Psychology Terms: Alike But Different

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Michelle Li Ford, Pd.

7 Alike but Different

1. Polarization &Depolarization Very much alike because both polarization and depolarization sound alike due to the polarization Yet completely different because polarization is the process where a social group is divided into two opposing sub-groups with fewer and fewer members that remain neutral and depolarization is a decrease in the absolute value of a cell's membrane potential. Thus, changes in membrane voltage in which the membrane potential becomes less positive or less negative are both depolarizations 2. Temperament & Mood Very much alike because both temperament and mood are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub-classes of a greater system Yet completely different because temperament is an individuals basic disposition which is evident from infancy whereas mood is a temporary state of mind or feeling 3. Introspection & Introversion Very much alike because both introspection and introversion have the word intro at the beginning therefore they are terms that are easily mixed-up simply because they sound alike. Yet completely different because introspection is looking inward meaning when people describe what they feel or think at the exact moment of stimulus. Introversion is the direction of or tendency to direct ones thoughts and feelings toward oneself. 4. Brocas Area & Wernickes Area Very much alike because both Brocas area and Wernickes area are terms that are easily mixed up because sub classes of parts of the brain and where they control things. Yet completely different because Brocas area deals with production of language and Wernickes area deals with the comprehension of language.

5. Compliance & Obedience Very much alike because both compliance and obedience are terms that both sound alike and are subclasses of a certain behavior. Yet completely different because compliance is when you agree to do something because it is the ethical thing to do and obedience is when you do what you are told because if you dont there are usually negative consequences. 6. Afferent & Efferent Very much alike because both afferent and efferent are easily mixed-up simply because they sound alike and are opposing processes. Yet completely different because afferent refers to pathways leading to the cortex and efferent refers to the pathways leading away. 7. Axis I & Axis II Very much alike because both axis I and axis II are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system. Yet completely different because axis I contains major mental disorders, developmental disorders and learning disabilities whereas axis II contains underlying pervasive or personality conditions, as well as mental retardation. 8. Random Sample & Stratified Sample Very much alike because both random sample stratified sample are sub classes of a greater system. Yet completely different because a random sample is just a sample where the subjects from a population and assignment are conducted in a random manner. A stratified sample is when the population is first partitioned into disjoint classes which together are exhaustive. 9. Repression & Suppression Very much alike because both repression and suppression are terms that are easily mixed up simple because they sound alike Yet completely different because repression differs from suppression in that it is not consciously engaged. Suppression on the other hand involves the conscious desire to forget but repression happens subconsciously 10. Social Loafing & Social Facilitation

Very much alike because both social loafing and social facilitation are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because Social loafing is the tendency of individuals to slack in a group when the work is pooled and individual performance is not being evaluated. Social facilitation is the tendency for people to do better on simple tasks when there are other people 11. Elaborative & Maintenance Very much alike because both elaborative and maintenance are terms that are easily mixed up because they are the two types of rehearsal in Craik and Lockharts Levels of Processing model Yet completely different because elaborative rehearsal is when an item is processed in terms of its meaning, allowing for connections between the item and another already know thing to be made. Maintenance rehearsal is when an individual repeats the auditory info over and over again 12. Semantics & Syntax Very much alike because both semantics and syntax are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because semantics refers to the set of rules which give the meaning of a statement whereas syntax refers to the construction of statements 13. Eros & Thanatos Very much alike because both Eros and Thanatos are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of the ego ideal/superego system Yet completely different because Eros is the sexual drive or creative life force and Thanatos is the death force or destructiveness 14. Psychiatrist & Psychologist Very much alike because both psychiatrist and psychologist are sub classes of the different types of jobs in the psychology field Yet completely different because a psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can give prescriptions and a psychologist cannot 15. Groupthink & Group Polarization Very much alike because both groupthink and group polarization are terms that are easily mixed up simply because they sound alike and have the word group

Yet completely different because groupthink is when you go along with a group not necessarily because of agreement, but you dont want to be the outcast. Group polarization is when people make more polarized decisions in a group of like-minded people 16. Conductive & Sensorineural Very much alike because both conductive and sensorineural are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of the hearing system Yet completely different because conductive hearing loss is caused by ear canal obstruction or middle ear abnormalities whereas sensorineural is a hearing loss due to insensitivity of the middle ear 17. Convergent Thinking & Divergent Thinking Very much alike because both convergent thinking and divergent thinking are terms that are easily mixed up because they are opposing processes of thinking Yet completely different because convergent thinking makes us focus on a problem and we then gather peripheral resources to bear down on the problem whereas divergent thinking is focusing on the problem but then branching off, looking more multiple solutions rather than just one single answer 18. Stranger Anxiety & Attachment Very much alike because both stranger anxiety and attachment are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because stranger anxiety is a form of distress that children experience when they do not recognize another person whereas attachment is an emotional bond to a certain person 19. Crystallized & Fluid Very much alike because both crystallized and fluid are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of intelligence Yet completely different because crystallized is not solid and can change and is the type of learning we have acquired from past experiences. Fluid intelligence on the other hand is the intelligence we have for problem solving and recognizing different abstract patterns 20. Glial Cells & Neurons Very much alike because both glial cells and neurons are terms that are easily mixed up because they are both sub classes of the some different types of biological cells

Yet completely different because 21. Single-Blind & Double-Blind Very much alike because both single-blind and double-blind are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system which is the way that bias is reduced in an experiment Yet completely different because 22. Authoritative Parenting & Authoritarian Parenting Very much alike because both authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are sub classes of the type of parenting there is and both of they can be easily mixed up simply because they have the word author- Yet completely different because 23. Operant Chamber & Puzzle Box Very much alike because both operant chamber and puzzle box are terms that are easily mixed up because Yet completely different because 24. Systematic Desensitization & Counterconditioning Very much alike because both systematic desensitization and counterconditioning are words that are simply mixed up because Yet completely different because 25. Radical Determinism & Reciprocal Determinism Very much alike because both radical determinism and reciprocal determinism are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of the different types of determinism Yet completely different because 26. Sympathetic Division & Parasympathetic Division Very much alike because sympathetic division and parasympathetic division are sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because 27. Independent Variable & Dependent Variable

Very much alike because both independent variable and dependent variable are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of the different kinds of variables in an experiment. Also independent and dependent sound kind of alike Yet completely different because 28. Somatic System & Autonomic System Very much alike because both somatic system and autonomic system are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system, the nervous system Yet completely different because 29. Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsons Disease Very much alike because both alzheimers disease and parkinsons disease are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system. Yet completely different because 30. Psychoanalytic & Psychodynamic Very much alike because psychoanalytic and psychodynamic are terms that are easily mixed up simply because they sound alike Yet completely different because 31. Hyperopia & Myopia Very much alike because both hyperopia and myopia are terms that are easily mixed up simple because they sound alike Yet completely different because 32. Convergence & Retinal Disparity Very much alike because both convergence and retinal disparity are terms that are easily mixed up because Yet completely different because 33. Operant & Behavior Very much alike because both operant and behavior are terms that are easily mixed up because Yet completely different because

34. Nightmares & Night Terrors Very much alike because both nightmares and night terrors are terms that are easily mixed up because they are terms that sound alike because of night and they are also sub classes of different kinds of dreams Yet completely different because 35. Implicit & Explicit Very much alike because both implicit and explicit are terms that are easily mixed up because they sound alike and are also sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because 36. Mental Set & Functional Fixedness Very much alike because both mental set and functional fixedness are both terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system and are opposing processes of the same phenomena Yet completely different because 37. Representativeness Heuristic & Availability Heuristic Very much alike because both representativeness heuristic and availability heuristic are sub classes of a greater system, heuristics Yet completely different because 38. Belief Bias & Belief Perseverance Very much alike because both belief bias and belief perseverance are terms that are easily mixed up simply because they sound alike because of the belief Yet completely different because 39. Door-In-The-Face & Foot-In-The-Door Very much alike because both door-in-the-face and foot-in-the-door are terms that are easily mixed up simply because they are opposing processes of the same phenomena and kind of sound alike Yet completely different because 40. Bipolar & Unipolar

Very much alike because both bipolar and unipolar are terms that are mixed up simply because these two terms sound alike because of the polar Yet completely different because 41. Delusion & Hallucination Very much alike because both delusion and hallucination are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because 42. Positive Skew & Negative Skew Very much alike because both positive skew and negative skew are both terms that are easily mixed up because they are opposing processes of the same phenomena Yet completely different because 43. g & s Very much alike because both g and s are terms that are easily mixed up because they are opposing processes of the same phenomena and also sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because 44. Babinski & Moro Very much alike because both Babinski and Moro are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system of psychologists Yet completely different because 45. Reliability & Validity Very much alike because both reliability and validity are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system of how well a test is conducted. Yet completely different because 46. Kinesthesis & Vestibular Sense Very much alike because both kinesthesis and vestibular sense are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because 47. Recognition & Recall

Very much alike because both recognition and recall are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of greater system Yet completely different because 48. Subjective Well-Being & Objective Well-Being Very much alike because both subjective well-being and objective well-being are terms that are easily mixed up because they are sub classes of a greater system Yet completely different because 49. Formal (Deductive) Reasoning & Informal (Inductive) Reasoning Very much alike because both formal (deductive) reasoning and informal (inductive) reasoning are terms that are easily mixed up because they are opposing processes of the reasoning system Yet completely different because 50. Unconscious & Collective Unconscious Very much alike because both unconscious and collective unconscious are terms that are easily mixed up because Yet completely different because

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