Thsi I P Le I T The Swimming Pool Environment The Natatorium

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Th Swimming The S i i Pool P l Environment E i t The Natatorium

David E. Knebel, P.E. VP Sales and Technology

What is a Natatorium? Indoor pool facilities Derived from: Latin, cella natatoriua a swimming pool in its own building Design Aspects: Need the same specialized HVAC q p used by: y dehumidification/ventilation equipment
Makeup Air Units Constant Volume DX Systems with Modulating Hot Gas Reheat Return air Bypass DX Systems with Modulating Hot Gas Reheat DX with digital Compressor and Modulating Hot Gas Reheat

So, what is different?

1 Understanding the natatorium environment 1. 2. Understanding how moisture loads are calculated 3. Understanding natatorium ventilation standards 4. Understanding equipment requirements

Critical Things to keep in Mind

1. Too much dehumidification is costly and increases the rate of pool evaporation.

2. Insufficient dehumidification can result in mildew, , accelerated surface deterioration, corrosion, and building structural damage.

3. Evaporation Rates must be predicted accurately.

Key Issues:
1. Dehumidification is needed to prevent condensation of evaporated pool water onto the building surfaces and structure. The air dew point temperature must be at least below the lowest space surface temperature to prevent condensation.

2. The corrosive nature of pool water requires corrosion resistant coatings.

3. Balancing occupant comfort with the desired relative humidity of 50% to 60% to preserve the structure is critical. Dry air accelerates evaporative cooling of swimmers and discomfort.

4. Maintaining air temperature no more than 2 F above water temperature limits the evaporation rate.

Moisture and Heat Flows in the Pool Environment

Equilibrium 100%RH Evaporation

Moisture and Heat Flows in the Pool Enviroment





RH ~ 55%

Evaporation Water Cools as Heat is Lost through Evaporation

Moisture and Heat Flows in the Pool Enviroment






Boiler HEAT

Design Steps:
1. Determine Design Conditions 2. Estimate Evaporation Rate 3. Calculate outdoor air load (cfm, Qs, Ql) 4. Calculate space cooling/heating loads 5. Select equipment

ASHRAE 2007 HVAC Applications Table 1 Typical Natatorium Design Conditions Type of Pool Recreational Therapeutic Competition Diving Elderly swimmers Hotel Whirlpool/spa Air
Temperature, F

Temperature, F

Humidity, %

75 to 85 80 to 85 78 to 85 80 to 85 84 to 90 82 to 85 80 to 85

75 to 85 85 to 95 76 to 82 80 to 90 85 to 90 82 to 86 97 to 104

50 to 60 50 to 60 50 to 60 50 to 60 50 to 60 50 to 60 50 to 60

Air temperatures in public and institutional pools should be maintained 2 to 4F above the water temperature (but not above the comfort threshold of 86F) to reduce the evaporation rate and avoid chill effects on swimmers

Design Condition Considerations:

1. Swimmers emerging from the pool will feel chilled if the air is colder than skin temperature. Dry air promotes rapid evaporation of the water from the skin. On the other hand, non-swimmers are comfortable at normal room conditions. 2. Competing Objectives Humidity A. Make the swimmers comfortable and reduce pool evaporation rate by maintaining high relative humidity. B. Preserve the building structure by dehumidifying to 65% or less. 3. Competing Objectives Temperature A. Make emerging swimmers comfortable by warming the air above the pool or spa water temperature. B. Preserve the comfort of non-swimmers by cooling 78F or less.

Ventilation Requirements Air Quality. Outdoor air ventilation rates prescribed by ASHRAE Standard 62.1 are intended to provide acceptable air quality conditions for the average pool using chlorine for primary disinfection. The ventilation requirement may be excessive for private pools and installations with low use use, and may also prove inadequate for highhigh occupancy public or water park-type installations. Pressurization: Pool and spa areas should be maintained at a negative pressure of 0.05 to 0.15 in. of water relative to adjacent areas of the building to prevent chloramine odor migration. Active methods of pressure control may prove more effective than static balancing and may be necessary where outdoor air is used as a part of an active humidity control strategy. Openings from the pool to other areas should be minimized and controlled. Passageways should be equipped with doors with automatic closers to inhibit migration of moisture and air.

Air Delivery Rates. Most codes require a minimum of six air changes per hour, except where mechanical cooling is used. This rate may prove inadequate for some occupancy and use. Where mechanical dehumidification is provided, air delivery rates should be established to maintain appropriate conditions of temperature and humidity. The following rates are typically desired: Pools with no spectator areas 4 to 6 air changes per hour Spectator areas 6 to 8 air changes per hour Therapeutic pools 4 to 6 air changes per hour Outdoor air delivery rates may be constant or variable, depending on design. Minimum rates, however, must provide adequate dilution of contaminants generated by pool water and must maintain acceptable p ventilation for occupancy. p y Where a minimum outdoor air ventilation rate is established to protect against condensation in a buildings structural elements, the rates are typically used for 100% outdoor air systems. These rates usually result in excessive humidity levels under most operating conditions and are generally not adequate to produce acceptable indoor air quality, especially in public facilities subject to heavy use.

ECat32 Swimming Pool Environment Analysis Program

Purpose: Calculate Outside Air Load Calculate Evaporation Rates Calculate Occupancy p y Loads Perform Psychrometric Analysis Perform System Optimization

Design Goals:

1. Protect the Building 2. Maintain Occupant Comfort



Help File


Building Calculations
BuildingLength = 60.0 [ft]

Building Plan Vie w

EaveHeight = 7.0 [ft]

RoofHeight = 8.0 [ft]

BuildingWidth = 50.0 [ft] BuildingSqft = 3,000.0 [ft ]


BuildingVolume = 34,500.0 [ft ] CFMsabasedOn4AirChanges = 2,300 CFMsabasedOn5AirChanges = 2,875 CFMsabasedOn6AirChanges = 3,450 CFMsabasedOn7AirChanges = 4,025 CFMsabasedOn8AirChanges = 4,600

AirChangesCalculated = 4.26

Pool Evaporation Rate Calculations

Pool Type Any Pool at Rest Whirlpools, Hot Tubs, w/o Air Injection Residential / Private Condominiums/Apartments Health Club (semi-private) YMCA/YWCA Pools Institutional (University, School), Competitive Swimming Municipal/Public less than 3000 sq ft Municipal/Public more than 3000 sq ft Whirlpools, Hot Tubs, w/Air Injection Indoor Wave Pools Typical Activity Factor 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.65 0.65 0.75 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00 2.00

Pool 1

PoolLength,1 = 40 [ft] DeckLength,1 = 50 [ft] PoolWidth,1 = 30 [ft]

DeckWidth,1 = 40 [ft] PoolArea,1 = 1,200 [ft ] DeckArea,1 = 800 [ft ]

2 2

Pool 1 VaporAir1 = 0.6677 [in.hg.]

Enter ActivityFactor1 = 0.75 SatVaporWaterSurface1 = 1.103 [in.hg.]

EvapRateInactive,1 = 26.12 [lbw/hr]

EvapRateActive,1 = 39.177 [lbw/hr]

PoolWater,Temp,1 = 82 [F]


Click F2 to Calculate and Remain on this Page

The Deck Dimensions to have the DeckArea = Poolarea are: DeckLength,calc,1 = 56.57 [ft] DeckWidth,calc,1 = 42.43 [ft]

Deckwidth,calc,1 = Deckwidth,1 * 1.414 DeckLength,calc,1 = DeckLength,1 * 1.414


0.045 Press ure = 14.7 [ps ia] 0.040 0.035


Humidity Rat tio


. 14


0.025 0.020







0.010 0 005 0.005 0.000 30


.5 13

/l b


.5 12








T [F]

MADB = 85.00 [F] MAWB = 75.15 [F] MAW = 115.68 [gr/lba] 3 v ma = 14.096 [ft /lba] ACFMma = 2452.2 [ft /min]

CCLADB = 58.47 [F] CCLAWB = 57.6 [F] CCLAW = 69.4 [gr/lba] SADB = 85.00 [F]

RHLADB = 83.25 [F]

CFMoa = 1260 [ft /min] OADB Design = 85.0 [F] OAWB Design = 77.6 [F] OAW gr = 131.2 [gr/lba]

SAWB = 57.6 [F] SAW = 69.40 [gr/lba] v sa = 13.950 [ft /lba] ACFMsa = 2426.8 [ft /min]
3 3

T fan = 1.75 [F] FanTSP = 2.500 [in. wg.] Fan eff = 0.6 Motoreff = 0.92 FanHeat = 4454.0 [Btu/hr]

Num be r pe ople = 20
RMDB = 85.0 [F] RoomSensibleHeat = 0.0 [MBtu/hr] RoomLatentHeat = 48.1 [MBtu/hr] RSHR = 0.000 RMRH = 55.00 [% ] RMWB = 72.42 [F] RMW = 99.40 [gr/lba]

CoolingCoilTotalLoad = 143.65 [MBtu/hr] CoolingCoilSe nsible Load = 69.09 [MBtu/hr] CoolingCoilLate ntLoad = 74.55 [MBtu/hr] Re he atCoilLoad = 63.23 [MBtu/hr] Kse ns = 1.062 [Btu/hr/(cfm *F)] KLat = 0.6568 [Btu/hr/(cfm -gr/lba)] Ktot = 4.257 [lba/hr/cfm ] RM and RN units w ith 2 and 4 com pre ssors hav e 50% of the THR av ailable for Re he at The v alue show n be low is base d on the follow ing: if Cooling Coil Total load be tw e e n 80 and 800 MBtu/hr the n 50% is av ailable All RL, and RM w ith 1 com pre ssor hav e 100% of the THR av ailable for Re he at Approx im ate SurplusRe he at = 26.55 [MBtu/hr] ALTITUDE = 0 [ft]


Pool Evaporation Rate Calculations

Pool Type Any Pool at Rest Whirlpools, Hot Tubs, w/o Air Injection Residentia l / Private Condominium s/Apartments Health Club (semi-private) YMCA/YW CA Pools Institutional (University, School), Competitive Swimm ing Municipal/Public less than 3000 sq ft Municipal/Public m ore than 3000 sq ft Whirlpools, Hot Tubs, w/Air Injection Indoor Wave Pools Typical Activity Factor 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.65 0.65 0.75 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00 2.00 D 5 = 0 [ft]
R 5 = 0 [ft]

Deck Le ngth,5 = 0 [ft]

De ck W idth,5 = 0 [ft]

Ente r Pool 5 SatVaporAir5 = 1.214 [in.hg.] Ev apRate Ina ctive ,5 = 0 [lbw /hr]

Activ ity Factor5 = 1

S 5 = -0.00 [ft] PoolAre a ,5 = 0 [ft ] De ck Are a ,5 = 0 [ft ]

2 2

SatV aporWate rSurface 5 = 2.085 [in.hg.] Ev apRate Active ,5 = 0 [lbw /hr]

PoolW a te r,Te m p,5 = 102.5 [F]

T ip:
The Deck Dimensions to have the Deck Area = Poolarea are: Deck Length,calc,5 = 0 [ft] Deck W idth,calc,5 = 0 [ft]

Deck,Length,calc,5 = D,5 * 1.2827 Deck,Width,calc,5 = D,5 * 1.2827



Climatic Data

Psychrometric Properties


140 gr/lba

96.6 gr/lba

Properties of Moist Air and the Psychrometric Chart

(Reasonable values must be supplied)

AAON, Inc.
2425 South Yukon Av e Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107 Phone: 918 583 2266 Fax: 918 583 6094

Unit System: Eng Atmospheric Pressure: 14.696 [psia] Select the first input variable:
Dry-bulb Temperature ALTITUDE = 0 [ft]

= 99.9000 [F]

Select the second input variable:

Wet-bulb Temperature

= 76.0000 [F] Solution

Tdb = 99.9 [F] Twb = 76.0 [F] Tdp = 66.2 [F]

P = 14.696 [psia] Rh = 0.3367 [fraction]

h = 39.26 [Btu/lbm] w = 0.0138 [lbw/lba] v = 14.419 [ft /lbm] = 0.069 [lba/ft ]

3 3

96.57 [gr/lba]

Select the input variables and then

Note: Adapted from EES Examples by S.A.Klein (V7.045)


Activity Type Seated at theater, matinee Seated at theater, night Seated, very light work Moderately active office work Standing light work, walking Walking, standing Sedentary work, eating Light bench work Moderate dancing Walking 3 mph Bowling Bowling alley Heavy work Heavy work, lifting Athletics Gymnasium Note: The table values are at 75F room temperature For 80F the Qs goes down 20%, and Qt remains the same.

QsenPeo [Btu/hr] 225 245 245 250 250 250 275 275 305 375 580 580 635 710

QlatPeo [Btu/hr] 105 105 155 200 200 250 275 475 545 625 870 870 965 109


Example Adjustment
QsenPeo [Btu/hr] Walking, standing
In a 75F DB Room

Activity Type

QlatPeo [Btu/hr] 250


What if the room is 85 DB? 1. Qt = 250 + 250 = 500 Btu/hr 2. Qs = 250 * (1+ .04 *(75-85)) = 150 Btu/hr 3. QL = 500 150 = 350 Btu/hr


Building Calculations
BuildingLength = 60.0 [ft]

Building Plan Vie w

EaveHeight = 7.0 [ft]

RoofHeight = 8.0 [ft]

BuildingWidth = 50.0 [ft] BuildingSqft = 3,000.0 [ft ]


BuildingVolume = 34,500.0 [ft ] CFMsabasedOn4AirChanges = 2,300 CFMsabasedOn5AirChanges = 2,875 CFMsabasedOn6AirChanges = 3,450 CFMsabasedOn7AirChanges = 4,025 CFMsabasedOn8AirChanges = 4,600

AirChangesCalculated = 4.76




Evaporation Rate Calculation ASHRAE Equation (2) page 4.6 ASHRAE 1999 WP = 0.1 * Area *(pw pa) * Fa Where: WP = Evaporation Rate lbw/hr Pw = Vapor pressure (in. hg) at water temperature Pa = Vapor pressure (in. hg) at air temperature Fa = Activity Factor
Evaporation Rate Calculator

Alternative Evaporation Rate Calculation Equations ASHRAE Equation (1) page 4.6 ASHRAE 1999
wp1 := Area Y ( pw pa ) ( 95 + 0.425 AirVelocity ) 29.92 14.7 Fa

Y := h ( 'W ater' , T =W aterTemp , x =1 ) h ( 'W ater' , T =W aterTemp , x =0 )

Shah Equation
E o := K Area w Ww Wr DenRoom MinusDenW aterSurface

EvaporationRate Shah

:= E o


NPeople Area

+ C2


Altitude = 0 [ft]

AirTemp = 85 [F] AirRH = 50 [%]

AirVelocity = 20 [ft/min] Area = 4800 [ft ]


W aterTemp = 82 [F]

PoolType$= Public School, Fa 1.0 NPeople = 64 ASHRAE Eqn. (1) Ev aporationRate 1 = 235 [lbw/hr] ASHRAE Eqn. (2) Ev aporationRate 2 = 237.7 [lbw/hr] Shah Ev aporationRate Shah = 235 [lbw/hr]

Notes: otes ASHRAE Eqn (1) is the complete Carrier Equation. It requires the following inputs: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Air Velocity, Area, W ater Temp, PoolType ASHRAE Eqn. (2) is a simplified v ersion of Eqn. (1) in which v leocity is presolv ed. It is v alid for v elocities between 10-30 fpm The inputs used in (2) are: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Area, W ater Temp, PoolType

The inputs used in the Shah eqn are: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Area, W ater Temp, Number of People

Altitude = 0 [ft] AirTemp = 85 [F] AirRH = 50 [%]

AirVelocity = 30 [ft/min] Area = 4800 [ft ]


W aterTemp = 82 [F]

PoolType$= Public School, Fa 1.0 NPeople = 64 ASHRAE Eqn. (1) Ev aporationRate 1 = 244.6 [lbw/hr] ASHRAE Eqn. (2) Ev aporationRate 2 = 237.7 [lbw/hr] Shah Ev aporationRate Shah = 235 [lbw/hr]

Notes: ASHRAE Eqn (1) is the complete Carrier Equation. It requires the following inputs: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Air Velocity, Area, W ater Temp, PoolType ASHRAE Eqn. (2) is a simplified v ersion of Eqn. (1) in which v leocity is presolv ed. It is v alid for v elocities between 10-30 fpm The inputs used in (2) are: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Area, W ater Temp, PoolType

The inputs used in the Shah eqn are: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Area, W ater Temp, Number of People


Altitude = 0 [ft] AirTemp = 85 [F] AirRH = 50 [%]

AirVelocity = 10 [ft/min] Area = 4800 [ft ]


W aterTemp = 82 [F]

PoolType$= Public School, Fa 1.0 NPeople = 64 ASHRAE Eqn. (1) Ev aporationRate 1 = 225.3 [lbw/hr] ASHRAE Eqn. (2) Ev aporationRate 2 = 237.7 [lbw/hr] Shah Ev aporationRate Shah = 235 [lbw/hr]

Notes: ASHRAE Eqn (1) is the complete Carrier Equation. It requires the following inputs: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Air Velocity, Area, W ater Temp, PoolType ASHRAE Eqn. (2) is a simplified v ersion of Eqn. (1) in which v leocity is presolv ed. It is v alid for v elocities between 10-30 fpm The inputs used in (2) are: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Area, W ater Temp, PoolType

The inputs used in the Shah eqn are: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Area, W ater Temp, Number of People

Altitude = 0 [ft] AirTemp = 85 [F] AirRH = 50 [%]

AirVelocity = 20 [ft/min] Area = 4800 [ft ]


W aterTemp p = 82 [F] [ ]

PoolType$= Residential Pool, Fa 0.5 NPeople = 0 ASHRAE Eqn. (1) Ev aporationRate 1 = 117.5 [lbw/hr] ASHRAE Eqn. (2) Ev aporationRate 2 = 118.8 [lbw/hr] Shah Ev aporationRate Shah = 126.8 [lbw/hr]

Notes: ASHRAE Eqn (1) is the complete Carrier Equation. It requires the following inputs: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Air Velocity, Area, W ater Temp, PoolType ASHRAE Eqn. (2) is a simplified v ersion of Eqn. (1) in which v leocity is presolv ed. It is v alid for v elocities between 10-30 fpm The inputs used in (2) are: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Area, W ater Temp, PoolType

The inputs used in the Shah eqn are: Altitude, AirTemp, AirRH, Area, W ater Temp, Number of People


Activity Factor


Understanding the Problem

Room Sensible Heat Room Latent Heat Room Total Heat Room Sensible Heat Ratio

Room Sensible Heat (RSH)

A direct room load consisting of internal loads (lights equipment, (lights, equipment and a portion of people) and envelope loads consisting of solar, conduction and a portion of the infiltration load The sensible heat causes a change in the temperature of the room.

RSH = 1.1 * SCFM * (RMDB SADB)

(at sea level, standard conditions)


Room Latent Heat (RLH)

A direct room load consisting of internal loads associated with the evaporation of water ( a portion of equipment, people, cooking, food, and cleaning) and envelope loads transporting water vapor through infiltration or diffusion

RLH = 4840 * SCFM * (RMW SAW)

Where W = lbw/lba

RLH = .69 * SCFM * (RMW SAW)

Where W = grw/lba
(at sea level, standard conditions)

Room Sensible Heat Ratio (RSHR)



Key Point: Supply air enters the room and absorbs the room sensible heat and latent heat in the ratio defined by the Room Sensible Heat Ratio (RSHR) RM





(T * cpa)

Determining CFM of Supply Air

ROOM Latent = .69 * SCFM * (RMW SAW)

Room Latent = Constant * ACFM * (Wsa)

ACFM = RLH Constant Wsa

Where: Wsa = (RMW SAW)

Constant = AirDensity 60 1076 7000




Is 55 degrees the best supply air temperature for your application?

Sometimes but not often. The optimum supply air temperature is the one that uses the minimum total power to meet the load. It requires the simultaneous solution of the entire system performance trading off power required to produce the cooling, and power to transport the cooling. cooling

Power vs Supply Air Temperature

Optimum Supply Air Temperature

Optimum Supply Air Temperature with Sound and RH

System Optimization


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