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EXERCISES 3ESO 1) Choose the correct verbal tense and use the verbs in brackets: Angela _____________ (type)

) on her computer now. _________ you __________ (find) your keys last night Mark usually ___________ (wash) his hair at weekends. __________ you often ________ (go) to work on foot? Tom__________ (wait) at the bus stop but when he ___________ (look) at a poster, the bus ____________ (pass) and he ____________ (not/see) it. Im sure it ___________ (rain). Everything is planned. Richard ____________ (stay) at an expensive hotel. He_____________ (not/want) to sleep with his sister. David, I promise I ___________ never ___________ (lie) to you. I wish I___________ (be) taller. If he _____________ (be) a doctor, I __________ never___________ (visit) him. I wish they______________ (not/get divorced). They seemed very happy They _______________ (look after) their brother if their parents go out tonight.

2) Present Perfect or Past Simple? How long ___________ they__________ (live) in that place? When ___________ she____________ (arrive) to London? Ellen _____________ (study) French since she went to school. ____________ Rob ever _________ (be) to Italy? They______________ (not/see) each other for a long time. Yesterday when they ____________ (finish), they ____________ (leave) and ___________ (close) the door.

3) Yet, just, already, still. I havent visited my new cousin __________. Have you cooked the meal _________? They _________ havent arrived. Chinese people have __________ invented nearly everything. Paul has ____________ cleaned his car. It looks new. Have they____________ bought the flat or did they buy it a long time ago.

4) FOR/SINCE: __________ a long time. __________ our last party. __________ two years. __________ a day. __________last January. __________ ages. __________ many years. __________ October. __________ 2001. __________ they were young.

5) Choose from the following adjectives and change them into adverbs if necessary.
Careful bad terrible

Lisa is a very ___________ driver. She drives slowly. The elephants walked ____________ slowly. Too slow for me. Tom works ___________ because he wants good marks. They speak English ____________. They need to practice. People walk __________ on the street, talking on their phones, running to work, etc. This train travels ____________. It takes only half an hour to get there.

6) Make questions for the underlined answers. 1. She visits him twice a month.

2. Sofia bought the magazine last Saturday.

3. Maria and Sara have sent an email to their friends.

4. My uncle studies French.

5. Mercedes ate toasts for breakfast.

6. The baby was crying because he was hungry.

7. Bea is living in New York.

8. She will arrive at 6.30pm.

9. They were at the school.

10. They go to the gym

7) Correct the errors. Do you like cook dinner at the weekends?

They didnt told her our secret.

Does she plays football on Saturdays?

She not have to get up early.

The film was really interested. I enjoyed it very much.

I havent see Pedro for three weeks.

You should go more faster.

My father usually takes the bus yes the weather is good.


We was ride a horse last weekend.

He should to read a novel everyday.

What Tom bought?

There werent some trees in the garden.

I going to make the bed.

8) SO/SUCH: The water was so cold: The biscuits were so tasty: ... There were such brave firemen: . It will be such an intelligent boy: .

9) Complete the sentences with who, which, where or whose. Which sentences dont need a relative pronoun? Luke is a man _______ doesnt often get angry. Ive just seen the film ________ you told me about. I dont believe the stories ________ my brother tells. Id like to live in a place ________ it never rains. Shes the girl ________ father was on TV last night. Wheres the CD ________ we were listening to? Im going to invite the people ________ I like.

Heres somebody ________ wants to speak to you. They are the boys ______ I met at the youth club. This is the house _______ my grandmother lives.

10) CAUSATIVE: She (Her house/ paint) yesterday. I .. (my car/ wash) tomorrow at 6. You ... (your hair/ cut) few minutes ago. He .... (his teeth/ check). I ... (the books/ read) in 4 months.

11) Finish these sentences with the correct form of the CONDITIONALS: 1. If I were rich .. 2. If you freeze water .. 3. I would go to the school . 4. You will pass your exams .. 5. If you hadnt been late for work so often .

12) QUESTIONS TAGS and SHORT ANSWERS: Sue went to Murcia last year, ? Yes, You wont tell her, ? No, . There were a lot of cars here, .? No, It has been a pleasure, ..? Yes, ..


The boy is too clever. (ENOUGH): The book is not interesting enough. (TOO): The girl was too shy (ENOUGH). ..

14)Translate into English the following sentences: Mi hermana sola ir al parque cuando tena 3 aos pero ahora suele jugar al tenis los Martes.

Ella no tiene que lavar los platos.

Quin gan el partido de ftbol?

El acaba de comprar el peridico en aquella tienda.

Alguna vez has enviado un poema de amor?

Ha terminado ella sus deberes ya?

Si ganara un premio en la lotera, dejara mi trabajo.

Si te hubiera preguntado (l), habras aceptado?

Ojal pudiese beber un poco de agua.

Quin les cont el secreto?

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