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You do know my name, ma chrie. You gave it to me, yourself. Amy blinked. Excuse me? He waved a dark hand.

You called me Frosty no? Is that not my name? She stared at him, her eyes wide with shock. The cold has done something to your memory, right? Thats why you cant remember your name. He gave a Gallic shrug. The only name I have is the one you gave me. Frostyafter the snowman. He smiled and caressed her cheek. Shall we have some more fun, before I melt away? I cant call you Frosty, she snorted, ignoring the rest of his statement. Thats a ridiculous name for a man. Perhaps you would like it better in my native tongue. Givr. Is that better? Givr? She rolled the name on her tongue. Is that French? You have a French accent. Oui. Will that do? She waved her hands in resignation. He was nuttier than a fruitcake. Why notnothing else makes sense. I am here for you, Ami. After all, I am your creation. Amys legs gave out, and she sat hard on a nearby chair. Creation? she squeaked. Im here because you wished for me, he said. You built the snowman and made a Christmas wish. I was sent to fulfill it. His brow furrowed. Am I not what you wanted? Amy laid her head down on the table. This must be a dream, she muttered. All a part of the hangover. Any minute Ill wake up, and Ill be lying in bed If that is where you wish to be. Her creation lifted her into his arms. I too would like to be in bed with you, sweet Ami. Stop it, she shouted. Put me down. She ignored his crestfallen look and waited until she was safely seated again. The thought of them in bed together made her pulse race. You are angry with me? Givrs dark eyes searched hers. Why? What have I done? You stand there and tell me you are the snowman I built, and you

dont understand why Im angry? She rubbed her eyes. This is nuts. His face lit up. Ahhh, I understand now. You do not believe I am your snowman. Ya think? He laughed, the deep, caressing tones of his voice making her toes curl. Sweet, Ami. I am the snowman, but I am more. You carved my likeness out of snow as a joke, but when you made a wish, my spirit was sent to you. Sorry, still not getting it. Givr sat next to her. Do you not know, when you make wishes at Christmastime, they might come true? Really. Her dry tone showed him he had a long way to go to make her understand. Oui, chrie. You carved my figure out of ice and snow, then you wished I was real so I could take you to your ball. Do you not remember? She blinked at him in obvious shock. How could you know that? He chuckled. Perhaps I should start from the beginning.

You cant be serious. Dustin knew he was acting like an ass, but he couldnt help it. He was positive there was something else. Something she wasnt telling him. He wanted her to admit her coming to Nashville had to do with that one night six years ago. Serious as a bull rider with boils on his butt, baby. So you better start talking. I cant believeyou have no rightI wont tell you she sputtered, her eyes shooting purple fire at him. Let me out of here now! His stomach twisted with nerves, but he leaned back against the hallway wall like he had all the time in the world. He studiously examined his fingernails before sliding a glance back to her. Damn it! You cant do this. Whirling around, she stalked to the door and pounded on it. Let me out! No ones going to come, he offered with a grin. The guys

know who you are now. They wouldnt dare interrupt. Youre insane! Nope. Just stubborn. Like someone else I know. So why did you choose to come back to Nashville, Heather. Tell me. Dustin, I You better tell me, sweetheart. Ive got all night, and neither of us is going anywhere. Because, she shouted, her voice cracking as he pushed her over the edge of her control. This place is important to me! The memories I had of that nightof the music, were all that kept me going sometimes. Knowing yThe Wildhorse Saloon was here, gave me the strength to walk away and start over again. Why shouldnt I come back to the place that helped me make that change? Why not? Heat rolled through him, her words making his pulse race and his cock go hard. Now they were getting somewhere. Was it the place, honey? Or was it someone you met here? Of course not! Dont be ridiculous. She tossed her head in scorn, but not before hed seen the truth in her eyes. It might be six years later, but the attraction and need were still there. Thank God. A huge weight fell off his shoulders. Youre lying. Her fists clenched at her side. How dare you! I dont lie. You just did, he pointed out unrepentantly. made you feel. He wanted to shout with triumph. You came back here because of me, and how I Youre trying to cover it up with all these other reasons. But the truths all over you, sweetheart. Its a wonder you make it through the door with that ego, she said icily. Sure, I thought about you. In my nightmares! He couldnt decide whether to laugh or shout at her. It was at that very moment he realized exactly how much hed missed her. Six years ago, hed barely had an hour with her, yet when she walked away, somehow shed left a huge, gaping hole in him. Not a

day had gone by he didnt think of her.want herwish hed handled things differently. Hed gone on with his life, always Something important. Hed knowing something was missing. And theyd all come up short. It hadnt made sense then, and it didnt now. But until he figured it out, the last thing he was going to do was let her put up walls between them. So why was she being so stubborn? Why not just tell the truth? It was obvious to anyone with half a brain shed come back because of him. Fine. Her furious voice cut through his thoughts. You wont let me out through the door, Ill go this way. Heather brushed by him and made for the stairs to the stage. You head up there and youll give all of them a good show. She glared at him, but didnt stop. Im going to climb off the stage and get back to my job. whats become of me. Theyll know what youve been doing when I follow you up and drag you back here, he threatened mildly. And Ill scream bloody murder, she snarled. I dont want to be here with you, and Ill let everyone know it. Dont you get it, you arrogant cowboy? I didnt come back to Nashville for you. I came back here for me! There was truth in that statement. He knew it. But it wasnt the whole truth. As she turned away again, he lunged forward and caught her before she was able to make the first step. Oh no, you dont. Were not done here. She fought him. I say we are. Hell, he growled, his temper flaring as her knee came dangerously close to his groin. I should know better than to try and talk to you. This is a lot easier. Her eyes widened. No, Dustin. Dont. Ive been waiting for this for six long years, Heather. His If I dont, my tables will wonder

wound up comparing every woman he went out with to Heather.

hand wrapped in her ponytail. So, shut up and kiss me.

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