Section A: Answer Key MCQ

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Answer Key MCQ 1 B 11 A 2 D 12 B 3 C 13 D 4 B 14 D 5 B 15 C 6 A 16 C 7 C 17 B 8 C 18 B 9 D 19 B 10 A 20 B

Section A
A1 The following procedure was used to identify the individual dye in an ink.

solvent front of solvent A

solvent front of solvent A

Solvent front of solvent B

dye 3 dye 5

dye 2

dye 1

dye 4


X Figure 1


Figure 2

Using the chromatogram in figure 1, to show how it would appear after Step 2. To draw the starting point and solvent front height [1], three different spots [1]


State why the chromatogram must be run in the second solvent, solvent B, for the individual dye to be identified. [1] Some dyes have same Rf value in solvent A and cannot be separated.[1]

State which dye would have been difficult to identify if only solvent B had been used.


Dye 1and 3 and dye 2 and 4 [1] are not separated in solvent B because they have same Rf value [1] d Calculate the Rf value of dye 3 in solvent A. 4.3/4.8 = 0.89 [1] OR 4.2/4.8 = 0.87 [ accept the range 0.87 0.89] [1]

A2 Temp/ C



3400C S&G



Time/min a. At room temperature, solid particles are orderly and tightly packed. They vibrate in their fixed positions. When the solid is heated, particles gain energy and vibrate vigorously and as a result, 0 the temperature rises. At 340 C, solid turns into vapour, particles use the heat energy to overcome the intermolecular force of attraction and the temperature remains the same. When all solid particles turn into vapour, continue heating increases the temperature because the particles move faster in a random motion. b. Sublimation/decomposition c.


a. (i) Si/Be/B/Al

(ii) F

iii) Na

b) Electrons are added to the same shell thus has same shielding effect. increase in nuclear charge/ number of protons electrons experience greater attraction from the protons in the nucleus. c) Sodium ion is smaller as on e electron shell has been lost when sodium atom forms sodium ion. Thus, same number of protons attracting fewer electrons/less electron shielding/ The force of attraction between the nucleus and the electrons is greater.

A4 a. (i) The number of neutrons and protons / mass number [1] (ii) Same chemical but different physical properties [1] b. 129x25 + 131x75 = 13050/100 = 130.5 [2]




A5 a. [2] Element Mass/atomic mass mole Mole ratio Formula = ZnSO4 [1] b. 2.88-1.62= 1.24 [1] 124/18=0.068 0.068 x 100= 6.8 = 7[1] ZnSO4 .7H2O Section B B1 a) Iodine has simple molecular structure [1] Weak van der Waals force of attraction between molecules[1] Graphite has giant molecular structure[1] Many covalent bonds in between the atoms[1] b) Iodine does not conduct electricity because there is no free mobile electrons[1] Graphite has one free mobile electron and one carbon atom is covalently bonded to 3 other carbon atoms[1]. One electron per C atom is not bonded and thus free to move about at solid state[1] c) Graphite has hexagonal arrangement and arranged in layers. It is used as a lubricant because the forces between the layers are weak van der Waals force of attraction[1] Diamond has tetrahedral arrangement and not arranged in layers and its atoms are covalently bonded in a tetrahedral arrangement.[1] This results diamond being rigid and is not lubricating. Zinc 40.2/65 0.618 0.618/0.618=1 1 Sulfur 19.9/32 0.621 0.621/0.618=1 1 oxygen 39.9/16 2.49 2.19/0.618 = 4.02 4

B2 a) Ba(OH)2 + 2HNO3 Ba(NO3)2 + 2H2O [1] b) Mr of Ba(OH)2= 137 +32+ 2=171



No of mole of Ba(OH)2 in 500 cm of solution = 4.28/171= 0.0250 mol [1] No of mole of Ba(OH)2 in 1 dm (Concentration)= 0.0250 x 2= 0.050 mol c) From eq, 1 mole of Ba(OH)2 requires 2 mole of HNO3[1] 3 No of mole of Ba(OH)2 in 25 cm of solution= 0.05 x 25/1000 = 0.00125 No of mole HNO3 = 0.00125x2= 0.0025 mol 3 Conc of HNO3 = 0.0025/vol= 0.0025/40x1000=0.0625 mol/dm [1] d) Limiting reactant is barium hydroxide Mass= n x Mr From eq , 1 mol of barium hydroxide produces 1 mol of Ba(NO3)2 no of mole of Ba(NO3)2 = 0.00125 mol [1] mass of barium nitrate = 0.00125 x 261 = 0.326 g [1] e) Phenolphthalein [1] - pink to colourless [1] or methyl orange [1] - yellow to peach/orange[1] Penalise [1m] if the units are not written and [1m] if the answers are not written in 3 sf.

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