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Capital Markets Day 2012

Dr. Helmut Schmale, CFO Stuttgart / Frickenhausen, June 28-29, 2012 GEA Group

Forward-looking statements are based on our current assumptions and forecasts. These statements naturally entail risks and uncertainties, which may cause the actual results of operations, financial position or performance to diverge significantly from the estimates given here. Factors that could cause such a divergence include changes in the economic and business environment, fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates, launches of competing products, poor acceptance of new products or services, and changes in business strategy. We are under no obligation to update forward-looking statements.
Due to rounding, the sum of percentages of order intake and sales by region as well as by customer industry may vary from 100%. Since Q1 2012, the segment, GEA Convenience-Food Technologies (GEA CT), is renamed as GEA Food Solutions (GEA FS).

GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world


I. Actual Performance
II. GEA Demand Index III. Outlook

GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

I. Actual Performance Order Intake YTD May 2012

[in EUR million]

( w/o GEA FS: +8%) -2%* +14%
GEA Farm Technologies

GEA Food Solutions

GEA Heat Exchangers


GEA Mechanical Equipment


GEA Process Engineering

YTD May 2011 YTD May 2012

GEA Refrigeration Technologies

* GEA FS: Like for like growth April-May 2012: -2% yoy; YTD May 2012 +130% yoy due to first P&L consolidiation only in April 2011
GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO engineering for a better world

I. Actual Performance Order Intake YTD May 2012

Order Intake per customer industry
4% 6% 13% 4% 6% 11% 3% 7% 5% 9% 6%

Order Intake per region

abs. yoy
4% 6% 4% 5% 8% Latin America 8% 16% 13% Eastern Europe & CIS North America 27% 7% 9%

abs. yoy -17% +1% -6% +20% +24% +20% -13% +39%

Other Industries Climate & Environment Marine Chemicals Pharma Power Oil & Gas Food - Solid Food - Beverages 24% Food - Dairy

+28% +31% -5% +21% +37%


5% 8% 8%

18% 15% 9%








Western Europe




YTD May11

YTD May 12

YTD May 11

YTD May 12

GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

I. Actual Performance Order Intake Classification (L3M)


Large Order Development (L3M) Sep 2008-May 2012









GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

2008 GEA OI < EUR 1m

2009 GEA OI >= EUR 1m < EUR 5m

2010 GEA OI >= EUR 5m < EUR 15m

2011 GEA OI >= EUR 15m


engineering for a better world

I. Actual Performance Sales YTD May 2012

[in EUR million]

( w/o GEA FS: +11%) +24%*
GEA Food Solutions

GEA Farm Technologies

GEA Heat Exchangers


GEA Mechanical Equipment


GEA Process Engineering

YTD May 2011 YTD May 2012

GEA Refrigeration Technologies

* GEA FS: Like for like growth April-May 2012: +24% yoy; YTD May 2012 +92% yoy due to first P&L consolidiation only in April 2011
GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO engineering for a better world

I. Actual Performance Top Line Trend (LTM)

[in EUR million]

BtB-Ratio LTM clearly > 1 since Q3 2010












Dec 08 Jan 09 Feb 09 Mar 09 Apr 09 May 09 Jun 09 Jul 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Apr 10 May 10 Jun 10 Jul 10 Aug 10 Sep 10 Oct 10 Nov 10 Dec 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Mar 11 Apr 11 May 11 Jun 11 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 Mar 12 Apr 12 May12 Order Intake (LTM) Sales (LTM) BtB-Ratio (LTM)


GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

I. Actual Performance GEA exposure to Food and Asia-Pacific rising

[in EUR million]

Sales by Customer Industry since 2008


104 616 311 414 259 725 673

5,417 4,411 4,418

184 599 186 225 221 586 337 2,081 47%
+1% +8% -4%

Other Industries Climate & Environment Marine Chemicals Pharma Power

5.000 4.000

-39% -12% -37% -5%

2.000 1.000 0

114 522 190 245 256 638 425 2,021 46%

-2% -8% -21%

264 662 188 303 263 631 324

In FY 2011, Food & Beverage representing more than 50% of GEA sales


2,123 41%


2,781 51%

Oil & Gas Food & Beverage





* 2008 industry split based on industry reclassification announced in Q4 2009.


Sales by region since 2008


255 161 298 610 761 15% 850 16%

5,417 4,411 4,418

168 241 260 407 614 14% 971 22% 1,757 40% 2010

5.000 4.000
3.000 2.000 1.000 0

-43% -17%

175 196 235 347 634 14% 815 18%

+17% -3% +19%


294 292 366 547 711 13% 1.193 22%

Middle - East Africa Latin America Eastern Europe & CIS North America

2,242 43%


2,009 46%



2.013 37%

Asia - Pacific Western Europe

Highlight FY 2011 sales by region Asia-Pacific: 22% (+23% yoy) Emerging market: 34% (+28% yoy) China: 11% (+13% yoy)




GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world


I. Actual Performance
II. GEA Demand Index III. Outlook


GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

II. GEA Demand Index Monthly web-based Questionnaire

Participants are
currently 274 GEA sales manager on company level choosen by Segments

Sales people can have

more than 1 vote in correspondance to their responsibillities leading to currently up to 822 votes







Calculation of an
unweighted arithmetic average by region and customer industry
(+1) (0) (-1)


GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

II. GEA Demand Index Market outlook next 3 months and next 12 months
(August 2011 to May 2012)

Decline outlook for next 3 months and next 12 months per May mainly due to weaker expectations for Western Europe


GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world


I. Actual Performance
II. GEA Demand Index III. Outlook


GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

III. Outlook In-For-Out Ratios: FY 2012 vs. previous years

To reach annual revenue of at least EUR 5,688m (corresponds to guidance of at least 5% growth) the following IFO-ratios must be realized depending on different order intake growth scenarios for FY 2012 vs. FY 2011:


Historic In-For-Out ratios as per May

OI growth scenarios FY12 vs. FY 11

50% 49% 45% 45% 40% 44% 42% 46%

+0% +5%

41% 38%





20% May '07


May '08

May '09

May '10

May '11

May '12

May '12

May '12

May '12

GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

III. Outlook Key Figures FY 2012

For FY 2012 we aim at
an order intake growth: at least +5%

a sales growth:

at least +5%

Operating EBIT-margin* bef. PPA incl. GEA FS:

at least on FY 2011 level of 9.7%*

* Before PPA and non-recurring items of EUR 36m in Q1 2012 within GEA FS.


GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

III. Outlook Additional Financial Information for 2012

Impact from PPA in 2012 and in subsequent years: Working Capital LTM: Interest result: around EUR 25m p.a. thereof GEA FS around EUR 14m p.a. approx. 12% - 14% of sales LTM Interest rate for financial liabilities (excl. pensions) below 4% p.a. around 22.5%

Tax rate in P&L after impact from tax loss carry forwards: Capex in FY 2012:

up to 3.0% of sales due to special projects in particular within GEA ME around 2.0% of sales

Mid term target for Capex:


GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world

Financial Calendar

July 30, 2012

Interim Report Q2 2012

October 29, 2012

Interim Report Q3 2012


GEA Group CMD 2012 - Presentation Dr Schmale, CFO

engineering for a better world


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