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I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: A. Identify the sound of ed endings in the past form of regular verbs in the selection. B. Write and complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in the past. C. Comprehend and pronounce verbs in ed endings correctly.

II. Subject Matter: Talking about Actions and Events in the past Using the Past Tense Reference: Textbook, New Horizons in Learning English I,pp. 91. Materials: chalkboard, chalk, visual aids, book Strategy: group learning, choral reading

III. Procedure A. Preliminary Activities 1. Opening Prayer 2. Checking of Attendance 3. Review the Lessons about Verbs

B. Motivation

Class, what did you do last Saturday? Did you help your mother and your father in the house chores? Tell me something about the other day? Tacher appreciates and praises the good ideas of the students and relate their ideas to the selection. This morning, let us read a selection and find out what kind of child is Oye and his family. Alright?

C. Lesson Proper The teacher reads the selection aloud with correct pronunciation of words. The teacher first and then next to read are the students exactly what the teacher utter. Reads the entry in the diary of Oye Franco: On a Saturday last week, the whole family was up early. It was a house cleaning day. Great! No, I would rather think about it as a family day. After an early breakfast, we started the general cleaning. Ellen and Mike scrubbed the floor, applied floor wax on it, dusted all the furniture and arranged the books on the shelves. Nina and Danny decorated the sala and changed the curtains. Jean and Gail emptied the garbage containers. Tatay cleaned the canal and fixed the broken fence. Nanay burned the dry leaves and twigs. She also watered the plants. I washed the dirty clothes and Tatay cooked a savory supper for his tired and hungry family. Yes, Tatay does the cooking on Saturdays. I love Saturdays.

D. Guide Questions 1. Did you like the selection, class? 2. Why was the Franco Family up early last Saturday? 3. What did Ellen and Mike do? Nina and Danny? Jean and Gail? Oye? Nanay? Tatay? 4. What do you think of Oyes Family? Group the students into three. Let each group has a representative to write the answers on the board. They should help each other. Instruction: Ask the students to pick up the verbs in the past ending in ed which pronounce as /d/, /t/, /Id/ inthat are in the past tense and let them write on the board. Students write: /d/ scrubbed applied cleaned burned watered arranged fixed cooked washed /t/ started dusted decorated emptied /Id/

Read the verbs aloud. Let the students utter how the teacher reads the verbs they have written on the board and let them make a sentence out of those words. E. Generalization Pronounce ed as /d/ with verbs that end with vowel sounds with voiced consonants except /d/- /b/,/g/,/y/,/dz/,/l/,/m/,/n/,/r/,/v/,/z/. Pronounce ed as /t/ with verbs that end with voiceless consonants except /t/ /p/,/k/,/f/,/s/,/ch/,/sh/. Pronounce ed as /Id/ with words that end with /t/ or /d/.

IV. Evaluation

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the given verb. The time frame is yesterday.

rain be play wade walk dismiss hurry leave lose bring

1. It__________ hard yesterday. 2. The streets __________flooded. 3. Some children _____________in the rain. 4. They_____________in the water. 5. Many students_____________home from school. 6. The teacher__________the class early. 7. The students__________home. 8. One student___________her bag in class. 9. My friend____________her story book. 10. The typhoon really__________problems.

V. Agreement Read in advance about the story/play, I Shall Have Other Birthdays by Ceferino S. Joven,pp. 99.

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