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In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful and Most compassionate.


Usually Acknowledgement is a very formal portion, but in our view it is the only way of express our gratitude. Our gratitude can never be formal rather it is the feeling that comes form the core of the heart. So for us this is not merely an acknowledgment but it means a lot. Pen in hand, we paused to think which words would do justice to express our thanks to Almighty Allah who endowed us with bounding potentialities and wisdom to unearth the secrets of this vast universe. we feel handicap while searching for the words to express our gratitude too the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallalla-Alaihe-Wassallam) the city of knowledge that made mankind get out of the depth of darkness and become enlightened. We wish to express our sincere indebted to Miss Samar Masood, for inspiring guidance and consistent encouragement throughout the project. She spared time form her venture to guide us. We must take this opportunity to a appreciate efforts and cooperation of our fellow students and friends. We are thankful to all of them for their help whenever needed. Group 3

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Content name Business name/ organization name/logo Mission, vision goal and objective Core business/product/services organograms Strategic HRM planning process Job descriptions Job Ads Selection criteria Interview questions Employee orientation Entitlements Pay scales Performance Appraisals Training program Development criteria

Page 3 5 8 9 11 13 15 17 18 19 22 21 25 29 28

Our vision:
PepsiCos responsibility is to continually improve all aspect of the world in which we operate environment social, economic-creating a better tomorrow than today. Our vision is put in to action through program and a focus on environment Stewardship, activities to benefit society and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company.

Our Mission:
We have absolute clarity about what we do; we sell high quality FOOD AND BEVERAGE products. Our success will ensure customers will build their business, employees built their futures and share holders built their wealth.

Our goal is to have the least possible impact on the environment, and so far we have been very successful. A goal of Pepsi is to achieve a diverse workforce. Pepsi knows that understanding different cultures is a major advantage. They view diversity as a key to their future. They see that offering a workplace where diversity is valued helps they build the top-quality workforce so crucial to their success by enabling them to attract and retain great people from a wide spectrum of backgrounds. 6

To maintain market leadership and to increase market sales, Pepsi Cola is in Pakistan as compared to its competitors according to company we have to place our position or top whenever we make policies leaders keep in mind that me are number one in current market position.

Core Business:
Our core business is to provide high quality drinks to our customers.

Core products and services:

Pepsis core products are Pepsi, seven-up, Mountain Dew, Miranda.

For 1st year

CEO Production Manager Supervisor Accountant and Cashier 1chamicalist

Watchman+ peon

Sales & Marketing Manager

Finance Manager

Assistant M&S Manager

2 Office Boys



For 5th year

Managing Director Sales Head Executive MD HOD R&D Finance manager

Production Head

HR Head
HR Manager

Marketing Manager

Production manager


R&D team

Executive FM

Executive S&M


Assistant PR

HR Executive

Office Boy


Senior Accountant

Office boy


Assistant HRE

Junior accountant

Mechanical engineer

Office Boy

Peon/ Guard


14 workers

Office boy


Strategic Direction:
To fire Marketing Manager

HRM System:
Not efficiently market the product Not up skill Not meet rules and regulations Not bring innovations Bad performance feedback Does not meet 4Ps No technological changes

Planning the total workforce: Job descriptions not properly defined and updated. Job specifications not properly match

Generating and required human resources: Negative performance feedback Prior notice Compensated (retirement benefits after job)


Investing the HR Development & Performance: Performance feedback Existing benefit/selling Retirement benefits New hire cost

Assessing and sustaining organizational competence & performance: Defined rules for hiring Proper evaluation(performance system)


For Marketing Manager

Company: Title of Position: Purpose: financial resources Report to: Department Date when JD was written: Job Summary: The management of cash inflows and outflows skills is strongly required for this job. And manager has to know about handling any fraud or risk cases. Job Responsibilities: To control over financial cases of organization. Make sure that cash receipts and cash imbursements are receive and pay on time. Answerable to Head of Finance Department. Control over employees working under Managers position. Check and Balance the balance sheets of organization. Job Specifications: Education: Experience: Skills: Pepsi cola International Finance Manager Management of Head of Finance 29th April, 2010

MBA (Finance) or ACCA 5 Years Good leadership skills, Well known about Management of risk and fraud cases.

For Assistant Production Manager


Company: Title of Position: Production Manager Purpose: processing of product Report to: Date when JD was written:

Pepsi cola International Assistant of Management of Production Manager 29th April, 2010

Job Summary: The requirements of quality management skills and good communication skills are very strong in this job. Job Responsibilities: To managing processing, from raw material to finished product. To control drink treatment plant operation and supervise up-keeping of plant. To ensure quality of finished products. To ensure working regarding workers and staff management. Answerable to Production Manager. Control over labor and give necessary instructions and way of working to supervisor. Identify labor needs and satisfy them. Job specifications: Education: Science (chemistry) Experience: Skills: Communication skills Bachelors of 2 Years Excellent

For Security Guard

Company: Title of Position: Purpose: and organization Report to: Date when JD was written: Pepsi cola International Security Guard To secure employees Managing Director 29th April, 2010


Job Responsibilities: To check each and every stranger who comes into Organization. Make sure that no one enters into Organization with weapons or illegal goods. Check identity of each person who enters into Organization. Report to M.D in any un-expected situation. To ensure that the surroundings of Organization are clear and secure. Job Specifications: Education: Experience: Skills: mind Metric 10 Years presence of Ability to control over un-expected situation. Ability to operate basic weapons like gun, pistols etc

For Finance Manager

To go further in your career, aim higher! Come to us if you are MBA (finance). With 5 years experience! Contact us:


For Assistant Production Manager

Take the challenges, make the changes. Pepsi cola is looking for Assistant Production Manager with the degree of Bachelors of Science. If you want to make your life challenging then contact us on: or 041-2345678-65 For Security Guard


Wanted: A security guard of Metric with excellent Marshal Art, and boxing skills! Contact us on: or 041-2345678-65

Top level (Finance Manager)

Selection criteria Methods

Qualification: MBA (Finance) or ACCA Skills: Command on computer Sharp & present mind ness Excellent ability to handle cases of risk & fraud

*Unstructur ed interviews *Intelligenc e test *Reference checking *Prior experience *General personality test


Middle level (Supervisor)

Selection criteria


Qualification: Bachelor of Science/Arts Diploma of computer education. Skills: Marvelous communication skills, Good leadership skills

*Structured interviews *Reference checking *Prior experience *occupation al interest rating. *Probationa ry period


Lower level (Security Guard)

Selection criteria Methods

Qualification: Metric Skills: Good observation Other skills relevant to security. Like operate gun etc

*Structured interview *Reference checking *Prior experience *previous record checking

life?? Why you want to get this job? In which firm, you were doing your job? And why did you leave that job??

(Finance Manager) Mixture of structure and unstructured What are your interests towards your professional


Have you believe on technological innovations? What do you want to change according your specialization and job? Have you ever had difficulty getting others to accept your ideas? What was your approach? What challenges did you meet in your previous job? What are your rules towards your life/personality? Why should we hire you? Give us an example of handle a fraud case in your department? How did you know about it and how did you handle it?? What you think job is just a way of earning? Why did you want to get job in this company? Have you seen our website? What you think about this organization? Is there need of more innovations? What type of? Define yourself in a single line? Where are you lived? What about your family? What are you expecting from this job? If you got it? What are your salary requirements?

(For three days) Supervisors orientation in Pepsi

First day:
Timings 9:009:45 Orientation Welcome from CEOorganizations mission, vision, goals and objectives Organizations core products & services, by Marketing & Sales Executive Morning Tea/coffee Competitors, opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of

9:45_10:30 10:30_11:00 11:00_12:00


organization, by Production Manager 12:00_01:30 01:30_02:00 02:00_03:30 Strategies of organization, like unique selling product, by Production Manager Lunch Tour of organization, washrooms, cafeteria and health & safety awareness. By Assistant HR Executive. Questions & Answers


Second Day:
Timings 9:0010:00 Orientation Brief Introduction of production department. Basic information about product, by supervisor Information of suppliers and distributors and their contact numbers. By Production Manager. Morning Tea/coffee Visit of production unit, brief introduction about machinery and area of danger, by supervisor. Meet to workers team! To whom you have to control, by supervisor. Lunch Meet to production manager and production head to whom you have to report, by supervisor Questions & Answers


11:00_11:30 11:30_12:30

12:30_02:00 02:00_02:30 02:30_03:30


hird Day:


Timings 09:00 09:30 09:30_10:30 10:30_11:00 11:00_12:00 12:00_01:00 01:00_01:30 01:30_02:30

Orientation Visit of office/table. By supervisor

Sign to contract & code of ethics of organization, by HR Manager Morning Tea/coffee Tours of facilities, by HR Manager Salary and list of benefits & allowances, by HR Manager Lunch Details and methods of working, work samples of previous Assistant Production Manager, by Production Manager Meet to Production Manager and get job specifications & job descriptions and list of workers, by Production Manager Questions & Answers



(Perks, Allowances and benefits)

Job Titles CEO Managing Director

Levels 19 18

Salary Range 50,000-17000*-

90,000 45,000-15000*80,000

Executive Managing Director Sales & Marketing Head Production Head Head of Research & Development Department Senior Marketing & Sales Manager Finance Manager Production Manager HR Manager

17 16 16 16 15 15 15 15


Marketing & Sales Executive 13 Executive finance Manager HR Executive Research & Development Team Assistant Production Manager Assistant HR Manager Assistant Finance Manager Senior Accountant Supervisor Junior Accountant Workers Peon 13 13 11 9 9 9 7 7 5 3 1

70,000 35,000-10,000*65,000 35,000-10,000*65,000 35,000-10,000*65,000 30,000-8,000*60,000 30,000-8,000*60,000 30,000-8,000*60,000 30,000-8,000*60,000 25,000-7,000*50,000 25,000-7,000*50,000 25,000-7,000*50,000 20,000-5,000*40,000 15,000-4,000*35,000 15,000-4,000*35,000 15,000-4,000*35,000 12,000-3,000*25,000 12,000-3,000*25,000 10,000-2,000*20,000 7,000-1,000*-15,000 5,000-500*-10,000


Guard Office Boy

1 1

5,000-500*-10,000 5,000-500*-10,000



Medical insurance, unlimited Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Gratuity (30% of basic salary) Pension (45% of basic salary) Medical insurance, out patient (19,000 limit) Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Gratuity (25% of basic salary) Pension (40% of basic salary) Medical insurance, (Out patient,17,000 limit) Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Gratuity (20% of basic salary) Pension (35% of basic salary) Medical insurance, (Out patient, 16,000) Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Gratuity (15% of basic salary) Pension (30% of basic salary) Medical insurance, (Out patient, 15,000) Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Short Leave Pension (30% of basic salary) Medical insurance, (Out patient, 12,000) Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Training and Development Pension (30% of basic salary) Medical insurance, (Out patient, 10,000) Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Gratuity (15% of basic salary) Pension (25% of basic salary) Medical insurance, (Out patient, 8000) Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Training and Development Pension (20% of basic salary) Medical insurance, (Out patient, 8000) Annual leave 30 days per year Sick leave 6 days per year Training and Development Pension (15% of basic salary) 25 Medical insurance, (Out patient, 5000) Annual leave 30 days per year







Grade 19





Perks House facility (1 canal, fully furnished, maintenance) Honda Xli, (maintenance) Laptop Mobile (post paid 4000 per month) Lunch/Dinner Tour (free air tickets, 1 national/international per year) Honda Gli, (maintenance) Leisure activities on work time Mobile (post paid 3000 per month) Interest free loans for purchase of house Lunch/Dinner Suzuki Cultus, (maintenance) Mobile (post paid 2500 per month) Hotel stay (2 days and nights per year) Leisure activities on work time Lunch/Dinner Coure, (maintenance) Mobile (post paid 2000 per month) Hotel stay (2 days and nights per year) Lunch/Dinner Suzuki Mehran, (Maintenance) Mobile (post paid 2000 per month) Lunch/Dinner


Grad e 19 18 17 16 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1

Transport 20% 17% 15% 12% 10% 5% 2%

Utilities 70% 50% 40% 30% 20% 15% 10% 5%

Washing 15% 10% 5%


For Assistant Production Manager

Performance method: 360 Degree Method is used in performance Appraisal. 1-Measures and Standards: To managing processing, from raw material to finished product. To control drink treatment plant operation and supervise up-keeping of plant. To ensure quality of finished products. To ensure working regarding workers and staff management. Answerable to Production Manager. Control over labor and give necessary instructions and way of working to supervisor. Identify labor needs and satisfy them. 2-Communicate Expectations: Good verbal communication Good behavior with juniors and seniors. Report to Production Manager in time. 3-Plan:


360 Degree Method is selected because Assistant of Production Manager is the middle level job so feedback is necessary from both low and top levels. And as well as from customers about quality of product. 4-Monitor, Assist and Control:

From Assistant Production Manager:


From Supervisor

Does he solve the departments problems efficiently? What type of instructions/suggestions he gives to supervisor? Does he make check and balance on labor performance? Does he have technical knowledge about operating machinery? Does he report to Production Manager on time? Questions: What type of instructions/suggestions he gives to you? Is he interested in labor performance? How many times he visit the production unit in one day? What do you think about his behavior? What changes you suggest in existing Assistant of Production Manager?

External Customers

Questions: Are you satisfy or not from our quality of product? What do you think about packaging of product? Did you find innovations in our product? Any comment on products taste? Questions:

Production Manager



Does he report you on time? Tell us something about his attitude? Does he finish project efficiently or not? What deficiencies did you find in his work? Does he work with new and creative ideas or not? Does he take any action against unethical issues running out into the department? Questions What do you think about his behavior? Does he co-operate with you in any swear situation? Does he take action on labor complaints about any issue?

5-Appraise: We conclude from feedback and our own observation that, He fulfills all his duties in organization. He has good behavior with juniors and senior. He submits report on time. 6-Feedback: On the basis of pervious and present performance report and good feedback from each side, HOD and CEO of organization also shows the positive response.

7-Personal Decision: On the basis of report CEO and HOD of Production department decides to promote Assistant Manager to Production Manager and also make an increment in his pay according to pay scales.



(For supervisor B.Com)

Head of Production Department (5 years experience) ))

Production Manager (2 years experience)

Executive production Manager (3 years experience)

Assistant production manager MBA (marketing) 2 years Experience

Supervis or B.Com


To train assistance of production manager. To enhance his skill and abilities to promote him.

To enhance the product promotion strategy. Maintain the departments performance to fulfill all the need of the organization. To increase job satisfaction and morale among employee.

Improve communication skill. Adopt advance technology and method. Customer service. Risk management. Diversity.


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