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Fluid machines —Introduction

A fluid machine is a device which convert the energy stored by a fluid into mechanical
energy or vice versa. The energy stored by a fluid mass appears in the form of potential,
kinetic and intermolecular energy. The mechanical energy, on the other hand, is usually
transmitted by rotating shaft. Machines using liquid (mainly water, for almost all
practical purpose) are termed as hydraulic machines. In this chapter we shall discuss, in
general, the basic fluid mechanical principle governing the energy transfer in a fluid
machine and also a brief description of different kinds of hydraulic machines along with
their performance.


Water Hydraulic Turbine

Steam Steam Turbine
Froen Vapour Turbine
Gas or air Gas Turbine
Wind Wind Mills

Similarly, fluid machines which convert shaft power to fluid power by raising the energy
content per unit mass of the fluid are classified as follows:

Fluid Types of Machine

Water and Other liquids Pumps
Air and Other Gases Fans and Propellers
(with slight pressure rise)
A and Other Gases Blowers and Compressors
(with higher pressure rise)


The turbines in general are classified in two ways:

• According to the direction of flow of water through the runner

• According to the action of water on the runner blades.
In order to classify machines according to the direction of flow of water through the
runner, three mutually perpendicular directions for flow of water are chosen


The path of water particles is wholly or mainly in the plane of rotation. i.e., the water
enters the runner at the outer periphery, flows inwards in the radial direction and leaves at
a different radius as shown in figure 4.1(b).
The water mainly flows through the runner in a direction parallel to the axis of rotation as
shown in figure 4


The flow in the runner may not be merely in one direction.

turbines, water enters radially inwards and emerges out axially so that parallel to
the axis of the shaft as shown in figure 4.1(d).

In mixed flow the discharge in According to the action of water on moving blades,
the turbine way be placed in one of the two general categories: i Impulse ii Reaction.
In a hydroelectric power scheme, water in a very large quantity is stored in a high
level reservoir. In an impulse turbine, the water is brought to the turbine entrance
through penstock pipes ending in one or more fixed nozzles. The entire pressure
energy of water is converted into the kinetic energy of an unconfined jet. The jet of
fluid then strikes the blades of the runner and loses practically all of its kinetic
energy, i.e., the velocity of water at the exit of the runner is just sufficient to enable
it to move out the runner. The static pressure of water at the entrance to the runner
is equal to the static pressure at exit and the rotation of the wheel is caused purely
due to the tangential force created by the impact of the jet, and hence an impulse
turbine. The most common impulse turbine is called Pelton turbine.

Tangential flow machine

The water strikes the blades or buckets of the runner in a direction tangential to the
path of rotation. The tangential direction is perpendicular to both axial and radial
directions as shown in figure 4.1(c).

• A machine wherein rotary motion is obtained by centrifugal forces which result

from a change in the direction of high velocity fluid jet that issues from a nozzle.
A hydraulic turbine uses the potential and kinetic energy of water and convert it into
usable mechanical energy. The fluid energy is available in the natural or artificial high
level water reservoirs which are created by constructing dams at appropriate places in the
flow path of rivers. When water from the reservoir is taken to the turbine, transfer of
energy takes place in the blade passages of the unit. The mechanical energy made
available at the turbine shaft is used to run an electric generator which is directly coupled
to the turbine shaft.
The power generated by utilizing the potential and kinetic energy of water has the
advantages of
• High efficiency
• Operational flexibility
• Low wear and tear
• Ease maintenance.
Despite the heavy capital cost involved in constructing dams and reservoirs, in running
pipelines and in turbine installation (when compared to an equivalent thermal power
plant) different countries have tried to tap all their water power resources. Appropriate
types of water turbines have been installed for most efficient utilization.


In the Euler equation for work done or energy transfer, in case of a series of radial
curved vanes was derived as,
Work done per unit mass per second = Vwiui ± Vwo uo
or Energy transfer, E/unit mass/s = Vwiui ± Vwo uo

• This is the fundamental equation of hydraulic machines, i.e., turbines and

pumps and is known as Euler’ s equation. The equation expresses the energy
conversion in a runner (wheel of a turbine) or an impeller (wheel of a pump).
• The equation in its present form indicates the energy transfer to the wheel by
the fluid, which gives motion to the wheel. This is the principle of motion of
the turbines.
• Negative value of E indicates the energy transfer by the wheel to the fluid,
which can be used to raise the pressure energy of the fluid, or the fluid can be
raised to higher altitudes. This principle applies to centrifugal pumps.
From inlet velocity triangle, -
Vi = Absolute velocity of the jet at the inlet
ui = Velocity of the vane at the inlet
Vri = Relative velocity of the jet at the inlet
t = Angle of the absolute velocity at the inlet with the direction of motion of the
= Nozzle angle (also known as guide vane angle)
i = Angle of the relative velocity with the direction of motion of the vane
Vwi = Vane angle at the inlet.
Vfi = Component of the absolute velocity in x-direction
Vrwi = Velocity of whirl at the inlet

V = Component of the absolute velocity in y-direction

V = Component of the relative velocity in x —direction Outlet Velocity Triangle,
Let Vo = Absolute velocity of the jet at the outlet
uo = Velocity of the vane at the outlet
Vro = Relative velocity of the jet at the outlet

o = Angle of the absolute velocity at the outlet with the direction of the vane
o = Angle of the relative velocity with the direction of motion of the vane
= Vane angle at the outlet
Vwo = Component of the absolute velocity in x-direction
Vfo = Velocity of whirl at the outlet
Vrwo = Component of the absolute velocity in y-direction

The equation is valid when direction of Vrwo is opposite to the direction of u.

The equation shows that the energy transfer E in a fluid machine is the sum of,

• Difference is squares of absolute fluid velocities

• Difference in squares of peripheral rotor velocities
• Difference in squares of relative fluid velocities.

the first term represents the change in kinetic energy of the fluid. the second term
represents the effect of centrifugal head and represents the pressure change from
The third term represents the pressure change due to the change in relative kinetic
energy. Second and third terms constitute static pressure effects.
Flow in the fluid machines can be tangential (tangent to the wheel, radial, axial
(Parallel to the shaft) or mixed (radial and axial).

• In a radial or mixed flow machine, all the three terms are effective as there is
change in absolute and relative velocities of the fluid as well as in the
peripheral velocity of the rotor.
• In an axial — flow machine, the second term is not involved as the fluid
remains at the same radial distance during its travel through the machine so
that a = u ; only first and third terms are effective.

In case of tangential flow machines also, the second term is ineffective because the
fluid enters and leaves at the same radial distance so that ui = uo. But usually,
tangential flow machines are impulse type of machines that work under constant
pressure (atmospheric). Neglecting the effect of elevation and friction, there is no
change in the relative velocities by the application of Bernoulli’ s equation. Thus the
third term also vanishes and the energy transfer is only due to the change in the
kinetic energy of the fluid.


The hydraulic turbine is a prime mover that uses the energy of flowing water and
converts is into the mechanical energy in the form of rotation of the runner. (A
prime mover is a machine which uses the raw energy of a substance and converts it
into the mechanical energy.) Since the fluid medium is water, these turbines are also
known as the ‘ water turbines’ . Hydraulic turbines coupled with hydro —
generators form the so —called ‘ hydrounits’ which are widely used now a days for
generating electrical power.


Hydraulic turbines may be classified in the following ways:

i) According to the type of energy at inlet.
a) Impulse turbine b) Reaction turbine.
ii) According to the direction of flow through runners.
a) Tangential flow b) Radial flow c) Axial flow d) Mixed flow turbines.
iii) According to the head and quantity of water
a) High head turbines —which work under high heads (above 250m) but with less
quantity of water.
Example: Pelton wheel
b) Medium head turbines —work under medium heads (60m to 25m) —they
require relatively large quantity of water.
Example: Francis turbines
c) Low head turbines —work under heads less than 60m —they require a very la
quantity of water.
Example: Kaplan turbine
iv) According to position of shaft
a) Horizontal turbines —These turbines have horizontal shafts.
Example: Pelton wheel
b) Vertical turbines —These turbines have vertical shafts.
Example: Francis and Kaplan turbines.
Pelton turbine

Among different types of impulse turbines, Pelton wheel is the only turbine being
used at present. It was discovered in 1880 by an American Engineer Lester
A. Pelton. It operates under very high heads (upto 1800 m) and requires
comparatively lesser quantity of water.

Working principle of Pelton turbines

Diagram to indicate Pelton wheel working

From the head race in the mountains water is conveyed to the turbines installed in
the power house through the penstocks. The lower end of the penstock is joined with
a nozzle in the turbine casing. Water is delivered by the nozzle at a high velocity on
the buckets. These buckets are mounted on the periphery of a circular wheel (also
known as runner) which is generally mounted on a horizontal shaft. The quantity of
water coming out of the nozzle or nozzles can be controlled by regulators (governing
arrangement) in case of big installations and by hand wheels in case of small
The impact of water on the buckets causes the runner to rotate, thus develops
mechanical energy. After doing work on the buckets water is discharged in the tail
race. Being impulse turbine it must run at atmospheric pressure and therefore,
these are located above the tail race. The buckets are so shaped that water enters
tangentially in the middle and discharges backward and flows again tangentially in
both the direction to avoid thrust on the wheel (as shown in the line sketch).
Actually the jet is deflected by 1600. To produce electric energy these are coupled
with the electric generators.

The Francis turbine is mixed flow reaction turbine. This turbine is used for medium
heads with medium discharge. Water enters the runner and flows towards the
centre of wheel in the radial direction and leaves parallel to the axis of the turbine.

Description of main parts

Francis turbine consists mainly of the following parts
a) Spiral or scroll casing b) Guide mechanism
c) Runner and turbine main shaft d) Draft tube

Spiral casing of scroll casing

The casing of the francis turbine is designed in a spiral form with a gradually
increasing area. The advantages of this design are
i) Smooth and even distribution of water around the runner.
ii) Loss of head due to the formation of eddies is avoided.
iii) Efficiency of flow of water to the turbine is increased.

In big units stay vanes are provided which direct the water to the guide vanes. The
casing is also provided with inspection holes and pressure gauge connection.

The selection of material for the casing depends upon the head of water to be
For a head — upto 30 metres —concrete is used.
For a head — from 30 to 60 metres — welded rolled steel plates are used.
For a head of above 90 metres . — cast steel is used.

The guide vanes or wicket gates are fixed between two rings. This arrangement is in
the form of a wheel and called guide wheel. Each vane can be rotated about its pivot
centre. The opening between the vanes can be increased or decreased by adjusting
the guide wheel. The guide wheel is adjusted by the regulating shaft which is
operated by a governor. The guide mechanism provides the required quantity of
water to the runner depending upon the load conditions. The guide vanes are in
general made of cast steel.


The flow in the runner of a modern Francis turbine is partly radial and partly axial.
The runners may be classified as
i) Slow ii) Medium iii) Fast
The runner may be cast in one piece or made of separate steel plates welded
together. The runner made of CI for small output, cast steel or stainless steel or
bronze for large output. The runner blades should be carefully finished with high
degree of accuracy.
The runner may be keyed to the shaft which may be vertical or horizontal. The shaft
is made of steel and is forged it is provided with a collar for transmitting the axial
The water after doing work on the runner passes on to the tall race through a tube
called draft tube. It is made of riveted steel plate or pipe or a concrete tunnel. The
cross — section of the tube increases gradually towards the outlet. The draft tube
connects the runner exit to the tail race. This tube should be drowned
approximately 1 metre below the tail race water level.

Working principles of Francis turbine

The water is admitted to the runner through guide vanes or wicket gates. The
opening between the vanes can be adjusted to vary the quantity of water admitted to
the turbine. This is done to suit the load conditions.
The water enters the runner with a low velocity but with a considerable pressure. As
the water flows over the vanes the pressure head is gradually converted into velocity
head. This kinetic energy is utilised in rotating the wheel Thus the hydraulic energy
is converted into mechanical energy. The out going water enters the tail race after
passing through the draft tube. The draft tube enlarges gradually and the enlarged
end is submerged deeply in the tail race water. Due to this arrangement a suction
head is created at the exit of the runner.

It is an axial flow reaction turbine. This operates in an entirely closed conduit to

tailrace. Kaplan turbine is employed, where a large quantity of water is available.
It consists of spiral casing, guide mechanism and draft tube of Kaplan turbine
runner are similar to those of Francis turbine.


Kaplan turbine consist of the following parts

a) Spiral or scroll air tight casing b) Guide mechanism
c ) Runner and main shaft d) Draft tube e) Governor

In the Kaplan turbine the runner has 4 to 6 blades attached to the hub or boss. The
water enters the turbine in the axial direction. Since only a few blades are used the
contact surface with water and hence the frictional resistance is reduced. The blades
are made of stainless steel. The runner blades are so arranged that their angle of
inclination can be adjusted while running Hence the kaplan turbine is also called
variable pitch propeller turbine.
The whole mechanism is enclosed in a central boss, which is operated by the
governor through the action of servomotor. By this means, the blade angles are
automatically adjusted while running according to the power developed by the
turbine. In the Kaplan turbine both guide vane angle and runner blade angle may
be varied. This results in higher efficiency.


The water from the scroll casing flows over the guide vanes. It is then deflected
through 90° and enters the adjustable runner vanes. The water enters with
maximum potential energy and with little kinetic energy. It flows through the
:‘ lades in the axial direction. The force exerted on the vanes causes the shaft to
rotate. In this turbine only 3 to 6 blades are used and they are fixed at equidistance.
The runner is in the form of boss having a bigger diameter. As the blades of the
runner as well as guide blades can be adjusted during operation, the governing of
the turbine is easy. The water after doing work passes on to the tail race through a
draft tube. The specific speed of this turbine is between 300 to 1000 rpm.



Let V = Velocity of the jet

u = Velocity of the vane (cups) at the impact point
u = DN/ 60

where D = Diameter of the wheel corresponding to the impact point

= Pitch circle diameter.
At inlet the shape of the vane is such that the direction of motion of the jet and the
vane is the same.
i.e., = 0, = 0
Relative velocity at inlet Vr = V —u
Hydraulic efficiency
This is the ratio of the work done per second per
head at inlet to the turbine.

Energy head at inlet = V2/2g

Condition for maximum hydraulic efficiency
For a given jet velocity for efficiency to be maximum, word done should be
Work done per second per N of water

Hence for the condition of maximum hydraulic efficiency, the peripheral speed of
the turbine should reach one half the jet speed.

[ The speed of any water turbine is represented by N rpm. A turbine has speed,
known as specific speed and is represented by N
‘ Specific speed of a water turbine in the speed at which a geometrically similar
turbine would run if producing unit power (1 kW) and working under a net head of
1 m. Such a turbine would be an imaginary one and is called specific turbine.
Characteristic Curves of Hydraulic Turbines

Characteristic curves of a hydraulic turbine are the curves, with the help of which the
exact behavior and performance of the turbine under different working conditions, can be
known. These curves are plotted from the results of the tests performed on the turbine
under different working conditions.

The important parameters which are varied during a test on a turbine are :
1. Speed (W) 2.Head (H)
3. Discharge (Q) 4. Power (P)
5. Overall efficiency (ηo) and 6.Gate opening.

Out of the above six parameters, three parameters namely speed (N), Head (H) and
discharge (Q) are independent parameters.

Out of the three independent parameters (N, H, Q), one of the parameter is kept constant
(say H) and the variation of the other four parameters with respect to any one of the
remaining two independent variables (say N and Q) are plotted and various curves are
obtained. These curves are called characteristic curves.

The followings are the important characteristic curves of a turbine :

• Main Characteristic Curves or Constant Head Curve

• Operating Characteristic Curves or Constant Speed Curve.
• Muschel Curves or Constant Efficiency Curve.
• Main characteristic Curves or Constant Head Curves.

Main characteristic curves are obtained by maintaining a constant head and a constant
gate opening (G.O.) on the turbine. The speed of the turbine is varied by changing load
on the turbine. For each value of the speed, the corresponding values of the power (P) and
discharge (Q) are obtained. Then the overall efficiency (ηo) for each value of the speed is
calculated. From these readings the values of unit speed (Nu) unit power (Pu) and unit
discharge (Ou) are determined. Taking Nu as abscissa, the values of Qu, Pu, P and ηo are
plotted. By changing the gate opening, the values of Qu Pu and ηo and Nu are determined
and taking Ns as abscissa, the values of Qu, Pu and ηo are plotted. Fig. below shows the
main characteristic curves for a Pelton wheel and Fig. below shows the main
characteristic curves for reaction (Francis and Kaplan) turbines.
Operating Characteristic Curves or Constant Speed Curves

Operating characteristic curves are plotted when the speed on the turbine is constant: In
case of turbines, the head is generally constant. As mentioned in Art. 18.13, there are
three independent parameters namely N, H and Q. For operating characteristics N and H
are constant and hence the variation of power and efficiency with respect to discharge Q
are plottes. The power and efficiency curves will be slightly away from the origin on the
x-axis, as to overcome initial friction certain amount of discharge will be required Fig.
Below shows the variation of power and efficiency with respect to discharge.

Constant Efficiency Curves or Muschel Curves or Iso-Efficiency Curves

These curves are obtained from the speed vs. efficiency and speed vs. discharge curves
for different gate openings. For a given efficiency from the Nu vs. ηo curves, there are two
speeds. From the Nu vs. Qu curves, corresponding to two values of speeds there are two
values of discharge. Hence for a given efficiency there are two values of discharge.
Hence for a given efficiency there are two values of discharge for a particular gate
opening. The means for a given efficiency there are two values of speeds and two values
of the discharge for a given gate opening. If the efficiency is maximum there is only one
value. These two values of speed and two values of discharge corresponding to a
particular gate opening are plotted as shown in Fig. below. The procedure is repeated for
different gate opening and the curves Q vs. N are plotted. The points having the same
efficiencies as joined. The curves having same efficiency are called iso-efficiency curves.
These curves are helpful for determining the zone of constant efficiency and for
predicting the performance of the turbine at various efficiencies.

• A fluid machine is a device which convert the energy stored by a fluid into
mechanical energy or vice versa.
• In an impulse turbine, the water is brought to the turbine entrance through
penstock pipes ending in one or more fixed nozzles. The entire pressure
energy of water is converted into the kinetic energy of an unconfined jet.
• A machine wherein rotary motion is obtained by centrifugal forces which
result from a change in the direction of high velocity fluid jet that issues from
a nozzle.
• Gross head is defined as the difference between the head race level and the
tail race level when no water is flowing.
• The various energy (or .head) losses that may occur in a hydroelectric power
plant with reaction and impulse turbine units.
• The hydraulic efficiency of the turbine is the ratio of the power developed by
the runner to the net power supplied by the water at the entrance to the
• The volumetric efficiency is the ratio of the quantity of water actually
striking the runner and the quantity of water supplied to the turbine.
• Energy transfer due to the second and the third parts takes place in the rotor
and is known as reactionary part
• Degree of reaction of a rotating fluid machine is defined as the ratio of the
second and third terms to all the three terms.
• The hydraulic turbine is a prime mover that uses the energy of flowing water
and converts is into the mechanical energy in the form of rotation of the
• Specific speed or type characteristic is used to know the type of turbine such
as Pelton wheel with single or multi jet.


1. What do you mean by an impulse turbine?

2. Define degree of reaction.
3. How does an impulse turbine differ from a reaction turbine?
4. What is Euler equation of energy transfer in a fluid machine?
5. Why is Pelton wheel suitable for high heads only?
6. Draw a sketch of the double cup of a Pelton wheel and explain the characteristic
7. What are single and multi-jet Pelton wheels?
8. How is the number of buckets for a Pelton wheel selected?
9. What is the range of specific speed of a Pelton wheel?
10. When would you recommend two or more runners for a Pelton wheel turbine?
11. What do you mean by speed ratio of a Pelton wheel?
12. Explain hydraulic efficiency; mechanical efficiency and overall efficiency of a Pelton
wheel turbine.
13. Show that for the maximum efficiency the bucket speed of a Pelton wheel should be
equal to one half the jet speeds.
14. Show that the hydraulic efficiency of a Pelton wheel is given by


1 The overall efficiency of a double jet Pelton wheel is 86.5%. If the shaft power of the
turbine is 700 kW under a head of 40 meters, find the diameter of the nozzle. Take Cv = 1
2. The following results were obtained in a test on a Pelton wheel turbine:
Head at the base of the nozzle = 34.5 metres
Discharge of the nozzle = 0.20 m3
Area of the jet = 80 cm
Shaft power developed = 55.20 kW
Power absorbed in mechanical resistance and windage = 3.30 kW Find i) Power lost in
the nozzle and ii) Power lost in the runner

3. A Pelton wheel working under head of 52 metres develops a shaft power of 92 kW at a

speed of 250 rpm. If the overall efficiency is 82.5% and C = 0.98, find the jet diameter,
the diameter of the bucket circle, the size of the buckets and the number of buckets
required. Assume maximum efficiency condition that the peripheral velocity is 0.47 times
the velocity of the jet.

4. A single jet Pelton wheel is supplied from a reservoir whose water level is 250 metres
above the centre of the nozzle. The supply pipe is 600 mm, r diameter and 5 kilometers
long. The friction coefficient for the pipe is 0.0075. The jet has a diameter of 100 into,
coefficient of velocity for the nozzle is 0.97 . The velocity of the buckets is 0.47 of the jet
velocity. The outlet vane angle is 15°.

5. A Pelton wheel utilizes 0.90 m3 of water and works under a head of 55 metres with a
bucket speed of 18 metres per second. If the vane angle at outlet is 15° and Cv = 0.98,
find the power developed and the hydraulic efficiency.

6. A Pelton wheel develops 6070 kW under a net head of 320 metres at a speed of 600
rpm. The overall efficiency is 8 The ratio of the jet diameter to the mean bucket circle
diameter is 1 /1 0. Find the number of jets, their diameter, the diameter of the turbine and
the quantity of water supplied to the turbine. Take Cv= 0.97 and bucket speed = 0.47 jet

7. An inward flow reaction turbine running at 500 rpm has an external diameter of 700
mm and a width of 180 mm. If the guide vanes are at 20°c to the wheel tangent and the
absolute velocity of water at inlet is 25 metres per second, find (a) the discharge of the
turbine (b) the runner vane angle at inlet.
8. The peripheral velocity at inlet of an inward flow reaction turbine is 30 m/s. The
velocity of whirl at inlet is 21.60 m /s and the velocity of flow at inlet is 3 m/s. If the
discharge of the turbine is 1180 liters/second, and the hydraulic efficiency is 80%. Find
the head on the turbine, the power developed by the turbine and the inlet vane angle.
Assume that the turbine is discharging radially at outlet.

9. Particulars of reaction turbine are given below.

Head on the turbine = 180 m
Inlet diameter = 4.25 m
Outlet diameter = 2.75 m
Inlet vane angle = 1200
Velocity of flow at outlet = 16 m Is
Hydraulic efficiency = 92%
Width of wheel is the same at inlet and outlet.
Discharge at outlet is entirely radial. Calculate the speed of the turbine

10. A Kaplan turbine has a hydraulic efficiency of 90% and a mechanical efficiency of
93%, with a runner diameter of 6 meters and a boss diameter of 1.80 metres. If the
discharge of the turbine is 180 m calculate the head on the turbine and the shaft power of
the turbine. Assume that there is no whirl at outlet and the discharge is free. Neglect
11. A Kaplan tutbine develops a shaft power of 24650 kW at an average head of 39
metres. Assuming a speed ratio of 2, flow ratio of 0.6, diameter of the boss equal to 0.35
times the diameter of the runner and an overall efficiency of 90%. Calculate the
diameter, speed and the specific speed of the runner.
12. A Kaplan turbine runner is to be designed to develop 7360 kW of shaft power. The
net available head is 5.50 metres, Assume that the speed ratio is 2.09 and the flow ratio is
0.68, and the overall efficiency is 60%. the diameter of the boss is 1/3rd of the diameter
of the runner. Find the diameter of the runner, its and its specific speed.
13. A pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specifications:
Shaft Power = 11770 kW; Head = 380 metres ; Speed ; 750 rpm ; Overall efficiency =
86% Jet diameter not to exceed one-sixth the wheel diameter. Determine (i) The wheel
diameter, (ii) The number of jet 5 required, and (iii) The diameter of the jet. Take Kw1 =
0.985 and Kw1 = 0.45.
14. A Pelton wheel working under a head of 50 metres develops 90 kw of shaft power at
a speed of 250 rpm.. If the overall efficiency 82% and Cv= 0.975, find the jet diameter,
the diameter of the bucket circle, the size of the buckets and the number of buckets
required. Assume maximum efficiency condition that the peripheral velocity is 0.46 times
the velocity of the jet.
15. A pelton wheel working under a head of 50 metres is supplied with 0.85 cumec of
water. The bucket speed is 15.50 metres per second. Find the power developed and the
hydraulic efficiency of the turbine if the outlet vane angle is 15°. Take C = 0.98
16. The runner of a Kaplan turbine is 4 metres in diameter and the boss is 2 metres in
diameter. The turbine works under a head of 22 metres and develops 13980 kW of shaft
power. The overall efficiency is 85% and the hydraulic efficiency is 90%. At the extreme
edge of the runner if the guide blade angle is 40°, find the runner vane angles at inlet and
outlet at the extreme edge of the runner. Find also the speed of the turbine. Assume that
the discharge is radial at outlet.

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