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Snouck influences I. Education aspect Snouck knew that Aceh was the central of spreading islam in indonesia.

And aceh had many of the theologian and fanatic people of islam, most of them. According to Prof. Abdul Hadi W.M, that the teacher and the matery of lesson was decreased and limited so they just could enough the local teacher and couldnt get cooperation at outside aceh area. But it made them to creat something big. The colonial was trapped by their own talk. For aceh people, the more they depressed, the more they developed1. He used the association politic by giving western education. Snouck diverted the theologian function that they just taught enough in pesantren or called as dayah in aceh and also for everyone who had graduated from their school ought to have the graduation mark of Netherland school, if not they werent allow to get job. He also tried to separate Islam and its system by applying western education among aceh people in order they could understand and argue for colonial mission. This way wasnt be seen as the way of islamic inhilation, because the colonial pretended to be kind in giving tolerant for studying. The colonial doesnt give attention more to islamic studies. But they gave much contribution in spreading knowledge such science, politic, etc. And snouck doesnt aware that those of his strategy had support the inhibitant to be smarter and begun the mission of freedom declaration.

II. Social Aspect Snouck perseverance was to make Muslim to be loyal with the colonial without thinking of something unjust or out of sharia law. He separated between islam religion and the politic. Because he suggested islam

Prof. Abdul Hadi W.M, Lecturer of Falsafah and Religion Faculty Paramadina University, Individual Interview, Jakarrta, 27 October 2011.

could lead the people in all aspects, he wont it be done. He terrified if islam united with politic would make a huge strength of muslim community to defeat the colonial. It used to applied the custom law of each area and sharia law wasnt working as expected. Besides, he applied ethical politic which provided the society for building, infrastructure, school, and another thing that should help the society. aims to bring people in western culture. Dr. van Koningsveld said that Snouck Hurgronje just sheltered behind the name of research in doing espionage activity for the colonial importance that did devide et impera politic. Snouck also did ethical aspect as the way to applied Europe culture. He suggested that by using approachm III. Religion Aspect He tried to affect the thought of the people of aceh. He against the suggestion of governor not as the leader of muslim but as the supervisor of them. This was disagreement with the governor view that said the governor was the leader of muslim society2. he tried to affect the thought of the people of aceh. Entol Zaenal Muttaqin said, Snouck learned Islam as pillar to strengthen the colonialism in Indonesia. He learned Islam and understood about the weakness of Islam. He was an anthropologist, orientalis, sociologist, and law expert. To annihilate Aceh he used misinterpretation understanding about Islam. Orientalism used as the way to know Islam in order to occupy Indonesia continuously.3 Missionary mission also applied in Indonesia because itll be profitable for Netherlands if someone embraced Christian. Someone who embraced Christian will be loyal to colonial government. But it cant be used in Aceh because Aceh hold on Islamic system strongly.
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Ismail Ibnu Qoyim, Kiai Penghulu Jawa (Jakarta:Gema Insani:1997),p.108 Entol Zaenal Muttaqin, Lecturer of Shariah and Economy Faculty IAIN SMH Banten, Individual Interview, Serang, 28 October 2011

So they used association politic, its not force the society embrace Christian but applied west educational and weaken Islamic ideology by its own Islam by distorting truth of religion perception. Such forbid to against the government and granted their requests. He did devide et imperea politic and used by utilizing the bourgeois and to someone who recognized as the muslim but they didnt do the sharia entirely. He suggest that those people wasnt care about the paganism of the colonial and could be cooperate easily.

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