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Name:_______________________ FS 102 Screening Notes Date: ___________________ Movie title: ________________________________ Director:___________________________ Screenwriter(s):_____________________________ Other VIPs:__________________________ Main characters

and actors:______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 1) Noteworthy cinematics (motifs, parallels, composition, camera placement and movement, editing, sounds and music, special effects): Motifs: - The dialog I see you - The stone thats on the desk of Parker - (Virtual camera) The in-side of the brain Mise-en-scene Composition, the spaceship on the back and persons on the foreground to contrast their sizes spotlight on Jake during the Generals talk to show his alienation low key lighting in the lab to put attention on the avatars under blue light Framed by the circle when Jake is in the machine and talking to Grace shows that he couldnt wait to go in Color contrast of Jakes avatar and the warm color plants when he was in the woods for the first time After Jake woke up and they were eating and talking, through the crowd, we can see Norm had a jealous face. Framed by other people and placed in the middle but alienated. Linear lines when they raced along the side of the mountain to show the speed and excitement When Jake and Neytiri were listening to the tree, they were framed by the tree around and placed in the middle green ground Background of the dragon to show that it is supporting Jake when he was negotiating with Tsutey Cinematography Long shot of the spaceship to show where they are Handheld camera when people came out to show their run, makes the audience feel like a part of it Low angle shot of the tank to show its size low angle shot of Grace to show her power high angle shot of Jake to show he is less powerful than Grace Close up of Jakes feet to show his speed and excitement Zoom in to avatars face and then cut to Jakes face to show the transaction


Close up shot of Jakes face after he saw all the lighting plants to show he was surprised and amazed Close up shot of real Jake after he woke up after he was lost in the woods Low angle shot of the tree to show the power of the Avatars world Extremely long shot of Ikelan flying to show its power and beauty High angle shot of Jake falling down through the leaves Selective focus of arrow when Jake was ready to shot the animal Extremely long shots when Jake and the other three running by the bridge to show how big the nature is and how small they are Camera looked down to show the danger when he was walking on the edge High angle shot through the Ikalans to see Jake to show his power Zoom in to the connection of his hair and Ikalans hair from high to show his power and show they have finally connected Moving camera when Jake and Neytiri were flying to show they are very free in the sky Extremely low angle shot when Jake become the part of the people (the reborn) Crane shot when Jake became one and everyone put their hands on each others should to show their unite Pan shot when Jake and Neytiri listen to the tree Close up of the Graces face to show her excitement and amazed attitude towards her finding about the tree and her disappointment when Parker did not care at all Close up of the Neytiri to show her disappointment of Jake after she found out Jake was on the humans side Low angle shot of the water to show the power of the spaceships when their fly stirred the water Close up shot of Neytiris mother to show her desperateness Long shot of Parker in the middle of the spaceship looking at the fire to show that he was shocked Close up shot of Jake avatars feet to show the ashes on the ground after the fire When Jack jumped on the red dragon, low angle shot to show the dragons power Tracking shot through the people sitting on the ground to show their movement and the strong support the people had to help Grace Extremely long shot of the light going off to symbolize Graces hope was gone Jake standing alone with dragons flying over him to show their power Close up of the boom explosive to show the armys plan Aerial shot from the top of the tree look down on Jake talking to the tree Selective focus when Jake was on the dragon looking at Neytiri, first focus on her and then him to show their nods and firmness. Aerial shot of the ships coming out of the rocks to show their number and power Aerial shot of the Tsutey got shot and fell down Fast zoom in from the woods to the ship to show the ships positions and that Close up shot to show Neytiris winning face

180 degree rule when Grace and Parker talking Parallel editing when Colonel started the robot and the engine of the robot started Continuous editing of the helicopter flew pass a couple of places, shots from different angles put together Continuous editing when Jake saw the dog in the woods, filmed from different angles Eyeline shot of Jake and the dog look at each other Shot/reverse shot of Neytiri and Tsutey talking Shot/reserve shot when Jake and the Colonel talking Shot/reserve shot when Jake and Neytiri told each other about their love Parallel editing when the tree is being destroyed and Jake eating in the lab Parallel editing when the people eating in the spaceship and Jake outside, connected by the monitor in the spaceship Shot/reserve shot when Neytiris mother went to save Jake continues editing when the tree fell down, filmed from all angles to show a full-scale scene Shot/reserve shot of Neytiri and her father who was about to die Eyeline shot when Jake was doing the speech and the people were responding Parallel editing when Jakes body cant breathe and his avatar is picked up by the robot

Shot/reserve shot when Neytiri saw the real Jake Special Effect:
Composition of different scenes: the appearance of human in the other world should be filmed using green-screen and put together to the computer generated scene Texture mapping and rendering can be seen in the different plants in the woods: the grass that shines green lights when being walked on; the little shinning spots on the avatars face etc. Digital intermediate: Fade-out effect and slow motion when Grace and Jake were forced to wake up. Fade out to show the desperateness and slow motion to show their struggle Virtual camera shots of Jakes brain

Slow motion when Neytiris dragon died and she looked around to see what happened in the fight, feeling of desperateness Slow motion when the ship was boomed and fell to show that they are not coming back in the fight Slow motion when Jake flew over the log and the robot is in the background

2) Memorable moments and reasons why theyre important (turning points, narrative structure): I think the movie used a composition of framed narratives and four part structures. The movie can be divided into two sections: Jake becoming a part of the Avatars and the fight against humanbeings. The first section start with Jake first entering the Avatars world, complicating when Jake started to learn skills with Neytiri, major turning point is when Neytiri told Jake that you are ready, developing when Jake started to manage all the skills and becoming more and more powerful; climaxing when Jake and Neytiri told each other about their love and finally ending when they went to sleep. The second section started with the tank coming into the woods, complicating when Jake woke up and started to fight back; turning point is when Jake and Grace were forced to wake up and feel desperate about the situation; developing when Trudy flew them away from the base and Jake in the avatar world started to lead the people to fight; climaxing when Jake and Colonel fought, ending with Jake becoming part of the avatars. Major turning points:
Turning point: after Jake killed the animal and said the words, Neytiri said you are ready Turning point: Jake said in there its the true world. Turning point: what the hell are you doing, Jake after he woke up from kissing Neytiri

3) Ideas worth discussing (themes, social messages, national/historical connections): - Critics of the nowadays business-centered world: Parker is the leader of this. All the he cared was the money that the mineral will bring him. For that, he was willing to ruin anything including lives, environment, and the rules of the nature. - White Dominant: the movie created Jake as the hero who was a human and graduly blended into the Avatars culture, and eventually became the savior of the other species. The movie makes feel that it was a reflection of the minorities fight, very much like a Native Americans tribe. - I think the movie for sure criticized the ignorance of nowadays human society that cares nothing more than profit and promoted the people who are fighting against the human rules. Jake was a disability. This also went against the rule that weak people cannot do anything. Moreover, it praised the power of the nature and showed the ideology of the mother earth. 4) Questions:

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