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RE: INVITATION TO CBO/ NGO CAPACITY BUILDING IN PROPOSAL WRITING AND FUND RAISING Training Objective: To impart proposal writing, fundraising and project management skills to program officers in development organizations. Training Justification Development organizations depend on fundraising skills and efforts to survive. In the absence of good ideas and skilled proposal development staff, most organizations and their programmes cannot survive for long. Public perceptions about the excesses and big consumerism by the NGOs and the United Nations Staff is only a mirage to thousands of struggling organizations that contribute immensely to illiteracy, poverty and disease reduction. The truth of the matter is that programme and fundraising officers work tirelessly to keep their organizations afloat. In the absence of good ideas, effective fundraising skills and strategies most organizations will not grow and collapse in the formative years. The key most important skill that an organization must have is an effective fundraising manager. Fund raising in the development sector is a very competitive and equally labor intensive. CBOS/ NGOs like businesses must therefore market themselves and have innovative and effective strategies for success. During the fundraising activities, there are key skills and tips that programme officers must learn to win grants especially in the call for proposals. Organizations grow when they master the art of proposal development and project management thereby attracting more grants. Program officers and leaders of NGO/ CBO need to appreciate that proposal writing and fundraising is an art that must be mastered. No mater the good intention and the vision of the NGO and CBO founders may have, the driving force for the organization is proposal writing, fundraising and effective project management skills. Most donors funding programmes in the region are already concerned about exit strategies and sustainability for many projects under implementation. One of the ways to guarantee sustainability is capacity building in the project management and fundraising area as funds have become very competitive. Donors and organizations must invest in fundraising skills for their staff in the short and long term as part of the project sustainability plan.

Program officers attending the training will get hands on skills in the following areas; 1. Project Design and Proposal Writing 2. Work Plan Development 3. Budget Development 4. Fundraising and Networking 5 Media mobilization in Development Work Organizational Capacity Statement Purple Images Productions / Capacity Concern Africa is an organization that was registered in 1996 by a group of development and media professionals with the objective of using interactive and participatory communication strategies to promote capacity building among development professionals and communities in Africa. The organisation has initiated innovative change communications and intervention programs in Kenya , Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Congo and Southern Sudan through the training in life skills, peer education and training of trainers for over two thousand development workers in the last ten years. We have collaborated very closely with , Family Health International, Action Aid Kenya, Unicef Kenya Country Office, Undp Kenya, Unifem East Africa, Population Services International, World Health Organization, Ministry of Health, Federation of Women Lawyers-FIDA, Amref, Kenya Medical Association, Kisumu and Eldoret City Councils , Kenya Aids NGOs Consortium , Kenya Consortium to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, National Council for Population and Development, Nation Media Group ,Shell Kenya and Shell International, Path, Hivos Netherlands, Technoserve, Christian Partners Development Agency, One Love One World Ends Aids , National Aids Control Council, Center for British Teachers , ADRA South Sudan Sector Programme among others. Training Plan Course Name Concepts in Project development and management Course Objective To help the participants understand the concepts used in proposal development and management Expected Outcome Participants will understand and authoritatively use the concepts such as objectives, goal, outputs, inputs, monitoring and evaluation, targets, indicators etc Participants with acquire needs assessment , strategy and donor identification and proposal writing skills Participants will attain

Needs Assessment ,Project Development and Proposal writing

To introduce key steps of project development to the participants. To empower participants

Skills necessary in

successful Fundraising and project management such as Monitoring and Evaluation, report writing, community mobilization etc

with skills necessary for successful proposal development and project management

skills and tips for proposal writing, follow ups and funding negotiations with donors and project management

Training Package and Dates: Training will take place for two days with sessions facilitated by successful and professional fundraisers with hands on skills and great wealth of experience. The following are the training dates and costs for the Nairobi, Arusha and Juba workshops. TRAINING DATES 6th 8th April 2009 21st- 23rd April 2009 4TH- 8TH May 2009 Country Nairobi, Kenya Arusha Tanzania Juba, Sudan STATUS Booking Ongoing Booking ongoing Booking on going Venue Utalii Hotel, Nairobi Charity Hotel, Arusha South Sudan Hotel, Juba Charges Kshs 17,500/Usd 220 Kshs 17,500/USD 220 USD 500

Capacity Concern Africa and Purple Images Productions have identified proposal writing and fundraising as a REAL need among organizations and have dedicated capacity building in this critical area. . Capacity Concern Africa can tailor a training programme to meet the needs of any organization in the training areas proposed. Training Package Value for the Money Lunch and two Teas, Training and Writing Materials, Certificate, handouts, Proposal Writing project assistance for two weeks and guaranteed attachment to an NGOs for the interns. All the participants will also be given a free copy of donor directory and directory for local NGOs to support networking capacity. Training Methodology Combination of lectures, didactics exercise, role plays, group working and question and Answer approaches. Each participant will practice by writing his/her proposal for fundraising. Book your participation or interest to participate in the forth coming Workshop with:

Ms Damaris Mathenge Purple Images Productions / Capacity Concern Africa Mbuchia House, 3rd Flr, Westlands, Woodvale Groove Road Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: 254-20- 4452674/ 4450937 Cell: 254-722-322977/ 721 495360 or or

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