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See Step of the Creating Capable

Teams Approach
Draft covering letter and learning
Preparatory work with the site contract used in the ETL programme
Learning contracts

A Briefing on the Effective Teamworking

and Leadership Programme
Managing the process of training/development Introducing the programme
A handout on exploring participants best
hopes for the training process
Feedback and evaluation
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Warm ups

A presentation on real and effective

Being clear about what we mean by "team" teams vs nominal teams

A presentation on taking an appreciative or solution

Working from strengths focussed approach to development
See "Working with a solutions focus"

A handout encouraging people to

Building relationship among team members describe themselves

Using the miracle question

Using timequakes
Describing a preferred future A presentation on effective teamworking
See Step 2 of the Creating Capable
Teams Approach on "Team Function"

Integrated Team Monitoring and

Assessment (ITMA)
A comprehensive assessment tool with
very good provenance- available from
these two sources which have pros and
cons re access to norms, costs and Aston Organisational Development
different approaches to administration
Aston Team Performance Inventory

See "An introduction to service

improvement such as Process Mapping
and Plan Do Study Act groups"
Application of process maps
Describing the current reality See Step 3 of the Creating Capable Teams
Approach on Service User and Carer needs
C., Shapiro, D. A., Richards, A & Borrill, C. (200)
Psychometric properties of the Community Mental
Health Team effectiveness questionnaire
The Community Mental Health Team (CMHTEQ). Journal of Mental Health 0, 2, 23-222
Effectiveness Questionnaire

Capacity Planning Tool developed by

Tribal, SCMH and RDMH

Exploring issues of demand and A Capacity Management Framework for

capacity at local level teams has also been developed by
Training and Development for Health

This step links strongly with the two

steps above as a suite of activities- it
should also connect with the
improvement process (see later
Action planning as a team (or teams)
This handout firms up team action plans
based upon the action planning process
described above informed by an
evaluation of team effectiveness

See NIMHE programme and progress re

Developing more effective user MARD described below
and carer participation HASCAS Report available here
Making a Real Difference Programme

Risk management See CSIP's programme on this

Developed by the Relationships Foundation

Use of relational audits

Stakeholder analysis
An approach based upon motivational interviewing
Collateral relationships at local level Stakeholder mapping Worksheet
Worksheet 2

A presentation on seeing the team in its

local context including work on
"boundary spanners"

Creating Capable Teams Approach

A skills mapping exercise
Understanding each others roles and
An exercise on developing better understanding of
developing new ways of working each other's role. WARNING- This exercise requires
skilled facilitation and you may want to adapt

A presentation on leadership for

improvement including a "Sparkling
Leadership" exercise
Team level leadership A presentation on leadership in teams
A handout on leadership including an
audit tool on team leadership based
upon the work of the Aston group

See "Attend to issues of power,

Brief presentation on conditions for authority and decision making"
effective communication
Communication and decision making
Reviewing the effectiveness of meetings
Reviewing the exchange of information within the team

The material on “Human systems” is from

Peter Senge et al (994). The Fifth Discipline
Fieldbook. Currency Doubleday. It is
described in a chapter by David Kantor and
Nancy Heaton Lonstein and originated from
William Isaacs, Dialogic Leadership, The
Working with difference and diversity Systems Thinker, Vol 0 No.
The importance of diversity of role

A presentation on difference and

constructive controversy
Managing conflict effectively

Attend to issues of power, authority and decision making

A handout on power and authority
An exercise on working out who can
Management, decision-making, best make decisions and how.
Background from resources in branches
and the exercise of responsibility above is required.
Teamwork and and accountability
leadership An exercise asking people to reflect on
development their power and authority
A framework for the allocation of responsibili-
ties with different levels of authority

A presentation on the role of the senior

Links to senior stakeholders sponsoring team

Presentation on culture including the

Maher Plesk tool

Understanding and improving Presentation on the importance of

identification with the team
team culture/climate
Presentation on complexity (as in complexity theory)
with exploration of the implications for leadership and

See Creating Capable Teams Approach

and its emphasis on the 0 Essential
Shared Capabilities
The Social Inclusion Web developed by
Peter Bates- its application requires
training. Contact Presentation
Supporting person-centred/
personalised care Outcomes for social inclusion
A presentation on factors promoting
person centred planning
A useful overview by Laurie Davidson
Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)
Recovery based approaches
The Tidal Model

Care planning
Improving team process
Review and conduct of team meetings
A presentation on the need to work with
the implications of emotional labour
Reflective practice

A presentation on preserving the mental

Improving staff well being health of team members

Primary care
Other community team
Issues for specific team types
Networks and communities of interest
Visit the CSIP "Virtual Ward" for access
to a host of relevant resources
Acute psychiatric in-patient teams

Older adult
Learning difficulty
Children and families
Issues for particular team client groups
Early Intervention in psychosis
Recovery teams
Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment

See the work of Centre for Ethnicity &

Health & Institute for Philosophy,
Community engagement Diversity & Mental Health
See the Community Development Foundation

The need to make time and space for The case for making time
integrated improvement work
See Step 4 of the Creating Capable Teams
Approach regarding creating an action plan
An introduction to the Effective
Teamworking and Leadership (ETL)
programme- the source of much of the
material in this map.
A presentation on action learning as
used in ETL programme
A handout on defining individual
objectives for action learning or PDSA
groups- use in conjunction with "Action
Planning as a Team" described above
A handout of action learning incorporating
details of the GROW model of coaching and
exercises on powerful questioning and 'handing
over the problem'
Taking action for improvement
See the resources of sfwork - The
Centre for Solutions Focus at Work
See the resources of The Solutions Focus
Working with a solutions focus See also the UK Association for Solution
Focused Practice
A presentation on where to start (assuming solution
focused scaling first from above)
A handout on giving effective feedback
A self-assessment exercise for
participants in learning groups
Key coaching skills handout
An introduction to service improvement
such as Process Mapping and Plan Do
Study Act groups
Designing integrated care pathways
See the CSIP Directory of Service Improvement

Achieving sustainability The NHS Institute Sustainability Model and Guide

See Step 5 of the Creating Capable Teams

Approach re Implementation and Review
Many of the measures described there
can be repeated at the end of your
evaluation or after a follow up period
Monitoring and evaluation See "Describing the current reality"
A quick guide to evaluation
Designing interventions with outcome
evaluation in mind
One approach to "happy sheet" evaluation

The British Psychological Society / New ways of working

Sources of information on NIMHE "Working Psychologically in
Teams" document is relevant to all British Psychological Society
teamworking disciplines working in teams

Sources of leadership and teamwork support

Sources of support for teamwork development
Reference list on teamworking and leadership

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