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Fundraising Strategy Template 2010 2013 Introduction Put a brief description of your aims and objectives and current

t activities Vision and Mission Major achievements to date Put this section in bullet points and include all achievements since your organisation started. Key project areas Give a brief (max 50 word) description of your project areas. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) (This is a useful technique for determining the most suitable fundraising strategy to meet your organisations fundraising needs work on this with the management or fundraising committee) Strengths (internal factors) e.g. Staff with fundraising

Weaknesses (internal factors) e.g. Lack of resources

Opportunities (external factors) e.g. New funding streams

Threats (external factors) e.g. Government initiatives our

skills Good reputation

available Lack of quality standards in Possibility of place diversification of funding Policies and procedures New projects in place

of the organisations control New competition

1.Review of current funding situation How has your organisation been funded until now? What current funding do you have? (split this into capital and revenue costs) Where are the shortfalls? (split the shortfalls into capital and revenue costs ) * Capital for one off expenses, materials, buses, computers, the building etc. Revenue for ongoing costs such as staff salaries, travelling and other expenses etc. 2.Organisation Budget Insert your organisations projected budget for the next three years. What you need to run the organisation including new projects. Current funding - capital Source of funds 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 Total % of total project costs


Projected budget Total Shortfall (fundraising target) Current funding - revenue Source of funds 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 Total % of total project costs Total Projected budget Shortfall which gives you the fundraising target 3. Summary of Key Areas of Shortfall Key area 2010/2011 2011/2012 2011/2013 TOTAL Salaries NI/pension Office rental General project costs Activity costs Total plus 10% contingency plan 4. Potential new sources of income In this section, make reference to current Government and Local Authority agendas. Proposed new sources of income


Funder Capital/Revenue? Project area Maximum amount Available Timescale Funding streams Lead person 5. Resources This section should identify volunteer/staff skills, training, equipment, literature, record keeping, mailing lists, which are available to help with your fundraising. 6. Cost cutting exercises This section acts as a risk assessment, to outline what your organisation will do to reduce costs if you do not meet your fundraising targets. This could include: Reduction in staff time (explain how you might do this) Reduction in delivering activities (explain how you might do this) Redundancies (explain how you might do this) Sharing services (explain how you might do this) 7. Long-term sustainability of project (post 2010) Funders are always impressed with organisations who think clearly about their longterm sustainability (that is, how the organisation will be funded in the future) Mainstreaming Could your services eventually be provided within the statutory sector? Trading Arm / Social Enterprise

Could your service eventually become a social enterprise? Commissioning Could your organisation gain contracts with the local authority or Primary Care Trust? What would it have to put in place to do that? (Quality standards, procurement strategy etc) In the shorter term there are also a number of other strategies to open up future fundraising opportunities as part of the ongoing fundraising strategy, including: Raising the profile of your organisation (describe in this section how you might do that) Geographical boundaries (describe future widening of services to other areas if applicable) Partnership Development (many funders are keen on supporting partnerships) 8.Monitoring and evaluation Describe here how you monitor and evaluate your work 9. Conclusion Summarise the main points and considerations arisen within the fundraising strategy


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