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Citing your sources - Harvard style Printable version Introduction Citation - How to reference a work in the text Reference List - How to do a list of references Books Annual reports Government publications Theses Audiovisual (CD-ROM, video) Articles (journal, chapter, newspaper, database, conference paper, indirect quotation) Internet Introduction Referencing or citing your sources is the important process of acknowledging any other person's ideas you may have used in constructing your own essays or assignments, whether you have quoted them directly or otherwise. The main purpose of doing this is to allow the reader of your work the opportunity to locate and check the source if required. Every scholarly discipline has a preferred format or style of referencing their publications. This guide outlines a widely accepted form used in the business and social science fields and is based on the Harvard, or author-date system. The Harvard system is made up of two components: Citation: which provides brief details of the author and date of publication for referencing the work in the body of the text Reference List: which is a list at the end of the essay or assignment of all references used with additional details provided to help identify each source. Further readings Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 1996, 5th edn, AGPS, Canberra. (see section 9.22 9.132)

Li, X. & Crane, N.B. 1996, Electronic styles: a handbook for citing electronic information, Information Today, Medford. Chicago manual of style, 1993, 14th edn, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Citation - How to reference a work in the text Citing author, date and page numbers in the text When referring to an author's work, the author's surname and the year of publication are placed in the text in parentheses. There is no punctuation between the surname and the year of publication: Productivity was improved throughout the factory (Bond 1991). If the author's name is mentioned in the text, follow it immediately by the year of publication in parentheses: According to Bond (1991) productivity was improved throughout the factory. Citing a particular page of a work: "Private ownership allows wealth to be distributed unequally" (Bond 1991, p. 253) Citing a range of pages: (Bond 1991, pp. 253-264) Citing where the author's name is mentioned in the text: According to Bond (1991, p. 253) productivity was improved throughout the factory. Citing volume and page numbers When volume and page numbers are included they should be presented as follows: (Bond 1998, vol. 2, pp. 54-70) Citing a work with more than one author Citing a work that has two authors: (Bond & Norrish 1992) If there are three authors: (Bond, Norrish & Burton 1994) If there are more than three authors the citation is as follows: (Bond et al. 1996) Citing an author who has written more than one work in a year If you cite more than one work by an author written in the same year, you distinguish the works by placing 'a' 'b' 'c' after the publication date: (Bond 1991a) or (Bond 1991c) Include the letter with the publication date in the reference list as well.

Citing authors with the same surname If authors have the same surname you distinguish them by their initials: (Bond, C. E. 1993) Citing works with an editor but no author (ed. Black 1998) Citing anonymous, group works, and works without authors Anonymous works are referred to by their title in parentheses: (A history of Greece 1994) If you are citing a newspaper article with no author, you cite the article as follows: (The Age 13 Aug. 1998, p. 7) If there is no specific author of a publication but it has been written by an organisation, then the name of the organisation is used: (CSIRO 1996)

Reference List - How to do a list of references Any item that has a citation in the text of the paper should be included in the reference list at the end of the paper. The references should be arranged alphabetically by their author or by title if there is no specific author. If the list includes sources not cited in the text it should be called a bibliography. Any reference which exceeds more than one line in length should have the subsequent lines indented. The following are examples of commonly referenced items: Books Format: Author(s) name Year of Publication, Book Title, Publisher, Place of Publication. Note:

The author's name should consist of the surname separated from the initials or given name with a comma. As a general rule initials are used for the given names as opposed to the full name. The title of the publication should be either italicised or underlined, and the year of publication is written immediately after the author's name.

Single Author Holt, D. H. 1997, Management Principles and Practices, Prentice-Hall, Sydney.

Hodgson, A. 1998, Accounting Theory, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane. Multiple Author McCarthy, E. J., William, D.P. & Pascale, G.Q. 1997, Basic Marketing, Irwin, Sydney. Edited Work Jones, M.D. (ed.) 1998, Management in Australia, Academic Press, London. Multivolume Work George, D. 1996, Productivity in Business, 3 vols, Academic Press, London. Edition other than first Smith, J. & Bruce, S. 1997, A Guide to Personnel Management, 4th edn, McGraw Hill, Sydney. Annual Reports Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd 1998, Annual Report 1997-98, Coca-Cola Amatil, Sydney. Government Publications Australian Bureau of Statistics 1997, Government Finance Statistics 1995-96, Cat. No. 5512.0, ABS, Canberra. Theses Boykett, T.H.H. 1996, Algebraic aspects of reversible computation, PhD thesis, University of Melbourne. Audiovisual CD-ROM as an entire work Format: Author(s) Year of publication, Title, [CD-ROM], Edition, Publisher, Place of Publication. Economic Intelligence Unit 1998, Investing, Licensing, and Trading, [CD-ROM], Economic Intelligence Unit, London. Video Format: Title (format) date of recording, place of recording, publisher, and any special credits. The balance sheet barrier (video recording) 1993, London, Video Arts, Script Anthony Jay. Articles - in print and electronic Article in a journal

Format: Author(s) of article Year of Publication, 'Article title', Journal Title, volume, issue, article pages. Conley, T.G. and Galenson, D.W. 1998 'Nativity and wealth in mid-nineteenth century cities', Journal of Economic History, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 468-493. Chapter or article in an edited book Format: Author(s) of chapter Year of publication, 'Chapter title', in Book Title, ed. Editor(s) of book, Publisher, Place of Publication, chapter pages. Note: That the chapter or article title is enclosed in quotation marks and that only the first word and any words that normally bear capitals are capitalised. Milkman, R. 1998, 'The new American workplace: high road or low road?', in Workplaces of the Future, eds P. Thompson & C. Warhurst, Macmillan Press, London, pp. 22-34. Article in a newspaper Ryan, D. 1998, 'Looking on the bright side', The Age (Melbourne), 24 July, p. 17. Article from an electronic database Author(s) of article Year of publication, 'Article title', Journal Title, [Electronic or CD-ROM], volume, issue, article pages. Available: Supplier: Database name/id if available [Access date]. Hawke, A. 1998, 'The changing face of Australian industrial relations', Economic Record [Electronic database], Vol. 74, no. 224, pp. 74-88. Available: Proquest: ABI/Inform [1999, 24 August]. 'Right idea, wrong decade?', 2000, The Guardian, [Electronic], 7 August. Available: Dow Jones Interactive [2000, 13 December]. Conference paper in published proceedings Riley, D. 1992, 'Industrial relations in Australian education' in Contemporary Australasian Industrial Relations: Proceedings of the Sixth AIRAANZ Conference, ed. D. Blackmur, AIRAANZ, Sydney, pp. 124-140. Indirect quotation To cite material not taken from the original source but obtained through an intermediate source the reference is as follows: Haselby, P. 1999, 'The panic of 1979', quoted in Kickett, D. 2000, Worker on the Edge, University Press, Sydney, p. 72.

Internet World Wide Web page No standard method for citing electronic sources of information has yet been agreed upon. This method is based on the style outlined in Electronic styles: a handbook for citing electronic information by Xia Li and Nancy B. Crane. Format: Author of webpage Last update or copyright date, Homepage Title [Homepage of...], [Online]. Available: URL [Access date]. U. S. Department of Commerce 1999, September 3-last update, Indonesia Economic Trends and Outlook [Homepage of TradePort International Trade], [Online]. Available: [2000, 18 November]. If the author or editor is not available: Homepage Title [Homepage of...], [Online]. Last update or copyright date. Available: URL [Access date]. Indonesia Economic Trends and Outlook [Homepage of TradePort International Trade], [Online]. 1999, September 3-last update. Available: [2000, 18 November].

Harvard reference style

Referenc e type

In-text citation

Reference list


The rehabilitation drugs are readily available (International Narcotics Control Board 2001). 'The use of a fluorescent

International Narcotics Control Board (2002), viewed October 16 2004, Anderson, J (2000), CASA approves avgas contamination test, media release, 23 January, Department of Transport and Regional Services, Canberra, viewed 7 February 2000, m.

reagent test to confirm the presence of contaminatio n as well as a visual inspection of fuel system components for contaminatio n products' (Anderson 2000).

Online journal

Same format as original PDF 'Philosophy for Children is based on the idea that children can explore value and make meaning in a community' (Sprod 1999, p. 14). Electroniconly version The table provided by Keneley (2004) illustrates the structure of business in Western District towns in 1890. Format different from print version In her conclusion, Valentine (2004) stresses the importance of challenging

Sprod, T 1999, 'Philosophy, young people and well-being', Youth Studies Australia, vol.18, no. 2, pp. 12-16, viewed 28 October 2004, index.html. Keneley, M 2004, 'The dying town syndrome: a survey of urban development in the Western District of Victoria 1830 1930', Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History, viewed 10 December 2004, Valentine, D 2004, 'Access to higher education: a challenge to social work educators', Journal of Social Work Education, vol. 4, no. 2, viewed 12 December, 2004,

policies which limit access to higher education.

Electroni c database

'The processes by which Australia 's water resources are allocated have undergone fundamental changes over the last two decades' (Bennett 2003, p.237).

Bennett, J 2003, 'Environmental values and water policy', Australian Geographical Studies, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 237-250, viewed 8 Nov 2004,


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19. Nelson, D. L., Quick, J. C. (2006) Organisational Behavior: Foundations, Realities, and Challenges, 5th ed., Thomson South-Western Publishing, New York. 20. Nesbitt, J., Aburdene, P. (1985), Reinventing the Corporation, Ed. Warner Books, New York. 21. Ovidiu Niculescu (2004), Managerii i mangementul Resurselor Umane, Ed. Economic, Bucureti. 22. Radu Emilian (2003), Managmentul Resurselor Umane, Ed. ASE, Bucureti. 23. Steers, R.M., Porter, L.W. (1987) Motivation and Work Behavior, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. 24. Wilson, J.P. (2005), Human Resource Development: Learning and Training for Individuals and Organizations, 2nd ed., Kogan Page, New York.

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