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theSun | WEDNESDAY APRIL 8 2009 9

news without borders

Somali pirates on
hijacking spree
NAIROBI: Somali pirates seized ma-flagged Malaspina Castle.
ships from France, Britain, “A 32,000 tonne UK-owned
Germany, Taiwan and Yemen, and Italian-operated bulk carrier
defying world naval powers by was hijacked early this morning
prowling further out in the Indian in the Gulf of Aden. Few details
Ocean to target victims. are known at this stage, but the
Ransom-hunting pirates mixed nationality crew are be-
equipped with skiffs, guns and lieved to be safe,” it said.
grapnels took five ships in 48 The maritime administration
hours, the two latest on Monday in Sofia said 16 crew members
targeting a British cargo ship and were Bulgarians.
a Taiwanese fishing vessel. Ecoterra International, an
At least 17 ships and more environment group monitoring
than 250 hostages are now in illegal marine activities in the re-
pirate hands. gion, reported that a small French
“There were two more hijack- yacht was captured Saturday
ings today. There is one Italian- about 640km off Ras Hafun in
operated British-owned ship northeast Somalia and was head-
and a Taiwanese vessel near the ing towards Somali Puntland.
Seychelles,” an official involved The French foreign ministry
in regional piracy monitoring told said it was checking the report
AFP on condition of anonymity. but Ecoterra said brief satellite
The Seychelles government phone contact was made with the
said it received a distress call vessel on Sunday.
saying that a Taiwanese fishing “Local marine observers
vessel, the MV Winfar 161, and stated that the attack was report-
its 29 crew was hijacked in its edly launched from a captured
exclusive economic zone, north Yemeni fishing vessel” in the
of Denis island. Indian Ocean, Ecoterra’s state-
Transport Minister Joel Mor- ment said.
gan said military forces had been A French official in Paris said
deployed to intercept the pirates, the hostages were two couples
amid reports that three more and a small child.
Taiwanese ships were trying to Hundreds of ransom-hunting
escape capture. Somali pirates have hijacked
The information centre of the dozens of ships over the past
European Union’s anti-piracy year, mostly merchant vessels
naval mission Atalanta confirmed plying one of the world’s busiest
the hijacking of the British Pana- maritime trade routes. – AFP

official said on Monday.

Authorities at the facility in Mi-
briefs choacan state found the body of a
36-year-old prisoner late on Sunday,
after he was discovered missing
from a roll call, said an official from
Ex-president Fujimori the state prosecutor’s office.
found guilty “They found him in pieces,” he
LIMA: Peruvian former president said, adding that prison officials had
Alberto Fujimori, 70, was yesterday opened investigations on his death.
declared guilty by a special court in – AFP
Lima on charges of murder by an
army death squad and kidnapping Second Singaporean
during his rule in the 1990s. in coma after food
“The charges have been proved
beyond all reasonable doubt,” poisoning
chief judge Cesar San Martin said. SINGAPORE: A second Singapore
“Thus the verdict is a conviction,” woman has gone into a coma af-
he said. ter suffering acute food poisoning
The finding sealed a high-profile a day after the first victim’s death,
16-month trial of Fujimori, who had media reports said yesterday.
persistently declared his innocence Noraini Kasim, 59, is in a coma at
and claimed he was the victim of a local hospital after having eaten
political vengeance. Rights groups from a local food stall last week.
welcomed the trial result. – AFP Comatose Aminah Samijo, 57,
died on Monday in hospital, and
British govt website Rosiah Samat, 38, lost her two-
month-old foetus in a miscar-
linked to porn site riage caused by a serious bout of
LONDON: Britain’s interior min- diarrhoea and bleeding brought
istry homepage was mistakenly on after eating the same food.
linked to a Japanese pornography The highly popular food stall is
website, a government spokes- under investigation. – dpa
man said on Monday. The Home
Office, which has since removed Banker convicted of
the link, was alerted to the issue
by the BBC on Monday after a groping woman in bar
private internet user informed HONGKONG: A senior HSBC banker
the broadcaster. has been convicted of indecent
“It was a link from the Home assault after drunkenly groping a
Office website to the Technical woman in a Hongkong karaoke bar,
Advisory Board, which is an ex- a news report said yesterday.
ternal website,” said a ministry Michael Chan Chi-wang followed
spokesman. “It is their website the 26-year-old woman into the
that was hacked and re-directed washroom at the karaoke bar and
to a porn site.” – AFP grabbed her from behind, groping
her breasts, the HongKong Standard
Prisoner found in reported.
Chan begged her not to report
pieces in Mexican jail the matter when she alerted the
MEXICO CITY: Prison guards found manager. At a hearing on Monday,
the chopped up body of a convicted Chan was found guilty of indecent
drug trafficker in three black bin assault and was sentenced to 160
bags in a central Mexico jail, a state hours of community service. – dpa

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