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The Firstborn

You are my firstborn, My might and the beginning of my strength.

The excellency of dignity and the excellency of power.

- Genesis 49:3

The firstborn of your sons you shall give to me.

- Exodus 22:29

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to

the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many

- Romans 8:29

Among the many neglected and misunderstood doctrines of the Bible is its
teaching concerning the firstborn son. Bible-reading Christians have a vague
awareness that there is something special about the firstborn, but they do not
understand it. Humanists, of course, regard it as a lingering relic of primitive
custom. Since they are statists or anarchists, they find it impossible to
appreciate the value of a family-based society.

If my thesis is correct that human society is intended to be an image of the

Divine society of Heaven, and that the family unit is to be patterned after the
Triune Godhead, then the doctrine of the firstborn becomes of critical
importance. In our last chapter, I tried to establish this thesis by validating what
might be perceived as its weakest point of the argument - namely, that the work
of the mother in the home is the human copy of the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Looking at the evidence, the conclusion seems logical. In this chapter, we stand
on solid ground, even in the eyes of critics. Here, it will be presented that
Christ’s relationship to God the Father is the model for what should exist in the
home: that Christ’s work is a blueprint for the firstborn.

A common and tragically erroneous concept of the father/son relationship is

the one which views it as a rivalry. Father and son are each trying to dominate
or displace the other. This perverse notion, in its modern form, is a legacy of
that fraud in psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud. Using the Theory of Evolution as
his premise he saw the animal kingdom as the appropriate model to explain
human society. The law of the jungle supposedly dictates how father and son
treat each other.

The lion, for instance, rules by sheer strength and viciousness, driving away
all threats to his food and pride. But as he ages and his offspring gain strength
and become more bold, he is overcome, and a new lion inherits the pride and
first rights to the food. Freud developed this basic rivalry in nature into what is
popularly known as the Oedipus Complex, which borrowed heavily from Greek

Popular journalism and cinema accept this interpretation as valid and

necessary. A young man is expected to challenge his father, to oppose him, to
be opposite of him, to argue with him, to best him. It is regarded as masculinity
for father and son to clash. A man is not expected to "follow in his father’s
footsteps", but to strike-out on his own, to be independent. It’s the "American

We can agree, of course, that when two selfish people come together, there
inevitably will be conflict. But selfishness is sin and was never intended by the
Creator. The obvious error in this Oedipus Complex is that it sees man as made
in the image of the beasts of the earth and not in the image of God. Until now,
the remnants of Christian sentiment have restrained the complete working-out
of this perverse belief. Today, do we not find here at least a partial explanation
for the rise in teenage rebellion, dropout mentality, incest and more? If you
teach people that they are animals, in time they will begin to act like animals.

Truly, man is a son of God, not a beast. He was made in the image of God.
Therefore, the model for the father/son relationship is not found in nature, but
rather in the glorious communion between the First and Second Persons of the
Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son.

Since the family symbolizes the Trinity on the temporal level, it follows that
a man’s firstborn son should look to Christ as an example for the filial
relationship. And since Christ is the chief cornerstone (the standard) in His
Father’s house, then so should a man’s son be looked upon in the same way in
the home.

In Christ we have the perfect example of a son: one who is completely

obedient to his Father’s will. With Christ, we do not see a rival grasping for
his father’s throne. We see complete submission and service to the Father’s
purposes and desires. Christ makes no claim to self-goodness, but instead,
glorifies the Father from whom all good things come (Matthew 19:17).

Thus, a normal father/son relationship will reveal a complete and willing

obedience of the son to the father. In turn the son will receive all that his father
can give him: his blessing, his authority and his estate.

Just as Christ was obedient, even unto the death of the Cross, and
consequently received His Father’s kingdom (John 3:35;5:30; 8:29;15:10;
Philippians 2:8; 1 Corinthians 15:24-28), so also is that of son and father.

To review quickly some of the prominent aspects of the Bible’s teaching

concerning the firstborn son: he has precedence over the other sons (Genesis
4:7); he receives a double-portion of his father’s estate (Deuteronomy 21:15-
17); he is called to rulership (Psalms 89:27) and to the priestly service
(Numbers 3:12); and he is entitled to a special blessing of Divine grace
(Genesis 25:29-34), although it can be forfeited by moral failure (as in the case
of Esau) or by the father’s sovereign choice (Genesis 48:15-20).

The firstborn son is called to be a priest and prince to his father and his
father’s house. He is his father’s right-hand man. His many duties can be
summarized under three major titles described in the Bible, of which Christ is
the preeminent illustration. They are the following: Kinsman-Redeemer;
Executor of the Estate; and Avenger of Blood.

First is the Kinsman-Redeemer (Leviticus 25:25; 25:47-49; Numbers 5:18;

Ruth 2:1; 4:1-16). The Torah provided that if a man became poor and lost his
inheritance or his freedom as a consequence of that poverty, it was in the power
of the nearest of kin to redeem it ("buy back"). Normally, the nearest of kin
turned out to be the eldest brother, since it was he who received a double
portion of his father’s estate, and thus was in a position financially to redeem
his stricken brother. Here, we see a type for the work of Christ. Jesus is our
redeemer. We sold ourselves into sin and came under the curse of the Law.
Jesus came to make restitution on our behalf and to restore us into the Father’s
Second is the Executor of the Estate, which is described in the Bible as a
mediator-judge (Ephesians 2:14-19; Acts 10:42). Solomon’s succession to his
father’s throne is perhaps the most illustrative account of this function. David
left to him his unfinished business. Upon the death of a father, it fell to the
firstborn to determine the true heirs and execute his father’s last will and
testament. This is what attorneys do today. Being the family-centered society,
the firstborn of Israel handled the family’s legal matters. They also mediated
disputes between brethren.

We see Christ fulfilling this judge-mediator function. He mediates the work

of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-19) and distributes the Father’s gifts to his
adopted children (Ephesians 4:6-8; Isaiah 53:12; Romans 8:32).

Finally, there is the Avenger of Blood (Genesis 9:5,6; Numbers 35:19-24;

Romans 13:4). The firstborn was expected to defend the rights of the family.
The family was under his protectorate. The duty fell upon him first to
apprehend criminals who may have injured his father’s household. He was to
hold them for trial and execute the verdict. He was in charge of the family
"police force". This practice may sound strange to our ears, but really, it is well
within the customs of our common law heritage from ancient Britain.

The ministry of the firstborn is one which was never fully developed in
world history. In the Old Testament, it was eclipsed by the provisional
ministries of the Levites, and in the New Testament, by the five-fold ministry
(Ephesians 4:13, 14). But God said He would bring the firstborn back into the
world (Hebrews 1:6). And He did in Christ.

Thus, to construct a model for the firstborn in a future, Biblical society, we

must combine the religious and governmental functions of the Levites and the
spiritual functions of the New Testament ministry with the revelation of the
ministry of Jesus Christ. Christ is the true blueprint for this ministry.

My purpose here has been to awaken you to the importance of this doctrine
and to encourage you to strengthen the role of your firstborn. A discussion in
greater detail can be found in my study, The Ministry of the Firstborn. The
firstborn is the mechanism necessary to implement a Biblical society.

Although history teaches us the superior value of a family-based society, it

has never been realized. It is still yet to come. It could not have come until the
revelation of the Trinity in Christ as the Father’s only begotten Son. When the
ministry of the firstborn is established after the pattern laid out by Christ, then
we will be ready for a self-perpetuating, family-based society.
There have been many single-generation, family-based societies. But rarely
have they been perpetuated as such because they have relied upon institutional
and bureaucratic instruments for succession. For this reason, once vibrant
societies have devolved into the stagnation of impersonal organization or
perpetual anarchy and destruction. When firstborn sons begin to assume their
priestly and princely duties, when families begin to look to them for leadership,
and when fathers give them estates to work with, then a truly self-perpetuating,
family-based society will emerge. The ministry of the firstborn is the
mechanism for the family to cross the generations safely - to preserve its estate,
heritage, faith, and calling.

One final note: Children have a tendency to follow older brothers and sisters,
even when they try to avoid it. Attitudes and behavioral patterns are picked-up
by children from their older peers, often unconsciously. There is such a thing as
a "children~ s culture" that is passed-on by them over the generations. For the
Christian, it is critical that it is home-based. It can start with the firstborn. "Play
with your little sister, Johnny!", is more than a desperate attempt to get a
babysitter. One of the best steps a mother can take to establish a home-based,
child culture is to create a bond between siblings. Better to deal with their
rivalries when young, than to wait until they are grown when it is too late.
The placenta
(Greek, plakuos =
flat cake) named
on the basis of this
organs appearance.
The placenta a
mateno-fetal organ
which begins
developing at
implantation of the
blastocyst and is
delivered with the
fetus at birth.

During that 9
month period it
provides nutrition,
gas exchange,
waste removal,
endocrine and
immune support
for the developing
fetus. (More?
Overview |

There are
essentially 3
systems: umbilical,
systemic and
vitelline. The
umbilical system
is lost at birth, the
contributes to the
portal system and
the systemic
(embryonic) is
remodelled to fom
the the

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Tithe and Offerings

If you are giving by freewill, this tithing resource is written in support of your view of
tithe and offerings; but if you read this only gaining support for the tithe debate, then
you will have missed greater intentions that the Spirit of God laid out here. If you tithe, of
course, this resource is not written in total support of your tithing view, but if you view
this as an attempt to excuse monetary selfishness and biblical disobedience, then you will
have missed the greater intentions of giving outlined in this resource. The challenge for
all is to gain knowledge and experience of the greater call and higher guilt led by the
Holy Spirit. Whether you give beyond the tithe with limitless offerings, or you give as
freewill, you already exercise the Tool used to define "Spirit-led giving".

First let's outline 4 general types of giving:

1. Cheerful tithe- This follows the paths outlined in the Old Testament Covenant(OTC) to
instruct them in their giving while cheerfully and willingly submitting themselves to that

2. Cheerful Spirit-led- This follows the paths outlined in the New Testament
Covenant(NTC) to instruct them in their giving and cheerfully and willingly submit
themselves to that authority.

3. Un-cheerful tithe- This believes tithing is right, but generally either struggle to or don't
give in accordance to the paths of giving outlined in the OTC.

4. Un-cheerful Spirit-led- This believes free-will is right, but generally either struggle to
or don't give in accordance to the paths of giving outlined in the New Testament
These categories of givers could be broken down into smaller, specific groups, if the time
was taken, but these four points are trying to show the tithe and offering similarities more
than the differences. Both cheerful and un-cheerful are determined based on the decision
of subordinating to the presupposed authority. Both ways recognize the authority in his
life and both choose to be subordinates or not. Because a tithe giver and spirit-led giver
can both experience joy and sorrow of giving, we cannot determine our theology based
on stories of provision and blessing from either side of the tithe issue. Generations of tale
telling can be told on how God blessed and provided for either side, based on his form of

The ultimate question is, which authority should we follow, and why? Church tithe and
offerings expose the false teachings that have been left unchallenged for centuries. One of
the main reasons why tithing has been unchallenged for so long, is our lack of
understanding the Old and New Testament's purpose towards each other. Here is a list to
help us lay a foundation for Spirit-led giving and tithing in order to understand the
authority of God’s covenants.

1. The New Testament Covenant has a higher authority than the Old Testament covenant.

2. The New Testament will endorse, continue, confirm, modify, or abolish any form of
Old Testament law or principle. For example, the New Testament frees us from food
regulations declared in the Old Testament Covenant, and confirms our responsibility
towards the ministers at the altar.

3. In order for a law in the Word of God to be considered an eternal principle, it must
duplicate an exact character trait of God. For instance circumcision is not an eternal law,
and cannot even be performed outside of an earthly body; but spiritual circumcision is an
attribute of God, and its truth lives eternally.

These points are not necessarily prerequisites for understanding the tithe issue; but they
help point out a clearer picture of discerning what Old Testament Covenants have been
abolished, while at the same time understanding how all scripture is profitable.

Even with these foundations laid, I bow down to God’s word as the ultimate authority
about tithe and offerings.

I. The Tithe, the Church, and the Storehouse

Instead of benefiting the needy, tithing is the main source of funds for building religious
storehouse empires. The kingdom of heaven, which is the New Testament picture of the
storehouse, has a limitless capacity, compared to the Old Testament storehouse, . The
building in which we worship is not the Old Testament storehouse renewed for us in the
New Testament. So, the new challenge today is to fill up the borderless gates of heaven.
As I was working in the church office a man stopped in and asked for some help to pay
for his rent and groceries in order to take care of his children. I volunteered to help him. I
took the man out, gave him some cash, and paid for some groceries. While on our trip
around town, he began sharing his amazing testimony with me. He informed me that he
stopped down the road to ask two other churches that had both built brand new, multi-
million dollar facilities. Come to find out, he walked out without a cent. Expecting
nothing from us, he showed up at the church facility I had been working at, which was
run down, old, and smelly, but there God met his need. To make a long story short, I
believe I was more blessed than he was by the end of the day.

I began to think of why the other churches could not give just a little bit from their tithe.
Of course multi-million dollar facilities require much attention from our pocket. If they
just asked themselves one question, “Was it worth it?” I do not boast, but through the
power of God I was able to help this man and fellowship with him, when he needed it
most. In the end the giver was blessed through his giving without tithing. Along with it,
heaven’s unlimited storehouse is collecting untold riches through God’s ability in me.
Yes, their pews might be filled, their tithe and offering plates might be full, but their
storehouse is empty. And if I could write on their elaborate gold laden walls. . . MENE,

The Root of All Kinds of Evil

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, but some how we don't think that the
richest organization in the world is not effected by purse strings. We are too quiet about
the tithe and if questioning the disbursement of funds we are perceived as judging men of
God. In the end we think that only secular organizations are capable of mishandling
money. Always follow the tithe trail, because we know that “where your money is, there
your heart is also”.

The number one thing that the church tithe is tied up in, is mortgage debts. I do not
diminish the idea of having a central place of mass service, but I do not condone the idea
of promoting the church building as the main tool for evangelism. If you're not sure
where your church stands, check the tithing budget. If you think the church structure
should be one of the main tools that we tithe to to reach the lost, then compare what
you're saying to the Old and New Testaments. I have found no comparison, because no
such proof is recorded.

Luke 12:16
Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: “The ground of a certain rich man
yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I
have no room to store my crops?’ So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my
barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I
will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take
your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your
soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have
provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward

This verse is not endorsing the expansion of storehouses to fit the crops that are ready to
harvest. The question asked is, "then whose will those things be which you have
provided?" In other words, your crops and enormous storehouse will be gone one day.
The millions of dollars of the tithe and offerings are placed in your construction is not an
investment in the eternal storehouse.

The Contents of the Storehouse Tithe

The temple storehouse in Jerusalem did not permanently contain all of the tithe. The
Levites first collected the tithe from the Israelites, and then gave ten percent of their tithe
to the priests ministering at the temple. The storehouse portion for the priests was only
1%(A tithe of the tithe) of the total gift of Israel. The other 9% given by Israel, was kept
in the levitical refuge cities mentioned in Joshua 21:8.

Nehemiah 10:35-39
And we made ordinances to bring the firstfruits of our ground and the firstfruits of
all fruit of all trees, year by year, to the house of the Lord; to bring the firstborn of
our sons and our cattle, as it is written in the Law, and the firstborn of our herds
and our flocks, to the house of our God, to the priests who minister in the house
of our God; to bring the firstfruits of our dough, our offerings, the fruit from all
kinds of trees, the new wine and oil, to the priests, to the storerooms of the house
of our God; and to bring the tithes of our land to the Levites, for the Levites
should receive the tithes in all our farming communities. And the priest, the
descendant of Aaron, shall be with the Levites when the Levites receive tithes;
and the Levites shall bring up a tenth of the tithes to the house of our God, to the
rooms of the storehouse.

For the children of Israel and the children of Levi shall bring the offering of the
grain, of the new wine and the oil, to the storerooms where the articles of the
sanctuary are, where the priests who minister and the gatekeepers and the
singers are; and we will not neglect the house of our God.

As we can see here, not only was 1% of the total tithe, and first fruit brought to the
temple storehouse, but also offerings. For some reason today, offerings are acceptably
dismissed to outside organizations, even though offerings were brought to the local
storehouse as well. Which brings questions to mind of why should the tithe be brought in
the local church?

Over the years, many have taken scripture and twisted the real interpretation of
storehouse tithing and the church? Russell Earl Kelly, in his article, "Should the Church
Teach Tithing" explains this well.
"Christian tithe-teachers say a lot about the “storehouse” of the church. In order to justify
this they juggle the Greek verb thesaurizo, translated “storing up,” from First Corinthians
16:2 in order to manipulate the Greek text. The phrase is literally “by himself, to place,
storing up.” The text does not call the church a “storehouse”; it merely tells the
contributor what to do with the gift. Many commentators even say it means “store up at
home” with no relevance to a church building (which, by the way, did not exist when
Paul wrote First Corinthians) or pastoral support. You will not find Christian tithe-
teachers using Second Corinthians 12:14 for their example of the church “storehouse.”
Yet Paul used the same Greek verb, thesaurizo, while saying “the children ought not to
lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.”

These misinterpretations, little by little are creeping into the doctrine of the church. We
know better than this, but some how we think God still mobilizes his pillar of glory based
on a mortgage or title deed. As a matter of fact, tithes weren't even used to build the
temple or tabernacle. But this is a topic that will be discussed later.

The future of the storehouse

One day, the church is going to be forced out of the oversized cathedrals and be led
underground, meeting on personal property, so why not start now?

Matthew 24:1
Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to
show Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said to them, “Do you not see
all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon
another, that shall not be thrown down.".

In the end times the earthly storehouses will be gone, and the church building, primarily
used as a supportive symbol for tithing, will be gone. The icon we've created, made of
brick and mortar, will not be visible to the public eye. Our eyes will be taken away from
these structures and we will be forced to focus on the eternal storehouse. If we can
sacrifice ourselves without building physical altars then we can lay up treasures without
building earthly storehouses.

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and
where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and
steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

What's your future vision of the storehouse? Is it like Jesus' vision, always speaking of
the kingdom of heaven, and foreseeing the destruction of the worthless, earthly
storehouse? Or is your vision blurred by misinterpretations about church tithing or the
love of possessions?


At bare minimum it does not make sense that the church was left to pick up the tithe torch
and run with it without any authorization to do so. While studying the subject of tithing,
there is continual amazement at the support for Spirit-led giving, which is opposite of a
tithe mandate. I questioned my reasoning many times because of how it contradicted the
church as well as my own tithing operation for many years. Spirit-led givers have most of
the tithing church disagreeing with them, and the reason why they are not backing down
is because there have been twisted or empty answers given to easy tithing questions.
"Father Abraham" is the pro tithe response, instead of "Father God".

Abraham’s Tithe Encounter

Many want to use the meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek as an example
showing tithing’s relevance for today. Old Testament scripture and opinions are mended
together to fabricate a tithe eternal law. So don’t look the other way when I use NT
scripture and facts to show how tithing is wrong.

We read in Genesis 14 the account of Abraham’s tithing encounter with Melchizedek.

Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest
of God Most High. And he blessed him and said: “Blessed be Abram of God Most
High, Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has
delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all. Now the
king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the persons, and take the goods for
yourself.” But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have raised my hand to the
Lord, God Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth, that I will take nothing,
from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours, lest
you should say, ‘I have made Abram rich’

The number one argument is that Abraham gave a tithe 400 years before the Mosaic law
was written. But doesn't it seem strange that a teaching's antiquity alone gives tithing any
degree of truth? There are so many holes in that argument. First is, the assumption that
the Mosaic law, initiated the ceremonial law. If we flash back our memories to the
beginning of Genesis, we remember how Adam sinned, and God provided a sacrificial
substitute for sin. Do we forget that the ceremonial law started at Genesis 3:15, thousands
of years prior to Abraham? Although sacrifices are more antiquated than tithing, we
believe that sacrifices are abolished and a tithe should be enforced.

Going on the premises that God never changes, it is hypocritical to re-require only some
Old Testament practices into our contemporary sanctification and not re-require every
Old Testament practice. If God is the same yesterday, today and forever, why did we
partially change how and what we tithe? I say partially because we do not fully obey the
Old Testament law of tithing, let alone how Abraham and Jacob gave a tithe. Read again
the account of Abraham tithing to Melchizedek because its interesting to note that
Abraham didn't give a tithe from his own possessions.

If we continue to use Abraham's tithing example, it’s an enigma as to why Israel was
instructed to give 1% of the war spoils to the Levites, deviating from the historical
example of Abraham's full tithe. Because of these issues, we cannot take Abraham’s
tithing example and use it as proof to show the percentage we are to give to God. Later
on, God didn’t even tell the Israelites to follow Abraham’s code, so why should we have
to while under a completely different law than Abraham and Israel? By the way, if paying
a tithe was already required prior or to Abraham, why did God have to make the tithe an
ordinance for Israel? And why didn’t Melchizedek collect a tithe from Lot?

The sabbath is overlooked in our contemporary worship that was also established prior to
Abraham. It was declared in Genesis 2:3, yet Christians traditionally meet on the first day
instead of the last day of the week.

While digging further into the inconsistencies of Abraham’s tithe practice compared to
ours, we bring up the church storehouse again. There was no storehouse, cathedrals,
temples, or churches all those years prior to Moses? The storehouse was not located in
Melchizedek’s town of “Salem”, the future home of Jerusalem. Salem was a pagan city,
inhabited by Canaanites. There was no temple and as we will study below, Melchizedek
very well may have worshipped a pagan god.
"Hebrew was a Semitic language, related to Akkadian, the lingua franca of that time. An
Akkadian noun that Abraham was most likely familiar with, given his Babylonian
background was esretu, meaning "one-tenth." By the time of Abraham, this phrase was
used to refer to the "one-tenth tax," or "tithe."

Because of this standard one-tenth tax in Babylon, Abraham of the Genesis account was
most likely familiar with the concept of giving up ten-percent of goods as tax".(1)
This historical fact records the likely motivation behind Abraham’s tithe. We no longer
have to figure out if Abraham gave a tithe voluntarily or out of duty to God. More or less
Abraham recognizes the civil authority placed by God in his life and submits to Arab
tithe customs at that time in giving a tithe to Melchizedek. After all, give unto Caesar
what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.

So who was Melchizedek, and why does it seem the Bible praises him as a high priest
and king? Once again it is a common misinterpretation of who Melchizedek was, and
why the Bible was mentioning him. In Hebrews chapter 7, we read about the correlation
between Jesus as the high priest and king and also Melchizedek’s office as high priest and
king. One thing we need to understand is that the Bible doesn't’t mention Melchizedek
received a tithe because he was a Godly man. Before we read into Hebrews 7, notice
what Genesis 14 says.

Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God
Most High. And he blessed him and said: “Blessed be Abram of God Most High,
Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your
enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all.

In the above passage Melchizedek praises, God and blesses Abraham, but for some
reason there’s something missing from Melchizedek’s blessing ceremony. Abraham
recognizes this and corrects it.
But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have raised my hand to the Lord[Jehovah], God
Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth. . .

We already know that Abraham had a close relationship with God, and one could
speculate that Melchizedek might not have known Jehovah in the intimate way that
Abraham knew the most high God. Abraham is the only one in this passage to mention
God by his name "Jehovah". Melchizedek very well may have had an intimate
relationship with God, regardless of what he calls God by name, after all, he knew
Abraham and blessed him. But, we can speculate in this passage how he also might not
have had an intimate relationship with Jehovah. By no means is there absolute proof of
either matter.

Because the Bible describes Melchizedek without father and mother, without descent, and
without a beginning of days, many people think that Melchizedek was God incarnate, but
that would be impossible for the Israelites entering the promised land to conquer the city
of Salem, with God against them. Melchizedek’s lineage was undocumented, it was
unknown, so this is why the Bible describes him in this way.

Even with the historical record of a tithing law to the local king, and the speculation
about Melchizedek's relationship with God, teachers still argue that Abraham gave a tithe,
because the eternal priesthood office was inherent through Melchizedek. All of these
accounts add to the blurry vision of Melchizedek’s real identity. If you want to prove how
we give in the presence of the true Priest of the most High God, study the Wise Men.

I like how Jim Peacock, writer of, “A study of enforced giving and tithing within the
church”, explains how Abraham’s example should be followed.
"Tithers argue that the priesthood of Jesus is superior to and supersedes the Levitical
priesthood and its ministry. Christ is greater than Abraham, Levi and all his descendants.
This passage does not tell Christians to tithe; it establishes nothing about New Covenant
giving. Furthermore, in all 75 New Testament references to Abraham (based on the
NKJV), the only practice of his that we are told to follow is his faith."

Another question that we must ask ourselves is why shouldn't I follow tithing if it was
brought up in the New Testament book of Hebrews? In Hebrews chapter 7, Paul is
describing the path of change from the OT ceremonial law to the new law. In that chapter
the term “tithe” is used 7 times and “law” is used 7 times. Is that a coincidence? I don’t
think so. Why else would Paul be preaching to the Jews about change if they were to
keep tithing like they always did? In other words if there was no need to change tithing
then why was he preaching the change? Dr. Kelly clears up this quandary with a concise
statement, “It is totally illogical to teach that [Hebrews] 7:18 abolished every ordinance
pertaining to the Levitical priesthood except tithing!”

Usually the next argument presented about Abraham and tithing is the termination of the
circumcision law and not the termination of tithing. The reason why the abolishment of
circumcision was directly stated in the NT is because the Jews had trouble accepting
gentiles into their fellowship because uncircumcised men were considered unclean.
Gentiles had no obligation to Tithe in the OT, so the Jews did not struggle with the
Gentiles lack of performance to their civil duty.

Jacob’s Tithe Encounter

Abraham willingly gave a tithe to the cause of Melchizedek's earthly throne, but
somehow we overlook how Jacob bargains the tithe during his encounter with God. The
tithe was a token of Jacob’s covenant he made to God. Read the description of Jacob’s
covenant tithe with God in Genesis 28:22,

And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this
way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, So that I come
again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God: And this
stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house: and of all that thou shalt
give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.

Jacob made a conditional tithing covenant contingent upon God’s protection. He asked
God to meet a certain criteria, and if God’s end of the bargain was met, then Jacob would
fulfill his promise with a tithe. This token promise wasn't’t set by God, but by Jacob. If
Abraham’s past example was affirmation of God’s unconditional requirement to tithe,
why wouldn’t Jacob have sealed the covenant with something new or beyond a tithe? For
instance, let’s say at my marriage ceremony my wife asked that I give her one red rose
every day as part of my duties in marriage. Of course, because I love her, I obey her wish.
Then one day after having an enlightening dream, I create a new covenant with her
stating, if you prepare my food, stay by my side, and get me to where I need to be in life,
I will give you one red rose every day. In response, I would see a strange look from her
eyes. First of all, she would want me to have those things in the first place. Second of all,
if my goals were going to require extra effort on her part, I would at least need to bump it
up to two roses every day to convince her. If I was God, and already expected a tithe, I
would say something to the effect of, “thanks Jacob for sealing the covenant with a tithe
that I have already wanted you to do anyway.” A token promise should be unique and
sacrificial. There is nothing wrong with committing to God a specific portion. But there is
something wrong with taking the tithing promise of your father Jacob, and burdening the
children of God with his tokens.

Every child of God has an opportunity to present our tokens in exchange for God’s
provision in life. Because God predestined us, he gave us dreams, goals, and ambitions
that you want to accomplish in life? There’s a land or a place in life that we’ve asked God
to bring us back to. What is our token promise going to cost us? God makes covenants
with us every day, and in exchange he wants us to seal our covenant with something
that’s unique and sacrificial. So many people have gone through life, and have given up
some very expensive tokens. It may have been a career, a house, a loved one. Through it
all, we know that God is preparing our destiny. He is paving the path for us to get back
home. Jacob wanted safe passage to his fathers house. What are you giving up for a safe
passage to your heavenly fathers house? Is it money? Maybe, maybe not. Jacob said,
“keep me in the way that I go”. I believe he was saying, guide me, because I’ve got a
long journey home.

You may have the prayer of Jabez moments in your life, where you ask earnestly and
receive it. But more than likely God is just waiting for your token. He is waiting for your
offer. Whatever it is, I’m not sure if it will be obvious, but it will be a sacrifice. I think
how Jacob decided what to give to God was the thing that he deceived from God in the
first place-financial blessing. Jacob robbed Esau from his birthright, and afterwards fled
in fear of his life. And from then on, the blessing he coveted, he began to run from.
Finally, he gave it to God. There is an area in everyone’s life that we’ve been chased by,
something that we’ve robbed from God. We risked our lives attaining it and now were
being chased by it. Could it be your token? Then give it to God. What birthrights have
been given to you? Is it popularity, success, wisdom, passion, energy, love? The best
thing to do with it - is give it to others. If you keep it for yourself, you will never reach
the potential that God has for you. You may not even reach his destination for you.

John 7:22.
Moses gave circumcision (not because it was of Moses but because it was of the

No one will know if Jacob offered a tithe to follow the footsteps of his father; but what
we do know, is that Jacob wasn’t required to tithe. Not unless Jacob thought he was
pulling a string on God, tithing was not a previous law.

While looking back at both Abraham and Jacob’s covenants with God, both were sealed
with a token - circumcision being God’s idea and commanded by Him, and the tithe
being Jacob’s idea and voluntarily being offered by him. When we study giving in light
of the terms "tithe" and "freewill-offering" we see that prior to the Mosaic law, the tithe,
without a doubt, was given as a voluntary freewill offering by Jacob. The Bible does not
say whether Abraham was required to give a tithe or not. All we can do is study accounts
of recorded history in another book and conclude Abraham was required to tithe
according to pagan law.

Jacob’s account presents a huge hole in the argument of tithing. Tyler S. Ramey, author of
"Tithing Today", states, “It seems that Jacob's pre-Law method of tithing loses modern-
day appeal because of its conditionality. How often does one hear tithing teachers
encouraging people to tithe only when the circumstances of life allow it or the conditions
to tithe are satisfactory to the giver? (this is exactly how Jacob acted)” While our pastors
train in seminary for years on how to study the Bible we come up with terms like
“exposition”, “hermeneutics”, and “exegesis”, but we cannot apply these big theological
terms when we come out of seminary because our minds have been brainwashed to
interpret a text book way. Even though Abraham’s circumcision was in response to God
himself and his tithing was in response to a man, we place Abraham’s example of tithing
at a higher authoritative value than circumcision.

When comparing scripture with scripture think beyond human intellect.

1 Corinthians 1:19
For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And bring to nothing the
understanding of the prudent.”

Don’t read into Abraham’s tithing response while overlooking Jacob’s so you can apply
the era of the Mosaic law to the New Testament church.


Giving is the principle in the Bible and the tithe was a standard. Saying I will love my
wife is a principle, but saying I will love my wife until the day I die is a standard. We are
to abide to the principles of giving, but the Holy Spirit gives us his standard, and may I
add, that the standard from the Holy Spirit is beyond ten percent. In the end we will be
judged accordingly if the Holy Spirit should prompt us to give more, voiding a tithe

The Spirit and Law of God

Being judged by the Spirit relinquishes the idea of tithing by the law as is said in
Galatians 5:18.

But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

While comparing ways of giving, the Holy Spirit indwelling is the differential influence
that tells us how God wants more time, treasure, and faith. What use is the Holy Spirit if
he cannot tell us how to give? God would not have given us the Holy Spirit if He could
have left us the tithe law to walk our life by.

Because the children of Israel gave tithe and offerings without the Spirit of God, it
becomes a complicated equation, when you ask how Spirit filled children should obey the
laws of Old Testament giving. The tithe and offering laws were established to
accommodate what the Israelites lacked in spiritual rebirth. Our rebirth and Spirit filled
baptism give us spiritual knowledge that the law could not give us. It is what’s in our
heart and its convictions that will last for eternity, and also the premises of what we will
be judged on.

We can take principles of the Old Testament and apply them now, but they are principles.
For instance 1 Corinthians 9:9 Paul eludes to an Old testament passage in order to glean a

For it is written in the law of Moses, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads
out the grain.”
Paul is pointing out that we should give to the saints that devout their time into a full-time
related ministry so they can continue devoted to their calling. We can see this principle
repeated in scripture elsewhere.

II Chronicles 31:4.
Moreover he commanded the people who dwelt in Jerusalem to contribute
support for the priests and the Levites, that they might devote themselves to the
Law of the LORD.

Don’t distort the principle by saying, it is proof we need to tithe. No, the principle is
about giving, and the tithe is the standard. They are two different concepts.

The Old Testament is much like an illustration, pointing out the bigger picture in the New
Testament, such as the illustration of animal sacrifices. Sacrificing for God is the
principle, spices and animals were the standard. In Phillippians 4:18 Paul also eludes
sacrificial principles as a sweet smelling savour to God.

Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable

sacrifice, well pleasing to God.

Paul was not showing the necessity of burning insence and sacrificing animals to God, he
was illustrating the principle.

If the Spirit is telling someone to give 30% and they do not obey, then they are guilty as if
they disobeyed Old Testament law of tithing. Even though a Spirit-reluctant Christian is
dead to the Holy Spirit, there is no clause in the Bible to awaken them through the Old
Testament law.

1 Peter 3:18
being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit

Galatians 3:2
Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Because faith is the evidence of things not seen, we cannot teach Spirit led giving by a
tithe law that has been revealed and fulfilled. Faith is a greater law and the Holy Spirit is
a greater authority over Old Testament tithing rituals. The Holy Spirit guidance,
empowered by our faith, brings us to a whole new dimension of giving that cannot be
bound by earthly traditions or a temporary tithe.

Tithing and OT laws were established because of the fall of man, and cannot be an eternal
principle. Before Adam sinned, eternal, moral, and civil laws were the commands
revealed to mankind. I use terminology such as moral and eternal laws in order to
categories how their existence are contingent upon significant things. For instance,
Marriage, and Man’s dominion, contingent upon the presence of the earth and man, were
established before the fall and are moral principles; while faith, love, and God’s deity, are
examples of eternal principles and are contingent upon God’s eternal existence. A tithe
was not revealed in either one of these laws. Giving a tithe to support the ministry of God
was not needed in un-fallen world. There were no offices such as priests, pastors, or
deacons. Jesus was not even ordained a priest yet. No spiritual gifts or needs. There were
no healers, evangelizers, ministers and so on. There are no needs in a perfect world.
Adam’s giving and living was just like the new heaven and earth spoken of in Revelation.
This earth might have been an everlasting world if man didn’t destroy it with sin. Of
course we know the story of man’s fall, but can we understand the law that was created
because of the fall of man? What law was that? It was sacrificial and ceremonial law, that
included the tithe.

The only test of love before Adam’s fall was a law to not eat the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil. Unfortunately Adam disobeyed, and sacrificial and ceremonial laws
became the new test of love from God. From the New Testament looking back, we can
see the Old Testament was a painting of God’s Son, the Messiah. As we know it, the
Messiah came and fulfilled his quest, and the Artist tore the canvas from top to bottom,
and the masterpiece from Genesis 3:14 “it shall bruise thy head” through John 19:30 “It
is finished” was revealed, marking every jot and crossing every tittle. We cannot continue
painting on a torn canvas, so how can we accomplish the task of stewardship without the
guidance of his Spirit?


Tithing is not an eternal principle, because it does not describe the character of God. God
didn’t create the earth so we could make a profit from its resources to superficially give
him a tithe back. I say superficially because he owns it all. God’s eternal purpose for us
was to be worshippers and stewards without any slight hints on tithing. The character of
God asks for one hundred percent of it back. We are stewards of God's money and are not
in business to keep 90% or even a tithe of what God gave us. 100% of what we’ve been
entrusted with, should be invested back towards God.

There are many other Old Testament giving laws that are not taken into account as part of
eternal principle today. Take sacrifice for instance. Didn’t the Israelites sacrifice a certain
percentage of property reflecting on us today the spiritual sacrifices that we should make?
Did it ever occur to us that giving a certain percentage of increase in the Old Testament is
a reflection of us today of the steward that we should be? Burning specific portions of
property and giving specific portions of increase is a standard, but sacrificial giving is
part of God’s character. Sacrifices should be practiced today, but the standard is different.
Instead of animals, we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. In Acts 10:4 our prayers and
alms are mentioned as a sweet sacrifice to God, which fulfills the Old Testament law in
Ex 29:18. We are not condemning the law but only fulfilling it to a more eternal degree.

If tithing was an eternal principle, we should still be practicing it the way it had always
been done. Look at Deuteronomy 14 for an example
“You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by
year. And you shall eat before the LORD your God, in the place where He
chooses to make His name abide, the tithe of your grain and your new wine and
your oil, of the firstborn of your herds and your flocks, that you may learn to fear
the LORD your God always. But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are
not able to carry the tithe, or if the place where the LORD your God chooses to
put His name is too far from you, when the LORD your God has blessed you,
then you shall exchange it for money, take the money in your hand, and go to the
place which the LORD your God chooses. And you shall spend that money for
whatever your heart desires: for oxen or sheep, for wine or similar drink, for
whatever your heart desires; you shall eat there before the LORD your God, and
you shall rejoice, you and your household. You shall not forsake the Levite who is
within your gates, for he has no part nor inheritance with you.”

This passage is telling us to take our tithe and use it in a way that's not common for us to
use it for. A third of the whole tithe was used as a feast for the Israelites to celebrate with.

In Leviticus 27 we find the phrase “most holy to the Lord” supporting God’s enforcement
of tithing. Although holy is a term we relate to omnipotent God, the interpretation of
“holy” does not describe eternal principle. Future examples and interpretations in the
Bible give supporting proof of the misinterpretation of “holy”. Dr. Kelly states, The false
teaching is that Leviticus 27:30-32 proves that the tithe is an "eternal moral principle"
because "it is holy to the LORD." However, these false teachers must ignore the stronger
phrase, "it is MOST holy to the LORD," in the immediate preceding verses 28 and 29.
This is because verses 28 and 29 are definitely not eternal moral principles in the Church.
In its context, the phrases "it is holy to the LORD" and "it is MOST holy to the LORD"
cannot possibly be interpreted "eternal moral principles." Why? Because almost every
other use of these phrases in Leviticus has long ago been discarded by Christians. Similar
phrases are also used to describe all of the festivals, the sacrificial offerings, the clean
food distinctions, the old covenant priests and the old covenant sanctuary. George
Potkonyak in his article “The truth about tithing”, writes in response to “holy to the Lord”
and concisely states, “What does this mean? It simply means that they were to be used
ACCORDING TO GOD'S INSTRUCTION and not for any other purpose, no matter how
'godly' that purpose may appear." Any of God’s instructions are holy, His instruction for
our individual lives are as holy as any word from the Bible, but it doesn’t mean his
demands are eternal and are eternal instructions for everyone.

I understand why people hold to principle, but it was by grace, not of compulsion or
necessity which God modeled giving, and it is our grace in return we give back. Why
would we waste our breath using any other platform than the model exemplified by God?
Giving is like a totem pole from earth reaching to heaven. The tithe is the bottom of the
totem pole, and grace is the top reaching to the heaven. The same analogy goes with the
knowledge of God, with fear at the bottom and love is at the top. But once you
experience the love of Christ, fear is so far at the bottom of the knowledge of God, you
can't even see it anymore (Read Ephesians 3:19). In the same analogy, the church
preaches the tithe and looks up. Grace is giving is already at the top, and looks down.
The Church has rituals, (ie: baptism and the Lord's Supper) as well as "eternal" laws, not
bound by time, earth, flesh, or an income, just like Israel. These eternal laws are a part of
God's character. His features, if you will, are now are a part of our new creature, made
alive in the Spirit. But because of our forceful standards, we have created a picture of a
God with only rules. His word in the Old Testament and New Testament now lives in us,
and His Spirit takes precedence to any law, any restriction, or any treaty. Therefore His
Spirit will give us greater convictions in our living, and giving than the law of tithing
ever could.

The Kingdom of God

Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and
joy in the Holy Ghost

Eternal laws do not change, but civil and ritual laws can be defined by man and are
created for man. Because man does not possess the authority to define morals, moral law
only comes from God. As I discussed earlier, live by the Old Testament and your
storehouse will be earthly. Live by the the New Testament and your storehouse will be
eternal, where neither moths, nor rust, nor thieves can break through or steal.
Most of the time when i am in discussions about obeying the Old covenant tithe, I fail to
emphasize that the newer covenant has an eternal calling. The New Covenant can only be
laws based on eternity, forever, always, and without end. That's why the rituals of the Old
Testament had to be abolished. The concept of the tithe is temporary, earthly, and for
mortal man. Sacrifice, grace, love, justice, and mercy are eternal principles. A tithe is not
eternal. The newer covenant of giving resembles eternity from now on.

The Bible and its laws were written to help us obey the eternal laws. Here is a list of
phrases that are used in the Bible.

Eternal life Everlasting Gospel

Eternal word Everlasting kingdom
Eternal power Eternal Spirit
Eternal purpose Eternal Inheritance
Eternal glory Eternal Fire
Eternal salvation Eternal King
Eternal redemption Everlasting Love
Everlasting Covenant Everlasting consolation

Tell me again why tithing should be in this list of quotes in the Bible?

The promised land is an analogy of the kingdom of heaven and is another key to
understanding why tithing is not a command. When describing the priestly inheritance in
the New Testament, we can see the picture of the kingdom of heaven, prepared for both
Jew and Gentile. Because the new covenant took the Old law's place, the priestly tribe is
able to inherit land, which makes the above phrase “eternal inheritance“, one of the more
interesting quotes. Even though physical property was offered to Israel and is called the
promised land, in the New Testament we still continue our journey through the
wilderness waiting for the true promised land. While wandering in the wilderness, Israel
was not required to pay a tithe until they reached the promised land. Once they inhabited
the land they offered a tithe from the increase of their farming. This is a picture
reminiscent of our future habitation of the kingdom of God. We have not crossed the
Jordan, but we are all still wandering priests waiting for God to part the Jordan so we can
walk across. Then in that day we will reap our increase shown by crowns, and cast them
at the masters feet.

Revelation 5:10
And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the

2 Corinthians 4:18
while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not
seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not
seen are eternal.

Even though our faith requires earthly action, we are never measured on a balance that
weighs perishable deeds, but only by an eternal balance that can measure the unseen.
Because we are flesh and blood, God used material things to teach us his eternal
principles, and He did that through parables, rituals, and ceremonies as well as tithing. I
do realize that faith and action co-equally prove each other, but on the last day, God will
measure us and will say that we did not have enough faith to perform action. In other
words, our works will condemn us, but only because of our lack of faith, not vise versa.

When we finally understand that a tithe is not Spiritual, is not an eternal number, does not
equal God’s character, the sooner we will understand that tithing is not the principle God
wanted us to grasp. Read James 1:5.



(TABLET(s)) (N)
3 OMEGA 3 3 100
4 CAL MAG 15 300
11 VIT A & D 2 50

16th September, 2005.



Dear Sir,


Find attached your Statement of Account in our books showing a debit

balance of Naira____________________________________________

Could you kindly confirm the above debit balances as correct in your books
within 7 days of receipt of this letter, otherwise we shall assume the figures
as indicated as correct and right.

It might be necessary to mention that it may not be possible to continue

further supplies to you till the above due balances are settled.

We shall appreciate your immediate reaction to this.

Yours faithfully,


22 Benson Anorue Street

Opposite Caprisonne
Ajao – Estate
Oshodi – Lagos.

29th January, 2007.

Director of Training
Oshodi. - Lagos.

Dear Sir,



We are here to introduce a business opportunity that will bring a change to

the lives of a lot of Nigerians in the area of health and wealth.

Our company’s name is Golden Neo-Life Diamite Int’l (GNLD) California

(USA). We deal in health products, which in turn give you wealth because
“health is wealth”.

The name of the team of directors coming to see your organization is the
Dynamic diamond Team. We will teach the business, its method and in turn
you will see your lives changing for the better because you will be
adequately informed.

We hope you will receive us cordially as you anticipate our coming.

Yours faithfully

Joshua Kola
Dynamic Diamond Team
0805 – 675-3189

22 Benson Anorue Street

Opposite Caprisonne
Ajao – Estate
Oshodi – Lagos.

15th October, 2007.

Director of Training
Oshodi. - Lagos.

Dear Sir,


We are here to introduce a business opportunity that will bring a change to

the lives of a lot of Nigerians in the area of health and wealth.

Our company’s name is Golden Neo-Life Diamite Int’l (GNLD) California

(USA). We deal in health products, which in turn give you wealth because
“health is wealth”.

The name of the team of directors coming to see your organization is the
Dynamic diamond Team. We will teach the business, its method and in turn
you will see your lives changing for the better because you will be
adequately informed.

We hope you will receive us cordially as you anticipate our coming.

Yours faithfully

Joshua Kola
Dynamic Diamond Team
0805 – 675-3189


1. Registration
2. Attend training always
3. Make your dream list
4. List of names of at least 100 people but don’t contact them yet


1. Spread the information leaflet by asking the opportunity question. Question:

If I can show you a way of making extra income at the same time improving
your health without affecting whatever you are doing now would you be
interested. If yes hand out the leaflet, if no don’t bother.
2. Follow up: Did you read through the leaflet, if yes, do you want to know
more? If yes fix an appointment.
3. Fix appointment – Be Specific on time.
4. Do one on one using the standard one on one FORM
5. Attend dream come true meeting
6. Attend all business functions, if you don’t go you don’t grow.
7. Appointment scheduling – After registration sponsor must schedule
appointment with prospect to get new prospect.


1. Do at least 100PV per month

2. Register at least 1 person per month
3. Distribute at least 10 leaflet per day, the more action you take the more result
you get.
4. Use the product daily
5. Read part of the positive book daily
6. Listen to positive tape daily
7. Follow the system always
8. Duplicate your effort


1. Do not register people with your money

2. Don’t concentrate on buying and selling do 5% buying and selling and 95%
Networking because that is where the money come from.
3. GNLD business is not about convincing, it’s about sorting out good ones from
the bad. Don’t force anyone to join the business.
4. Don’t buy product for your prospect.
5. Don’t register prospect for your prospect
6. Don’t sell product on credit.
7. Don’t force prospect to do 250 to 500 PV single orders
8. Attend training, rallies, seminars and conventions always (If you don’t go you
don’t grow).
9. Be honest in anything you do, do not cheat
10. Don’t snatch people’s prospect.
11. Never quit the business no matter the situation. Winners don’t quit and
quitters don’t win
12. Don’t send kit to your prospect.
13. Make sure you do Kit Orientation for your prospect
14. You need Dream imagination and determination to succeed in the business.
15. Share the opportunity always.
16. Don’t ever relent your effort persevere, be consistent.
17. Be ready for a lot of challenges, like the product area not working, the product
are to expensive, people are not buying the product, how would I get to
register, how would I sell the product, my prospect are not working, people
are not responding, I don’t know people, I can not talk, I hate no for an
answer, I don’t have money for registration, I don’t have money t do my 100
PV, I am shy, I am not vocal.

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