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CATEGORY A Minor Offenses First Infraction Verbal Reprimand Second Infraction Written reprimand Third Infraction Suspension: 2-7 days without pay and/or a fine of not less than P250.00 but not more than P750.00 Fourth Infraction Suspension: 8-15 days without pay and/or a fine of not less than P750.00 but not more than P1,500.00 Fifth Infraction Dismissal

CATEGORY B Less Serious Offenses First Infraction Written Reprimand Second Infraction Suspension: 2-7 days without pay and/or a fine of not less than P250.00 but not more than P750.00 Third Infraction Suspension: 8-15 days without pay and/or a fine not less than P750.00 but not more than P1,500.00 Fourth Infraction Dismissal

CATEGORY C Serious Offenses First Infraction Suspension: 2-7 days without pay and/or a fine of not less than P250.00 but not more than P750.00 Second Infraction Suspension: 8-15 days without pay and/or a fine not less than P750.00 but not more than P1,500.00 Third Infraction Dismissal

CATEGORY D Very Serious Offenses First Infraction - Suspension: 8-15 days without pay and/or a fine of not less than P750.00 but not more than P1,500.00 or Dismissal. Second Infraction Dismissal


1. 2. 3. Being late three to four times in a month or for a total of four (4) hours in a month, irregardless of the number of times thereof. Making practical jokes that tend to disrupt company operations or unreasonably disturb the performance of duties of fellow employees. Simple act of discourtesy and/or disorderly behavior toward fellow employees, clients, customers and visitors during office hours or within the premises of the company.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Being late five to six times in a month or for a total of six (6) hours in a month, irregardless of the number of times thereof. Incurring two absences without the proper notice or leave application. Leaving the work area without permission from the immediate supervisor. Failing to go on field work when required to do so. Failing to make or submit the proper reports when so required. Failing to remit sales collections to the office within twenty-four (24) hours unless valid reasons exist therefor. Making dishonest or false sales reports or other office documents. Sleeping while on duty. Grossly indecent conduct or behavior during office hours or within company premises. Creating or contributing to unsafe or unsanitary conditions within company premises.


14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Being late seven or more times in a month or for a total of ten (10) hours in a month, irregardless of the number of times thereof. Incurring three to four absences without the proper notice or leave application. Failing to remit sales collections to the office within three (3) days unless valid reasons exist therefor. Taking or drinking alcoholic or intoxicating beverages during working hours or while inside company premises. Taking part in a gambling game or any game of chance during office hours or within the premises of the company. Insubordination. Allowing or assisting the entry of unauthorized persons within company premises. Negligence in the use of company property such as, but not limited to, motor vehicles, computers, embossing machines, resulting in minor injury or damage thereto.


22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Possession and/or use of prohibited/regulated narcotic drugs in any form and quantity. Incurring five or more absences without the proper notice or leave application. Failing to remit sales collections to the office within seven (7) days unless valid reasons exist therefor. Theft and/or conversion/misappropriation of sales collections, remittances, company properties, funds and assets regardless of the amount involved. Falsification or official records regardless of the intention or the subject matter involved. Commission of acts of disloyalty against the interest of the company such as but not limited to the following: a. Divulging valuable information of a confidential character regarding the operations/ activities of the company, or any of its officers or employees to unauthorized persons or strangers; b. Engaging in open or clandestine recruitment of company personnel, regardless of rank, to work or be employed in another business or entity without regard to whether or not the offender actually succeeds in his efforts; c. Engaging in business in competition with or in the same line as that of the company regardless of the extent of the offenders participation or interest therein;

d. Working with or rendering services to another entity, whether on a full time or part time basis, in the course of his employment with the company; e. Entering, on behalf of the company, into any contract or transaction manifestly prejudicial or disadvantageous to it, whether or not the offender profited or will profit thereby; 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Gross negligence in the use of company property resulting in major damage or injury thereto or to its employees. Inefficiency in the performance of official duties. Acts of immorality which tend to put the companys name in disrepute. Inflicting bodily injury or harm to another employee within company premises. Any act of dishonesty in the performance of official duties motivated by material gain regardless of whether or not any damage or injury was actually suffered by the company.


1. The Code of Conduct is intended as a means of last resort to impose discipline and safeguard and protect the interest of both the company and its employees. Thus, whenever possible, any dispute or irregularity shall be resolved without resorting to the stringent application of the Code. 2. The Code of Conduct may be modified in part or in whole as deemed necessary by the company. 3. Offences which are not listed in the Code of Conduct and which might have been committed by and employee shall be dealt with and meted the appropriate penalty depending upon the gravity thereof. 4. No disciplinary action shall be taken against an employee except after he/she has been duly notified of the charges and given the opportunity to present proof or evidence in support of his/her defense. 5. Any disciplinary action taken against an employee shall be covered by an appropriate memorandum (except verbal reprimand) which shall be placed in the 201 File of the employee for future reference. 6. Failure on the part of the Company to enjoin strict compliance with the Code of Conduct shall not be deemed a waiver of its right to enforce the same or condonation of any act or omission committed by an employee. 7. The penalty imposed upon an erring employee on the basis of the Code of Conduct is without prejudice to the right of the Company to commence the appropriate civil and criminal suits against such employee whenever so warranted by the attendant circumstances.

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