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theSun | MONDAY APRIL 6 2009 7

news without borders

Obama sets out plan for nuclear-free world

PRAGUE: President Barack Obama States would go ahead with plans Treaty into force and to seek tough ing, we will reduce the role of nuclear weapons exist, we will maintain a safe,
set out his vision for ridding the world to build a missile defence shield in penalties for those that broke rules weapons in our national security strat- secure and effective arsenal to deter
of nuclear arms yesterday, declaring Europe as long as Iran posed a threat on non-proliferation. egy and urge others to do the same. any adversary”.
the United States ready to lead steps with its nuclear programme. “The US will take concrete steps We will seek to include all nuclear Obama said he would host a summit
by all states with atomic weapons to On a visit to the Czech capital, once towards a world without nuclear weap- weapons states in this endeavour.” within a year on global nuclear secu-
slash their arsenals. a focal point in the Cold War between ons,” he told a cheering crowd of more He acknowledged the goal of a rity, covering issues such as preventing
Delivering a speech given new ur- the West and the Soviet Union, Obama than 20,000 in Hradcanske Square nuclear arms-free world might not the smuggling of nuclear material and
gency by North Korea’s rocket launch pledged to cut the US nuclear arsenal, outside the medieval Prague Castle. be reached in his lifetime and added: keeping atomic weapons out of the
hours earlier, Obama said the United to bring the Comprehensive Test Ban “To put an end to Cold War think- “Make no mistake: as long as these hands of terrorists. – Reuters

Karbovanec, 27, pleaded guilty

North Korea rocket launch

to second-degree murder and

conspiracy to commit murder.

Egyptian Suicide bomber

swingers jailed kills 22 in Pakistan

provokes global outcry

ISLAMABAD: A suicide bomber
CAIRO: A Cairo court has sen- blew himself up at a Shiite reli-
tenced a man to seven years and gious gathering in the north of
his wife to three years for setting violence-wracked Pakistan yes-
up a swingers’ club, the press terday, killing at least 22 people
reported yesterday, in a case and wounding 40, police said.
that has angered conservative The attacker struck at the
Egyptian society. gates of a Shiite mosque where
Tolba Abdel Hafez, a 48- some 1,200 people were at- TOKYO: North Korea fired a long- and the European Union strongly Both Russia and China have
year-old civil servant, and his tending a religious gathering. range rocket yesterday, provoking condemned Pyongyang’s step. Nato made clear they would block new
wife Salwa Higazi, a 37-year-old Provincial police chief international outrage and prompt- condemned it as “highly provoca- sanctions by the Security Council,
schoolteacher, were sentenced Shaukat Javed said the sui- ing the UN Security Council to call tive”. where they have veto power.
by the Agouza Criminal Court cide bomber appeared to be an emergency meeting. “This is a regime that has placed Chinese Foreign Minister Yang
on Saturday, the state-owned 15-year-old boy whose legs The reclusive communist state itself outside international law,” Jiechi called officials in the United
Al-Gomhuria reported. and head, with damage to said a satellite was launched into French President Nicolas Sarkozy States, Russia, Japan and South
The Cairo couple, who have the face, had been found at orbit and circled the earth transmit- said. “There is only one response Korea to discuss the launch, the
children, used the pseudonyms the blast site. ting revolutionary songs. But both possible: the union of the inter- Foreign Ministry said.
Magdy and Samira on a website Provincial law minister the US military and South Korea national community must punish “All sides ought to look at the big
and in e-mails to organise wife- Rana Sanaullah said the said it had failed to enter orbit. a regime that doesn’t respect any picture (and) avoid taking actions
swapping parties and orgies. bomber could not enter the Analysts say the launch was international rules.” which may exacerbate the situa-
They were arrested in Octo- mosque and blew himself up effectively a test of a ballistic mis- China, the nearest the North has tion further,” a Chinese statement
ber on prostitution charges and at the entrance in the town of sile designed to carry a warhead to a major ally, and Russia called said.
confessed to having sexual rela- Chakwal, some 60km south of potentially as far as Alaska. on all sides for calm and restraint. The North Korean launch
tions with three other couples, Islamabad. – AFP It was the first big challenge The UN Security Council will was unsuccessful but that did not
although at least 44 couples for US President Barack Obama hold consultations on the launch change the response the United
signed up for Cairo swinging in dealing with the North, whose later on Sunday. UN diplomats said States is seeking at the United Na-
sessions via the website. – AFP Tragedy hits efforts to build a nuclear arsenal no country was considering impos- tions, a US official said.
Tsvangirai again Korean
have long plagued ties with Wash- ing new sanctions but a resolution Washington, Seoul and Tokyo
300 arrested activists
ington. on stricter enforcement of earlier had said before the launch that in
HARARE: Tragedy has struck “With this provocative act, North measures could be discussed. reality it would be a test of the Tae-
during Nato summit again at Zimbabwean Prime Min- burn a flag
Korea has ignored its international The United States, Japan and podong-2 missile, which is designed
PARIS: French police arrested ister Morgan Tsvangirai with the of North
obligations, rejected unequivocal South Korea see the launch as to fly an estimated 6,700 km.
300 anti-NATO protesters dur- death of an infant grandson, just calls for restraint, and further iso- a violation of a Security Council The US Northern Command
ing a summit in Strasbourg days after Tsvangirai returned during a
rally against
lated itself from the community of resolution passed in 2006 after said stage one of the missile fell into
marking the 60th anniversary to work after grieving the recent nations,” Obama said, speaking on Pyongyang’s nuclear test and the Sea of Japan and the remain-
of the alliance, Interior Minis- death of his wife. North Korea
in Seoul
a European tour. other missile tests. That resolution, ing stages along with the payload
ter Michele Alliot-Marie said According to an official from South Korea branded the launch number 1718, demands North Ko- landed in the Pacific Ocean. No
yesterday. Tsvangirai’s Movement for yesterday.
of the rocket a “reckless” act, Japan rea “suspend all activities related to debris fell on Japan.
Thousands of protesters Democratic Change party, Tsvan- said it was “extremely regrettable” its ballistic missile programme”. The command assessed the
took to the streets on Satur- girai’s infant grandson died in a launch vehicle was not a threat to
day – police said they num- drowning accident on Saturday North America or Hawaii and took
bered 10,000 but organisers at the family’s Harare home. The no action in response.
put turnout at 30,000 – with property has a swimming pool. South Korea earlier said the
some radicals setting fire to The official, who did not want rocket appeared to be carrying a
a hotel, a pharmacy and a to be named, said the boy, whose satellite but Defense Minister Lee
former customs office. name he gave as Sean, died while Sang-hee later told parliament
Alliot-Marie said police Tsvangirai was away at a political that it failed to orbit, Kyodo news
had been tracking hardcore retreat in Victoria Falls. Tsvangirai agency reported.
protesters for the past days was due to cut short his stay in Japan said it stopped monitor-
and “we prevented them from Victoria Falls, where he and other ing the rocket after it had passed
committing a certain number government members, including 2,100km east of Tokyo. In the only
of acts of violence.” President Robert Mugabe, had previous test flight of the Taepo-
“We carried out 300 ar- been meeting since Friday to dong-2, in July 2006, the rocket blew
rests,” she told RTL radio. plan a political programme for apart 40 seconds after launch.
– AFP the next 100 days. – dpa Analysts said the rocket launch
may bolster North Korean leader
Three charged Woman in coma, Kim Jong-il’s authority after a
with murder in 100 others ill from suspected stroke last August raised
doubts about his grip on power.
Vancouver slayings food poisoning It wins North Korea the attention
VANCOUVER: Canadian police SINGAPORE: A Singapore it has sought as the new US admin-
battling a spike in gang violence woman fell into a coma and istration wrestles with recession and
in Vancouver ahead of the Winter at least 28 others were hos- the war in Afghanistan, and it could
Olympics said on Saturday three pitalised while more than 100 strengthen Kim’s hand in using
members of the Red Scorpion other people sought hospital military threats to win concessions
gang were charged with murder EPAPIX from global powers. – Reuters
treatment after eating a
in a notorious 2007 mass shoot- popular local savory, the New
ing. The three suspects were Paper said yesterday.
arrested on Friday, as a fourth
gang member pleaded guilty to
second-degree murder in the
The Health Ministry said it
was investigating a food stall
named Rojak Geylang Serai,
200 Mecca mosques ‘face wrong direction’
October 2007 mass murder which makes and sells an In- RIYADH: Muslim worshippers at about 200 the black-shrouded cubic building, or have mosques, thanks to modern techniques.
dubbed the “Surrey Six Slayings,” dian-style deep-fried mixture old mosques in Mecca have been praying indicators of its direction. In any case, it does not affect the prayers,”
said police. of meat and vegetable in the in the wrong direction for decades because The discrepancy was only realised after the newspaper quoted Sudairy as saying in
The four suspects are linked eastern district of Geylang. the mosques were not built correctly, a looking at the old mosques, some built its Saturday edition.
to the so-called Red Scorpion After patronising the stall, Saudi newspaper said yesterday. more than 50 years ago, from atop the new Mecca residents and experts have
gang, which has been embroiled Aminah Samijo, 57, fell sick and The mosques were not built precisely skyscrapers being constructed in Islam’s suggested that the errant mosques install
in a drug war with rival gangs in went into coma on Friday, while based on the qibla, the official alignment holiest city in western Saudi Arabia, the inside a correct indicator of the qibla, or
Canada’s westernmost province. her husband is in the regular with the holy Kaaba shrine at the centre of report said. orient their prayer rugs more exactly in the
James Kyle Bacon, 23, Mat- ward of the same hospital. Mecca’s Al-Haram mosque, according to According to the pan-Arab Al-Hayat direction of the Kaaba, Arab News said.
thew James Johnston, 24, and Abdul Latiff, 44, and his four the report in Arab News. newspaper, Islamic affairs ministry deputy Another suggestion is that laser beams
Cory Ray Haevischer, 24, were children, aged 7 to 16, as well a Hundreds of millions of Muslims secretary, Tawfik al-Sudairy, downplayed be installed in the tall minarets of the Al-
charged on Saturday with first- pregnant woman also suffered around the world are bound to orient their the problem. Haram mosque built around the Kaaba to
degree murder, while on Friday food poisoning by eating from daily prayers toward the ancient Kaaba, “There are no major errors, but cor- help mosques and worshippers establish
their associate Dennis Richard the same stall. – dpa and mosques everywhere are built to face rections have been made for some old the correct qibla direction. – AFP

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