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8 theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 7 2009

news without borders

A damaged street in L’Aquila

following the earthquake yesterday.

100 dead as strong

quake hits Italy
L’AQUILA (Italy): A powerful “We managed to escape with
earthquake struck central Italy as things falling all around us. Every-
residents slept early yesterday, kill- thing was shaking, furniture falling.
ing at least 100 people and making I don’t remember ever seeing any-
up to 50,000 homeless. thing like this in my life.”
“Some towns in the area have Luca Spoletini, a Civil Protection
been virtually destroyed in their Department spokesman, said the
entirety,” a somber Gianfranco quake may have made up to 50,000
Fini, speaker of the lower house of people homeless. Some 26 cities and
parliament, said before the chamber towns were seriously damaged.
observed a moment of silence. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
The number of “confirmed” deaths declared a national emergency, which

has risen to 100, the Italian all-news would free up funds for aid and re-
channel Sky TG-24 quoted an emer- building. Pope Benedict said he was
gency services spokesman as saying. saying a special prayer for the victims.
Most of the dead were in L’Aquila, Older houses and buildings made
a 13th-century mountain city 100km of stone, particularly in outlying vil- seismically active areas.
east of Rome, and surrounding towns lages that have not seen much resto- the city of Seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani
and villages in the Abruzzo region. ration, collapsed like straw houses. 68,000 people and nearby towns, was reported to police for “spreading
Houses, historic churches and Hospitals appealed for help from in Malaysia) and registered blocking roads and hampering res- alarm” and was forced to remove
other buildings were demolished in doctors and nurses throughout Italy. between 5.8 and 6.3 magnitude. cue teams. his findings from the Internet. Italy’s
the worst quake to hit Italy in nearly The stench of gas filled some parts of “When the quake hit, I rushed Old women wailed and residents Civil Protection Agency reassured lo-
30 years. Hundreds of people were the mountain towns and villages as out to my father’s house and opened armed with nothing but bare hands cals at the end of March that tremors
injured and some 15,000 buildings mains ruptured. the main door and everything had helped firefighters and rescue work- being felt were “absolutely normal”
declared off limits. Residents of Rome, which is rarely collapsed. My father is surely dead. ers tear through the rubble for a seismic area.
“I woke up hearing what sounded hit by seismic activity, were woken by I called for help but no one was Weeks before the disaster, an Ital- The quake was the latest and
like a bomb,” said Angela Palumbo, the quake, which rattled furniture and around,” said Camillo Berardi in ian scientist had predicted a major strongest in a series to hit the
87, said as she walked on a street in swayed lights in most of central Italy. L’Aquila. quake around L’Aquila, based on L’Aquila area on Sunday and yester-
L’Aquila. It struck shortly after 3.30am (9.30am Rubble was strewn throughout concentrations of radon gas around day. – Agencies

Taiwan team invents

earthquake sensing tool
TAIPEI: A research team at Taiwan’s “We can sense the scale and how
top university has rolled out a tiny much damage it’s likely to cause.”
low-budget device that can sense The tool, which should be fastened
earthquakes within 30 seconds, to a place unlikely to be shaken by
enough time to issue crucial disaster forces other than earthquakes, uses
warnings, the lead inventor said a chip that costs just a few US dollars,
yesterday. Wu said.
The metal tool the size of a tape Schools, railway systems and nu-
deck can detect an oncoming quake’s clear power plants would benefit from
speed and acceleration in time to the technology, said Kuo Kai-wen,
estimate its eventual magnitude and seismological centre director with
warn trains to slow down or natural Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau,
gas companies to shut off supplies, which helped to test its device.
said Wu Yih-min, a researcher at the But before it can be used, research-
National Taiwan University Depart- ers must figure out how to link it to
ment of Geosciences. computerised alert systems, Kuo
Local The tool is more precise than said.
Counsel: similar technology used overseas, The university has not yet applied
and could cost as little as T$10,000 for a patent, Wu said. Taiwan is prone
Tiger park (RM1117) once it reaches the market, to earthquakes, logging 20 minor ones
– respect said Wu, whose skeleton research in the past 2½ weeks.
ownership team invented the tool after about five In May 2008, a 7.9 magnitude
years of study. quake hit Sichuan province of south-
rights “We can tell within 30 seconds west China, killing about 70,000 peo-
pg 11 whether it’s going to be a big or small ple and leaving more than 10 million
quake,” Wu told reporters. homeless. – Reuters

UK sex offenders to
take lie detector tests
LONDON: Sex offenders in Britain “Disclosures made during
will be forced to take lie detector tests polygraph examinations, as well as
as a condition of probation on release conclusions drawn from passed or
from prison, the Justice Ministry said failed examinations, allow probation
on Sunday. Twenty-five offenders officers and the police to intervene to
have been chosen to take part in a reduce risk,” he said.
three-year pilot project that starts “It is also aimed at enhancing the
tomorrow. cooperation of offenders with supervi-
Justice Minister David Hanson sion, helping them to focus on, and
said 350-450 offenders are expected to avoid, the sorts of behaviours that
be tested over the next three years and make re-offending more likely.”
those who refuse could be returned The ministry said each polygraph
to prison. session will take between 90 minutes
“The tests will help us determine and two hours and will follow an
whether the polygraph can be a use- interview during which the subject
ful additional tool in the management will be told the questions they will be
of sex offenders, in order to protect the asked so they can make any relevant
public,” Hanson said in a statement. disclosures beforehand.
Professor Don Grubin, who will After the polygraph session, the
carry out the tests, said they were subject will be told the results of the
part of a package of measures aimed test and asked to account for any
at stopping re-offending. failures. – Reuters

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