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2œ theSun | MONDAY APRIL 6 2009

news without borders

Comment by Zainon Ahmad

IT LOOKS like the contests in Bukit

Gantang, Bukit Selambau and Batang
Ai are going to be close with BN
likely to be able to hold on to Batang
Ai in Sarawak and is fighting hard
It’s going to be close as fatiggue sets in
taught in English. are wondering which coalition will
to wrest the other two from PAS and For his act of “durhaka” (disobedi- benefit from Tun Dr Mahathir Moha-
Parti Keadilan Rakyat. ence), he is painted as a modern-day mad’s presence in the constituency
However, the BN, having just em- Hang Jebat, the famous rebel during today now that he is back in Umno.
barked on its rebuilding exercise, is the days of the Melaka Sultanate, and Whether in Bukit Gantang as well
not too keen to have the by-elections even as Tun Perak, the bendahara as in Bukit Selambau, it is noticed
be seen as a referendum as what who saved Hang Tuah when the that a certain amount of election
Permatang Pauh and Kuala Tereng- sultan asked him to be executed. fatigue seemed to have set in and
ganu were made out to be. But among the Malay voters, who have caused many to predict low
Thus, many of its leaders had ear- constitute 63% of the 55,562 elector- voter turnouts tomorrow.
lier on intimated that all the coalition ate of Bukit Gantang, durhaka is a But it is different in Batang Ai,
hopes to do in Bukit Gantang and serious offence and something which which is in the deep interior of
Bukit Selambau is to trim down the Nizar and his backers, Datuk Seri Sarawak, far from the state capital
Pakatan Rakyat majorities. Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Hadi Awang Kuching and an unimaginable
But whether the BN wants the or Nik Aziz Nik Mat seem unable to Ismail Saffian, the BN candidate in Bukit Gantang, distance away the peninsula and
three by-elections to be seen as a explain away satisfactorily. addresses residents in Changkat Ibol, near Taiping. The is, therefore, sheltered from much
referendum or not, that is what However, as polling day ap- Pakatan Rakyat is touting the Bukit Gantang by-election a of the political sentiments that had
they are going to be perceived as, proaches, the BN seems to feel it is referendum on the sacking of its government in Perak. raged there since March 8, 2008.
especially in Bukit Gantang, where gaining more Malay support than in Thus, it is mostly local issues
ousted Pakatan Rakyat mentri besar previous elections – 51% in 1999 and that are debated in this 8,000-voter
Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin is fighting 2004 and 53% in 2008 – and, based It may just be able to get 60% should the BN be able exploit the constituency spread out over rugged
to retain the seat for PAS and where on this, it is now fighting to win. of the Malay votes – an increase of divisions within the PKR ranks it terrain and jungles. To get to meet
both sides are concentrating their It is still capitalising on the dur- about 7% from what it got in the might just be able to win but fissures the voters is a real challenge as most
firepower. haka issue in its ceramah to the Ma- last general election – and, if it does, suddenly began to appear within its live in villages or longhouses far
Already Pakatan is touting Bukit lays saying that the people of Melaka Nizar is in trouble. Knowing this, An- ranks and it may now come as no from each other.
Gantang as a referendum on the sack- did not benefit by Jebat’s rebellion as war is in a state of frenzy forcing him surprise should one of the independ- It is, therefore, tough going
ing of its government by the Sultan of only he alone enjoyed the benefits to shuttle frequently between Bukit ents be hailed instead. for PKR candidate Jawah Gerang
Perak. A win by Nizar would be seen from his ousting of the sultan from Gantang and Bukit Selambau, where In Bukit Selambau, Anwar is even though he is backed by rich
as a disapproval of what happened, a the palace and occupying it. his PKR candidate is contesting. under pressure to win as, in the benefactors. However, what is avail-
loss would be unthinkable. Knowing that most non-Malays Bukit Selambau, a state seat, is last general election, the candidate able to him is nothing compared to
Thus, it is throwing everything are still behind Nizar, Umno cam- where a record 15 candidates are he nominated was disqualified and BN’s fleets of SUVs, speedboats and
into ensuring that Nizar wins us- paigners are appealing to nation- standing. The two main combatants it was the victorious independent helicopters his opponent Malcolm
ing such arguments as why the BN alistic sentiments of the Malays by are PKR’s S. Manikumar and BN’s candidate V. Arumugam who was Mussen commands.
government in the the state is illegal, branding Nizar as a DAP-stooge. It is Datuk S. Ganesan, while the rest are eventually accepted into PKR. Referendum or not, a win by PKR
why Datuk Seri Najib Razak cannot also appealing to the Malays to rally independents, among whom are dis- Thus, it is touch and go for both in Batang Ai will seem like it is serv-
be prime minister, and why math- to Umno as it is now united follow- gruntled members of Anwar’s party. coalitions in BN’s bid to oust PKR ing notice that it is about to take over
ematics and science should not be ing its recent annual assembly. Originally, it was thought that and PKR’s efforts to defend it. Many the state.

Which way the wind blows in Batang Ai? Set up posts

LUBOK ANTU: The campaigning in Batang Ai
for Chinese
is being wrapped up but the precious days before
tomorrow are being milked to the fullest by both
Sarawak Deputy
Water, Energy and
Barisan Nasional and Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Minister Datuk
Joseph Salang
says MCA
The BN flagbearer is engineer Malcolm Mus-
sen Lamoh, 49, who is taking on five-term former pins a Barisan by Hemananthani Sivanandam
BN parliamentarian Jawah Gerang, 55, of PKR. Nasional badge on
Seldom has this quaint frontier town of Lubok PKR Julau division
Antu seen a constantly swelling crowd the way it chairman Dr KUALA LUMPUR: MCA deputy secretary-general
has during the past two weeks. Ambrose Labang Datuk Loke Yuen Yow has urged Prime Minister
Nomination day on March 29 had its many his- Jamba, who quit Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to create positions
for a deputy prime minister and Barisan Nasional

tory-making moments with the presence of two the party with his
chief ministers, from Sarawak and Selangor, and deputy, secretary deputy chairman for the Chinese community.
the sight of two well-known Sabahan brothers and a committee He suggested that MCA president Datuk Seri
– Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan and Datuk member yesterday. Ong Tee Keat be appointed to the positions.
In a statement, Loke said Malaysians of all
Dr Jeffrey Kitingan – sitting far apart cursing in front of the mild-mannered and races have long accepted and rendered their full
from each other, not to mention the heavy socially-affable rural folk. support to the ideology of an administration based
demand for accommodation and heavy “They are obviously not used to this on power-sharing.
presence of police personnel. kind of demeanour,” he said. “However, after 52 years of national independ-
Then there was an intending inde- PKR is also facing problems in terms of ence, we continue to feel that the so-called power
pendent candidate who was all gung-ho funds, a fact that Kadang readily admitted. -sharing is just a mere slogan rather than a practi-
about contesting but never get to submit Funds are needed to campaign here cal situation which we all yearn to become true
his nomination paper although he and his where a large number of voters are scat- one day,” he said.
seconder and proposer had entered the tered in more than 150 longhouses, with “Hence, Malaysians are rather frustrated and
nomination centre. those in hinterlands like in Ulu Engkari are dissatisfied with our real situation now as it is
Of course, the thousands of cheering or almost eight hours to reach by longboat. merely empty talk.”
jeering supporters from both sides will be The Election Commission itself is spend- Loke said the creation of the posts will not only
the subject of debates and discussions in ing no less than RM400,000. Petrol bills help to realise the true ideology of the power-shar-
the months to come. alone are quite substantial, given that an ing administration but “it will also denote that the
PKR is generally perceived to be using estimated 6,400 are reachable by roads, and government gives importance to the role and
the by-election to about 1,600 others contributions made by the Chinese towards the
test its accept- in the interior process of nation-building”.
If given the position of deputy prime minister,
ance among the
Ibans. A win N.29 BATANG Ai by-election by the Delok,
Lemanak and Ong could help to draw up a fairer and a more jus-
will mean the Engkari rivers. tifiable policy beneficial to all, especially in areas
party can contest Jawah is bank- relating to the Chinese in the fields of economics
in more Iban majority seats in coming ing on the support in his and Bawin’s and education.
elections. traditional strongholds like in Engkari He also reiterated that Ong should be appointed
“A win against the all-powerful BN will Ulu, Engkari Ili and around the Batang Ai the deputy chairman of the BN Supreme Council.
be an iconic win,” said Paul Kadang, a PKR resettlement scheme. “This will truly manifest the real scenario of
campaign official. The BN has been relentless in its assault power-sharing in the administration of Datuk Seri
Apart from accusing the BN of being in all areas in the constituency. Najib,” he said.
greedy and corrupt, PKR has been utilis- “We don’t consider any area to be white, Loke pointed out that MCA had represented the
ing the native customary right (NCR) land grey or black. We move into all areas to en- Chinese in the struggle for the nation’s independ-
development issue to woo the 8,006 voters sure nothing short of a convincing win for ence together with Umno and MIC in 1957.
of whom 95% are Ibans. Mussen,” said Second Minister of Resource “Hence, in the process of nation-building, the
“We have articulated to the PKR head- Planning Datuk Amar Awang Tengah, one contributions made by both MCA and the Chinese
quarters that we will use this issue to the of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu’s (PBB) community are huge and tremendous,” he said.
fullest,” said Nicholas Bawin, PKR director most vocal non-Iban campaigners. “As a far-sighted leader with brilliant political
of operations for the by-election. The BN’s campaign received a morale leadership, Datuk Seri Najib should see the impor-
Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president boost on Saturday when Umno deputy tance and necessity of creating both positions, of
Datuk Seri Dr James Jemut Masing said president Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin flew in which the MCA president should be appointed
PKR had erred in conducting its campaign to assist in sending Jawah to his Waterloo. to.”
in an aggressive manner, by shouting and – Bernama

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