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In which type of industry do they operate? How have they tailored their strategy to fit their markets?

Would you suggest any additional changes for Boeing or Airbus?

Using the updated strategy summary grids is very helpful here. I also suggest use of NetAdvantage Industry and OneSource Firm Reports and the company "2016" and "2030" longrange market outlooks published by BOE and AIR on the web. In which type of industry conditions do they operate in as explained in the MOD/Strategy Grids? Give more than the "name". Explain what these expected behaviors in such conditions should be. There is often more than one simultaneously. How have they tailored their strategic business units, market positioning, timing, or offensive and defensive tactical maneuvers? Are the firms really acting upon those expected behaviors you noted in the first bullet? Have any current or accumulating competitive advantage(s) resulted for either firm, or are they still at strategic parity? What would you suggest for changes for Boeing or Airbus in the areas of generic strategy, business model/strategic business units, or tactical strategical approach. Please identify at least one suggestion for each firm. Your suggestions should look at, either: A correction to an existing flagging or inappropriate strategy, sub-strategy, or major maneuver, or Note a specific opportunity whereby one of the firms may craft a sustainable strategic advantage over their partner in the future.

. Developing the sophistication of our analysis/decision making framework is critical at this point... Recommendations for crafting and executing a particular strategy, sub-strategy, or major competitive tactical maneuver should present the following to your client: Be consistent with strategy concepts, Offer a definitive assessment why the recommendation is critical by explaining its relative priority vs. other key options realistically available to the firm, Show the assertion is highly viable, i.e., why/how the firm has (can) develop the operational/execution capabilities and resources required to successfully craft and execute the recommendation, Address firm's ability to overcome potential critical changes in industry factors or rival counter attacks, Present clear financial and strategic objective (positioning) outcomes whereby progress will be measured and that stakeholders can expect,

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Be consistent with the firm's generic core strategy choice (unless of course its a new firm, undergoing an unrelated diversification, or embarking on a restructuring, Offer the "trigger points" during the ongoing evaluation of the firm's progress where a strategy adjustment would be mandated. Embedded in this discussion is the consistent rational linkage between your superior evidence to support your prescriptions as the best "strategic fit" between the external industry and internal firm environments.

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