DLLs For Kernel Problem

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I have a Dell laptop with XP professional and when I tried to start it yesterday I got a black screen and the error: "Load needed DLLs for kernel". Tried to find some solutions online and found this: <Lately I read a lot of people are having this error which stops your system from booting. This is a very awful error which is solved by Microsoft with the solution to do a in-place install from Windows XP. This is a lot of work and I have a much safer and fast solution. Boot your system from the Windows XP Cdrom and choose to repair your system which will put you in the "Recovery Console" mode. Now make the following steps: CHKDSK (which will fix the error(s) on your disk) BOOTCFG /rebuild (you will rebuild your boot configuration now, just give enters when it asked extra info). FIXBOOT (to fix your current bootsector) FIXMBR (to fix your current master boot record). EXIT (leaves the recovery console and reboots your system). All should be fine now, however sometimes it is possible that you have to choose which operating system needs to be booted every time you switch on your system. This can be easily solved when you are in Windows XP: Go to START > right mouse button on MY COMPUTER > click PROPERTIES > click ADVANCED tab > in startup & recovery click SETTINGS > choose your default operating system which is Windows XP > uncheck TIME TO DISPLAY LIST OF OPERATING SYSTEMS > click OK > click OK again. This is all, your system will boot normally again. I can not understand that Microsoft couldn't figure out this easy solution instead of a in-place install from XP.>

NTOSKRNL.EXE SOLUTION 1. Insert the Microsoft Windows XP CD. Note: If you have a recovery CD or a restore CD and not a Microsoft Windows XP CD it is likely the below steps will not resolve your issue. 2. Reboot the computer, as the computer is starting you should see a message to press any key to boot from the CD. When you see this message press any key. 3. In the Microsoft Windows XP setup menu press the R key to enter the recovery console. 4. Select the operating system you wish to fix, and then enter the administrator password. 5. Type expand d:\i386\ntoskrnl.ex_ c:\windows\system32 6. You will then be prompted if you wish to overwrite the file type Y and press enter to overwrite the file. 7. Type exit to reboot the computer. BOOT.INI SOLUTION Option 1:

Boot from your CD and follow the directions to start Recovery Console. Then: Attrib -H -R -S C:\Boot.ini DEL C:\Boot.ini (you might want to rename it instead to something like bootini.old) BootCfg /Rebuild Fixboot Option 2: Boot from your CD and follow the directions below to start Recovery Console. Insert the Setup compact disc (CD) and restart the computer. If prompted, select any options required to boot from the CD. When the text-based part of Setup begins, follow the prompts; choose the repair or recover option by pressing R. If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot system, choose the installation that you need to access from the Recovery Console. When prompted, type the Administrator password. (if you didn't create one try pressing enter). At the system prompt, type Recovery Console commands; type help for a list of commands, or help commandname for help on a specific command. Most likely you will need to expand the file from the CD. The command would be expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hal.dll. Substitute d: for the drive letter of your CD. Once you have expanded the file type "exit" to exit the Recovery Console and restart the computer.

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