Ccea 3 - 8 - 2013

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CCEA Executive Meeting Agenda March 8th, 2013 7:00 7:35 am Joys Classroom #120 Attendance: Annie Enzibigilis,

, Erika Myers, Jake Little, Joy DeFors,

Janet Oliver, Becky Foellmer, Janet Schultz, Jeannie Wyse, Jenny Rickertt

Gina Stetka, Mary Pellin,


Approval of February Minutes a. Mark motioned to approve the minutes b. Jake seconded the motion c. The February minutes were approved


Treasurer's Report a. Annie presented last years budget 2011-2012 b. Went over in administration c. Went over in negotiations d. Many retirement gifts were purchased e. This years budget was presented 2012-2013 i. Check on gifts fund in regards to retirement of non CCEA members ii. Could we use the gift fund towards are leaving board members? 1. Possible ideas plaque, gift card 2. Becky will create a prototype of plaque 3. Janet Schultz will get 3 - $25 Lettuce Entertain You gift card iii. Still have a $2.00 monthly charge iv. Need to contact IEA/NEA for dues Jake hasnt received a bill

v. 3 leaving for sure possibly 4 vi. Mid-April will be a changing over of board members III. Positives/Concerns A. Ide - Began the building meetings concerns with Jill

B. PV a. Positives i. Happy no snow day ii. Productive early dismissal day to work on curriculum b. Concern member was concerned why she got sick day paper work late c. Keep this concern at the building level. Go to Janeise teachers will not be filling out paper ahead of time and secretaries should not ask for paper work ahead of time. C. LV 8th grade LA/Rdg. Department would like to commend Superintendent on being supportive with parent issues IV. Meeting with Mr. Arnold

Mr. Arnold wants to discuss Groupings related to SB7 on Monday morning. There should not be a RIF for next year. V. Regional Council Report A. Voting results need to be sent to the office B. 2 open spots and if interested Erika has a list of open positions C. Budget Meeting a. Raising due even though there wasnt a reduction in state staffing b. Currently $427 for Illinois dues c. Proposed an increase to $430 based on money lost from a grant (this was the more supported idea) d. Wants an HR director and has never had one and a half day assistant. This would raise dues to $433 e. Local dues are $50.


National dues $179 and want to increase to $182 for the extra go towards grant money

g. Jeannie would like the opportunity to speak to CCEA members to know what their opinion is for upcoming vote. VI. Presidents Report Board Meeting in April (Koch, Killian, Millbrandt leaving)


Adjournment a. Joy motion to adjourn b. Jake seconded the motion c. Meeting adjourned at 7:35

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