Haparral Haparral: Family Family

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Whats inside...

CrossFi t...pg. 2
Vlahovichs...pg. 3
Preschool...pg. 4
VBS..pg. 5
Jr. Fine Arts ...pg. 5
Talent Show...pg. 5
Missions...pg. 6
Youth...pg. 7
Hai ti...pg. 8
Womens Ministry...pg. 9
Sage Crazy Love...pg. 9
Music Ministry..pg. 10
Help Wanted..pg. 10
For my daughter...pg. 10
Kids Summer Camp...pg. 11
6 4 5 1 E . S h e a B l v d
S c o t t s d a l e , A Z 8 5 2 5 4
t h e
VOL . 3 5 S U MME R 2 0 1 3 N O. 2
Forget the destination. If you were told
that you were heading out on a "road
trip," what would you bring along? Ahead
of you, a ribbon of black asphalt extends
toward the horizon. You can feel the hum
of the tires and watch the white centerline
flashing as you peek into the rear view
mirror. As the driver, you have plenty on
your mind: obeying road signs, checking
your gauges, watching for the next rest
stop, reading bumper stickers on the car
ahead of you, officiating disputes from
the back seat and continually
recalculating the answer to "how long
until we get there?"
For passengers, the world of the road trip
has evolved over the past few years.
Growing up I can remember the grueling
road trip from Indiana to Florida and
packing a bag just for the journey. As the
miles rolled on, there was only so much for
a kid to do. You could count the
birdhouses and barns beckoning travelers
to "See Rock City." (seerockcity.com) But,
that only lasted until the Georgia border.
Then, there were the traditional staples:
"I-spy" puzzles, singing, comic books and
travel Yahtzee. You could also incessantly
ask "How much longer until we get there?"
or "Can we stop at a hotel with a pool?"
and watch your parents' reaction. (By the
way, this particular game is far more fun
as a kid than a parent.)
Today, like every other part of our lives,
technology has dramatically changed
the modern road trip and how we pack
for it. "Did you remember to bring extra
film for the camera?" Not anymore,
cameras now have memory cards the size
of the National Debt. What about
games? No problem, just download them
to your iPad/Phone/Pod. While you are at
it, bring along every book on the New York
Bestseller list, your favorite sitcom, the
entire internet and every movie Frank has
mentioned in a sermon.
Today, as the odometer spins with each
passing mile, the truck is mostly silent,
except for the sound of fingers tapping
rapidly on a glass screen. Instead of
wondering, "Are we there yet?" a question
comes from the back seat asking, "Do I
have enough time to finish my movie
before we get there?" The road passes by
unnoticed, the trip has become quiet and
the only purpose is the destination.
I am not sure if I am complaining or not.
The journey is simpler and perhaps more
peaceful today. However, I also wonder
how much is missed when we ignore the
journey itself. What can we learn from our
experiences, conversations and
observations "on the road?"
This summer, we will spend our Sunday
mornings embarking on a "Road Trip" as
we explore the journey of the Israelites
from Egypt. Invite your friends and
neighbors to join you as we investigate
what Moses has to say about our journeys.
After forty years "on the road," he should
have some great advice!
Road Trip
Frank Shirvinski
Kenya & Water
CrossFit Chaparral is one of 6,000
independently owned CrossFit
afliates from around the world. Out
of those 6,000 CrossFit afliates, we
have recently achieved a noteworthy
First, some background information.
Last year, the founder of CrossFit and
his headquarters staff announced that
they wanted to make an even broader
impact on the world. Certainly they
have changed countless lives through
providing a template for authentic and
inclusive tness communities around
the world. CrossFit Chaparral is just
one example. Yet, now there is an
even broader focus: Making
people's lives better in the 250
square-mile rural area surrounding
Mombasa, Kenya. The three most
important needs for the population
in this area are education, food,
and water.
The community and coaches at
CrossFit Chaparral wanted to help.
So, we hosted a CrossFit
competition, with over 150
athletes, judges, and spectators
from all over the Valley and as far
away as Montana showing up for
the fun. When the dust settled, we
raised enough money to build a
fresh water well, plus an additional
$433 that will go towards the
building of a school. There are
only 10 other CrossFit gyms, out
of 6,000 in the entire world, who
raised more money than we.
Being a community that is known
for serving others in the name of
Jesus is exactly what CrossFit
Chaparral is all about, and I am
beyond thrilled to see that our
reputation is on track with our
Please pray for this ministry, as
you pray for all of Chaparrals
ministries, asking that the Lord will
continue to use CrossFit as a tool
for bringing wholeness and
holiness to all who show up.
Nick Stavlund
Executive Minister,
Chaparral Christian Church
Being a community that is known for serving others in the
name of Jesus is exactly what CrossFit Chaparral is all about, and I am beyond
thrilled to see that our reputation is on track with our intentions!

CrossFit in Kenya
We hope you are enjoying
the beautiful campus
updates. I know we are!
Kids camp: The journey will begin June 29
-July 3
Outer space, the nal frontier, untold wonders that stretch our wildest dreams, beauty and danger, stars and heat
and light - all of these things were created to be explored. Our lives are like a trip into space. There is so much
mystery and wonder at what we may nd. So much to be found, to be explored, to be learned. For an excursion
as great as this, we must prepare ourselves. We must be ready to be strong, to be alert, to be intelligent in the
face of hardship and confusion. We must arm ourselves to take on anything. We must be prepared for liftoff.
This summer, strap yourselves in to what God has in store. Armed with His Word, His Spirit, and His love, we must
accept His mission. He calls us to journey into the depths of the unknown, to be a shining light to the world, to all
of creation, to every person in the universe, to show His innite love to everyone under the sun, to grow into the
best explorers we can be, Gods own astronauts. This is His call. Be prepared to LAUNCH.
We will be preparing our students to do just that! Our summer theme in Ponderosa is LAUNCH: Prepare for Liftoff!
We will be searching through the journey of Joseph and how he was used to make a difference in the world.
The countdown is sounding and we will shoot for the stars! Secure your helmet, strap yourself in and get ready
to... LAUNCH!
morning session
quiet time / small group
color team competitions
evening session
church groups
late night


What to Bring
Clothes for the week
A modest swimsuit (no 2-pieces)
Sleeping bag, pillow, towel
Toiletries, ashlight
Bible, notebook & pencil
Dont Bring
Cell phones, gaming systems, iPods
Any tobacco products, alcohol, drugs
& paraphernalia
Firearms or weapons (of any kind)
Skateboards/bikes United Christian Youth Camp
1400 Paradise Valley Rd, Prescott, AZ 86303
t:928.445.0391 // www.ucycsummer.com
For Kids who have completed
, 4
and 5
We have limited spots available but
friends are welcome! Sign up now
with a $50 deposit online on the
childrens events page! Total is $275!
Stacy Shirvinski for more information!
Deadline for Sign up soon.
Summer is a great time for our
Music Ministry. We like to give you
different 'musical occasions'!
June 8
, 1:00 p.m. will be our
second Hymn Sing. Join us in the
Choir Room for pie and singing of
your favorite hymns, old and new.
Bud Downs will lead this joy-lled
hour. Bud, pastor of Cactus
Christian Fellowship, brings his
beautiful, rich tenor voice, plus many
members of his congregation. It will
be a great time of music and
Throughout the summer, our Music
Ministry will be sponsoring Summer
Sounds Concerts. These concerts,
usually on Sunday afternoon, will
feature our own vocal or
instrumental talents. Watch our
calendar for specic dates!
Help Wanted!
Want to play with kids and earn a
little spending money?
We are looking for a few people to
help with Chaparral's *paid childcare
needs. Most positions are
weekdays, but there are some
weekend hours as well. We pay
$10/hour for adults and $8/hour for
teens. For the safety of our children
and mental well-being of their
parents, a criminal background
check is required. Please consider
serving our little ones in this way.
sharon.dufort@chaparral.org for
more information or to be added to
the list of paid childcare providers.
*All Sunday morning Nursery,
Toddler and Elementary School
teachers are volunteers.
Thank you!
An encouragement for Sabrina, my




I love a good story, and I think a lot of that is due to my upbringing,
and my own story. I was born and raised in Arizona... third
generation. Grandpa's dad came from Serbia when he was 12 and
moved to Bisbee to work near the mine. He washed dishes at the
Copper Queen Hotel until he eventually owned two restaurants,
making lunches for all the miners. Grandpa enlistedduring the war
and met my grandmother on the St. Louis bridge the day it
opened... he was a soldier, she was a nurse... it's all quite romantic.
They returned to Arizona after the war, and grandpa went to law
school at the UA. Then back down to Bisbee where my dad grew
up. Mom was from Wisconsin, and when her mom started having
some health problems, the doc pointed them to the Arizona climate.
So they literally sold the farm, and moved to Mesa. Mom was a
Westwood Warrior, and dad was a Bisbee Puma, and they met
years later at a churchsingles group. Eventually, I enter the story,
two years after my sister.
I grew up in what we used to call, "East Mesa," which now is just
plain old "Mesa." I grew up riding my bike through citrus elds, and
playing outside until street lights came on. I grew up loving Jesus
and music. I enjoyed playing the piano, and Mom made the call for
me to play French Horn when the time came. I loved both, but
when I was in junior high, I recall watching a 5-year-old Korean girl
playing the piano on PBS and realized the piano wasn't going to be
my meal ticket. So I poured myself into the French Horn. That horn
took me to Eastern and Central Europe, got me through college for
free, went to China, and played with the Tucson, Flagstaff, and
Phoenix symphonies, as well as the AZ Opera. Somewhere along
that time I began to feel called to ministry. The more I began to
serve in the Church, the more the professional musician thing
started to lose its luster. I have two partial masters degrees to
prove it.
After the dust settled, I realized that a life of professional music
wasn't for me, and I worked at IKEA while playing piano at a
Church. One of my duties was to accompany the choir, which
happened to have a lovely brunette in it. I found out she was single
and got right to work, wooing her with my charm and wit. As I joke,
luckily for me, she has bad taste in men, and she started letting me
hang out with her.
Fast forward 8 months to the sunny beaches of Malibu, where we
are surrounded by close friends and families and give our vows to
one another. At the time, Kristian was 8 and was trying to gure out
where I would stay once I move in, since there were only two
bedrooms. I decided to jump right into the madness, blending a
family, beginning seminary, and working a full-time ministry job - all
within 2 months.
Long story short, I now have a very expensive Masters diploma
hanging right above where we keep the diapers. The theology
books are getting dusty and I am teaching 5
grade (REALLY didn't
see that one coming). Kristian is now 15, andeye-balling the car
keys. We all know the words to Thomas the Train's theme song,
thanks to Grayson, and we joke that Samuel is our new broken
alarm clock,going off every two hours. It's been a wild and
wonderful and heartbreaking and joyful journey. From miscarriages
to celebrating graduations, from ministry woes to attending friends'
baby dedications... God has been moving in unexpected, but
magnicent ways.
I have come to love a particular verse in the rst chapter of
Colossians. It's smack-dab in the middle of Paul'scelebrating how
great and supreme Christ is... the beginning, the creator, the rst
born, etc... then right there,between two other verses, is this gem...
verse 17:
"... and in Him, all things hold together."
In light of the crazy story that is my life, I have come to rely on this
verse when the path isn't straight, or well-lit. When life throws a
curve-ball, and it seems like I can only follow six-inches at a time, I
can trust that Jesus is right there, holding things together when I
can't. I like to think that my life is covered with Jesus glue. It's my
hope for all of you, that as you follow him, you will discover his
stickiness, too.
# # # Matt Vlahovich
Meet Matt, Heather and the boys...
Preschool wants
to give thanks to
the Church
members who
donated Tax
Credit money to
our Kindergarten!
Your contributions make a
Christian education possible for
many of our families! The families
wanted to pass along a little
message of gratitude!
A Note from the Smiths
Lisa and I would like to thank ACSTO and the members of CCC for the generous scholarship for Sophie to attend CCPK during my job transition. If not for the scholarship, we would not have been able to keep Sophie is
school. Sophie loves the
teachers and is kind of sad on the weekends because there is no school. We thank you not only for the financial blessing of the scholarship, but also for the loving and caring instructors you have at CCPK.
Summer Bible
A Beth Moore video
discussion will begin on
Wednesday, May 15
at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room.
The Book of Daniel will provide lively
interaction sure to challenge your ideas
about prophecy. Lynette Steigman and
Susie Bennett will serve as leaders. All
women are invited to attend.
1heutre Artlsts Studlo resents
u muslcul cuburet
Llrected by Susun 8uck
Muslcul Llrectlon by Chrlsty velty
Crazy Love
Runs Muy c z6, zc
lrlduys & Suturduys Q ,:cm
Sunduys Q zm
1lcket Lonutlons: szc Cenerul Admlsslon, sc Students Age z & Under
s Crous of c or More, Senlors 6 & Cver, und Members of the Mllltury
8ox Cmce: Cnllne ut www.thestudlohx.org or cull 6cz,6czc
1heutre Artlsts Studlo: 88 L. Cuctus Rd, North of Cuctus on Purudlse vllluge Purkwuy Lust
Website: www.thestudiophx.org
The water tank at the Northwest Haiti Christian
Mission in Saint-Louis du Nord supplies and
supports more than 800 people including 220
full-time residents and had not been repainted
since it was first built in the early 1990s. Due
to the climate, the tank was in a state of
disrepair, with rust threatening to compromise
the structure before long, explained Streich. I
was asked to get involved by some members
of my local church in Arizona. They are
surgeons who volunteer their time two to three
times a year at the medical and surgical facility
at the mission. They know of my day job and
after seeing the work that needed doing at
the mission they asked if there was anything I
could do to help.
AkzoNobel donated paint, rollers and roller
trays for the project and Streich and the team
of volunteers from his church sourced safety
harnesses, protective outerwear and a power
washer. The team started a two-day journey
to Haiti, finally arriving on October 14
The first task was to scrape off loose and
flaking paint and corrosion from the exterior
lower section of the tank, the legs and the
cross supports before using high-pressure
water to remove chalk and other debris.
Remaining rusty surfaces were spot-primed
using Devoe Pre Prime 167 before a full
prime coat of Devoe Bar Rust 235. The final
full topcoat of Devoe Devran 224 was then
applied. Throughout the work the water tank
had to remain operational.
We had a few complexities to overcome,
Streich said. That included creating a
thorough safety plan, reflecting the remote
location, inexperienced personnel and lack of
conventional access equipment. We reviewed
our safety practices at every opportunity and
everyone wore appropriate PPE at all times.
We also suffered a delay due to materials
arriving late on site and occasional weather
interruptions. We also had to monitor all
team members for proper hydration and heat
exhaustion, he said. All in all, everyone
worked really hardwe were very relieved
when we completed the project on time and
arrived back home on October 20
Janiel Owen, Executive Director of the
Mission, said: We are so grateful for the
work that the team did for our water tower.
It was such a huge blessing and we are very
appreciative of the time and energy that they
spent in a country like Haiti where water and
the availability of water is such a premium. We
do not know what we would do without that
big blue tank and so we are so happy that
they were willing to come in and make sure
the water was safe and available for all of our
Painting an elevated water tank is not the easiest
task at the best of times but when combined with a
remote location in Haiti, an inexperienced crew, high
daily temperatures and humidity it becomes even more
difficult. When Stephen Streich, Territory Manager,
North America Protective Coatings, was asked to
do just that as a volunteer, he decided to accept the
Before: The tank in a state of disrepair.
Hardworking team: The volunteers with Streich (top).
After: Ready to continue its vital role for the Mission.
Chaparrals Mission Team
Makes Headlines
Vacation Bible School
Saddle Up and get on
over to SonWest
June 17 - 21
Out in the wide-open spaces, well
discover a colorful old town where
all the excitement of the Wild West
awaits! In SonWest, well
celebrate all the fun of being
buckaroosso grab a sarsaparilla
and join in the jamboree! Therell
be food, games, music, craftsand
amazing true stories that point you
and your kids to Jesus!
Ride with us under the deep blue
skies. Feel the breezes rise through
the shady purple canyons as we
head out through this bright
wildernesswere traveling down
the trail through the Old Testament
stories of Moses to discover Gods
ultimate plan of salvation in Jesus,
because Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday and today and
forever (Hebrews 13:8).
So come on! Rustle up your kids
and head on over to SonWest
Roundup 2013 VBS for a rip-
roarin good time!
Go Online to the Childrens
ministrys events page and sign up
your kids and
volunteer, too!
Cost is $25 for the
first child, $20 for
the 2
and $15 for
each additional
child from the same
family! Children of
volunteers go for
just $10! Cost increases soon so
sign up now!
Talent Show
Do you play an instrument?
Sing? Jump rope really well?
If you have any talent, great
or small, come join the
children of Chaparral in our
somewhat-annual Children's
Talent Show. The only
requirement is that each
group contains at least one
child, three-years-old through
grade. In the past we've
had karate demonstrations,
ridiculous skits, duets,
instrumental solos or
ensembles, dancers...the only
limit is time (you have three
minutes) and your
imagination. Don't miss out!
Sunday, May 19
at 6:00 p.m.
in the Commons
All acts must include one
member who is between
3-years-old and 5
Family acts are
Let Your Light
Jr Fine Arts Day Camp
June 3-7, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Fun and Creative Programs for Kids Age 3 -
through going into 6
~Wee Fine Arts (3s-pre-K): Daily schedule
includes: story, music, games, crafts and
free play.
~Jr Fine Arts, MINOR (entering
Kindergarten and 1st Grade): A set
schedule which includes cooking, choir
chimes and two other fun classes
~Jr Fine Arts, MAJOR (entering 2
- 6

grade): Students select their classes. List
of nal class options will be available
May 12. Classes will include drama, set
design, choir chimes, duct tape creations,
cooking, paper mache, quilting with a
photograph, breathing/yoga/movement,
band in a box, beaded buddies, guitar, and
friendship bracelets.
Because this program is subsidized by the
tithes and offerings of our Church family,
Chaparral Christian Church members and
regular attendees receive a discount.
Registration Fees
Community Rate: $115 (rst child),
$90 (siblings)
Member/Regular Attendee Rate:
$90 (rst child), $65 (siblings)
Full registration fees due by May 19 or $10
late fee will be added for each camper.
Registration Refunds:
Before May 20 - full
May 20 and later - half
Discounts available for volunteer staff.
Online Registration Available Now,
Hard Copy registrations available starting
May 12 in Room 11.


As part of our Missions Week this June, our teens and Saguaro Club will have the privilege to lead a church-wide effort to ll
200 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child (OCC). This organization is part of Samaritan's Purse, led by Franklin Graham.
Since 1993, more than 100 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced Gods love through the power of simple
shoe box gifts from Operation Christmas Child. These shoe box gifts contain items that most of these children never receive, such
as: toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other materials. They will also get a story of the gospel written in their language.
Samaritans Purse works with localchurches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the life-changing Good News of
Jesus Christ.
Our teens will be gathering both toys and hygiene items from our Sunday School classes as well as the congregation. Then the
Saguaro Club will join the teens to pack the boxes. Please watch for updates to see how you can be a part of this worthwhile
project. Even the youngest members of our congregation can make a difference in another life through the gift of these
shoeboxes! For more information on Operation Christmas Child, visithttp://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-
Making an Impact as Cres Worthington Heads to France
Dear Chaparral,
This summer I will be embarking on a 6-week mission trip to Montpellier, France. Montpellier is located in
the southern part, Mediterranean Sea, and is one of France's largest cites. I will be traveling with 5 other
students from my University, Azusa Pacific University, along with an organization known as Campus
Crusade. Campus Crusade is an evangelical mission that focuses on spreading the Gospel to college
students. While in France we will spend a majority of our time with French university students in
conversation about their faith. France identifies as "Post-Christian" and we will be interacting mostly with
people who claim to be atheist or agnostic. Our hope is to better understand one another and build
meaningful relationships.
If you could, please pray that the Holy Spirit will move in these people and to give
us the spiritual wisdom we need when in conversation. I also would like to ask for
prayer for fundraising. We each have to raise $5,000 and it has been an uphill
battle and we are running out of time. Just pray that God will provide.
Hope all is well,
Cres Worthington
For those interested in assisting Cres nancially towards this mission with
Campus Crusade, please contact sara.perrine@chaparral.org.
Fun for
June July August
Fun for
Junior High Summer Camp at
UCYC! See Katy if interested!
Movie Outing
Dispicable Me 2
Movie Outing
High School Lock-In
Worship, movies, games Summer
Fun for
Jr. High Pool Party, 5:30-6:30
Location TBD
Movie Outing
Lone Ranger
Full Youth Group Pool Party
Location TBD
Fun for
Movie Outing
Mosters University
Showtimes TBD
Senior High Camp CIY
Contact Katy if interested
Welcome to the Youth group
incoming 6
Commons, 7-8:30
Local Missions Week
Contact Katy or Sara if
Movie Outing
Sr. High Pool Party
5:00-6:30, Location TBD
Back-to-school Kickoff
Wednesday Nights
Worship - Commons, 7-8:30
Local Missions Week!
June 24-28
Join us for one day or for All! What a great way to serve our community.
Monday morning we'll be volunteering with St. Mary's Food Bank from
9-12, the afternoon will be spent prepping for the next few days.
Tuesday we plan to take House of Hope kids to the Children's Museum and then do another fun
activity that afternoon.
Wednesday we are going to assemble the Operation Christmas Child
boxes and then head out to Globe (ARM) that evening.
Thursday and Friday we will be working with ARM on various
construction projects and their neighborhood ministry.
See Sara Perrine or Katy Statler for more

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