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4 theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 7 2009

news without borders

No special treatment for Najib’s children

KUALA LUMPUR: Their father may and so’s son or daughter”. and they still have to carry their own tant people, which I guess, normal Nooryana said: “I think people
be the country’s prime minister but Rosmah, who was also present at bags,” she said. people wouldn’t have the chance to (often) underestimate what it takes to
Riza Shahriz, Nooryana Najwa and the interview, said she wanted them On what they could do to help do so. But at the same time, we will be a good leader. In growing up with
Norashman Razak live just like any to lead a normal life, like ordinary their prime minister father, Riza, on be subject to pressure in terms of my father, we have seen how hard
other ordinary citizen. people and normal university stu- behalf of his siblings, said of utmost the (certain) responsibilities which he works and the sacrifices he had
They get no special treatment. dents. importance was to behave accord- normal people wouldn’t be subjected to make. And it’s not just about the
Life has not changed even though “There is no special treatment ingly. to. publicity, I mean, you really have to
their father Datuk Seri Najib Tun for them overseas. They are just “No trouble for dad means he can “So it has got to be the ‘ying’ have it in you to be a good leader.”
Razak has ascended to the country’s ordinary children and university actually focus on his responsibilities and ‘yang’, good and bad, hopefully Riza said their father never pres-
most powerful position as prime students. I don’t allow them to have 150% without us being a burden. throughout the months and years to sured any one of them to follow his
minister. special treatment. “Yes, we do get to be in (selected) come, Insyallah, we will be able to footsteps by going into politics.
And living abroad has enabled “They still have to go through the places when we travel, see a lot of navigate those muddy waters in the “But he did say that, ‘whatever
Riza, 31, Nooryana, 20, and Norash- normal channels for immigration new places, meeting many impor- best way we can,” he said. role you play in society, I want you
man, 18, to be more independent. to contribute well. It does not matter
“There is no difference in terms of whether it is in politics, accountancy,
family life. It’s still the same and I’m law or banking or others, just make
sure Mummy (Datin Seri Rosmah sure you make a contribution to the
Mansor) and Daddy (Najib) expect country in some form’,” he said.
the same from all of us. Nooryana said she hoped that her
“(When) we go back to our father would be a fair leader to all.
normal lives in London and Wash- She said her father’s strong will
ington DC, we still have to clean our and rational thinking were among
rooms and take out the trash,” said the strongest points that he possessed
Nooryana, who is fondly known as as a leader.
Gina by family and friends. “The fact is that he does not get
Nooryana is currently into her pressured by emotions. He does
second year pursuing studies in not get easily influenced by other
international politics and foreign people’s suggestions. He has a clear
policies in Georgetown University, vision of what he wants to do and
Washington. Her younger brother, I think that is the most important
Norashman, fondly known as characteristic as a leader ... to be
Ashman, is a first-year student in objective,” she said.
international relations studies in the Norashman felt that the premier’s
same university. strength was that he could maintain
Riza is in corporate finance at his composure even during emo-
HSBC London, where he has been tional moments.
working for the last seven years. Riza said: “He is a very sharp man
When met at KL International as well. I see him on a daily basis,
Airport (KLIA) before departing to he can switch from having a nap
their respective destinations early for 20 minutes and then when he
Rosmah sends off her children
Sunday, Norashman said he believed wakes up, he can just immediately
to their respective destinations
what made their parents proud was talk about (US President Barack)
at KLIA on Sunday. Riza

the children achieving what they Obama’s speech, or the financial cri-
(left) works in London while
have today through their own hard sis, or the credit crunch immediately
Nooryana and Norashman are
work “not just because we are so (after that).” – Bernama
studying in Washington.

Wednesday decision on Perak reps’ suit Police seize papers

PUTRAJAYA: The Federal Court here
will decide tomorrow whether it has ju-
risdiction to determine the constitutional
mar, who challenged the matter being
referred to the Federal Court.
The other four judges who sat with
the suit were not present.
The three – Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi,
Capt (R) Mohd Osman Jailu and Hee Yit
on Kugan’s
issue of who has the power to declare
the vacancy of a Perak state seat.
Court of Appeal president Tan Sri
him were Chief Judge of Malaya Datuk
Arifin Zakaria, Federal Court judges
Datuk Nik Hashim Nik Ab Rahman and
Foong – had applied for the suit to be re-
ferred to the Federal Court under article
63 of the Perak Constitution 1957.
post mortem
Alauddin Mohd Sheriff set the date after Datuk S. Augustine Paul and Appeal Sulaiman objected on the grounds by Charles Ramendran
hearing submissions on a preliminary Court judge Datuk James Foong. that the court has no jurisdiction to deal
objection by Sulaiman Abdullah, counsel Sivakumar and the three independ- with article 63 of the Perak Constitution
for Perak assembly speaker V. Sivaku- ent assemblymen who had brought as it is a pre-Merdeka Day legislation. PETALING JAYA: Police raided the University Malaya Medical
Sulaiman said article 63 came into Centre (UMMC) mortuary yesterday and seized documents
effect before Aug 31, 1957, and the related to the post mortem the hospital conducted on car-theft
word “Supreme Court” in the article suspect A. Kugan who died in police custody on Jan 20.
referred to two courts – High Court The raid followed an announcement by Health Director-General
and Court of Appeal – as established in Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican yesterday that the findings of their inde-
1948, whereas the Federal Court was pendent committee into the contradicting post mortem reports,
only set up in September 1963. first by the Serdang Hospital on Jan 21 and the next by UMMC
He said although the word “Supreme on Jan 25, showed A. Kugan had an underlying heart disease,
Court” in article 63 was later amended to suffered beatings which could have led to his kidneys failing and
“Federal Court” in 1997, Article 63 of the this led to fluid retention in his lungs which killed him.
Perak Constitution was not equipped to MACC He said Kugan was found to have an underlying acute
allow the applicant to refer constitutional wraps up myocarditis, while the blunt force trauma could have led to acute
issues to the Federal Court. probe on renal failure aggravating the acute myocarditis resulting in acute
“Article 121 of the Federal Constitu- pulmonary oedema.
tion confers three jurisdictions to the Penang “Acute myocarditis is an acute inflammation of the heart
Federal Court – appellate jurisdiction, deputy muscle which may be caused by infections or toxins. It is a known
original or consultative jurisdiction and CM cause of sudden death in young adults and gross examination of
other jurisdiction as may be conferred the heart appears unremarkable in up to 30% of the cases,” Ismail
by federal law. The Perak Constitution pg 6 was quoted by Bernama.
cannot be a federal law. Ismail also said all body injuries noted on Kugan were insuf-
“The only way to read article 63 ficient, either individually or collectively, to cause death directly.
harmoniously with article 162 of the “There was no evidence of injuries to the internal organs and
Federal Constitution is to interpret the no skeletal fractures were detected,” he said.
word ‘Supreme Court’ as ‘High Court’.” CID director Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin, when contacted, said
However, Attorney-General Tan Sri police had sought a search warrant to obtain the documents at
Abdul Gani Patail, who appeared as an the UMMC to facilitate their probe into the case.
intervenor in the hearing, submitted He said police required the documents for the probe due to the
that article 63 was validly enacted and different findings on the two post mortems conducted on Kugan.
validly conferred the jurisdiction to the Eleven policemen from the Subang Jaya police headquarters
Federal Court to hear this application. who were part of the team investigating the suspected crimes
“It is only proper and appropriate allegedly committed by Kugan were relieved from their positions
for the Federal Court to hold that it is as members of the district CID and have been confined to desk
seised with the jurisdiction to hear this duties at the state contingent police headquarters. The case was
application under article 63,” he said. classified initially as “assault in an attempt to extract a testimony”
Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaluddin, but it was later reclassified as murder.
leading counsel for the three assembly- When asked if the men are expected to be charged in court
men, adopted the same stand as Abdul soon, Mohd Bakri said he was unable to say when as investiga-
Gani, saying that the Federal Court tions were ongoing and police would need to go into more details
had interpretative power to decide on surrounding the case.
constitutional issues. – Bernama

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