Thesun 2009-04-06 Page06 Najibs Cabinet Line-Up May Spring Some Surprises

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6 theSun | MONDAY APRIL 6 2009

news without borders

PM: Give me chance,

evaluate my
leadership positively
Najib’s cabinet line-up
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak wants Malay-
sians to be positive and have an open mind in evaluating him
and to give him a chance in demonstrating his leadership.
The prime minister said he was also committed to un-
derstanding the people’s aspiration and would do the best
in terms of leadership whether from the aspect of policies,
may spring some surprises
THERE will be surprises in new Prime on Najib’s line-up although speculation is
implementation and programmes carried out.
“I only hope the people will adopt an open and positive
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s
cabinet line-up.
Press Digest rife that she would be dropped.
Her current portfolio will go back to
attitude in evaluating my leadership and give me the chance MCA polls loser Datuk Seri Ong by Kong See Hoh Umno and she is likely to be moved to
to demonstrate my leadership ... Hopefully, the people will
Ka Chuan, who is housing and local either the Tourism or Unity, Culture, Arts
accept my leadership,” he said. government minister, may be retained and Heritage Ministry, the source added.
He said this when asked by host Ally Iskandar Mohd Mardzi and former science, technology and in- up and getting ready to vacate his office at Ng has declined to comment on the
in the special interview programme with the 6th prime minis- novation minister Datuk Seri Jamaluddin the Finance Ministry before April 11. possible new line-up but hoped more
ter broadcast bt TV3 last night. Jarjis is expected to be appointed second It also said the talk at the Finance Min- women would be included in the cabi-
Najib said he constantly reminded himself to have his feet finance minister, Nanyang Siang Pau istry is that Jamaluddin would be making net, saying the contributions of women
on the ground and to be people-friendly, firm but considerate reported yesterday. a comeback. should not be neglected.
to others when discharging his duties. The report, quoting sources, said Ong According to some officers, Jamalud- Meanwhile, the National Economic
He said although the early stage of his involvement in is expected to stay in the cabinet despite din made an appearance at the ministry Consultative Council and several national
the political arena was a shock to him in his early age, he having lost his contest for the MCA No 2 last Friday, fuelling speculation that Nor organisations, including the Malaysian
had to adapt himself within a short period which gave him post in the party elections last year. Mohamed would be replaced. Employers Federation, Malaysian-Ameri-
self-satisfaction in helping others. Jamaluddin, who was elected to the However, an aide of Nor Mohamed can Electronics Industry Association and
“I get tremendous self-satisfaction. So, this inspired me Umno Supreme Council last month, is said he was not aware of any imminent National Association of Smallholders
to continue to struggle. Although initially, I was very young ... tipped to replace Tan Sri Nor Mohamed change in the ministry. Malaysia, felt Najib should continue to
but with patience and faith, I could continue with the struggle Yakcop as second finance minister, a post The same source said Women, Family helm the Finance Ministry to ensure the
until today,” he said. he held from 2003 to 2004. and Community Development Minister economic stimulus packages are fully
He cited efforts in assisting the poor to get a house or to A source said Nor Mohamed is packing Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen would still be implemented.
help someone in the field of education.
“Of course, in the beginning it was a very big shock
because I had just returned from abroad from secondary
school and university studies. Suddenly, I was in the middle of
the political arena without any plans and expectation. It was
KLSCAH to forge closer ties with new PM
totally unexpected. THE Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese As- of other Chinese organisations. We will find They said the two organisations would
“I had to adapt within a short period, but Alhamdulillah, sembly Hall (KLSCAH) is considering making out if they want to collaborate with us in not play the role of a pressure group but
within a short span of time, I felt I was suited to politics and a “suqiu” (appeal) to Datuk Seri Najib Abdul jointly voicing the views and opinions of the would keep close tabs on Najib’s words and
the constituency in Pekan, (which was) a rural area. I could Razak to enable the newly-appointed prime Chinese.” actions.
get close to the kampung people in various situations and I did minister to better understand the wishes of However, both Associated Chinese Lim said ACCCIM would not make any
not feel out of place in such a situation,” he said. the Chinese community. Chambers of Commerce and Industry of “suqiu” nor apply pressure on Najib.
He said other factors that helped him as a politician was KLSCAH president Datuk Bong Hon Malaysia (ACCCIM) vice-president Datuk He felt that as a seasoned national leader,
that during his studies in university, he had had many discus- Liong told China Press on Saturday that it Seri Lim Sing and Seven Major Chinese Najib should understand the wishes of the
sions with friends and colleagues on the political develop- would consider “bringing up the requests Clans Association coordination committee people and the voices of businessmen.
ments in Malaysia and internationally. of the community, so that Najib can better chairman Kong Qing Shu said they would He hoped some long-standing issues
He said he had also studied politics as a minor stream when understand the views of the Chinese and give Najib time to put things in the right would be resolved with Najib at the helm.
pursuing his Industrial Economics degree at the University of their expectations”. perspective. He said should there be new policies
Nottingham and became president of the Malaysia/Singapore “We will seek the consensus which ACCCIM deems inappropriate or not
Students Union. benefiting the people, the trade organisation
“And when I came back to Malaysia, my late would speak up and give suggestions, which
father (Tun Abdul Razak Hussein) had also taken should not be misconstrued as “suqiu”.
me on the visits to the rural areas and (I observed) Kong, meanwhile, said the association
how he became a leader, his methods and style.” has no “suqiu” but hoped Najib would put
Asked if there were differences between the the interests of the people above all else
time he first led the government and the time his in the implementation of government poli-
father first became prime minister, he said it was cies.
challenging, although the intensity was about the He also hoped the Najib administration
same. would be fair and transparent.
“The intensity could be said to be very challeng-
ing because during my late father’s time, he had to
face a tense situation after the May 13 (1969) tragedy
and the political uncertainties in Perak, Selangor and
What a catch! ...
Penang. – Bernama Officials hold a 19kg “ikan kerapu” (grouper)
which was caught by a participant during the
Langkawi-Adang-Satun International Fishing
Challenge (LASIFC) 2009 in Langkawi yesterday.
About 134 participants comprising 23 teams
from Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, India and

Malaysia took part in the fishing competition.

The third edition of the three-day competition
organised by Malaysia and Thailand ended
yesterday. The competition involves the waters
of Langkawi right up to Satun in Thailand.

PM to have better idea of ber ruling BN. – Bernama 40 houses damaged in

new line-up after BN meeting Barisan will fulfil election thunderstorm
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri SUNGAI PETANI: A thunderstorm badly
Najib Abdul Razak is expected to have a better promises, says Najib damaged 40 houses in Kampung Bukit Rusa
idea of how to form the new cabinet when he SEPANG: The Barisan Nasional (BN) will and Taman Kelisa Ria yesterday as roofs were
gets a chance to meet leaders of Barisan Na- implement the projects promised during blown off and trees came crashing down.
sional (BN) component parties at a meeting in campaigning in the three by-elections be- The thunderstorm which struck at 4.30pm
Putrajaya today. cause they will bring benefit to the people, caused traffic congestion as roads leading to
While the exact reason for the meeting said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul the two housing areas were blocked by up-
is not known, it is strongly believed that it Razak. rooted trees.
is likely to centre on the much-talked about “The BN will ensure we carry out our Halijah Abdul, 66, said she was cleaning the
cabinet reshuffle. promises. What we don’t want are projects dishes in the kitchen when the thunderstorm
Najib is expected to announce his cabinet that are ‘instant noddles’. came and blew the roof off.
line-up within a week of taking office last “If a particular project brings real benefit “I shouted for my husband and grand
Friday. to the people and we have made a promise daughter and was happy to find them safe. We
Some analysts say that the cabinet an- or commitment to do it in the election cam- panicked and rushed out of the house,” she
nouncement could be as early as Wednesday paign, we will certainly fulfil it,” he said when said.
or Thursday after the three by-elections in Bukit met by reporters after handing over prizes to V. Jaganathan, 59, said he and several villag-
Gantang, Bukit Selambau and Batang Ai are held winners of the Malaysia Petronas F1 Grand ers were fortunate that a big tree had missed
on Tuesday. Prix, at the Sepang Circuit yesterday. several houses as it came crashing down.
There are currently 32 members in the cabi- Najib said BN victories in the by-elections Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate Datuk S.
net with 27 ministries and almost two-thirds of would give a significant boost to the govern- Ganesan, who visited the scene, promised
the cabinet are made up of appointees from ment in tackling all challenges in terms of immediate aid to the thunderstorm victims.
Umno, the largest component in the 13-mem- politics and the economy. – Bernama – Bernama

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