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2 theSun | THURSDAY APRIL 2 2009

news without borders

RM80m aid package for 374 Tamil schools

by Tan Yi Liang
» Kedah: 49 schools (RM12.2 mil- Najib said the aid was not an
by-election gimmick as it had been
He said he will make a statement
on Friday and “subsequently I will
concept will be his platform when
he becomes prime minister.
announced much earlier. reveal more as time goes by”. On the two characteristics of the
PUTRAJAYA: Deputy Prime Min- » Malacca: 13 schools (RM2.66 mil- “Whatever we do, they will ques- “It will be about the economy, poli- concept, he said they are respect and
ister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak tion. But this is as good as any other tics and the direction that the govern- mutual trust.
yesterday distributed an RM80 mil- » Negri Sembilan: 47 schools (RM1 time. This is the actual giving out, the ment is going to take,” said Najib, who “We practice national unity by
lion assistance package for 374 Tamil announcements were made much explained that he was refraining from beginning with an attitude of mu-
schools from eight states and Kuala » Pahang: 26 schools (RM5.28 mil- earlier before we knew about the by- commenting on this out of respect for tual respect. When we have mutual
Lumpur. elections,” he said at a press confer- the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. respect, it means we have an open
The RM80 million, of which » Perak: 85 schools (RM13.2 mil- ence after giving out the allocation. “I have not had an audience with mind to accept unity in diversity,”
RM50 million comes from the first When asked to reveal his economic the King yet. Hopefully, the King will he said.
stimulus package and the rest from » Penang: 22 schools (RM5.9 mil- plans once he takes over as premier graciously give his consent.” “The second principle is mutual
the Ministry of Finance allocation, reportedly tomorrow, Najib reiterated To a question, Najib said he will trust. You have to develop the trust.
was distributed as follows: » Selangor: 67 schools (RM25.16 that he did not wish to talk about this not be bringing any potential cabinet It won’t happen overnight, it has
» Johor: 56 schools (RM8.65 mil-
» Kuala Lumpur: Nine schools at this juncture and told the public to list with him when he sees the King. to be consciously developed in an
lion) wait for official announcements. Najib said his “One Malaysia” organised manner.”
(RM5.86 million)

Najib poses
with Education
Teng: Khir to be referred Minister
Datuk Seri
to privileges committee Hishammuddin
Hussein and
» From Front Page representatives
from Tamil
However, Selcat member Azmin Ali schools after
challenged her, saying there was no proof distributing the
of this. aid in Putrajaya
Questioned by Azmin whether the trips yesterday.
were for leisure or for work as they took
place in December, Khairiyah said she did
not know the rationale.
At the end of the inquiry, Teng said the
first public hearing to be held by a legisla-
tive body was smooth except that two key
witnesses failed to turn up.
“Mohd Khir and his wife refused to turn
up and explain to the people what happened
to Balkis (association of wives of Selangor
elected representatives) and PNSB all these
years,” he said.
Teng said Mohd Khir will be referred
to the committee of privileges for failure
to attend the hearing while Zahrah can be
prosecuted under Section 5 of the Contempt
of the House Act 2008.
“However, she can only be prosecuted
with the consent of the Attorney-General,”
he said.
Teng also disclosed that the Registrar of
Societies (ROS) refused to produce crucial
documents which are accessible to the public
and not deemed as official secrets.
He said under Section 114(g) of the
Evidence Act, this raises presumptions against
the ROS, that the facts in the documents are
unfavourable to certain persons.
“There is no reason for the ROS not to
High Court allows suit against Perak speaker
produce it unless it is a false document,” he by Humayun Kabir for these three seats but the EC declined Article 33(1) states: If any question
added. and said the seats were not vacant arises whether a member of the legisla-
The three assemblymen then referred tive assembly has become disqualified for
IPOH: The High Court yesterday dismissed their suit to the High Court here for a ruling membership, the decision of the assembly
the application by Perak State Assembly that they had not vacated their seats as shall be taken and shall be final. Provided
Speaker V. Sivakumar to strike out an declared by Sivakumar.. that this article shall not be taken to prevent
original summons brought by the three Sivakumar’s lawyers Chan Kok Leong, the practice of the assembly postponing a
independent assemblymen, seeking a dec- Nga Hock Cheh and Leong Cheok Keng had decision in order to allow for the taking or
laration that Sivakumar’s order to declare submitted yesterday that Sivakumar has determination of any proceedings that may
their assembly seats vacant was illegal. immunity against civil proceedings by vir- affect the decision (including proceedings
Judge Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi set April tue of section 3 of the Legislative Assembly for the removal of the disqualification).
8 to hear the suit by the assemblymen (Privileges) Enactment 1959. The plaintiffs’ legal team headed by
Mohd Osman Mohd Jaitu (Changat Jering), They also pointed out that the defend- Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Haron will make
Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Hee ant was also protected by article 72 (1) and two applications to the Federal Court in
Yit Foong (Jelapang) against the speaker. (2) of the Federal Constitution. Putrajaya on Friday, for declarations on:
Nine- He also dismissed an application by Article 72(1) states that the validity of » Whether, on a true interpretation of article
year-old three former Pakatan Rakyat state execu- any proceedings in the Legislative Assem- 36(5) of the Laws of Perak Darul Ridzuan
tive councillors – A. Sivanesan (Sungkai), bly of any state shall not be questioned in (“Perak Constitution”) read together with
dies after Tai Sing Ng (Kuala Sepatang) and Chen Fook any court and article 72 (2) states that no section 12(3) of the Elections Act 1958, the
school Chye (Keranji) – and three registered voters person shall be liable to any proceedings Election Commission is the rightful entity
caning to intervene in the case, ruling that they are in any court in respect of anything said or which establishes if there is a casual vacancy
not interested parties as claimed. any vote given by him when taking part in of the state legislative assembly Seat;
pg 7 Sivakumar had declared the three state proceedings of the legislative assembly of » When a resignation of a member of the
seats vacant based on their pre-dated res- any state or of any committee. Perak state legislative assembly is disputed,
ignation letters as the three assemblymen The lawyers also submitted that it is be- is such resignation a resignation within the
were formerly from the ruling coalition. Their yond the purview of the court to adjudicate meaning as ascribed under article 35 of the
resignation from their parties caused the bal- on any question which arises, whether a Perak Constitution.
ance of power to shif to Barisan Nasional. member of the legislative assembly has be- Chan said they will appeal against Balia’s
Sivakumar had informed the Election come disqualified for membership in view ruling in the Court of Appeals tomorrow and
Commission (EC) to call for fresh elections of article 33 of the Perak Constitution. they will also be present in the Federal Court.

Shahrir hands in resignation letter

PUTRAJAYA: Domestic Trade and Con- Speaking to reporters after the his deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak,
sumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir meeting at the Perdana Putra building, chaired the meeting for the last time.
Abdul Samad handed in his letter of Shahrir said he tendered his resignation Shahrir decided to step down as a
resignation to Prime Minister Datuk Seri as a cabinet minister effective on April cabinet minister after he failed to defend
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at the cabinet 8. his seat in the Umno supreme council on
meeting yesterday. Abdullah, who will relinquish his post to April 26. – Bernama

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