretta M-71 ,22LR S/A 4" bbl. with leather holster and spare clip, v.g.c., $180; Beretta 948 .22LR S/A 4" bbl. with leather holster, v.g.c, $160; Beretta 934 .380 ACP S/A with leather holster and spare clip, exc., $125; Walther P-38 Post-War police 9mm Para S/A with leather holster and spare clip, exc. $395. Ph. 727-3007. GETTING divorced, must sell. Ithaca 37-16 guage, $400; Ithica 37-12 guage, solid rib polychokc, $300; Mossberg 42-Lend lease rifle, $250: Winchester 94, 30-30 Improved, $250; Remington 788, left hand 308 with scope, $500; Replica arms Colt, 36 C&B. $275; colt King Colbra, 357 Mag, 6" SS with dies and brass, $450; S&W 25-83/8, 45 colt, pachmyer grips, brass dies, bullets and mold, $500. Phone 726-0772. BOWIE knife & fighting machete, both for $65; .22 490 S/A Winchester, $245; 12 ga. Coey single shot, v.g.c., $85; .22 600 Coey back action with scope, $125; .22 rabbit gun, $90; rare Savage .32 auto, pistol, $275. Phone 726-5673. 'U.J. Wargames' open every Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 miles east of Carberry on PTH 351. For information and bookings, phone 834-3226. Specials, on paint balls and C02 in May! BROWNING .22 cal., semi-auto., grade 111. 523-4638. GUN cabinet, 8 gun capacity, by-pass glass doors with lock, drawer with lock. 532-4638. FOR sale, 6 gun locking cabinet, excellent condition, $200. Ph. 855-2880. 540. SPORTING GOODS


Slock No. 2263-t 1790 LUMINA IUIO 4.DOO* V/6. AT., loaded, low kms, maroon. R.g. $18,975 Spring Clank Priet .. stock No. 63t7-t 19B9 OLDS 88 BROUGHAM 4-DOOR Loaded. Only 20.000 kms. $94 1TC Dig. $21,97S Spring Cfotilc Prlc> . 44/V*3 Slock No. 22BO-1 198V BONNEVILL! It 4-DOOR V/6. loaded, while, low kmj. $1O 4TC Dig. 119,975-Sprfng Oolite Me. . IOfO/3 Slock No. 2271-1 1989 BERITTA 2-DOOR 4-cyl, AT.. . AM.FM, to* kms. maroon. $11) OTC Dig. $13,975 Spring Clollle Met . . I Af O/Y Slock No. 2204-1 1989 CALAIS I-DOOR 4-cyl . AT., air. cMlle. !itve( < TTC g.115,975 Spring Clonic Prlc .. If/// 9 Stock No. 2234- 1 , ; 1989 CAVALIIR 4-DOOR ',',. 4-cyl.. T. a*, lo* knw. ' $1 A QB0 lig. $1 1.975 Spring Clonk Me. . . I U/OOO Stock No. 226S-1 1989 CAVALIIR RS J-DOO 4-cyl . AT. AM'FM. Low km>. <1 f OTC lig. $i:,7S-Spring Clonk Me. . . I 1/0/9 Stock No. 844 1 1 1989 CAVALIIR Z94 2-DOOR 6-cyl.. 5-Bpeed. sunroof, air. cassette, cruisa. $|C OTC fUg. llt,97S-Sprlng Clolllc Me. . . 1 3fA/9 Slock No. 226Q.1 1989 CILIBRITY IUROSPORT 4-DOOR <-cyl.AT. alt 19,000 km! {140BO Ilig. 114,975-Spring Cfoiilc Me. . . I */OOO Slock No 2224-1 1989 CILIBRITY 4-DOOR V 6. AT. air. cruise, lilt, cassette. Slock No. B473-1 1988 CAPRICE CLASSIC BROUOHAM 4-DOOR AT. loaded Nice luxury car. tlji TTT Keg. (15,975 Spring Clolllc Price .. It//// Stock No B332.1 1988 CIERA BROUGHAM 4-DOOR AT. loaded, lighl blue. $) MMM Reg. S14,575-Spring Cloiilc Price . . I O/HHt Slock No. 2237-2 1988 CORSICA 4-DOOR 4-cyl.. AT. cassette, cruise, air. tA AAA Reg. S10,97S-Sprlng Cloiile Price .... ^f/7TT Slock No. 2212-1 1987 CAVALIER WAGON 4-cyl.. AT., eir. cruise, cesselte. $T OTC Reg. M,975-Sprfng Clolllc Price ..... //7/9 Stock No. 6344-1 1987CHEVETTI2-DOOK 4-cyl . 4-speed. cassette. tM OTC Reg. S4,975-Spring Cfoiilc Price . . . . . 4/4/31 ISIock No Bt34-1'~''' ' ' * ' ' < * '" '' | l "'. ' . * ' ' 1987 FLIITWOOD CADILLAC 4-DOOR 307 V. loaded, beaulilul while exterior, Reg. 23,975-Spring Clolllc Price . Stock No. B42B-1 1987 SUNBIRD SI 2-DOOR 4-cyl.. AT., cassette, cruise, sunrool tA *}TC Reg, $10,575 Spring Cloiilc Prlc ..... 7/O/9 Slock No. B4g4-1 1987 CALAIS 2-DOOR 4.cyl.. AT., air, cruise, cassette Warranty expires July. 1993. tl e) TTC Reg. (13,975-Spring Clolllc Price . . I Jiff 1 9 Slock No. 6241*1 198o ACADIAN 2-DOOR 4-cyl.. AT.. AM'FM. tM 4/ Reg. 15,575-Spring Chiilc Price Slock No. 2238-2 1984 CALAIS SUPRIMI 2-DOOR 6-cyl.. AT., loaded. ( | | | Rk Reg. 112,575-Spring Clonie Price ...... J U I U Stock No. 1227-1 1914 CAMARO IROC 305. 5-ipeed. T-bar root, loaded, no air. TTC Reg. tU,97S-Sprig Clonie Price . . I *// /3 Slock No 2221-2 1984 CILIBRITY 4-DOOR 4-cyl.. loaded. Good carl A JLTC leg. 110,575 Spring Cloiilc Price .... T/W/9 RIC3ck No. 0370-1 -1984 CIERA 8-PASS. WAGON V 6. AT., air, cassolto. cruise, door locks $A ATC R.g. JI0.975 Spring Cloiilc Pric e .... 7/7/9 Slock No psm-y ~ 1984 CIERA BROUGHAM 4-DOOR 4-cyl. AT . loaded <| 1 Owned by Frasei Clark Reg. S12,975-Spring Cloiilc Price . . 11/ Stock No r-700-2 1984 HYUNDAI EXCEL 4-DOOR 4-cyl., 5-speed. cassette. CAI A 3ULU R.g. $5,975-Spring Clolllc Price Slock No 57O4.1 1985 AUDI 5000 4. DOOR Loaded. AT., beeutilul grey. t| A R.g. tl3,975-Spring Cloiilc Price .. l<</ Stock No 2241-1 198S CELEBRITY WAGON V 6. AT., cassette, air. cruise. $A Reg. >9,975-Spring Clolllc Prlc ...... O/ Slock No B303-I' - -' '1985 CHEVEHE CS 4-DOOR 4 cyl . AT. 30.000 miles $O R.g. K975-Spring Clonie Price ..... O/ Slock No 028.1-2 1985 HYUNDAI PONY GLS 4-DOOR 4-cyl . 5-speed. cassette $! R.g. $4,975 Spring Cloiilc Prit. ..... O/ Slock No 5955-1 ~ 1981 MAZDA RX7 2-DOOR S-spoed. cruise, power windows, sunrool. <A Reg. I10.97S Spring Cloiilc Price .... 7/ Slock No SB6B-2 1985 REGAL LTD. 2. DOOR 305. loaded, power suniool $A ATC Reg. $10,975 Spring Cloiilc Price


Slock No. 2244-1 - 1989 ASTRO CL VAN
S-passenger. 4.3 V 6. loaded
Reg. J20.975 Spring Clank Price

tlA) I *f

Slock No. 6398-1 - 1988 S-10 BLAZER 4>4 6-cyl.. AT., loaded, very clean. t| m Reg. II 8,975 Spring Clank Prkt ............ t/f

Slock No. 5749-1 - 1988 SILVERADO VrTON 305, air. cruise, two-lone blue. | |M Reg. $15,975 Spring Clonie Prlc. ............ I ^f

Slock No. 6038-1 - 1988 SILVERADO Vt-TON

V/6. AT., cassette, cruise, lilt, two-tone. $14 Reg. $14,575 Spring Clolilc Price ............ t^f

SiocK No,. 2254-2- 1987 BRONCO II XLT
V6, AT.; loaded , Reg. SI 4,975 Spring Clolllc Price ................. CAI Ik JWfcll

Slock No. 6311-1 - 1986 CHEV SILVERADO VrTON
305. AT., loaded. Reg. $11, 575 -Spring Cloiilc Prlc. 8-cyl.. 4-speed, slandard, new paint. ............ SI A TTC tVff/9

Slock No. 2166-1 -1986 CHEV '/i-TON



Reg. $8,975 Spring Clank Price ............... / / / / / Stock No. 6379-1 - 1986 MAZDA B2000 EXTENDED CU
4-cyl , 5-Epeed. cassette. Reg. $','75 Spring Cloiilc Price ............... tp Of

'/'/ *

ttOO 999

Low kms.



Dig. 115,975 Spring Clank Wca .. 14/7/9 Slock No. S2O7 and No. 224O-1 1989 SPRINT 2-DOOR 3-cyL AT., cassette. Low kms. t*f TTT Keg. W.775- Spring Clonie Me ...... / // / / Slock No. 641B-1 1988 BONNIVILLI LI 4-DOOR 6-cyl , AT., loaded, maroon. $1 M TTT leg. IIS,975-Sprin Oolite Pric e .. I *////

Slock No O20O-1 -1983 SUNBIRD 4-DOOR 4-cyl . AT . clean cai R.g. $e,575-Spring Clonie Price

Stock No. 6297-4 - 1986 S-10 4x4 LONQ BOX

4-speed, lilt, cruise, cassette, aluminum wheels. Reg. $9,975 Spring Clollle Price ...............
305, AT., lilt, cruise, two-lone paint.

$JP OTC ..... 9/7/9

tp ppQ 9f999
tp ATC

Slock No 0387*1 1984 OLDS 88 BROUGHAM 4-DOOR 305, AT . loaded. tA CTC Rig. $10,975-Spring Clolllc Price .... ^f/O/9 Slock No 0335-t 1983 CUTLASS BROUGHAM 4-DOOR 305. loaded Only 25.000 mile! $Q ATC Reg. $9,975 Spring Cloiilc Price ..... IJ/7* *

Stock No. 6424-1 1 - 1986 SCOTTSOALE VrTON

Reg. $9,975 Spring Cloiilc Price ............... 9jJ 1 9

Slock No. 6483-1 - 1985 FORD 150 XL 4l4
351. AT. cruise, capper. Only 50,000 miles Reg. $10,975 Spring Gallic Price ..............
V6. AT. Only 36.000 miles. Reg. $6,975 Spring Claiilc Price

PTC TF/O/ el
* ATC 9f T/l?

Slock No. 2194-2 - 1985 CHEV WRANGLER VrTON


Stock No. 6392-3 - 1985 NISSAN KINO CAB

4-cyl., 5-speed. power windows, sunrool, capper. CAI A

Reg. $7,575 Spring Cloiilc Price



M i l lU

Soln Mmlir

FRASER Salei Mailer

Soles Moslti


GARTH HOY Soles Mmtei

Sales Brandon'Souris

Soles Brondon/Souris

Slock No. 6334-3 - 1983 FORD EXTENDED CAB

351, AT., air. cruise. Solid truck. Reg. $8,975 Spring Cloilic Price ............... < ADA / f99J

KEITH PURDY Soles Master


A- Price includes cash back * $1,000 down, no tax



ROSS SMITH Soles Moiiti

Sourii optrollons

CHE V OLDS CADILLAC LTD, 1500 Richmond Avenue, Brandon 728-0130

Owr Reputation Is Your Guarantee






We Want Your Ued Sport* Equipment! Ypu Can Trade You Qan Consign or We Will Pay Cah,
601-9th St (South ol Economsrt) 7Z7-0756







MEN'S left hand Hogan Apex golf clubs, 2-9INSTALLATIONS PW-SW, 1,3,5 woods, bag, HCs, new grips, tSOO OBO. Ph. 727-7921. _^_ Residential or Commercial HOME excercise set. York model 2001, $175. Big or Small Call Bob at 725-1435 before 5 p.m. or 727-7923 MATERIAL fURPlY after 5 p.m. Huge choice timbers and ties, 1979 Harley Davidson three (3) wheel golf car. Excellent condition. $1,200. Phone 827-2795 new and used, pressure treated evenings, 827-2881 days. Rock, fencing, decking and more 1980 Harley Davidson golf cart, 3-wheeler, G/ve us a call, we can do it for you! good cond., $1,400 OBO Pb. 748-2333 after 6 p.m. THREE wheel Harley Davidson gas model, good cond. Ph. 729-8111. CONTRACTING LTD. MUST sell power golf cart, exc. cond. First $875 can drive it home. 726-4154. Prandpn Ask for Brian at 7?5-?6?7 WILSON Ultra-Dyne golf clubs with cart. Used 1 season, $400 OBO. 727-2868 after 6. SINGLE golf cart trailer, 480x8' tires. $425 OBO. Ph. 729-8784 after 5 and weekends. ELEVEN piece golf club set, includes bag 555. NURSERIES, TREES AND and wood covers. Phone 727-1702.




OLD music cassette tapes collecting dust? Jiffy Food Mart at 1250 Richmond is now buying them. Must be studio made with liner and'case. Open till 11:00 p.m. daily. CASH for good used furniture and appliances. We'are in need o fridges and single beds. Fair prices paid. Peoples Market Place, K-13tb St. 727-4708, 727-4171 eves. SAVE your advertising dollars! We pay cash for any good, used, household items. TradeFair Exchange, 640 Rosser Ave. 727-4835. ALUMINUM beverage cans, save for charity or extra cash. Always buying. Brandon Scrap Iron and Metal and Recycling. 727-5195.


CWy,W8, Patios. SWewaiH?

Sodding Levelling "Paying Stpnes" Supplied and Installed

WANTED black plastic nursery pots. Credit of .50? each on 1 & 2 gal. sire. Credit of $1 each on 5 gal. and larger. Evergreen Valley Nursery, on the low road to Shilo. Ph. 727-2647. COLORADO Blue Spruce seedlings, over 1 yr. old. Delivered to Bdn. May 12. $75 for 100 trees. Call 1-669-4184.

MASSEY Ferguson 12 h.p. riding lawn mower, $500; IHC 147 Cub Cadet, ride on 16 h.p. with snow blade, $1,000; Case 130, ride on, 10 h.p. with 5 attach., $1,500; 9N-Ford, high-low trans, with plow, $1,800. 725-0376. HONDA ride on mower 3813. Bought last year, has been used very few times, Liquid cooled 3813, 13-h.p., $1,200 less new price, need wider mower, reason for selling. Phone evenings 460-2650 or 727-8330. ONE used Ariens ride-on lawn mower; 3 used Snapper ride-on lawn mowers; 3 used gas push mowers; 3 used electric push mowers. Phone 854-2242, Pipestone. LAWN mowers. 8-h.p. tiller and 4-h.p. tiller for sale. Repairs to all makes of lawn mowers and tillers. Call 728-9091. GARDEN plots for rent at 1939 McDonald Avenue, (north side, back lane). Phone 849-2001 or 849-2142 in the evenings. THKEE ride on lawn mowers, all run excellent, $650. $750 and $1,850 (new). Phone 1-566-2139. ROFER rototiller, 5-h.p., Briggs & Stratton engine, good condition, $250. Phone 728-8436 ask for Brent. WANTED: Used 5 h.p. rear lined counter rotating tiller. 725-2657. 18" GE electric lawnmower. $75. Ph. 725-2607. CONCRETE ornaments, etc. 727-0233. 5-h.p roto tiller. $250. Call 728-3344. gas lawn mowers for sale. 728-2681.

Model 26623 Toro 4-Cycle QHV engine

9 t t t

Easy starting Maximum vacuum performance 3-speed rear drive Front emptying


"Whw Thf Sun 4/WIW Shim" Also available in Hartney and Hacpuwa

693 edWU Aw72

BRANDON SUN CARW& Tf LEPHONf 797-0527 TOLL FREE 1-727-5111



use SUN

ROTTED manure, 5 gal. pails (9 truck load Ipts. Call 725-0341 or 728-4654.

AWf0s Pott SALE

1981 4-DR CWysle*

matwfft viyi m, m6H
mint t'oWditlOW 5to Sffd tftfl :. Ftfliy IJSdfd, PS. PB, pWef tocks, lilt, tffulSe, air, AM/FM


BRANDON SUN, fhwrsday, Mdy 16,

radio slant ,4, loV M&xHS$P driver,cVk, good gas mileage. Asking |3.2o OBO.


Brandon 728*7863

V/6 automatic, air, tilt, PS, PS, PW, PDL, AM/FM cassette, factory (flag wheels.


Fbf Your -* Next
New of

We take great pride In our custommade cabinetry, designed by professionals to accommodate your Individual requirements. We cater to your taste In wood or laminate, door design, finish, hardware and accessories. We believe your kitchen should be comfortable to live in, practical to work in, and beautiful to enjoy.

o*v aos MDttiAC im

* Financing OAC * WarrtntJM on Selected Unit* * * Consignment Option* *

"Just West of Plk-A-Dllly" 725-2277 or 726-8246

Candy apple red with black roof. Owned since 1974. No test pilots. $9,500. Phone 728-6143


MUST sell! 1988 Pontiac Grand AM, low mileage, excellent condition, asking $9,000. lall 728-1172 anytime. 1988 Pontiac 6000. 4-DR, air, cruise, stereo, actory warranty, $11,900, take trade. 155fl-13th Street -56G-2139 Vi hour from Brandon. (1 block south of Richmond Avenue) 1986 Celebrity Eurosport, 4-cyl. EFI, 4-DR, AT, air, cruise, tilt, very good condition, Brandon 728-1570 15,850; 1987 Buick Century, 4-DR, loaded, like 1/1 new, $8,995; 1985 Olds Regency, fully loaded, KITCHENS KITCHENS 110,995. Heritage Motors, 725-2277. 1987 Celebrity, 4-DR, buckets, console, air, 576. DOORS AND WINDOWS stereo, tilt, cruise, fact, warranty, $9,800. SALES/SERVICE Take trade, 1-566-2139, Vt hour from Brandon. 1987 Ford Tempo, 2-DR, 5-spd., burgundy, with grey interior, air, cruise, AM/FM cassette, rear window defrost. Phone 727-7783. SALES and SERVICE 1987 Nissan Sentra Coupe, 29,000 kms. Asking Commercial 59,800. Ph. 726-4527. and Residential 1987 Black Nissan 300ZX, 5-spd., air, cruise, OVERHEAD DOORS AM/FM cass., T-roof, low mileage, mint condition. Ph. 858-2142. 729-8252 1987 2-DR Pontiac Acadian, AT, 40,000 km, Tram-Canada Hwy. at Altona Homes exc. cond. Asking $5,500 OBO. 727-4082 after 5. 1987 Taurus L, 4-DR, air, cruise, stereo, facONE patio door, dual pane, 74" wide, $195 ory warranty, $9,500, take trade. Call OBO; windows: 1 dual slider, 36x30, $40 OBO; 1 dual slider, 54x36, $50 OBO, 1 triple slider, 1-566-2139 Vt hour from Brandon. 54x36, $60 OBO. Perfect for cottage. Ph. 1986 Escort GT, sporty, economical, clean 728-6289. condition throughout, many extras. $4,850 rades considered. Ph. 727-7840 or 725-2277. PETS 580. 1986 Honda Prelude Special Edition. White, WANTED to buy purebred German Shepherd mint cond., one owner, all maintenance redog or one crossed w/Border Collie. Black & cords, 92,000 kms, $13,000. Ph. 765-2659. tan color preferred. Must be at least 3 mo. LIKE new, 1986 Hyundai Excel GLS, 4-DR old. Ideal dog would be one that is both good naturcd, yet protective of property. Please hatchback, 4-cyl., 5-sp., 49,000 orig. kms, silver paint, blue velour int., AM/FM cass., ph. Bill 855-2307 before 9 a.m. carefully maintained since new. With warADOK retriever pup puppies, CKC reg. ranty $4,450. Ph. 725-2277. LABRADOR working champions, from working ' - blacks and yellows. in ..~. June. Call Kennels 1986 Lynx, 2-DR, 4-cyl., 4-spd., radio, 40,000 Readyr to go L.. McArthur original miles, exc. cond. $4,500, take trade. 204-848-7750, Clear Lake, Man. 1-566-2139 Vt hour from Brandon. C.K.C. reg. Cairn Terrior, male, 1 yr. old, 1986 Mazda RX-7, 54,000 kms., air, cruise, tatooed, snots, $200; 6 mos. old male, shots, tatoocd, house trained, $350. Ph. 728-0661 or cass., power sunroof, PS, PB, 5-spd., exc. shape, not driven winters, $13,995. 727-8755. 826-2314. ask for Debbie. GERMAN Shepherd pup for sale. Exc. 1986 Mercury Lynx L, 4-DR hatchback, PS, temperament & guard dog quality. Black and PB, auto, with cruise, 52,000 kms, good clean tan. 2 malc5.'8 females. Ready to go. 729-8211. condition, asking 4,500, OBO. Ph. 726-4238. NORWEGIAN Elkhound pups, reg. Cocker 1986 Olds 98 Brougham, 4-DR, fully loaded, Spaniel parti colored pups. Stud service avail- exc. cond., $13,000. 726-1952 or 726-1938. able. 867-3397. 1986 Olds Delta 88 Brougham, 4-DR, fully WEST Highland white Terrior puppies, CKC loaded, low miles, $12,900, take trade. Ph. reg. Ready to go, will deliver. Cousin to the 1-566-2139 Vt hour from Brandon. Cairn. Moosomin, 1-306-435-2833. 1986 Plymouth Turismo, PS, PB, PH, sunWANTED: Good home for 6 Border Collie- roof, A M / F M cass., exc. cond., low mileage, Australian/Shepherd cross puppies. $20 ea. $5,500 OBO. 727-4158 or 726-4540. Ph. 728-2155 after 5:30. 1986 Plymouth Reliant, 4-DR, PS, PB, auto, REGISTERED Black Lab, 15 mo. old, female air, tilt, cruise, vented trunk, RWD, new with papers, $150, travel kennel and dog run tires, new battery, recent wheel alignment and Chrysler major tune up. Very good conalso available. After 4:30 call 728-9996. dition. $7,900. Ph. 728-6224. AKC German Shepherds, loyal companions, black and t a n , $125 Canadian. Lake 1986 Pontiac Sunburst, 4-cyl., AT, A M / F M stero cass., $5,000. Phone 763-4332. Metigoshc. Phone 1-701-263-4615. TOY poodles, male & female. 1 male Pomera1985 Audi 5000S, fully loaded, 97,000 km., nian, $150 ea. Ph. 763-4967. perfect condition, no rust. Asking $13,500. Phone 728-3267. CIIILDRENS' pet dog, give away. mod. size, neutered, all shots, farm home only. 726-1658. 1985 Buick Century Ltd. Clean, (smoke-free), well kept, 95,500 km, V/6, 2.8, loaded. Asking TO giVe away, 2 yr. old cat, neutered, has all $9,800. Ph. 726-8617. shots. Ph. 726-8558. 1985 Buick Somerset Regal Ltd., 3.0 L, V/6, KITTENS to give away to good home, very 115,000 km, air, cruise, tilt, AM/FM cass., friendly. Phone 728-9695. PW, PDL, PT, PA, PS, digital dash, luggage ADORABLE fluffy kittens. Ph. 726-0872. rack, 4 new tires, custom window tint, mint cond. Phone 849-2007 ask for Duncan. SIAMESE kittens, registered, $100, 763-8845. 1985 Daytona Turbo, 5-spd., AM/FM cassette, 586. LIVESTOCK/POULTRY $6,900 OBO. Phone 726-0321 after 6 p.m. 3 yr. old reg. Bay Arabian marc, green broke, 1985 Grand Marquis LS, V/8, AT, PS, PB, air, gentle, very pretty, $1,000; 2 yr. old reg. cruise, tilt, PW, PL, P seat, 60,000 miles, exc. Welsh pony, gelding, bay roan, gentle, ready cond., take trade, $10,500. Phone 566-2139. to break, to drive or ride, $500. Ph. 826-2314 or 1985 charcoal Honda Accord LX, PS, PB, AT, 728-0661 ask for Debbie. crusie, grey velour int., excellent cond., FOR a complete line of Pel and Gallagher hi- $6,900. Call 725-1305. tensile electric fencing supplies, construction 1985 Iroc, 305 TPI, AT. air, tilt, cruise, PW, experience and North Slur forage seed call PH, T-roof, $10,950 OBO. Phone Rich 727-8400 David Rose 483-3395. before 4 p.m. TWO year old big black gelding. Pleasing 1985 Plymouth Horizon, 65,000 km, good cond. disposition. Would make good English or Hunter prospect. Other reg. Q horses Tor sale. Asking $3,750. Call 727-9062 eves. 726-8224 after 5 p.m. 1984 Aries K-car, 4-cyl., auto., cruise, 35 WILL room and board your horses on m.p.g., very good condition. Asking $2,995. acerage in Brandon Hills. Nice barn, good Call Vern 725-2277 or after 6, 726-1328. fence, lots of water, excellent trail rides in 1984 jet black Ficro SE, loaded, first $5,000 the hills. 725-1809. takes it. Call 727-6965. WANTED heavy hogs for export, prefer weights 220 to 260 Ibs. P. Quintaine and Son 1984 Pontiac Parisienne, PS, PB, PW, PDL, 104,000 km, immac., $8,500. Phone 728-6533. Ltd. Ph. 728-7549. Licence #1123. BLONDE Aquataine Yearling and 2 yr. old 1984 Pontiac Ficro SE, AM/FM cass., new bulls for sale. Guaranteed breeders. Sun- tires, excellent shape. Must sell. $3,800 OBO. nybrook Blondes, 728-6827^ Ph. 725-3964 after 6. 10 year old thorougbred H horse marc. Very 1983 Audi 5000 S, fully loaded. 725-2368. well broke. Would make excellent 1-il horse, $700. Call 855-2880. 1983 Camaro Z28 convertible, 305, cross fire injected, AT/OD, fully loaded. Phone 728-0634 APPALOOSA stallion, 2 year old reg. sire by or 728-3869. Flyin Higher'. Phone 725-0376^ 1983 Capri, V/6, air, auto., rims and drives PASSIER dressage saddle, nice condition. excellent. $3,375. Call 725-227^ Call 727-0151. 1983 Chev Impala, 4-DR, PS, PB, AC, good ARABIAN gelding, 6 years old, has won ribfamily car, asking $2,500 OBO. Phone bons, best offer. Call 727-0151. 726-0641. PASTURE board avail, for horses. 725-1248. 1983 Dodge Aries, custom, 4-DR, sunroof, English saddle outfit tor sale. $280. 725-3998. immaculate. Ph. 728-9868. HORSES boarded, reas. rates. Eves. 725-1610, 1983 Lincoln Continental, Valintino scries, leather interior, sun roof, aluminum wire FEED/SEED wheels, excellent condition, $11,800 OBO. 588. G & D Dornian are proud to offer the follow- 727-6979. 1983 Mercury Capri, immac. cond., AT, PS, ing Certified Seed for the 1990 planting season: Argyle, Bedford and Virden Barley, sun roof, AM/FM stereo. Must be seen to be believed! Call 728-2460 after 5, week days Katepwa wheat, Norman flax, Westar canola and the full line of Pickseed legumes and only. grasses. Phone Souris 483-2537 or 483-2164. 1983 Mustang, 5 litre GT, 4-spd., T-roof, tilt, cruise, $6,000 OBO. Call 728-9672. 600. AUTOS FOR SALE 1982 Audi 5000 turbo, 140,000 km, AT, PS, PB, 1989 Chrysler Dynasty, 4-DR, AT, air, V/6, 13,500 m, $14,500. Len's Jeep/Eagle 727-0538, air, cruise, P. sun roof, PS, AM/FM st. cass., first $5,000 takes it. 727-3666. Bdn. 1982 Dodge 400, sporty/luxury, 2-DK, Landau MUST sell. 1989 Eagle Medallion, only 6,500 vinyl 4-cyl., AT, PS, PB, dove grey km., 4-DR, auto., loaded except for power velour roof, int., buckets/console, cruise/tilt. Like seats. Features factory stereo with equalizer, new, only 63,000 miles, $3,500 OBO. 727-4596. remote control locks, 7 yr. or 115,000 km. warranty. $13,500. 726-0582. 1982 Ford Escort, AT, cruise, exc. body 1989 Ford Escort GT, 15, 000 km., 5-spd., fully $1,800. 725-3387. loaded, excellent cond., $12,500 OBO. 728-5519 1982 Honda, 750 Magna, V45, A-l shape, ask 1989 Honda CRX-SI, black, low kms. 726-0201. ing $1,500 OBO. Phone 726-1474 evenings. Towncar, Signature scries, full> 1989 Plymouth Sundance, 4-DR, AT, air, 1982 Lincoln with power slider, tan velour interior, 13,000 m, 4 to choose from. $9,989. Len's loaded, fuel injected 302 with 4-spd. OD trans. Exe. Jeep/Eagle 727-0538, Bdn. tires and brakes, exc. rust free Florida car, 1989 Pontiac 6000 LE, fully loaded, low mile- $7,300. 726-9792. age, reasonable offer. 773-3556. $2,995, 1982 Olds Cutlass, V/6, 4-DR, good 1989 Suszuki Swift GL, new cond., AT, PB, shape, new tires, AM/FM stereo. Phone 28,000 kms, 58 MPG. Phone 725-3912 after 6 726-0615 after 6 p.m. p.m. 1982 Pontiac 6000 LE, V/6, air, tilt, cassette flawless interior, silver paint, clean through1988 Chrysler Dynasty, V/6, air, tilt, cruise low miles, exccflentconoUtion. Phone 838-2373 out. $4,450. 727-7840 or 725-2277. or eves. 838-2263. 1982 Saab 900 Yuppies car, $3,000. 728-6143. 1988 Gran Am, 4-DR, buckets, console, air 1981 Audi 5000 Turbo, air, cruise, AM/FM stereo, cruise, factory warranty, $11,700, take cassette, $4,000. Call 728-9802. trade. 1-566-2139 Vt hour from Bdn.

Universal Doors Ltd.

>h. 727-8553 of 64ft be sefl SI 22 EXCELLENT 661SditI6n! 1981 D8d|Aflj 45R, white w/btfi*<tfidy lit., 6A1*.60,000 fniles, e'cfin'Ofnical, Mast be seen, $2,556. 727.3075,. .. i8l Escdft, 2-DR, 4-cyl., 4-Sfid., air, ft )fakes arid clutch, g6d battery arid fifes, 1988 Yamaha Radian 660 cc stffeetMe,.... il,500. Call 727-2227 between 6 find 10 p.fn. lettt coWditroYi, in'cltfdeS sfiort, fairing, lots i Escort, 2-DR, 4-cyl., 4-spti., air, new chfo'm'e. Mffst Se'el $2,100. Ph. * >fakeS and clutch, good battefy attd tires, 1985 HoWda ATC 70 3 wn'eeler, $500; Iff il.BOO. Call 727-2227 between 6 and 10 p.fn. Suztiki JR50 motofcycle, $400. Both in go'i 1981 HOhda Acc&fd, 4-Dft, At. sun-ttibf, shape. Phofte 728-8647. AM/FM Cassette, PS. PB, power trunk, Very 1985 1100 LTD KawSsakf, shaft drive. 4,000'flJ good shape. Call 476-2155 after 5 p.m. km. Very gbfld conditioft! PhOYie 725-0086-7,. 1981 626 Mazda, 5-spd std, all options, good after 6 p.m. .' . , . . ^:, shape, best offer. 1978 Olds Delta 88, fully 1985 SuzoM 750 Intrude*, 13,000 km., like new.; oaded, exc. cond., best offer. 726-0974, after 7 Ph. 727-7500. p.m. 1984 HoWda Shadow BOO, $1,200 OBO. 1981 Mercury Marquis, sw, 302 V/8, At, PS 726-9576, ask fof Rick. PB, good cond., good gas ml., $21,600763-8845. 1984 Honda XL 600, fnint condition, 6,000,.; 1981 Monte Carlo, air, cruise, tilt, AM/FM highway niileS, new feaf tire, new thaifi.cassette, T-foof. hew tires,. Very good paint, nevef dirt driven. $1,500. Phone Chris 726-1570V' excellent condition. $3,500. 748-1028 after 6. after 5 p.m. . ;/'( 1981 Olds Royale Brougham, fully loaded, YAMAHA Max 400, 1984, excellent condition)--1: B.750 OBO. Ph. 729-8457. stored indoors, very low mileage, $1,250 OBO/W 1981 Rabbit, standard, good gas mileage, sunPhone days, 747-3217. -^-j roof, good condition, $1,300 OBO. Phone PRICED for quick sale, 1983 Honda Interstate-' 728-9185 Of 729-8207. AUTHORIZED 1100 cc, $2,700. Also 1986 COfnpi camper tent1" 1980 Capri, 6-cyl. AT, original paint, excellent trailer for .motorcycles, $900. Phone 725-4018'"': SERVICE CENTRE condition, $2,450. Ph. 725-2277. of 725-0941; __iT'!2 1980 Chev Jmpala 4-DR, runs excellent. Quick 1983 Honda V-65 Magna, good Shape, new/-'' sale $1,300! Phone 1-566-2139 Vt houf from rubber. Must sell. $1,500 OBO. Ph. 725-3964:'!,q 668. AtJTO SERVICE! Brandon. after 6. __: 1980 Citation, 4-DR 4 one year on hew trans1983 Hoftda Silverwihg 650, only 27,400 kths.^ Brandon Performance mission, good condition. 867-3169. extra chfohie and lights, excellent tohditlon^.Will include cover, rainsuit and helmet. Ask-"-1980 Corvette, 350 AT, aif, tilt, telescopic, Centre ing $3,500., Ph. 725-1901. .^ PW, PDL, mirrored T-roof. 727-2386. 1982 Honda, 750 Nighthawk. 728-0069. ^|j' 1980 Cutlas Supreme, 2-DR, 350 hew exhaust, * Engine overhauls a specialty $2,200. 483-2176, Souris. 1982 Honda, 750 Magna, V45. A-l shape, ask-^' DON LAVICH Major and minor tuneups ing $1,500 OBO. Phone 726-1474 evenings. .'"<j| 1980 Dodge Omni, AM/FM cass., 2-DR, gd. DIAGNOStlC AND ftlLD * Carburetor and fuel injection cond., no rust. $1,500 OBO. 727-6150. 1982 Suzuki ON 400, 3,200 km, bought new \n-',t> SERVICE SPECIALIST cleaning 1984. Lots of chrome, $900. Ask for D a r w y n 1980 Ford campef-vah, V/6, 4-spd., carpet, 764-2055 or 764-2006. ;' bed, cruise, foot ext., AM/FM cass., lots Evening work available the management and staff of Counmore! Room to add! $3,700 of trade for newer 1982 Yamaha Maxim 1100 cc, only 10,000 km.,;'.:= tryside Equipment are very happy to 725-4th Street small car of truck. 726-9176. exc. cond. $2,000 OBO. Trades considered:-r welcome Don Lavich to a senior poDon 728-5029, 8-5 p.m. of 726-0874 after 6. \** ;. 1980 Grand Prix SJ, PS, PB, PW, PDL, powef 727-O11O sition in their Service Department. sunroof, air, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cass., good 1981 Yamaha 850, tripple special, new tiresj'vv cond. $3,000 OBO. 748-1518, noon or after 6. Having 15 years in-depth experience new paint, showroom cond., windshield and- backrest, 20,000 kms. Priced to sell, $1,095.J> with John Deere equipment, Don has 1980 Olds Delta 88 Royale, 110,000 km, $3,750 Ph. 727-7049 after 6 p.m. ;|'> OBO. Phone 727-4868. the knowledge and skills to give you 1980 Honda 400 3,500 kms. Asking $700 OBOr - dl tf%OC 4-LITRE PETRO-CAN 1980 Pontiac Grand LcMans, 4-DR, 6-cyl. AT, top notch service that you can rely Ph. 726-4527. ' * PS, PB, radio, 60,000 original miles, im I U**** 10-W-30 Oil and Fram Filter ilb lube on. maculate cond., 4 new tires, $3,000. 1-566-2139, LOW rider, low mileage, low price. 1980 55<i';^' I W 6 DAYS A WEEK For Mobile In-Field Service or half hour from Brandon. Kawasaki LTD, $800. 728-2499. -253-17th Street North 727.8929 Comprehensive In-Shop Service 1980 Toronado, beautiful condition, many ex1978 Yamaha 125, on/off. 1st $400. 728-8830. .f.. Call Us tras, includes sunroof, $4,900, take trade. Ph. 1977 Harley Davidson XLH. 727-7579. '_'> 610. TRUCKS FOR SALE 1-566-2139 Vt from Brandon. HONDA and Kawasaki parts, accessories and' '' 1980 Toyota Tercel, 2-Dr hatchback, 4-cyl, 4- 1990 GMC Jimmy 4X4 S-15 High Sierra,, tires. Johnson Sport Centre, Hwy.#5 East,"^' ' AM/FM cassette stereo, $2,450 OBO. loaded, under 5,000 kms, sharp looking, Bottlneau, North Dakota. (701) 228-3762. ;' ' interested? Serious inquires only. Call i5-2149 after 5 p.m. 726^4668 after 6 p.m. weekdays. WESTMAN Leisure, full service, parts and'1'*1980 Toyota TeiSOLDspd, $1,000. 725-4311. access, for motorcycles and ATVs. Autopab ..->T 1989 Dodge V4 ton, 318 FI, deluxe model, 1980 Triumph TR7 convertible, best offer 18,000 miles, factory warranty, $13,900, take Repairs. 1635 13 St., Bdn., 726-1091. Hrs. Mon:-^ takes it. Phone 728-0069. to Sat., 9 to ,5:30. ',1-3 trade. Ph. 1-566-2139 V4 hour from Brandon. EQUIPMENT 1980 Zephyr, automatic, cruise, tilt, cloth 1989 GMC SLE V6 ton. Cruise, AC, tilt, PB, KULBACKI iRepair. Spring tune up special oriV." 18th Street North interior, excellent running condition, $2,000. PS, SRW, RB, fact, stereo with graphic equalmotorcycles, May 4 to 18. 4-cyl., $75 and"-'"Phone 728-3781. lower, 2-cyl., $55, parts extra. Prices do not,-.^ izer, 350 motor, exc. cond. Phone 1-845-2353 Brandon, Mail. 728*7043 incl. removal of fairings. Other specials':,; 1979 Chrysler Newport, needs some work, after 6 p.m. avail., motorcycles & marine. Aaron 728-8061;^., A/C, cruise, 4-DR, 318 V/8, electric door 1989 Toyota 4x2, 10,000 kms., asking $10,400. MODEL 77 1954 Oliver tractor, live locks. $1,050 OBO. Phone after 6 p.m. Phone 727-7844. XR 350 Honda, full White Bros, package plus>~ hydraulics, live PTO, belt pulley, good all many options, excellent condition. Phone..., 728-9731. 1988 Mazda B2200 Cab Plus, air, cruise, weather starter. $1,400 OBO. Ph. 328-7349. 726-8359. ,,.'., i 1979 Firebird, V/8 AT, clean throughout, AM/FM, box liner, full front bra, factory Ill 606 gas with 2001 IH loader, 18-h.p. Roper $3,650. Phone 725-2277. PARKER Bros. Motorsports Warehouse t>v, warranty. $9,800. Ph. 354-2161. with snowblowcr, mower and fork lift. Phone Canada's only motorcycle accessory mail,,,, 1979 Ford LTD, air, cruise, AM/FM cass., 1988 Nissan King Cab, still on warranty, 728-7775. order service. Huge warehouse direct sav,-''., $1,000. 727-2086 after 5 p.m. AM/FM cassette, stripe package, $9,400 OBO. ings. Tires! Tires! Bridgestone Spitfires any' 622. FARM IMPLEMENTS 1979 Ford LTD Landeau, 351 AT, PS, PB, PW, Phone after 7, 725-1611. size, $149/pr. Dunlop K591 Sport Elites> any:, *r. air, cruise. Call 827-2177 after 6 p.m. size $199/pr. Call for Metzler Comp. K.if, 1987 Dodge Dakota, cruise control, 6-cyl., prices. Helmet! Helmet! Shoel GRV Racen tinted windows, low mileage. 725-2000. 1979 Olds Delta 88 in good condition. 728-8055. Replica Lawson Marlborough, was $600 now\, $399, Corsa was $400 now $299, RF200 Was $320V '' 1979 Olds 98, 350, fully loaded, runs well, uses 1987 Ford F150 Lariet extended cab, 302 EFI, SALES and SERVICE captains chairs, loaded, excellent condition. now $219, BIEFFE B4 full face $66. Pro Flow"" no oil, $2,500 firm. Phone 728-1906. Ph. 748-1518, noon or after 6. day glow orange, $199, HJC half helmets, $99 1979 Trans Am. New 403, AT, new aluminum Tauros road race suites from $479. See our nd,., rims, tires, etc. Custom paint, T-tops. Car is 1987 Jeep YJ Roadster. 728-5232. in Cycle Canada (Mastercard or Visa). Order,... just completed. Over $7,000 invested. $3,500. GETTING divorced, must sell. 198B Jeep toll free 800-265-3841. Fax order 519-966-6077. ..) 528-3263. Mall orders to 3310 Walker Rd., Windsor,, . Cherokee Pioneer, loaded, $13,500. Phone Ont., NSW 3S1. '_ ; 1978 Caprice Classic, V/8, 350, air, PS, PB, 726-0772. AT, AM radio, tilt, cruise, 1 owner, repair 1986 Jeep Vi ton 4-cyl. 4-spd, stereo, 60,000 680. CAMPERS FOR SALE record, very good cond., $3,000. 727-8836. original mi., very sharp, asking $6,500. Take 1985 Starcraft Starllte 17 hardtop tent trailer1/ "' 1977 Chev station wagon, 1 owner, good run- traoe. 1-566-2139 half hour from Brandon. 1st St. and Pacific Ae. 727-5766 sleeps 6, propane stove, ice box, sink and' 1 ning cond., $850. Ph. 725-0652. 1986 Mazda B2000 pick-up, short box, buckets, propane tank. Excellent condition. Asking"' $4,000. Ph. 727-6627. .'..., 1977 Chev Monte Carlo, 305 V/8 AT, buckets, stereo, good cond. Asking $5,800 OHO. Phone NEW G.I. swing away drill fill system, $475 PS, PB, PL, PT, tilt, good gas mileage, very 727-2727 eves. 1984 Starcraft 19' hardtop tent trailer, sleeps with auger or $350 without auger. 11' 12 volt good cond., $1,700 OBO. 727-2837, 1985 Dodge D150, prospector package. 318, drill fill auger, $150. 13' wood Truck box with 6, propane stove, ice box, sink, new spare tire' AT. 89,000 orig. kms, blue, exc. cond., $6,500. hoist. $500. Ph. 354-2382 Brookdale. and propane tank. Very good condition. Ask-, 1977 Ford LTD II station wagon, AT, 351 Slide in camper to fit, $700. Ph. 728-7700 or ', Clevland. Ph. 727-8558. 12' Cockshutt swathcr w/canvas, $250 OBO. ing $3,700. Ph. 748-3257 evenings. 727-9752. 24' bale elevator, $120 OBO. H2' Cockshutt side 11' slide-in truck camper, sleeps 6, kitchen, '11977 Ford Maverick, 6-cyl. AT, runs exc. good way fridge, range, oven, furnace and bath,gas mileage, very good eond. $800 OBO. 1985 Ford F150 XL, 302 AT, excellent con- del. rake PTO, $250 OBO. Ph. 728-3118. dition, $5,995. Heritage Motors, 725-2277. room. Asking $2,000 OBO. To view phone 534-2277. 1966 Mercury F700 tag axle, 16' Cancadc box, 483-3911 after 1 p.m. Souris. , ..;. lipisti.mechaolcBlly good, <5.000. Ph. 666-2486, 1977 Trans Am, 400, 4-spd., alr,,PW, PJ)Lh 1985 GMC S-15 cxt. cab. Sierra Classic pack., 1981 Starcraft Venture hardtop tent trailer,,,-, 'RWD, built for gas mileage (new rear end), AM/Fjtf cass. stcrco.'Mast pii'sc'o'll'l 725-0220: .100 gal. farm storage tank on stand, $125. sleeps 6, propane stove, Ice-box, sink, nc\y,'< $2,200 OBO. 727-5434, room 111, 1985'GMC S15, 4-cyl., fuel injected, 75,000 Phone 728-6533. spare tire and propane tank, very good cond., 1976 Chrysler New Port, excellent mechanical original km, good condition. Asking $4,00. asking $2,750 OBO. 827-2261 eves. :'<? 1-1350 steel bin, exc. cond., wood floor. Will Phone 726-1328. and interior, needs some body work. Best deliver. Call 725-0341 or 728-4654. 1977 Venture tent trailer, sleeps 6, stove, ice-offer. Phone 727-0522. 1985 GMC Jimmy 4x4 Sierra Classic, air, box, pulls easy, good condition. $1,400. Phone 24' Hutch-Master offset disc, $6,500. Ph. after cruise, tilt, AM/FM cass., running boards, 51976 Datsun B210, $750 OBO. 727-8772. 728-3964. i" (i, H24-2142. spd. std., 2 tone blue, new tires, $9.600 OIK). FOR parts, 1976 Dodge Aspen, $150 OBO. Phone 764-2419. HARD Top tent trailer, sleeps 6, fridge, stoveV' > STOCK TRAILERS 624. Phone 727-2027. furnace, included, 2-way sink, asking $2,895.."i 1984 GMC Jimmy 4x4, AC, PW, PL, cruise, Phone 728-1158 or 725-3788 eves. j., 16' gooseneck two horse trailer, 6' sleeping 1976 Firebird Formula, 400 CI, 4-spd., $1,000 tilt, 105,000 kms, black and silver, $9,900 OBO. room, lots of options, IVii years old. 727-0151. OBO. 728-7548. Phone 748-3880. 1965 GMC converted 16 passenger school bus; -' V/8 automatic. Reday for camping. $2,500. , . 1978 16' slock trailer, good cond. 726-1986. 1976 Lincoln 2-DR Town Coupe, loaded, good 1983 Chev Blazer 4x4, full size, V/8, PS, PB, Call 728-3417. ' cond. Asking $2,000. Phone after 6. 726-4887. automatic, AM/FM stereo, excellent interior, 6.10. AIRCRAFT SALE/RENTALS 1979 Starcraft Starmate, 1 owner, sleeps 6, 2,,.. 1975 Chev Nova Custom, 4-DR, 6 auto, 250 $8,500. OBO. 726-0495. burner stove, ice box, sink, awning, snarl'..', motor, PS, very good conditon. 728-4864. 1982 GMC Vt ton, air, tilt, cruise, dual tanks, tire, very good cond. $2,450 OBO. 726-4395. ' ' louver, new brakes, dual exhaust, BRANDON FLYING CLUB 1975 Chev Monza, $400 OBO. Phone after 5 stereo, headers, new motor, 305 ci, not stock. 1978 GMC % ton, 4-DR, 3 + 3 Camper Special'. p.m., 728-5822, ask for Rick. Edlcbrock 4-barrcI. turbo 400 trans., halogen Flight training 10' camper, sleeps 4, fridge, stove, furn. Sell 1975 Datsun truck. 1978 Chrysler Le Baron. lights, well maintained, could use paint, best separately or as unit. $5.000 OBO. 867-3116. for Career or Recreation offer. 727-1640. Phone 727-7865. 1976 Skylark 16' camper trailer, fridge, stove: ' Phone 728-7691 for details 1975 Mercury Comet, 4-DR, automatic, power 1982 Jeep J-10 pick-up truck with cap, 4 wheel sleeps six, 3-way lights. $3,200. Phone after & ' steering, power brakes, 48,000 original miles, drive, V/8, good tires and cruise control. Can p.m. 728-9731. .'i, be seen at 22 Basswood Bay or phone 726-0593 $695 OBO. Phone 727-4060. TRIFLE E 9V4' slide in truck camper, 3 way-, MARINE after 6 p.m. 650. 1974 Astre, runs good, $450. 728-3443. fridge, stove and furnace, good condition!'.<i 1979 Chev Vi ton, 350, standard, SHW, new CUSTOMIZED fishing outfit. 16 ft. Starcraft Phone 748-2176 or 845-2420. 1974 Buick Century, brown, 350 V/8, good tires, good cond., no rust, $2,200 OBO. Ph. with live well, console steering, lights, pedrunning condition, $600 OBO. Phone 727-2644. 727-2196. 1971 22', tandem axle, sleeps six to eight; estal scats, carpeted platform and floor. Infurnace, shower, toilet, oven, stove, fridge.,.. cludes humminbird depth finder, 40 h.p. 1974 Dodge Monaco, 360 V/8, rusty but runs 1979 Ford FIDO, 302, V/8 AT, PB, PS, new cruising motor, 10 h.p. trolling motor, drive- and iin good condition. $3,500 firm. 365-2502. ;.;;, well, $300 OBO. Ph. 728-2212. rubber, new paint, very clean, runs and on trailer with guides and rollers. $4,000. Ph. 1986 Aerostar 800 fold down truck camper, 3-., , 1974 Ford Maverick, 6-cyl., AT, $200. 1974 drives great. $2.750 OBO. Call 752-2184 eves. 728-2183 eves. Must go by May 20. way fridge, stove and sink, thermostatcd " Ford Countrysquire wagon $200. Also dune 1978 Chevy Wlon 350,AT, PS, PB, custom controlled furnace. Excellent cond. 534-6682.' buggy kit ear, $250. Phone 726-8797 after 5. 1973 14' Vanguard Banshee Mark II boat, paint, tent, A M / F M , new rubber, running complete with a custom tarp & Gator trailer; 1986 Compi camper tent trailer, great for' 1 ' boards, $3,200 OBO. 728-8830. 1974 Mustang II, $575 OBO. Ph. 727-8147. 1!)H6 70 h.p. Yamaha outboard motor, power small cars, sleeps 2 adults and 2 children. ' HAVE purchased another truck, selling 1978 trim & tilt, oil injection, has 30 - 40 hrs. on it; You'll love it! $900. 725-4018 or 725-0941. , ;i 1973 Chevelle SS, 350-4 bbl., 4-spd., 80,000 orig Dodge Ramchargcr, 4x4, 108,000 original also ski bar, water skiis, 2 tow ropes & 2 ski miles, newer paint, $3,500 OBO. 727-3882. 1978 Starcraft fold-down camper, sleeps 6, 3-'" kms. Asking $3,800 OBO. 728-5191!. vests. Heady to go! Package deal $8,500. way fridge, furnace, 3 burner stove, also add1973 Olds Cutlass Supreme, 2-DR, AT, 350, 4 Phone 727-5106. 1978 Jeep J10 4x4. Call 727-2292 evenings. a-room. Exc. cond. 523-4957 eves. ,.< bbl., engine needs work. $300 OBQ. 728-3096. FISHING or skiing, 14V4' Peterborough, 1977 CJ5 Jeep renegade 304, V/8, 3-spd. std. fiberglas with convertible top, walk through 1977 Trillium fiberglas trailer, sleeps 4,3-way, 1973 Pontiac Astre, reasonably priced. Cal 727-8158. 727-2778. windshield, open bow, upholstery as new, 50- fridge, 2 burner stove and propane furnacc.\i , . . h.p. Mercury, EZ Loader trailer, all in exc. $2,200. Phone 328-7577. 1976 Dodge % ton 4x4 360 auto, 68,000 miles. 1973 Toyota Corona, 4-DR, AT, running con cond Brand new LCR Humminbird fish 8 ft. Skylark truck camper, fridge, stove..,. dition, some rust, $650 OBO. Phone 727-3180 Heavy duty springs, $2,200. 483-2176. finder incl. $4,200 OBO. 522-8139. sink, furnace, good cond., $1,700. Ph. 834-2207 . after 5 p.m. 1976 Ford Supercab. 390 AT, PS; body parts '",' FISHING outfit.14' Nadon, 1986 15-h.p. or 834-2232, Carberry. for 1980 2-DR Ford Mustang, 4-spd. trans1972 Cutlas convertible, very good eond. Mariner, 1985 High Roller trailer, tarp, new mission and motor parts. Phone 328-79!)!. CASA Rolla truck camper, $200. Phone. ,. $8,500. Call Ed 728-7043 days, 728-8619 eves. spare and rim, detachable swivel scat. Wind 1976 Scout 4x4, automatic, $1,200 OBO. deflector for R.V. trailcring. 2-215-14 Michelm 727-0925 or 726-9414. 1972 Mercury Montego, 6-cyl., 91,000 miles BRIPGGR hard top canmper, folds 3 -way, radial, m-s, studded. 728-7611 eves. excellent running condition, $500. Phone 728-3118. sleeps 6. $950. Phone 726-1110 after 5 p.m. ; 725-2097 or 567-3655. 1975 Chev 65, 427, 5&2 transmission, 58,000 orig. miles, $5,500. 726-1938 or 726-1952. 16' fibcrglas boat, 65-h.p. Mercury, trailer, 8' slide-in overhead camper. Ph. 483-2479. 1970 Datsun 510, standard, fair interior, body side console, speed indicator, 2 tanks, anchor, runs, needs speedometer and turning signa 1975 Chev % ton, rusty but trusty! New front under scat storage (for trolling motor). $3,200. 684. TRAVEL TRAILERS lever, good for parts. Phone 727-4412. tires and brakes, with hoist mot working), 350 Ph. 855-2217. FOR SALE V/8, AT, $800 OBO. 727-2868 after <l 1968 Rambler 440 wagon, running condition 16' Mister Pike fishing boat, 35 Johnson LIKE new, 1983, 19 Vi' Golden Falcon, sleeps good winter starter, 99,000 miles, as is $500 1975 Courier Vt ton, 4 automatic, cap. etc. motor, like new. Asset-., depth finder, seats, 6, tandem axles, dual propane tanks, 3 way -l i 726-5831 before 2:30 p.m. Pretty good shape, $1,150. Phone 726-5673. tank, paddles, anchor, spare wheel. $3,500. fridge, stove, includes sway bar, equalizer .< 1967 Buick Skylark, 6-cyl., AT, all original Ph. 726-5162 or 1051-4th St. North. 1975 Ford Ranger XLT Vt ton, 302, V/8, PS, and hitch. Asking $8,000. Call Virden 748-2959 , , asking $500. 726-5106. PB, AT, no rust. In very nice condition. ,'.-' 14' Misty River, 25-h.p. electric start, or 748-1892. Phone 328-5218. 1962 Pontiac Parisienne. 725-3642. Evinrude, EZ hauler trailer. Eagles 7200 1970 16' Skylark trailer, only 3 owners. TV., 1973 Jeep, AT, 4-wheel drive, right hand Sonar, $2,500 or consider trade on camper. 1929 Model A street rod, new power train, new drive, needs motor work, $750; used truck cap antenna, spare tire, sink, stove, fridge, sleeps' ' 725-3661 anytime. cherry paint, runs and drives great. Musf 6, good condition, $2,400. Phone 727-8346 after " (aluminum). $150. 725-0376. sell. First $2,800 takes it. 534-6335. .;:-; MINT cond. 1983 Vanguard open bow, 90-h.p. 5 p.m. Johnson motor, Caulkins EZ loader trailer, 1973 20' Holidaire, excellent condition, 1980 Firebird, 301, 4-BBL, A.T., P.S., P.B. 1973 Scout 11, 4x4, 4-Sp, $2,100, OBQ. 725-4330. fishing lop, power trim, speedometer, etc. cruise, tilt, stereo, bra. Asking good con 1972 Ford Courier, 4-spd., good shape, $650 tandem wheels, 4-piecc bath, 3-way fridge, -, Open to offers. 727-3742. dition. Phone 835-2573 McCreary. gas 3 burner stove and oven, gas furnace,',, OBO. 727-5058. sleeps six. 8'xl5' canopy. Phone 726-4968. ' 602. AUTOS FOR RENT 1969 Chev, 307, 3-spd std., new muffler, timing 18' aluminum canoe and 2-h.p. Evinrude gas 1978 Edson 16fe exc. cond., sleeps 6, 3-way . , chain and gears. Runs good, $600 OBO. motor, very good cond. First $500 takes it. Ph. FULL maintenance leasing on used vehicles fridge, stove w/oven, furnace, toilet, slide-in - ' 476-2629 evenings. 725-0609, Terry. Monthly rentals. Call 727-6979. awning, equalizer hitch, elec. brakes, asking:-o ' 1965 Chev, step side, 4-sp. standard, mags, 17' J Kraft, 175 Black Max. gauges, custom $4,375. 726-4244 ] 12 passenger van for short or long term $600 OBO. Ph. 727-8558. trailer, trolling motor, depth finder, skiis & rental. Best prices! Call 729-8989. 1979 Terry Taurus. 24' tandem axle travel- :> misc.. $6,000 OBO. Ph. 483-2122. 1961 Chev \Vt eton, 12' metal box and hoist, 6trailer, stove, fridge, complete bathroom, v AUTOS WANTED cyl., 4-spd., good running condition. $2,150. 12' alum, boat, $375 with 3-h.p. Minnkota MX, 604. forced air furnace, converter, equalizer hitch, .. $375; 14.5' fishing boat, loaded, $2,775; newer 20' awning, sleeps 8, exc. cond. 748-2978. 483-2176. , . WANTED to buy Vt tons, % tons and 1 tons Yamaha 30-h.p. elec. tiller. $2,895. 725-4452. 4x4's, Blazers, Broncos, Supercabs, crew GLASST1TE streamline truck cap. Phone 1973 Dutch Swinger 18 ft. single axle trailer,3-h.p. Minnkota electric trolling motor, built cabs and vans. Champagne Auto, 415-18th St 727-0925 or 726-9414. sleeps 6, fridge, stove, furnace, bathroom;';,'* in maximizer, used 4 days, new condition, North 727-8277. shower, propane tanks, equalizer hitch. Ask-' ' GTASSTITE fiberglas shell to fit a Ford $375. Call 728-6597. ing $4.000. Ph. after 6. 726-4887. _, ;, WANTED: Cars, trucks, campers, horse Ranger Vt ton truck, silver in color. Ph. 3-h.p. Minnkota electric trolling motor, built trailers, to buy or consign. A-B Auto Sales, Is 328-7125 or 328-7273. 197$ 16V4' Travelaire, 3 way (ridge, stove with?'-'' in maximizer. used 4 days, new condition, St. N., Bdn., 727-4043. oven, furnace, sleeps 6. Must be seen to be..;/ WANTED approx. 1980-1986 small size pickup $375. Call 728-6597. appreciated. $3.500. 728-0212 alter 10 a.m. , ., in good cond. Toyota, Nissan, etc. reasonable CASH and free pickup of unwanted vehicles 14' anchor boat, trailer, 40-h.p. Merc., tarp, Running or not. 727-3373 anytime. price. 728-5810. 197813' Travelaire, sleeps 6, furnace, stove, 3- . start, ready to go, $2,200 OBO. Ph. way fridge, awning, excellent condition, , SET of chrome box rails. 728-3401 after 6 p.m. electric 606. AUTO PARTS 849-2028 late evenings or 726-5739.



VAfrs 616. iWt PlynVotfth Voyager, seats 7, PS, P.S, $W m'o'fof, 47,000 fcms., Skg $7,200. 328-7448 after 6:30 p.hi. . 1980 Db'dge, exte^de'd 14 *asseti*ef SpWtsfnW>9 Van. Air, tfu'ise. tilf, reattet.Tffltoplete new m'otofw fmnWulSte colfdttio'n fhroffghotit. $9,800 OS'0. 729-8989. 1986 Ford short wheel base cOlnvetSiofi .van, 300 4-sp'd., stereo, lots Of extras, $2,000 Or partial trade. Call 726-1088. 1978 Ch'ev van, 350, AT, tilt, cruise, AC n'e'etfS repair, carpet, cowch/b-ecl, cffpbbafds, 111,000 krt>. $3,500 OBO. 867-2372 after 5. 1976 Ford Funcraft e&tispet van, AC, fridge, stove, Sleeps 4, excellent con'ditloYi. 725-1280. 1975 Chevy Fu'n'craft (HOtotftOfh'e, washfoWh, rflnning water, etc. Very good CoWd. $5,995. Heritage Motors, 725-2277. 1975 GMC Railey window van, dark br6*n w/beige, white spokes, tinted glass, Bench/ted, 3-way fridge, rebuilt 350, starter, steering, $1,850. 1-824-2099 after & 620. FARM fftACfOftS



15.' alnMAWft Mt wffh,, 9%rn.p. JofiMoft m-ofor, tfailef, |l,200. Ph. ^ VANGUARD Swifigef boat find trailer, J2,500,;T b%St offet. PftoWe 887:8174.-.. *-ii Vt' tSto&gUAcafioe, $200 OBO, 725-1102 afte* , $750.- '728-2776. -;^ M' aln'mflHffn ' - -' .rrr. ,





1988 Plymouth Reliant, 80,000 miles, A/C AM/FM radio, 4-DR. Very good condition $6,500 080. Phone after 6 p.m. 728-9731.

1981 Camaro Z 28, exc. cond., cruise, tilt louvres, low mileage, $4,100 OBO. Ph 726-9501.

SALE/VVANTEP 1982 Datsun 280 Z for parts. Was totaUed Phone 728-6577. 1965 396 Chev, closed chamber heads, $400 8,000 Ib. winch PTO gear driven pump, comes with push bar, $500. Phone 483-2160. 1970 CMC Vt ton, running or parts; 1966 Fort std.; Chrysler 440, 225; Pinto IHC 304. Phone 728-2770. 283 c.i. Chev. motor with auto trans., $275 OBO. Leo's Jeep/Eagle 727-0538, Bdn. PROJECT car. 1966 Falcon 2-DR sports coupe, rolling chassis complete, good in tcrior, restorable, $400. Also wanted, 1965 Falcon, rear bumper & misc. 727-4596. 4 Big Foot AT radial tires, 33xl2/RSO15's approx. 500 miles, $450 OBO or will trade loi 4-15" tires of same cond. 728-5289 or 726-5929 350 Chev, 35,000 miles on complete overhaul runs excellent also AT, new dual exhaust $600 OBO. Phone 728-3096.

VANS 616. 1989 Dodge Caravan SE, turbo, AT, air, 7 pass., 14,000 m, $16,989. Len's Jeep/Eagle 727-0538, Bdn. MUST sell! 1989 Dodge Caravan SE, 65,000 kms., AM/FM cass., cruise, tilt, 6-cyl., brown With wood groin finish, $16,800. 725-3409. 1986 Plymouth Voyageur SE, PS, PB, air, cruise, tilt, many more extras, JIO.OOO kms., excellent condition. Phone 848-7403 or 848-2366. 1985 GMC Suburban, fully loaded, air, trailer pke good rubber, 40,000 mi, control start, great cond. Call 848-7401 after 5 p.m. 1984 Dodge Caravan, 4-eyl., 5-spd. Tires, boots struts, brakes all recently replaced. Very good condition. $8,200. Ph. 727-4289. 1984 CMC van, completely loaded, Vnntasy conversion, excellent shape, four new tires. Has to be seen to be appreciated. $9,850. 727-1198 (w> or 727-3302 M, Terry.

1981 4-h.p. Evinrude fishing motor, complete with 2'A gal. tank, in premium cond., asking $475. Phone 476-2155, Necpawo, alter 5 p.m. ONE used 15' Bayliner boat with 60 b.p Evinrude. Has new seats i carpet, $1,900 Cull 728-6070 after 6. KOK sale, 6 h.p. Merc outboard and 12 ft. Starcraft aluminum boat, $800 OBO. Call 72C-1405. 14' Vanguard boat, 45-h.p Chrysler motor, EZ load trailer, all in good condition, $1,300. 534-0526 or 534-6897, weekends. 12' Petrel aluminum sailboat, mainsail and jib, unsinkablc, self-righting. 728-4621. 1983 20 b.p. Johnson, low hours. $850 OBQ. 725-2657. IH' GallsUon Bow-Rider, 305 Cbev V/8, with trailer, $10,800 OBO. 727-3030. 1987 Yamaha 15-h.p., low hours, starts on Vt pull, $1.200 OBO. 725-4.116.

$2,500. Phone 534-6084. " 1982 Travelaire, air conditioned, antenna, awning, electric lift, bedroom in back, A-l '' shape Pb. 386-2126 Plumas. ., . , 197315' Triple E, 3-way fridge, propane stove, , sleeps 6, new tires, seldom used, v.g. cond., $1,950. 727-3249. . y; 1977 Vanguard 16'. furnace,-3 way fridge;- ; sink, toilet, sleeps 6. asking $4,500. Excellent shape. Pbone 725-4469. '_ i; UNIQUE design, 3 bunk-beds in rear, full ^ bath, oven, Iddge, 2 tables, canopy, sleeps/,. nine, in great shape. Asking $8.000. 728-8903._.' [ 1977 16' light weight travel trailer, 1,600 Ibs., (ridge, stove, toilet, space and 9x12 add on, room. 3,700. Ph. 763-8960. ' ;, , IMMACULATE 1984 Prowler 24' tandem, < trailer, sleeps 8, fully equipped, air, awning, T.V.. antenna, ftiU bath. $12.900, Ph. 726-5268. 1988 Golden Falcon 26', 5th wheel travel ., trailer, loaded. Excellent condition. 727-8440.- >

| | 8fiRANBSNSUN, f teddy, Mdy 10, tltf. fHAVM,

POtt SALfe
i! 1978 PfSwMj fridge, stove, fnfhaee, 'teffi *fn with Sh'OXver, sleeps 6, Wry go'bd cOnd. iZDO. 727-3274, _ Wildewess .(PrOwler), Cahdem Ml* aipp'e'd, ih excelie'ht coYiditio'ft. $5,900. call 50 afte? 6 p.m. _ 73 14' Triple , Sleeps 4, Stove, ice box, good d. $1,475 OBO. 6577. _ _ . 1977 SuH Side 14' trailer, 3-way fridge, 2Buwief sfove, furnace, plus extras, $2,400. gliofie 537-2468. _ _ MM Prowler 17' tandem, 3-way fridge, stove %/crven, ftirhace, bathroom, excellent confltton. 727-0751. _






p 745--ltth St.,
I tafaletops I1 Mirrors. " 6lSsS E(6hihg * Wintfew Repair I i Medicine Cabinet's | * Gtess Slidifig fiooYs ~

PWnbtfit a'n'd Beatin'g. Ga'S Sftd electric fu'rWa'c'es. Ph. 728-2375. CARPENTRY, jjtfftlfty wtffk ddWe, 6My. Call K. Carn-egie Cofistructifift at 729-8207. FURNITURE moving, ch'ea'pl 72M. BREWER Masonry & file. 728-0366.


PftOBUCf souffcing, we will fift'd ytfiir product and information you nee'd, fee plus e*p'eYlses. 1-774-4872. Wpg.

Stain Glass and Supplies



Bdfirs arid Wiftdows

tAuctians m ear Haunm, Hot i ttSiimj

tM fyp*4 ot Hfl tbhduclM

4979 17V4' Prowler Travel Trailer, 3-way (ridge, stove, 3-pc. bath, furnace, tandem S&ie. Ph. 867-5177. _ 1977 Lionel tent trailer, sleeps 6, has fridge. stove and furnace, $2,500 OBO. Phone 765-2844 after 4 p.m. __ ___ i72 13' scamper, ice-box, propane range, SSarc, sleeps 4, very good condition, new f&ter tank, $1,350. Phone 726-5357. _ 104 15' trailer, sleeps 4, 3 way fridge, tjfnace, easy t6 pull. Asking $2,000. 728-1538. I87 Travelaire, 20' 5th wheel travel trailer, Ifladed, excellent condition, 728-7262. 1986 5th wheel Prowler, 1914', excellent conijitioh. Phone Minto, 776-2321. _ 1970. 1914 ft. Skylark tandem trailer, exc. gond. Phone 726-4963. _ LDER 28' Argosy, very good condition, fully >ad worthy. Call 725-2900. (588. MOTORHOMES FOR SALE


see A N|W YOU ...

Only at PANTAGES 2630 Cuifle ftltfd., Brand6ri


BEFORE you Cut your hair!


t*6tM afid fiMa Refm'er's GoWJ Affc'ttoW Sate, Safn'fdffy, May .12 a't his fesfdeftce at, 20 GOVeWMeM Ro'ad Aft6a*c4 , WWBWSSft, toBIfmtti'fi at 1 tt.m. Pfftpa'ne 4S.OOO BTU coftrtfrtloftfteat4?, electric *5,6op BTU tofr tftfctten healef , ItfO ft', pf 6Tf>ai aftfc, D'eWa t a'dial arm sa'W. cfiaiftsa'w, 12", ttsed very iftle, Briggs & &ratfffin 3-h.. m'Olot , wh'eefbafrow, large tftfantif* of n'ew hails, 2 wheel utility trailer . Farm Cfesl pWtabl6 Atf cornlessor, mini 110* 50 amfi, Drift Breaker inow blbwef , IHC gafden tiller, 5-h.p.. 21" gas awn nWwfrr (go'o'd), miscellaneous tows, glue, caulfcihg, window panes, used lumber, oak 300 gal. water tank, 28' aitfmttmni s ladder, iV4-3" pipes , febar, teftt, camp stove, transit level, Hydraulic jack, ack all, bolt cutter, show sCowp & scraper, garden tools & garden hose, many small items for carpentry .and cohsif notion work. Household effects: Phileo i2 eu. ft. refrigerator, 2 drawer filing cabinet. metal 23 cu. ft. Gibson deep freeze, new set of Book Of KhoWleage Encyclopedia, office chair, stereo, coffee table, space saver, chrome table, pichic cooler, pool balls, rediffer, foekihg chair, f>ihg pong table, bookcase, fhiSC. household items, and other smaller items . too hurnerous to mention. : This is a very good sale of well kept 'ools, carpenter's ' equipment, and household effects. The ReimerS have sold their hoiYie and are moving. Plah to attend this good auction. Sale conducted by: Mooney Auction Service, J.D. Mooney, A u c t i o n e e r , Wawanesa. Ph. 824-2094. _



Human error blamed for CF-18 collision

West Gefrttafty (Ci>) The Caftadiah Fofces has resumed CF48 atf-to-aiir ttsfflbat training aftef concluding that riuiiiati factors not defects in the CF-18 caused the collision of two of the jet fighters over kaflsfuhe last month. Bfig.-Gen. Jeaft Boyle, a Canadian air division comrnandef f told a hews conference Wednesday that with ftew safety measures being implemented, he is confident flying operations will be safe. The April 17 collision of two CF18s killed one pilot, injured the other pilot and two people on the ground aftd caused damage to cars and buildings in Karlsruhe, a city in southwestern West Germany. The incident, followed within a week by another CF*18 crash off Vancouver Island, led to debate about the safety of the aircraft. "Human factors led two pilots to make corrective measures towards each other and that's all that happened," Boyle said of the April 17 crash. "It's like two people walking down a corridor where you come face to face and you are jockeying for position." "Unfortunately, at a closure rate of 1,000 miles an hour (1,600 km-h), we can't stop and say sorry, get out of the way and move over." The report said the two CF-18s from the Baden-Soellingen base
$3 bag sale. YWCA Thrift Shop, 17-7th St., May 10, 11 and 12th. Store hours 9:30 to 5:30. 727-8765.


Were taking part in combat exercises in a temporarily restricted area set aside for NATO exercises. fhe jets were flyitig at an altitude of about 4,2?0 metres and maintaining a speed of about 560 km-h. The pilots were turning to accomplish a merge in which the aircraft fly about 300 metres apart when they realized they were on a collision coUfs"e.

thai you cart trust*

1879 Empress Ford motorhomc, 69,000 km, 360 motor, dash air, cruise, tilt, stereo and Black 2 way radio, TV and aerial, double tank for gas and water, roof rack and ladder, 4 Burner stove, 3 way fridge, control panel, sleeps 6, heavy duty cushions, window blinds, ffbnt tires new also new RV battery, rear tires fair. Ph. 523-4435. $14,000 or will take b(aer camper/van on trade._ _ 1071 International bus/molorhome, fridge, ve, sink, oak cupboards, master bedroom, ikbeds, exc. cond. 1976 Pinto to be pulled lind the bus. Ph. 727-5976 evenings or -3028 days. __ 1966 Chev bus conversion, new 327 engine/exhaust/radial tires/12 miles per gal. Sleeps 4, bathroom, fridge, stove, nicely done, |3,600. 727-4596. _ OLDER, National A Class motorhome. Well Maintained, many new parts last year. Low mileage. Must be seen at 437 Assmibome Ave. ijjB.OOO. 728-7282. _ _ )83 Holiday Rambler 30' Class A, Chev 454 Ual fuel option, rear bath, twin beds, low mileage, many options. $49,900 OBO. includes Kar Kaddy. Call 1-888-2036. 1981 23' Citation mini motorhome, sleeps 4, low mileage, one owner, air conditioned, speed control. Reasonable at $23,000. 867-3978 1977 21' Edson, Dodge chassis, sleeps 6, fridge, slove, furnace, shower, new radials, iy-uise, excellent shape. $16,900 OBO. 726-1402. CLASS A motorhome, self-contained, sleeps six, good cond. Asking $9,500. Ph. 726-5055 otter 6 p.m. 1&75 21' Coachman, A-frame, 38,000 miles, i-oof air, awning, excellent condition. Trades considered. Call 728-6316. 1986 Triple E, Model C-731, 24' motorhome, 4,'DOO kms, loaded with awning, air, T.V. etc. pke new. Phone 658-3545. 1978 Triple E, A chasis motorhome. In excellent condition in and out. Phone 727-4453 after 5 p.m.

services, hour call)

393 Park Ave. last 726*0790




9 a.m. Tools and Shop Equipment 11 a.m. Vehicles

Mordyck's yard, Hwy. 59, 5 miles south of the Winnipeg tloodway. APPROXIMATELY 150 UNITS TO BE SOLD FEATURING: 1988 Olds Cutlass Cierra, 6cyl, air, TC; 1986 Pontiao 6000 LE station wagon, 6-cyl., fully loaded, off lease unit; 1986 Pontiac Grand Am, 2-dbor LE, 83,000 original kms; 1985 Chev Blazer 4x4 with blade, 5-speed; 1985 Pontiao 6000 LE, fully loaded, 6-cyl., 2-tone paint, one owner; 1984 Honda Civic CRX, cassette, sunroof, red on black. NEW - TOTALLY UNRESERVED LANE: Running at 2 p.m. the following vehicles will be sold unreserved: 1983 Pontiac J2000 AT; 1982 Chevette AT; 1982 Toyota PU 4-cyl. standard; 1981 Chevette 4-door standard; 1980 Ford Granada, 6-cyl. AT; 1980 Datsun PU 4-wheel drive; 1977 VW Rabbit AT; VW dune buggy. COMPLETELY UNRESERVED WE ARE INSTRUCTED TO SELL MANITOBA HYDRO VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT: 1983 Chev light-duty C and C; 1975 Ford F150 Derrick Digger Teleking; 1975 Ford F600 medium state truck comes with knuckle crane; 1975 Ford F750 Derrick Digger Teleking; 1975 Ford LTB200 Derrick Digger Telect Domander; 1975 IHC 1850 Derrick Digger Commander 2.
RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY TERMS: $200 cash deposit. Next sale is: May 26. See Winnipeg Free Press May 5 and May 11 for listing.







Electric "^ 2340 Park Ave.


D & L Camper rentals. 23', 24' and 25' motorhomes. Air conditioning, awnings, fully loaded, sleeps 6. Call 727-7511. 1988 Citation, sleeps 6, rear BR, microwave, generator, AC, awning. Call Rachel 726-8329, Ann 328-7989. 34' Pace Arrow motorhome, sleeps 8. Phone 725-3760.

700. 110.


BRANDON Building Movers Ltd. We'll move any thing I Corny Harms 726-1828 WEST-MAN Tree Service. Complete tree service - Pruning, removing, spraying, stump removal and commercial weed spraying. Licenced and insured. Free estimates. Phone Jim or Brian at 728-3716 or 726-8253 anytime. .'The branch managers." COMPUTER consulting, training, programm i n g & s u p p o r t by p r o f e s s i o n a l s . Spreadsheets, database, wordproccssing, accounting, etc. Reasonble rates; free estimates. Armchair Airlines Computer Services Inc., 726-8291. EAVESTROUGHING maintenance free continuous pre-paintcd eavestrough, pre-paintec1 soffit, facia, flashings, also do shingling. Cal Rainbow Eavestroughing Ltd. Work guaran teed. 727-1639. BEAM Hoofing: Town and country, new roof re-roof repairs, vents, application of asphal Shingles. Free estimates. Work guaranteed Ph. Rick 727-8558. KEYSTONE Home Maintenance Service: We do repairs, renovations, painting, drywalling, fences garages and sheds. Reasonable rates. Seniors discount. Guar. work. Ph. 720-5910. HOME repair and maintenance. Additions, remodelling and plumbing for reasonable price. Phone 726-5269.

BROKEN windows and doors repaired or replaced. Total home renovations, interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Discount for seniors. CB Enterprises, 727-3879. SEEMLESS PVC coated steel siding, eavestroughing, soffit, fascia and \yindow cladding. Nine years exp. For free estimates call Able Eavostroughing 725-2294. MACKIE General Contracting, concrete work, custom building, renovations, additions, CMHC approved reg. builder. Free estimates. Guar. workmanship. 728-1721. T&B Drywal! specializing in boarding, taping, coating and stippled ceilings. Free est. 727-6391. CONCRETE work. Driveways, sidewalks, interlocking stone, foundation repairs, chimney repair. Call Joe 725-D005. FOIl very reasonable prices on remodelling, home repairs, plumbing, painting, carpentry & ceramic tile. For affordable rales, 728-4393 'BOUL.ET Hoofing- For re-roofing, new shingling and repairs. Quality guaranteed work. Free estimates. Ph. 725-2069, 24 hours. REKOOF, repairs, continuous aluminum eavestroughing, soffit and fascia. Rene's Hoofing and Eavestroughing 728-0209. ALL season yard maintenance-Raking, tilling, yard clean up. Bluebird Yard and Garden Service. Call Danny 728-0431. ELECTRICAL contractor. G. T. Smith & Sons Ltd. Office 728-3385, res. 728-9476. 727-2328. CARPENTRY, garages, fences, siding, rec rooms and suspended ceilings. Marv 728-8724. CARPENTER- House repairs, new board fences and decks. Phone 726-0042. STAR Janitorial, all types of floor maintenance. Phone 727-0990 or 727-9013. DUNN Construction specializing in commercial and residential framing. 727-6391. A & A Yard Care - Yard cleaning, power raking, core aeration. Phone 727-3739. BRADLEY painting and decor. Quality work manship, free estimates, Brad. Ph. 728-6762. CARPENTRY repairs & renovations. Bath, rcc rooms, plumbing, fences, decks.728-0953. VINYL siding for homes supplied & installed by Midwest Exteriors (1981) Ltd. 725-216.'). KEYSTONE Painting and Decorating. Hesi dcntial and commercial. Free est. 727-8520. BLACK dirt, delivered, also "A" base gravel 726-8007, 728-6869. ANY computer questions? Will consult yoi and write customized software! Call 765-2434 TOWN and Country Tree Service. Trimming pruning, complete tree removals. 727-5351. ROYAL Painting and Decorating. 725-2050.


AUCTIONEERS: Dennis and Ken Morrow 237-6944

TWO family yard sale, Friday, May 11, 1-8 ,m. (no early birds), 62 Canada Crescent, ake table, childs' car, seat, bike carrier, tricycles, toys, adult and childrehs' Clothing, exercise equipment, lawn mower, rocking chair/ottoman, VCR, Sectional couch, Cuisinart food processor, large assortment of fishing and hunting equipment, numerous household items. Cancelled If raining. FIRST time sale: Antiques and miscellaneous. Sat. May 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. 1424-7 St. Ph. 725-4475. 8 steel chains, 5 load binders, shovels, slalom ski, flotation water bed (queen Size), china cabinet, 2 show halters, 21" RCA color TV, 20 T hydraulic jack (walker),12'x25' tarp, and much more. FIVE family garage sale, Sat., May 12, 9 a,m.-5 p.m., 1605-20 St. Antiques, Commodore 64 with games, bathroom bcday, 30 gal. gas water tank, 2 Star Wars quilts, gas motors, heavy duty 24' ext. ladder, windows & doors, approx. 5x4 utility trailer. Clearing out sale! GARAGE sale. May 5, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 608 Franklin St. Couch and chair, coffee table, umbrella, clothes dryer, Atari 2600 and games, 50 gal. fish tank, fishing reels and much more. THREE family garage sale, 17 Mitchell St., Fri. May 11, Sat. May 12, and Sun., May 13, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Perogies, homemade bread, furniture, micro-wave oven, audio music stand and much more. GARAGE sale May 11, 4 p.m to 8 p.m., May 12, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 12 Dominion Way. 35 mm. camera, 8-12 place setting of dishes, golf clubs, dog house, mini bike, banjo, clothing and many household items. GARAGE sale, Saturday, May 12, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Home baking, crafts, plants, lathe, exerciser, golf pull cart, golf balls, van seats, childrens clothes, household items, misc. items. 230-12th St. East. TWO family yard sale. Sat., May 12, 8:30 till 2 p.m. 528-36th St. Goalie skates, new rowing machine, washer, dryer (apt.), barbecue, old cook stove, etc. GARAGE sale for 17th Scouting (all sections) at 1624-6th St. Garage and bake sale from 18th Scouts (all sections) at Redeemer Church, 114 Ashgrove Blvd. Sat., May 12 from 10 to 4 p.m. CLEANED out collage! Single bed; old lins and razors; sealers; bedding; trcddle machine; 5C, 25 & 50(f ilcms. 36 Woodhavcn Dr., Fri., May 11, 2-7 p.m. TWO family yard sale, Salurday, May 12, 9 a.m. lo 1 p.m. 308 Frederick SI. Enlrance from lane. THREE family yard sale - Clolhing and household articles. 76 Noonan Drive, 8:30 lo 2 p.m. Salurday, May 12. YARD sale, 951-3 SI. N.. Friday. May 11 from 1-5 p.m. Clolhcs, toys, tires and lols of misc. Cancelled if raining. MID week garage sale, Thurs., May 10, 6 p.m. lo 9 p.m. 8 Spruce Dr. Everylhing musl gol Uain or shine! Bikes, BBQ, water skis. INDOOR garage sale for the girls Select soccer team. Easl End Communily Centre, Sal. May 12, 9 a.m. lo 1 p.m. St. Hedwigs bake and basement sale: Sat. 9 a.m. lo 2 p.m., hoi dogs and coffee, 223-lllh St. CAR port sale. 706 While Swan Trailer Court, May 11 and 12, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Something for everyone I YARD sale Salurday May 12,9-4. 78 Ashgrove Blvd. Boys clothing, bikes, baby furniture lols of misc. Hems. MAY 12. 9 a.m. 1560-8lh SI. Barbecue, toilet and oval sink plus taps, kilchen suite, toys bikes, bed, chandelier and much more. GARAGE sale. Sal., May 12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. a 413-11 St. E., Bdn. YARD sale 430 Brcntwood Village, Sat., May 11, starting at 9 a.m. BACK yard sale, 752-22 St., Fri., May 11, 2 p.m., Sal., May 12, 9 a.m.-l p.m. Large sale MAY 12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 3 Violel Cres. I'oo table, curtains, bedding toys, etc. YARD sale, 724 6th St., 4-9, Friday, May 11 Saturday, May 12, 9-12.

The surviving pilot, Capt. Reginald deCoste, 35, of Jonquiere, Que., said he brought his plane's nose up to avoid a crash, but the other pilot, Capt. Timothy Kirk Leuty, 30, of Meafofd, Ont., Was doing the same avoidance manoeuvre. DeCoste said he lost sight of Leuty's aircraft. The right wing of deCoste's plane went through the bottom of the canopy of Leuty's aircraft, which was then cut in half. Leuty was killed instantly. DeCoste ejected from his disabled, burning aircraft. He received secortd-degree burns to his right hand and fractured his left heel when he landed by parachute on a highway. "For us, it was a tragedy," Boyle said Wednesday. "But those are the risks that my pilots and all NATO pilots face as they train; and train We must do. Boyle also said his objective is to reduce flights in 1990 by 20 per cent and by another 30 per cent in 1991.


SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO NOTICE TO: Stephen Bernard MacNcil. A legal proceeding for a divorce has been commenced in this court by Margaret Lynn MacNeil. You may obtain a copy of the petition by mail from the court office at 155 Elm Street West, Sudbury, Ont. P3C 1T9. If you wish to defend this proceeding or seek other relief from the Court, you must do so in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure. If you fail to serve and file an answer within 30 days of the date of this notice, a divorce may be granted and judgment may be given against you in your absence and without further notice to you. DATED at Sudbury, Ont. this 1st day of May, AD 1990. Balrry J. Poulson Barrister and Solicitor 146 A Elm Street Sudbury, Ont. P3C 1T7

Mulroney seeks advice on Meech

OTTAWA (CP) Prime Minister Brian Mulroney crossed party lines Wednesday for advice on how to save Meech Lake. Mulroney met behind closed doors with veterans of all three parties for two hours. The mixed group ranged from former NDP leader Ed Broadbent to Liberal luminaries like Jack Pickersgill, Eric Kierans and Francis Fox. Conservatives in the group included former federal leader Robert Stanfield, Davie Fulton and former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford. None of the participants would discuss the options the group discussed. But writing pads left on the table showed a first ministers' conference on the impasse something Mulroney has resisted was among the options discussed. Mulroney said as he left the meeting that he believes Canadians are starting to think about the the consequences of the if constitutional amendment is not ratified by its deadline. "I get the sense that people are becoming more cognizant of the dangers inherent in the failure of Meech Lake," he said.




Sealed tenders properly marked will be received up to 4 p.m., Monday, May 28, 1990, for the following: Janitorial Cleaning at Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School Tender must be on forms provided and are available from the Brandon School Division No. 40, Administration Office, 1031-6th Street, Brandon, Man., R7A 4KB. For further information contact Mr, Ralph Heard, Purchasing Officer, telephone 7293120. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

D. J. CORNELL Secretary-Treasurer






Tickets; 7tQ 9 p,m, to 1 a,m, Net proceeds to support Kinsmen Community Projects Sun Fund for Kids M/S
Sponsored in part by: Brandon Sun, CKLQ, CKX-115Q AM, KX-96 and Christies Biscuits.


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