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Test Plan & Test Cases in Matlab

Wifi 11ac PHY

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Table of Contents 1.OBJECTIVE................................................................................................................................................5 3.MATLAB MODULE TESTING................................................................................................................5 5.TEST CASES FOR MATLAB CODE.......................................................................................................7

Table of Figure

The purpose of the document is to provide the test plan for validation of matlab modules upon certain performance criteria and also provide test cases.

The scope of the document is limited to providing a test plan only for the transmitter and receiver chain matlab modules.

3.Matlab Module Testing

The individual modules created in matlab are tested based on the design specification of the system.If the matlab has an inbuilt command for the required function,then the user implemented function for the same module can be tested by comparing the inbuilt matlab function outputs with that of user defined matlab

module. Each matlab function will be having certain inputs and outputs.A matlab module is run by invoking the matlab in Linux server using "matlab -nojvm " command. And to run the matlab script the module name has to be entered without any extension. Matlab will show errors if any, otherwise it will display the output of the module which will validate the functionality of that module. For checking the functionality of the individual module,there is a facility in matlab ie:keyboard. "keyboard ", when placed in a program .m file, stops execution of the file and gives control to the keyboard. The special status is indicated by a K appearing before the prompt. Another matlab function "dbstep" executes the next executable line of the current file. dbstep steps over the current line, skipping any breakpoints set in functions called by that line."dbquit" terminates the debugging mode.

Design requirement specification values or Inbuilt matlab function output

Compare design specification and matlab output values

Implemented matlab module output

3.Testing the Transmit-Receive Chain

Each module in matlab is written as explained in the above section and tested using the design specifications/expected results. After this initial functionality testing, the modules in transmitter and receiver are integrated . The main matlab running script is named as "test_loop.m". All transmitter,channel and receiver modules will be called by the to run the entire tx-rx chain ,we need to run the test_loop.m file only.These simulations need to performed by giving the random data input as 1's and 0's using different packet seed random numbers. These seed numbers are stored in packet_seeds.dat file. The performance benchmarking of the matlab code is done by generating PER (Packet Error Rate) curves for different MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) at various SNR values and for various frame formats. The SNR values at 10% PER in matlab are to be compared with any reference or text book results to validate the performance of matlab transmit-receive chain.

Packet seed random numbers

Tx-Rx full chain

SNR vs PER curves

Compare the SNR values at 10%PER Expected/reference results

5.Test Cases for Matlab Code

The objective of the document is to provide various test cases for the matlab code.

Test Cases for Individual Modules

Test cases for each module varies from one case to another. The individual modules have to be tested for all possible cases.

Test Cases for Integrated matlab Transmit Receive Chain

There are many test cases for the integrated matlab transmit receive chain. The following table shows the various configurable parameters. The parameters are passed using sim_params_11ac.m file for testing. Parameter PPDU Format Channel Bandwidth(CB) Channel Offset (Ch_off) Number of Transmit Streams(N_TX) Number of Receive Antennas(N_RX) Channel Model Type Noise Figure Possible values NON_HT, HT_MM, HT_GF, VHT 20Mhz & 40Mhz CH_OFF_20, CH_OFF_20U(Upper),CH_OFF_20L(Lower) & CH_OFF_40 options for NON_HT, HT_MM and HT_GF modes Single stream and Two streams One or Two Antennas There are 6 different channel models given by TG- ac group (A,R,C,D,E,F) Noise Figure is parameterized (default value =7)

Path Loss MCS Guard Interval STBC Pre Emphasis Filter

From Path loss SNR at the receiver is computed (in dB) 0 to 15 GI (4us) & Short GI (3.6) us (0 or 1) For NSS=1, NSTS=2 when STBC is applied (On or Off) Pre Emphasis Filter is applied to improve the performance (On or Off)

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