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Atacama Humanoid: Name, Sex, & Age Released

Submitted by Xavier Ortega on April 18, 2013 8:51 AMNo Comment | 4,155 views

Is it me or is this whole Atacama Alien thing getting a bit too uncomfortable? The Sirius documentary team has stepped up their marketing research and have released new information about Ata, the Atacama alien. Dr. Steven Greer and the Sirius team recently declared that the tiny fossilized creature found in Chiles Atacama desert was some kind of humanoid alien. This week, the team has stepped it up a notch and went a bit further by releasing the things name, sex, and even age. Ata is said to be a male between the ages of six and eight years of age.

Ata The Atacama Humanoid. (Credit: S.T.A.R. Research) The Sirius team is calling the creature Ata, and claim that their analysis has revealed that the mysterious humanoid is male and survived 6 to 8 years, post-birth. Their findings are the result of bone density and epiphyseal plate studies. They had previously disclosed that their DNA sequencing studies have determined the creature to be a humanoid of unknown origin. The analysis has been conducted by a top research scientist at a prestigious American university. However, they are not releasing the name of the university or the researcher for security purposes. They do say they will announce this information, along with the DNA analysis, on or before the premiere of the film on April 22.

The team does not give any explanation as to what security concerns they are afraid of, or why these concerns will be resolved within the next few days. However, this isnt the first time the filmmakers have noted their concerns with safety. In the movies summary, they write that UFO researcher, Dr. Steven Greer, feels the pressure of an imminent assassination attempt. source: Thats a bold move for the Sirius team. Theyve been revving up their findings as the films premier looms closer, but at what cost? The Atacama alien was found in 2003 and since then has been debunked by several websites and researchers are pure bunk: The current owner of the Atacama Humanoid is Barcelona entrepreneur Ramon Navia-Osorio, who heads up a UFO organization, the Institute for Exobiological Investigation and Study (IIEE). Navia-Osorio recently wrote a lengthy report, The Anthropomorphic Being From Atacama, that was posted by Julio Gonzalez in the Argentina news website, Realidad OVNI (UFO Reality). Navia-Osorios account includes steps he took to have the creature analyzed and how he got differing opinions about its identity. One study conducted by three doctors concluded that, whatever the creature turns out to be, they didnt think it was a hoax.

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