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Unit – III

Flow with Normal Shock Waves

A shock wave is a special kind of steep finite pressure wave and the changes in
the flow properties across the wave are abrupt. When the shock waves are at right angles
to the flow, they are called normal shocks, if it is inclined at an angle, then oblique
Normal shocks may be treated as one dimensional hut oblique shocks require two
dimensional approach. There will be an increase in static pressure and entropy, but loss in
stagnation pressure across the shock. The flow changes from supersonic to subsonic with
sudden increase in pressure.

The applications of shock waves are

(1 used in shock tubes and supersonic compressors.

1i) used in supersonic aircraft to obtain high pressure ratio in an axial compressor.
Development of a Normal Shock Wave
In an off-design value of pressure ratio, the variation in fluid properties is sudden and the
flow changes from supersonic to subsonic. It occurs in the divergent portion of a
convergent- divergent nozzle is shown in figure in the previous chapter. This is due to the
formation of finite shock waves at this section and the thickness of the shock wave is
0.00! mm. Hg 3. I Ib) shows a constant area duct which contains gas initially at rest.
When the piston moves right the pressure pulses (infinitesimal pressure waves) are
transmitted through the gas to the right. The growth of pressure wave at time tj, 12, 13 is
shown in Fig. 3.1 (a) and it travels towards right with the speed of sound relative to the
gas. The gas near to the piston moves with a high velocity than the gas in the downstream
region. Similarly the pressure of the gas nearer to the piston is higher than in the regions
downstream. Therefore, the pressure waves nearer to the piston travel at higher velocities
on account of higher gas velocity and speed of sound. Thus the upstream waves are
continuously overtaking the downstream region.
On account of the above phenomena the weak pressure wave generated at time i =
grows stronger and steeper when it moves towards right. When this growth continuous, at
some stage t = t the form of wave is vertical. This vertical wave front is called Normal
Shock Wave across which the changes in pressure, density, temperature, velocity and
Mach number are abrupt.
Fig. 3.2 shows a normal shock wave in a frictionless constant area duct contained in a
control volume. The governing equations used in normal shock waves are
(i) Continuity equation
(ii Momentum equation
(iii) Energy equation and
(iv) Equation of state
The properties of gas in the upstream side is x’ and the downstream isy.
From continuity equation, the mass flow rate
m = Px A Cx = py A C {A = A) A = constant]
= p = p...

It is assumed that, there is no heat transfer and the shaft work is zero. Therefore, the
adiabatic energy equation for the control volume containing the shock gives
= ho = h = constant

From momentum equation

(P —P A = iii (c —C

From equation of state

h = f(S,p) 1
s = f(P,p) 5

The above equations are used to define the two important curves known as Fanno and
Rayleigh curves.

Fig. 3.2 shows a normal shock wave in a frictionless constant area duct contained in a
control volume. The governing equations used in normal shock waves are
(i) Continuity equation
(ii Momentum equation
(iii) Energy equation and
(iv) Equation of state

The properties of gas in the upstream side is x’ and the downstream isy.
From continuity equation, the mass flow rate
m = Px A Cx = py A C {A = A) A = constant]
It is assumed that, there is no heat transfer and the shaft work is zero. Therefore, the
adiabatic energy equation for the control volume containing the shock gives
= ho = h = constant

From momentum equation

(P —P A = iii (c —C

From equation of state

h = f(S,p) 1
s = f(P,p) 5

The above equations are used to define the two important curves known as Fanno and
Rayleigh curves.

Fanno Line
Fanno line gives an adiabatic flow process in a constant area duct with friction. Since
there is a friction, therefore the process is irreversible. The stagnation enthalpy and mass
flow rate per unit area remains constant. The governing equations used for Fanno flow
are continuity equation, energy equation and equation of state.

By substituting different values of Cy, we will get a line called fanno line on the h —s
diagram as shown in Fig. 3.3. Figure shows the constant pressure lines also. The entropy
is maximum at point F’ where the Mach number M = I is derived below. From adiabatic
energy equation
dh + C dC = 0

pdC+Cdp = 0

l’ herefore, at the maximum entropy point (F) on the fanno line is sonic i.e., M = 1. The
upper side of the curve represents subsonic flow whereas the lowerside is supersonic.

Rayleigh Line
Rayleigh line describes a frictioniess flow process in a constant area duct with heat
transfer. The mass flow rate per unit area remains constant. The governing equations used
for Rayleigh flow are continuity equation, momentum and equation of state. From
By substituting different values of Cy, we will get a line called Rayleigh line on the
h —s diagram as shown in fig. 3.3. The entropy is maximum at point ‘ R’ where the
Mach number M = I is derived below.

pC = constant

DifferentiatingpdC+Cdp =0
pdC = -Cdp

Prandtl-Meyer Relation
It is a fundamental equation which gives the relation between the gas velocities before
and after the normal shock and the critical velocity of sound. Praridtl-Meyer equation is
the basis for other equations for shock waves.
M x M* = 1

Mach Number Downstream of the Normal Shock Wave

MT = Mach number before the normal shock (or) upstream Mach number
M = Mach number after the shock (or) Downstream Mach number
Static Pressure Ratio Across the Shock
Fx = Fy
Temperature Ratio across the Shock

Density Ratio Across the Shock (or) Rankine-Hugoniot Equation

The Rankine-Hugoniot equation gives the relationship between the pressure and density
ratios across a shock wave in a perfect gas.
From continuity equation,
Px C = p C) = pC = constant
From momentum equation,
From adiabatic energy equation

By substituting this in the adiabatic equation,

We know that,
The above equation can be written as in terms of pressure ratio across the shock.

These Equations are known as Rankine-Hugoniot equations. These equations are

compared with isentropic process equation for the same pressure-density relation .

Stagnation Pressure Ratio across the Shock

Shock wave is an irreversible one across which there is an increase in static pressure and
entropy hut loss in stagnation pressure. This stagnation pressure ratio is derived under as
a function of upstream Mach number
We know that

We know that
Change in Entropy across the Shock
The change in entropy for a perfect gas is given by

Therefore the change in entropy across the shock

Impossibility of Rare Faction Shock Wave

The variations of downstream Mach number and change in entropy with upstream Mach
number is shown in the Figure. When the Mach number before the shock is greater, the
Mach number after the shock is very small.

When M, is greater than I. M is less than 1. By substituting ‘ Mi’ value in equation (3.45)
for a given value of r, the change in entropy is positive. On the other hand, when M is
less than I (subsonic), M will be greater than I (supersonic) and the downstream pressure
(P is less than the upstream pressure ( P ). This will be possible only if the shock is an
expansion shock. But the change in entropy is negative. A decrease in entropy in an
adiabatic process which violates the second law of thermodynamics. Therefore an
expansion shock wave (Rarefaction shock) is impossible and the shock is always a
compression shock.

Strength of a Shock Wave

The strength of a shock wave is defined as the ratio of increase in pressure due to shock
to the pressure before the shock. It is used in shock wave analysis.

Thus, the strength of a shock wave is proportional to (M$ —I). When M is greater, the
shock waves will be strong shocks.
The strength of the shock wave becomes

It is observed from the above equation, when the density ratio is 6, the strength of the
shock is infinity.

Supersonic Wind Tunnels

The convergent divergent section ofa supersonic wind tunnel is shown in Fig. 3.6 and 3.7.
It consists of a nozzle, test section and a diffuser. Normal shock takes place at the test
section is shown in fig. 3.6. The supersonic flow leaving the test section is then reversibly
decelerated in the diffuser which raises the gas pressure to a back pressure value.
Due to boundary layer growth, the diffuser throat area is greater than the nozzle throat
area. As a result of shock wave there will be a stagnation pressure loss across the shock
and change in critical areas, but mass flow parameter is constant.
Applying Fliegner’ s formula across the shock wave.

The above equation shows that, when a shock is at the test section, the diffuser throat
Mea. is always greater than the nozzle throat area. Therefore for steady running
conditions it is economical to keep the shock at the diffuser throat is shown in the figure.

- change in enthalpv in reversible diffusion

Diffuser efficiency 1D = .
change in enthalpy in actual diffusion

111(a A gas (r = 1.4, R = 287 J/Kg K) at a Mach number of 1.8, P = 80 KPa and T = 373
K passes f/trough a normal shock. Determine its density after the shock. (‘ ompare this
value in an isentropic compression through the same pressure
ratio. [ ‘ 95. MS’ Lí j
(b) A jet of air at 275 K and 69 KPa has an initial Mach number 2. If it passes through a
normal shock wave determine at downstream of the shock the fOllowing Mach number,
pressure, temperature, density, speed of sound and jet velocity. [ ‘ 95. Madras, Nov. 95,
MKU Apr. ‘ 96,
2.An air plane having a diffuser designed for subsonic flight, has the normal shock
attached to the edge of the diffuser when the plane is flying at a certain Mach number. If
at the exit oft/ic d?ffuser the mach number is 0.3. What must be the flight mach number
assuming isentropic dfffusion behind the shock ? The area at inlet is 0.29 m
and that at exit is 0.44 m [ ‘ 96. Madras]
1.Describe two practical situations where oblique shock waves are produced. How are
strong and weak shocks generated and how do they affect ?

2.Derive the energy equation for flow through an oblique shock:

State the assumptions used. Why is it same for the normal and oblique shocks?

3. Starting from the general energy equation for flow through an oblique shock obtain the
Prandtl’ s equation:

Deduce from this the corresponding relations or the normal shock and an infinitesimal
pressure wave.

4 Derive the Rankinc-Heugonoit relation for an oblique shock.

Compare graphically the variation of density ratio with the initial Mach number in
isentropic flow with oblique shock.

5. Using the normal shock relations obtain the explicit expressions for the following
quantities in terms of the initial Mach number and the wave angle, for oblique shocks:

7 Show graphically the variations of the following quantities for flow through an oblique
shock, with the initial Mach number at two different values of the wedge angle:

8.a What is a shock polar? (h) Derive the shock polar equation

b. Sketch shock polar diagrams at two values of the initial Mach number. Show the
positions of the strong and weak oblique shocks, the normal shock and the infinitesimal
wave on the diagrams.
9.Sketch the Mach waves in a flow field over a convex corner of a curved wall. The
initial flow is sonic and the final Mach number is 2.0. Draw Mach waves indicating the
Mach angles at
10. The stagnation pressure and temperature of air at the entry of a nozzle are 5 bar and
500 K respectively. The exit Mach number is 2.0 where a normal shock occurs. Calculate
the following quantities before and after the shock: Static and stagnation pressures and
temperatures, air velocities and Mach numbers. What are the values of stagnation
pressure loss and increase in entropy across the shock?

11. A Mach-2 aircraft engine employs a subsonic inlet diffuser of area ratio 3. A normal
shock is formed just upstream of the diffuser inlet. The free-stream conditions upstream
of the diffuser are: p = 0.10 bar, T = 300 K. Determine
(a) Mach number, pressure and temperature at the diffuser exit.
(b) Diffuser efficiency including the shock.
Assume isentropic flow in the diffuser downstream of the shock.

12. (a) Derive the following relations for normal shock waves:

13. Depict graphically the variation of the following quantities with the Mach number
upstream of the normal shock:

14. A supersonic is provided with a constant diameter circular duct at its exit. The duct
diameter is same as the nozzle exit diameter. Nozzle exit cross-section is three times that
of its throat. The entry conditions of the gas (t’ = 1.4, R=0.287 kJ/kg K) are p 10 bar, T
600 K. Calculate the static pressure, Mach number and the velocity of the gas in the duct:
(a) when the nozzle operates at its design condition,
(b) when a normal shock occurs at its exit, and
(c) when a normal shock occurs at a section in the diverging part where the area ratio
A/A* = 2.0
15. A nozzle is designed for superheated steam ( = 1.3) with a pressure ratio P/Po =
0.185; this operates at an off-design condition with a pressure ratio of 0.754. Determine
the area ratio (A/A*) at the section where the normal shock occurs. What are the values
of design and off-design Mach numbers at the nozzle exit?

16. Determine the pressure ratio and exit Mach number for a normal shock at the area
ratio A/A* = 1.305 in the nozzle of problem 6.15. What is the maximum value of the
Mach number occurring in the nozzle?

17(a) Explain how strong compression and expansion waves arc formed in a
compressible fluid.
(b) Under what conditions a compression wave changes into a shock wave
(C) Why are expansion shock impossible?

18(a) Write down the four basic equations which satisfy the static points before and
after a normal shock wave.
(b) Using the above equations prove that at the maximum entropy on the enthalpy-
entropy diagrams the Mach number is unity.

19 Starting from the energy equation for flow through a normal obtain the following

20.Derive the following relations for flow through a normal shock:

21. (a) Show that the stagnation pressure ratio and the change in entropy across a normal
shock are given by
22. (b) If a diffuser achieves compression of air through a normal shock wave at an initial
Mach number of 1.5 determine (I) its efficiency (ii) stagnation pressure loss and (iii) the
increase in entropy.

23.A jet of air at 275 K and 0.69 bar has an initial Mach number of 2.0. If it passes
through a normal shock wave d (a) Mach number (b) pressure (c) temperature (d) density
(e speed of Sound and ( jet velocity downstream of the shock.

24. M aircraft flies at a Mach number of 1.2 at an altitude of 160 metres

(p = 103 mbar, T= 216.65 K). The compression in its engine is partly
achieved by a normal shock wave standing at the entry of its diffuser.
Determine immediately downstream of the shock
(a) Mach number
(b) temperature of the air
(c) pressure of the air and
(d) stagnation pressure loss across the shock

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