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theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 7 2009 9

news without borders

UN divided on response
to launch of rocket
NEW YORK: The United Japan also traded higher in tries supported this view.
Nations failed to agree on a the morning, with the Nikkei “It’s 10 against five,” one
response to North Korea’s index up over 1.6%. diplomat said.
rocket launch despite pres- Japan had called for the The US military and
sure from Washington and its emergency UN Security South Korea said nothing
allies for action, showing the Council meeting on Sunday. from the Taepodong-2 rocket
reclusive state had succeeded But after a session lasting entered orbit. North Korea
in dividing the international three hours, the 15 members for years had tried to drive
community. Analysts said agreed only to discuss the a wedge between regional
Sunday’s launch of the rocket, matter further, diplomats said. powers that have engaged it
which flew over Japan, was The United States, Japan and in security and disarmament
effectively a test of a ballistic South Korea say the launch talks. Analysts say it thrives
missile designed to carry a violated council resolutions on brinkmanship and uses
warhead as far as the US state banning the firing of bal- its military threat to wring
of Alaska. listic missiles by Pyongyang, concessions. US analysts
South Korean and imposed after a nuclear test expect an emboldened North
Japanese financial markets and other missile exercises Korea to try to exact conces-
shrugged off the news yester- in 2006. sions for showing up at any
day. Seoul’s main share index Council diplomats said future round of six-party
was up over 1% while the China and Russia were not talks on ending its nuclear
won currency was stronger convinced the launch of what programme and to seek to
against the dollar as inves- North Korea said was a satel- water down obligations it
tors cheered Wall Street’s lite constituted a violation of signed onto under previous
gains last week. Shares in UN rules. Three other coun- negotiations. – Reuters

‘Nation of slaves’
comment enrages Filipinos
HONGKONG: A magazine
columnist was defiant
yesterday after around
2,000 Filipinos marched to
protest an article in which
he referred to Philippines
as a “nation of slaves.”
Chip Tsao, who stirred
up a storm of protest
among Hongkong’s Filipino
workers with his column in
HK Magazine, said: “I have

already done what should

be done. I have no further
comment. I am not a racist.” Filipinos protest
Tsao’s comment yester- against writer Tsao
day’s South China Morning in Hongkong.
Post came a day after an organisers,
angry protest over the Chi- Eman Villanueva, said: “For us,
column, which Tsao earlier na, Vietnam, Taiwan, it’s just an additional insult by
claimed was satirical and had Brunei and Malaysia. saying we misunderstood (the
been misunderstood by some “As a nation of servants, column). We’re not that stupid.
readers. you don’t flex your muscles at Racial misunderstanding is
His explanation has been your master, from where you not easily misunderstood. If it
angrily denounced by groups earn most of your bread and is political satire, it should be
representing the 120,000 butter,” he wrote in the March directed at the government,
Filipino workers in Hongkong 27 column. not domestic helpers.”
who want an unequivocal Tsao said he gave his Fili- Tsao met Philippine con-
apology and say that Tsao’s pino maid a “harsh lecture” on sular officials and union and
column reflected wider racism the issue and “sternly warned media representatives last
in the wealthy city of 7 million her that if she wants her week to explain his column
people. wages increased next year, and has faced calls for him to
In the column, titled The she had better tell every one be banned from travelling to
War At Home, Tsao dismissed of her compatriots... that the the Philippines.
the Philippines’ claims to the entirety of the Spratly Islands HK Magazine has posted an
Spratly Islands, which are also belongs to China.” apology for Tsao’s column on
claimed in whole or in part by One of Sunday’s march its website. – dpa

region, also reported that a small French-flagged

yacht was captured Saturday “640km off Ras
Hafun in northeast Somalia.”– AFP

Indonesia plane crashes, 24 dead

JAKARTA: Twenty-four Indonesian military
Somali pirates take five ships personnel were killed yesterday when their
NAIROBI: Somali pirates seized ships from France, training aircraft crashed into a hangar at an air
Britain, Germany, Taiwan and Yemen in the worst base in West Java, a hospital source said. The
spate of hijackings in months, defying the world’s Fokker 27 plane was making a landing during
naval powers by prowling further out in the Indian a regular training flight when it crashed and
Ocean. Ransom-hunting pirates equipped with burst into flames at 1.05pm (2.05pm in Malay-
skiffs, guns and grapnels took five ships in 48 sia) in Bandung, 110km southeast of Jakarta,
hours, the two latest sea-jackings coming yester- an air force spokesman said. A doctor at the
day and targeting a British cargo and a Taiwanese West Java hospital where the victims were
fishing vessel. “There were two more hijackings taken said all 24 people on board the plane
today. There is one Italian-operated British-owned had died. “All the bodies found on the crashed
ship and a Taiwanese vessel near the Seychelles,” plane have been brought here, there are 24,”
an official involved in regional piracy monitoring said Drajat, a doctor at Salamun hospital in
said. Ecoterra International, an environment NGO West Java. “Some 18 bodies have been identi-
closely monitoring illegal marine activities in the fied but others are cut into pieces.” – AFP

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